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A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3, 521 - 537, 31.12.2023


Abstract: In that study, the formerly proposed method for seismic retrofitting of RC frames with fiber reinforced lightweight panels and polymer binders were re-tested with full scale frames for the first time in a numerical analysis performed by Abaqus . Later, modelling was performed with beam elements and equivalent strut approach in Sap2000 and a validation of modelling was done. Then ,the method was applied to 3 story and 5 story frames by using beam elements and equivalent strut approach in Sap2000. Proposed method increased the lateral load capacity by 2.76 times if compared with traditionally infilled frame according to the analysis done in single story frames. In 3 story frames, proposed method increased the lateral load capacity by 3 times and in 5 story frames by 3.18 times if the retrofitted specimens were compared with traditionally infilled structures. Also, the proposed method is effective for increasing stiffness of structures.


  • [1] Parsons T., Toda S., Stein, R.,S., Barka, A., Dieterich, J., H. 2000. Heightened Odds of Large Earthquakes Near Istanbul: An Interaction-Based Probability Calculation. Science 288(2000) 661-665.
  • [2] Le Pichon, X., Şengör, A. C., Kende, J., İmren, C., Henry, P., Grall, C., & Karabulut, H. 2016. Propagation of a strike-slip plate boundary within an extensional environment: the westward propagation of the North Anatolian Fault. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(11), 1416-1439.
  • [3] Akın,E., Özcebe,G., Canbay, E., Binici, B. 2014. Numerical Study on CFRP Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls Journal of Composites for Construction, 18-2
  • [4] Özkaynak, H., Sürmeli, M., Yüksel, E. 2016. A capacity curve model for confined clay brick infills. Bull Earthquake Engineering 14, 889–918
  • [5] Ersoy, U. 2011. Manisa İmo Sempozyumu
  • [6] Baran, M., Canbay, E., Tankut, T. 2010. Beton Panellerle Güçlendirme - Kuramsal Yaklaşım . Teknik Dergi, 21 (101), 4959-4978.
  • [7] Koman, H. 2023. Strengthening of RC Frames With Infill Walls Using High Strength Lightweight Concrete Panels. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies , 8 (2) , 120-133.
  • [8] Kwiecien, A. 2013. Highly deformable polymers for repair and strengthening of cracked masonry structures, International Journal of Engineering Technology, 2, 1, pp. 182-196
  • [9] Koman, H. 2021. Harçsız bloklar kullanılarak yapıların deprem davranışının iyileştirilmesi. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi., Manisa
  • [10] Abaqus v16, Dessault Systems
  • [11] Sap 2000 v22, Computers and Structures Inc., America
  • [12] Zhai C., Kong, J., Wang, X., & Chen, Z. 2016. Experimental and finite element analytical investigation of seismic behavior of full-scale masonry infilled RC frames, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 20:7, 1171-1198
  • [13] Koman, H. 2023. Improving the Behaviour of RC Frames By Using Lightweight Concrete Panels and Metallic Elements. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Engineering Sciences (2023).
  • [14] Demir, C. 2012. Seismic Behaviour of Historical stone masonry. Istanbul Technical University Civil Engineering, Phd Thesis, İstanbul
  • [15] Santos, C.F.R., Alvarenga, R.C.S.S., Riberio, J.C.L., Castro,L., O., Silva R.M., