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Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 144 - 152, 11.06.2016


Hücrelerin kanserleşmesine yol açan moleküler olaylar, mutasyonlar, DNA hasarı tamirindeki kusurlar ve hücre yaşlanması, epigenetik faktörlerle sınırlı değildir. Kanserin oluşumunda ekstrasellüler veziküllerin (EV) de rolü olduğu son yıllardaki araştırmalarla gösterilmiştir.Ekstraselüler veziküller, hücre içi ve hücreler arası sinyalizasyon, atık yönetimi ve koagülasyon gibi önemli biyolojik işlerde rol almaktadır. Hücre zarından dolaylı veya doğrudan işlemlerle oluşurlar. Ekstraselüler veziküller, hücreden oluşumu ve boyutlarına göre dört sınıfa ayrılır. Bunlar, hücre membranından doğrudan hücre dışına salınan mikroveziküller, apoptozis sonucu oluşan apoptozomlar, retrovirüs benzeri veziküller ve hücre zarından dolaylı olarak meydana gelen eksozomlardır. Eksozomlar, hücrelerden (normal ve kanser) salgılanan ve son yıllarda fonksiyonları keşfedilen hücrelerarası kargo ve haberleşme sistemleridir. Salgılandıkları hücreye özgüdürler. Nano boyutlarda oluşlarından dolayı, eksozomlar, hedef hücre tarafından kolayca tanınarak hücre içine alınır. Eksozomlar, hücre-hücre etkileşimi, sinyal iletimi, haberleşme, hücresel moleküllerin taşınması gibi birçok biyolojik olayda etkindirler. Köken aldıkları hücrelere özgü taşıdıkları moleküler belirteçler sayesinde hastalık patolojisinde de önemli rol alırlar. Bundan dolayı eksozomlar, kanser oluşumu ve yayılımında aktif fonksiyon görürler. Kanser hücrelerinden salgılanan eksozomlar, hücre membranlarıyla füzyona girerek etkilerini gösterirler. Eksozomların tümör oluşumunu tetikleyecek mikro çevre oluşturma, anjiyogenezi tetikleme, hedef hücrelerin adezyonunu, hareketliliğini ve invazyonunu değiştirerek metastaz özelliği kazandırma ve ilaç direnci geliştirme gibi katkıları olduğu ortaya çıkarılmıştır.Bu derlemede, eksozomların kanserin oluşumunda ve ilerleyişindeki rolleri ile teşhis ve tedavide kullanılabilme potansiyelinin güncel literatür ışığında değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • Raposo G, Stoorvogel W. Extracellular vesicles: exosomes, microvesicles, and friends. J Cell Biol. 2013;200:373-383. 2.
  • Van der Pol E, Böing AN, Harrison P, Sturk A, Nieuwland R. Classification, functions, and clinical relevance of extracellular vesicles. Pharmacol Rev. 2012;64:676-705.
  • Akers JC, Gonda D, Kim R, Carter BS, Chen CC. Biogenesis of extracellular vesicles (EV): exosomes, microvesicles, retrovirus- like vesicles, and apoptotic bodies. J Neurooncol. 2013;113:1-11. Kelly RW, Holland P, Skibinski G, Harrison C, Mcmillan L, Hargreave T, James K. Extracellular organelles (prostasomes) are immunosuppressive components of human semen. Clin Exp Immunol. 1991;86:550-556. 5.
  • Le Pecq JB. Dexosomes as a therapeutic cancer vaccine: from bench to bedside. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2005;35:129-135.
  • Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini H, Soleimanirad J, Mehdizadeh Aghdam E, Amin M, Imani Fooladi AA. Texosome-anchored superantigen triggers apoptosis in original ovarian cancer cells. Med Oncol. 2015;32:409.
  • Zöller M. Exosomes in Cancer Disease. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1381:111-149.
  • Simpson RJ, Mathivanan S. Extracellular Microvesicles: The Need for Internationally Recognised Nomenclature and Stringent Purification Criteria. J Proteomics Bioinform. 2012;5:ii. 9.
  • Azmi AS, Bao B, Sarkar FH. Exosomes in cancer development, metastasis, and drug resistance: a comprehensive review. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2013;32:623-642.
  • Danesh A, Inglis HC, Jackman RP, et al. Exosomes from red blood cell units bind to monocytes and induce proinflammatory cytokines, boosting T-cell responses in vitro. Blood. 2014;123:687-696.
  • Aatonen MT, Ohman T, Nyman TA, Laitinen S, Grönholm M, Siljander PR. Isolation and characterization of platelet-derived extracellular vesicles. J Extracell Vesicles. 2014;3:24692.
  • Luga V, Wrana JL. Tumor-stroma interaction: Revealing fibroblast-secreted exosomes as potent regulators of Wnt-planar cell polarity signaling in cancer metastasis. Cancer Res. 2013;73:6843-6847.
  • Ju R, Zhuang ZW, Zhang J, et al. Angiopoietin-2 secretion by endothelial cell exosomes: regulation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and syndecan-4/syntenin pathways. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:510- 519.
  • Brinton LT, Sloane HS, Kester M, Kelly KA. Formation and role of exosomes in cancer. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015;72:659-671.
  • Corrado C, Raimondo S, Chiesi A, Ciccia F, De Leo G, Alessandro R. Exosomes as intercellular signaling organelles involved in health and disease: basic science and clinical applications. Int J Mol Sci. 2013;14:5338-5366.
  • Théry C, Boussac M, Véron P, et al. Proteomic analysis of dendritic cell-derived exosomes: a secreted subcellular compartment distinct from apoptotic vesicles. J Immunol. 2001;166:7309-7318.
  • Schorey JS, Bhatnagar S. Exosome function: from tumor immunology to pathogen biology. Traffic. 2008;9:871-881.
  • Villarroya-Beltri C, Baixauli F, Gutiérrez-Vázquez C, Sánchez- Madrid F, Mittelbrunn M. Sorting it out: regulation of exosome loading. Semin Cancer Biol. 2014;28:3-13.
  • Falcone G, Felsani A, D’Agnano I. Signaling by exosomal microRNAs in cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2015;34:32.
  • Minciacchi VR, Freeman MR, Di Vizio D. Extracellular vesicles in cancer: exosomes, microvesicles and the emerging role of large oncosomes. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2015;40:41-51.
  • Kahlert C, Melo SA, Protopopov A, Tang J, Seth S, Koch M, Zhang J, Weitz J, Chin L, Futreal A, Kalluri R. Identification of double-stranded genomic DNA spanning all chromosomes with mutated KRAS and p53 DNA in the serum exosomes of patients with pancreatic cancer. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:3869-3875.
  • Balaj L, Lessard R, Dai L, Cho YJ, Pomeroy SL, Breakefield XO, Skog J . Tumour microvesicles contain retrotransposon elements and amplified oncogene sequences. Nat Commun. 2011;2:180.
  • Thakur BK, Zhang H, Becker A, et al. Double-stranded DNA in exosomes: a novel biomarker in cancer detection. Cell Res. 2014;24:766–769.
  • Kahlert C, Kalluri R. Exosomes in tumor microenvironment influence cancer progression and metastasis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2013;91:431-437.
  • Zhang X, Yuan X, Shi H, Wu L, Qian H, Xu W. Exosomes in cancer: small particle, big player. J Hematol Oncol. 2015;8:83. Gupta
  • neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2014;11:68.
  • of induce T-cell death through release of proapoptotic microvesicles: role in immune escape. Gastroenterology. 2005;128:1796-1804.
  • doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
  • Ye SB, Li ZL, Luo DH, et al. Tumor-derived exosomes promote tumor progression and T-cell dysfunction through the regulation of enriched exosomal microRNAs in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2014;5:5439-5452.
  • Kim JW, Wieckowski E, Taylor DD, Reichert TE, Watkins S, Whiteside TL. Fas ligand-positive membranous vesicles isolated from sera of patients with oral cancer induce apoptosis of activated T lymphocytes. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11:1010-1020. Clayton A, Al-Taei S, Webber J, Mason MD, Tabi Z. Cancer exosomes express CD39 and CD73, which suppress T cells through adenosine production. J Immunol. 2011;187:676-683.
  • Wilson JM, Ross WG, Agbai ON et al. The A2B Adenosine Receptor Impairs the Maturation and Immunogenicity of Dendritic Cells. J Immunol. 2009;182:4616–4623.
  • Liu C, Yu S, Zinn K, Wang J, et al. Murine mammary carcinoma exosomes promote tumor growth by suppression of NK cell function. J Immunol. 2006;176:1375-1385.
  • Mincheva-Nilsson L, Baranov V. Cancer exosomes and NKG2D receptor-ligand interactions: impairing NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity and anti-tumour immune surveillance. Semin Cancer Biol. 2014;28:24-30.
  • Harris A. Hypoxia - a key regulatory factor in tumour growth. Nat Rev Cancer. 2002;2:38-47.
  • Keating GM. Bevacizumab: a review of its use in advanced cancer. Drugs. 2014;74:1891-1925.
  • King HW, Michael MZ and Gleadle JM. Hypoxic enhancement of exosome release by breast cancer cells. BMC Cancer 2012;12:421.
  • Skog J, Wurdinger T, van Rijn S et al. Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and protein that promote tumor growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:1470–1476.
  • Hong BS, Cho JH, Kim H, et al. Colorectal cancer cell-derived microvesicles are enriched in cell cycle-related mRNAs that promote proliferation of endothelial cells. BMC Genomics. 2009;10:556.
  • Shahzad MMK, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK. Novel Strategies for Reversing Platinum Resistance. Drug Resist Updat. 2009;12:148–152.
  • Safaei R, Larson BJ, Cheng TC, et al. Abnormal lysosomal trafficking and enhanced exosomal export of cisplatin in drug- resistant human ovarian carcinoma cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 2005;4:1595-1604.
  • Federici C, Petrucci F, Caimi S et al. Exosome release and low pH belong to a framework of resistance of human melanoma cells to cisplatin. PLoS One. 2014;9:e88193.
  • Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Brien K et al. Docetaxel-resistance in prostate cancer: evaluating associated phenotypic changes and potential for resistance transfer via exosomes. PLoS One. 2012;7:e50999.
  • Chen WX, Liu XM, Lv MM et al. Exosomes from drug-resistant breast cancer cells transmit chemoresistance by a horizontal transfer of microRNAs. PLoS One. 2014;9:e95240.
  • Takahashi K, Yan IK, Kogure T, Haga H, Patel T. Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of long non-coding RNA ROR modulates chemosensitivity in human hepatocellular cancer. FEBS Open Bio 2014;4:458-467.
  • Aung T, Chapuy B, Vogel D, et al. Exosomal evasion of humoral immunotherapy in aggressive B-cell lymphoma modulated by ATP-binding cassette transporter A3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108:15336-15341.
  • Battke C, Ruiss R, Welsch U, et al. Tumour exosomes inhibit binding of tumour-reactive antibodies to tumour cells and reduce ADCC. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011;60:639-648.
  • Janda E, Lehmann K, Killisch I, et al. Ras and TGF[beta] cooperatively regulate epithelial cell plasticity and metastasis: dissection of Ras signaling pathways. J Cell Biol. 2002;156:299- 313.
  • Putz U, Howitt J, Doan A, et al. The tumor suppressor PTEN is exported in exosomes and has phosphatase activity in recipient cells. Sci Signal. 2012;5:ra70.
  • Qu JL, Qu XJ, Qu JL et al. The role of cbl family of ubiquitin ligases in gastric cancer exosome-induced apoptosis of Jurkat T cells. Acta Oncol. 2009;48:1173-1180.
  • Zhu W, Huang L, Li Y, et al. Exosomes derived from human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promote tumor growth in vivo. Cancer Lett. 2012;315:28-37.
  • Higginbotham JN, Demory Beckler M, Gephart JD, et al. Amphiregulin exosomes increase cancer cell invasion. Curr Biol. 2011;21:779-786.
  • Al-Nedawi K, Meehan B, Micallef J, et al. Intercellular transfer of the oncogenic receptor EGFRvIII by microvesicles derived from tumour cells. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:619-624. 76.
  • Nicholas MK, Lukas RV, Jafri NF, Faoro L, Salgia R. Epidermal growth factor receptor - mediated signal transduction in the development and therapy of gliomas. Clin Cancer Res. 2006;12:7261-7270.
  • Sun Y, Liu J. Potential of cancer cell-derived exosomes in clinical application: a review of recent research advances. Clin Ther. 2014;36:863-872.
  • Wang H, Hou L, Li A, Duan Y, Gao H, Song X. Expression of serum exosomal microRNA–21 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:864894.
  • Aushev VN, Zborovskaya IB, Laktionov KK et al. Comparisons of microRNA patterns in plasma before and after tumor removal reveal new biomarkers of lung squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2013;8:e78649.
  • Skog J, Wurdinger T, van Rijn S, et al. Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and protein that promote tumor growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:1470–1476.
  • Beloribi S, Ristorcelli E, Breuzard G, et al. Exosomal lipids impact notch signaling and induce death of human pancreatic tumoral SOJ-6 cells. PLoS One. 2012;7:e47480.
  • Ristorcelli E, Beraud E, Mathieu S, Lombardo D, Verine A. Essential role of Notch signaling in apoptosis of human pancreatic tumoral cells mediated by exosomal nanoparticles. Int J Cancer. 2009;125:1016-1026.
  • Umezu T, Tadokoro H, Azuma K, Yoshizawa S, Ohyashiki K, Ohyashiki JH. Exosomal miR-135b shed from hypoxic multiple myeloma cells enhances angiogenesis by targeting factor- inhibiting HIF-1. Blood. 2014;124:3748-57.
  • Silva J, Garcia V, Rodriguez M, Compte M, Cisneros E, Veguillas P, Garcia JM, Dominguez G, Campos-Martin Y, Cuevas J, Peña C, Herrera M, Diaz R,Mohammed N, Bonilla F. Analysis of exosome release and its prognostic value in human colorectal cancer. Gene Chromosome Canc. 2012;51:409-18.
  • Taylor DD, Gercel-Taylor C. MicroRNA signatures of tumor- derived exosomes as diagnostic biomarkers of ovarian cancer. Gynecol. Oncol. 2008;110:13–21.
  • Fabbri M, Paone A, Calore F, Galli R, Gaudio E, Santhanam R, Lovat F, Fadda P, Mao C, Nuovo GJ, et al. MicroRNAs bind to Toll-like receptors to induce prometastatic inflammatory response. PNAS. 2012;109:2110–2116.
  • Hao S, Liu Y, Yuan J, Zhang X, He T, Wu X, Wei Y, Sun D,Xiang J Novel exosome-targeted CD4 (+) T cell vaccine counteracting CD4 (+) 25 (+) regulatory T cell-mediated immune suppression and stimulating efficient central memory CD8 (+) CTL response. J Immunol. 2007;179:2731–2740.
  • Dai S, Wei D, Wu Z, Zhou X, Wei X, Huang H, Li G. Phase I clinical trial of autologous ascites-derived exosomes combined with GM-CSF for colorectal cancer. Mol Ther 2008;16:782–790. Morse MA, Garst J, Osada T, Khan S, Hobeika A, Clay TM, Valente N, Shreeniwas R, Sutton MA, Delcayre A, Hsu DH, Le Pecq JB, Lyerly HK. A phase I study of dexosome immunotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. J Transl Med 2005;3:9.
  • isimli yazarın CBU- SBED başlıklı eseri bu Creative Commons Alıntı-Gayriticari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 144 - 152, 11.06.2016


The molecular events that caused to produce cancerous cells are not limited to mutations, defects in DNA damage repair systems and cell senecence and epigenetic factors. Recent studies indicate that extracellular vesicles have also vital role in the formation of cancer. Extracellular vesicles are involved in important biological tasks such as intracellular and intercellular signaling, waste management and coagulation. They occur indirect or direct from cell membrane. Extracellular vesicles are divided into four classes according to their composition and size. These are microvesicles which are released directly outside from the cell membrane, apoptosomes caused by apoptosis, retrovirus-like particles and exosomes that occured indirectly from the cell membrane.In recent years exosomes that are released from all normal and cancer cells have been discovered that they function as intercellular cargo and communication systems in the human body organization. They are specific to the secreted cell. Exosomes are easily taken into the cell because of their nano size and membran structure homology with target cell. Exosomes are involved in many biological processes just as cell-cell interaction, signal transduction, communication and transport of cellular molecules. They also have an important role in the pathology of the disease because of owning specific biomarkers from the originated and secreted cells. Therefore exosomes are actively function in cancer formation and cancer progression. Exosomes secreted from cancer cells take into action by fusing its membrane with the cell’s membrane. It has been shown that exosomes contribute tumor formation and progression by inducing micro environment changes to trigger carcinogenesis and angiogenesis, by gaining metastatic ability and developing drug resistance by modifying the properties of adhesion, motility and invasion of the target cell. In this review, it was aimed to evaluate and summarize the roles of exosomes in the formation and progression of the tumor and their potential new tool in diagnosis and treatment in the light of present literature.


  • Raposo G, Stoorvogel W. Extracellular vesicles: exosomes, microvesicles, and friends. J Cell Biol. 2013;200:373-383. 2.
  • Van der Pol E, Böing AN, Harrison P, Sturk A, Nieuwland R. Classification, functions, and clinical relevance of extracellular vesicles. Pharmacol Rev. 2012;64:676-705.
  • Akers JC, Gonda D, Kim R, Carter BS, Chen CC. Biogenesis of extracellular vesicles (EV): exosomes, microvesicles, retrovirus- like vesicles, and apoptotic bodies. J Neurooncol. 2013;113:1-11. Kelly RW, Holland P, Skibinski G, Harrison C, Mcmillan L, Hargreave T, James K. Extracellular organelles (prostasomes) are immunosuppressive components of human semen. Clin Exp Immunol. 1991;86:550-556. 5.
  • Le Pecq JB. Dexosomes as a therapeutic cancer vaccine: from bench to bedside. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2005;35:129-135.
  • Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini H, Soleimanirad J, Mehdizadeh Aghdam E, Amin M, Imani Fooladi AA. Texosome-anchored superantigen triggers apoptosis in original ovarian cancer cells. Med Oncol. 2015;32:409.
  • Zöller M. Exosomes in Cancer Disease. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1381:111-149.
  • Simpson RJ, Mathivanan S. Extracellular Microvesicles: The Need for Internationally Recognised Nomenclature and Stringent Purification Criteria. J Proteomics Bioinform. 2012;5:ii. 9.
  • Azmi AS, Bao B, Sarkar FH. Exosomes in cancer development, metastasis, and drug resistance: a comprehensive review. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2013;32:623-642.
  • Danesh A, Inglis HC, Jackman RP, et al. Exosomes from red blood cell units bind to monocytes and induce proinflammatory cytokines, boosting T-cell responses in vitro. Blood. 2014;123:687-696.
  • Aatonen MT, Ohman T, Nyman TA, Laitinen S, Grönholm M, Siljander PR. Isolation and characterization of platelet-derived extracellular vesicles. J Extracell Vesicles. 2014;3:24692.
  • Luga V, Wrana JL. Tumor-stroma interaction: Revealing fibroblast-secreted exosomes as potent regulators of Wnt-planar cell polarity signaling in cancer metastasis. Cancer Res. 2013;73:6843-6847.
  • Ju R, Zhuang ZW, Zhang J, et al. Angiopoietin-2 secretion by endothelial cell exosomes: regulation by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt/endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and syndecan-4/syntenin pathways. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:510- 519.
  • Brinton LT, Sloane HS, Kester M, Kelly KA. Formation and role of exosomes in cancer. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2015;72:659-671.
  • Corrado C, Raimondo S, Chiesi A, Ciccia F, De Leo G, Alessandro R. Exosomes as intercellular signaling organelles involved in health and disease: basic science and clinical applications. Int J Mol Sci. 2013;14:5338-5366.
  • Théry C, Boussac M, Véron P, et al. Proteomic analysis of dendritic cell-derived exosomes: a secreted subcellular compartment distinct from apoptotic vesicles. J Immunol. 2001;166:7309-7318.
  • Schorey JS, Bhatnagar S. Exosome function: from tumor immunology to pathogen biology. Traffic. 2008;9:871-881.
  • Villarroya-Beltri C, Baixauli F, Gutiérrez-Vázquez C, Sánchez- Madrid F, Mittelbrunn M. Sorting it out: regulation of exosome loading. Semin Cancer Biol. 2014;28:3-13.
  • Falcone G, Felsani A, D’Agnano I. Signaling by exosomal microRNAs in cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2015;34:32.
  • Minciacchi VR, Freeman MR, Di Vizio D. Extracellular vesicles in cancer: exosomes, microvesicles and the emerging role of large oncosomes. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2015;40:41-51.
  • Kahlert C, Melo SA, Protopopov A, Tang J, Seth S, Koch M, Zhang J, Weitz J, Chin L, Futreal A, Kalluri R. Identification of double-stranded genomic DNA spanning all chromosomes with mutated KRAS and p53 DNA in the serum exosomes of patients with pancreatic cancer. J Biol Chem. 2014;289:3869-3875.
  • Balaj L, Lessard R, Dai L, Cho YJ, Pomeroy SL, Breakefield XO, Skog J . Tumour microvesicles contain retrotransposon elements and amplified oncogene sequences. Nat Commun. 2011;2:180.
  • Thakur BK, Zhang H, Becker A, et al. Double-stranded DNA in exosomes: a novel biomarker in cancer detection. Cell Res. 2014;24:766–769.
  • Kahlert C, Kalluri R. Exosomes in tumor microenvironment influence cancer progression and metastasis. J Mol Med (Berl). 2013;91:431-437.
  • Zhang X, Yuan X, Shi H, Wu L, Qian H, Xu W. Exosomes in cancer: small particle, big player. J Hematol Oncol. 2015;8:83. Gupta
  • neuroinflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2014;11:68.
  • of induce T-cell death through release of proapoptotic microvesicles: role in immune escape. Gastroenterology. 2005;128:1796-1804.
  • doxorubicin-cyclophosphamide 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
  • Ye SB, Li ZL, Luo DH, et al. Tumor-derived exosomes promote tumor progression and T-cell dysfunction through the regulation of enriched exosomal microRNAs in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Oncotarget. 2014;5:5439-5452.
  • Kim JW, Wieckowski E, Taylor DD, Reichert TE, Watkins S, Whiteside TL. Fas ligand-positive membranous vesicles isolated from sera of patients with oral cancer induce apoptosis of activated T lymphocytes. Clin Cancer Res. 2005;11:1010-1020. Clayton A, Al-Taei S, Webber J, Mason MD, Tabi Z. Cancer exosomes express CD39 and CD73, which suppress T cells through adenosine production. J Immunol. 2011;187:676-683.
  • Wilson JM, Ross WG, Agbai ON et al. The A2B Adenosine Receptor Impairs the Maturation and Immunogenicity of Dendritic Cells. J Immunol. 2009;182:4616–4623.
  • Liu C, Yu S, Zinn K, Wang J, et al. Murine mammary carcinoma exosomes promote tumor growth by suppression of NK cell function. J Immunol. 2006;176:1375-1385.
  • Mincheva-Nilsson L, Baranov V. Cancer exosomes and NKG2D receptor-ligand interactions: impairing NKG2D-mediated cytotoxicity and anti-tumour immune surveillance. Semin Cancer Biol. 2014;28:24-30.
  • Harris A. Hypoxia - a key regulatory factor in tumour growth. Nat Rev Cancer. 2002;2:38-47.
  • Keating GM. Bevacizumab: a review of its use in advanced cancer. Drugs. 2014;74:1891-1925.
  • King HW, Michael MZ and Gleadle JM. Hypoxic enhancement of exosome release by breast cancer cells. BMC Cancer 2012;12:421.
  • Skog J, Wurdinger T, van Rijn S et al. Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and protein that promote tumor growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:1470–1476.
  • Hong BS, Cho JH, Kim H, et al. Colorectal cancer cell-derived microvesicles are enriched in cell cycle-related mRNAs that promote proliferation of endothelial cells. BMC Genomics. 2009;10:556.
  • Shahzad MMK, Lopez-Berestein G, Sood AK. Novel Strategies for Reversing Platinum Resistance. Drug Resist Updat. 2009;12:148–152.
  • Safaei R, Larson BJ, Cheng TC, et al. Abnormal lysosomal trafficking and enhanced exosomal export of cisplatin in drug- resistant human ovarian carcinoma cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 2005;4:1595-1604.
  • Federici C, Petrucci F, Caimi S et al. Exosome release and low pH belong to a framework of resistance of human melanoma cells to cisplatin. PLoS One. 2014;9:e88193.
  • Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Brien K et al. Docetaxel-resistance in prostate cancer: evaluating associated phenotypic changes and potential for resistance transfer via exosomes. PLoS One. 2012;7:e50999.
  • Chen WX, Liu XM, Lv MM et al. Exosomes from drug-resistant breast cancer cells transmit chemoresistance by a horizontal transfer of microRNAs. PLoS One. 2014;9:e95240.
  • Takahashi K, Yan IK, Kogure T, Haga H, Patel T. Extracellular vesicle-mediated transfer of long non-coding RNA ROR modulates chemosensitivity in human hepatocellular cancer. FEBS Open Bio 2014;4:458-467.
  • Aung T, Chapuy B, Vogel D, et al. Exosomal evasion of humoral immunotherapy in aggressive B-cell lymphoma modulated by ATP-binding cassette transporter A3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108:15336-15341.
  • Battke C, Ruiss R, Welsch U, et al. Tumour exosomes inhibit binding of tumour-reactive antibodies to tumour cells and reduce ADCC. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2011;60:639-648.
  • Janda E, Lehmann K, Killisch I, et al. Ras and TGF[beta] cooperatively regulate epithelial cell plasticity and metastasis: dissection of Ras signaling pathways. J Cell Biol. 2002;156:299- 313.
  • Putz U, Howitt J, Doan A, et al. The tumor suppressor PTEN is exported in exosomes and has phosphatase activity in recipient cells. Sci Signal. 2012;5:ra70.
  • Qu JL, Qu XJ, Qu JL et al. The role of cbl family of ubiquitin ligases in gastric cancer exosome-induced apoptosis of Jurkat T cells. Acta Oncol. 2009;48:1173-1180.
  • Zhu W, Huang L, Li Y, et al. Exosomes derived from human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promote tumor growth in vivo. Cancer Lett. 2012;315:28-37.
  • Higginbotham JN, Demory Beckler M, Gephart JD, et al. Amphiregulin exosomes increase cancer cell invasion. Curr Biol. 2011;21:779-786.
  • Al-Nedawi K, Meehan B, Micallef J, et al. Intercellular transfer of the oncogenic receptor EGFRvIII by microvesicles derived from tumour cells. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:619-624. 76.
  • Nicholas MK, Lukas RV, Jafri NF, Faoro L, Salgia R. Epidermal growth factor receptor - mediated signal transduction in the development and therapy of gliomas. Clin Cancer Res. 2006;12:7261-7270.
  • Sun Y, Liu J. Potential of cancer cell-derived exosomes in clinical application: a review of recent research advances. Clin Ther. 2014;36:863-872.
  • Wang H, Hou L, Li A, Duan Y, Gao H, Song X. Expression of serum exosomal microRNA–21 in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:864894.
  • Aushev VN, Zborovskaya IB, Laktionov KK et al. Comparisons of microRNA patterns in plasma before and after tumor removal reveal new biomarkers of lung squamous cell carcinoma. PLoS One. 2013;8:e78649.
  • Skog J, Wurdinger T, van Rijn S, et al. Glioblastoma microvesicles transport RNA and protein that promote tumor growth and provide diagnostic biomarkers. Nat Cell Biol. 2008;10:1470–1476.
  • Beloribi S, Ristorcelli E, Breuzard G, et al. Exosomal lipids impact notch signaling and induce death of human pancreatic tumoral SOJ-6 cells. PLoS One. 2012;7:e47480.
  • Ristorcelli E, Beraud E, Mathieu S, Lombardo D, Verine A. Essential role of Notch signaling in apoptosis of human pancreatic tumoral cells mediated by exosomal nanoparticles. Int J Cancer. 2009;125:1016-1026.
  • Umezu T, Tadokoro H, Azuma K, Yoshizawa S, Ohyashiki K, Ohyashiki JH. Exosomal miR-135b shed from hypoxic multiple myeloma cells enhances angiogenesis by targeting factor- inhibiting HIF-1. Blood. 2014;124:3748-57.
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Diğer ID JA46SH92JR
Bölüm Derleme

Ezgi Ersöz Bu kişi benim

Osman Burak Can Bu kişi benim

Selim Uzunoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 11 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ersöz, E., Can, O. B., & Uzunoğlu, S. (2016). Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(1), 144-152.
AMA Ersöz E, Can OB, Uzunoğlu S. Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü. CBU-SBED. Haziran 2016;3(1):144-152.
Chicago Ersöz, Ezgi, Osman Burak Can, ve Selim Uzunoğlu. “Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3, sy. 1 (Haziran 2016): 144-52.
EndNote Ersöz E, Can OB, Uzunoğlu S (01 Haziran 2016) Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3 1 144–152.
IEEE E. Ersöz, O. B. Can, ve S. Uzunoğlu, “Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü”, CBU-SBED, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 144–152, 2016.
ISNAD Ersöz, Ezgi vd. “Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 3/1 (Haziran 2016), 144-152.
JAMA Ersöz E, Can OB, Uzunoğlu S. Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü. CBU-SBED. 2016;3:144–152.
MLA Ersöz, Ezgi vd. “Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 3, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 144-52.
Vancouver Ersöz E, Can OB, Uzunoğlu S. Eksozomların Kanserdeki Rolü. CBU-SBED. 2016;3(1):144-52.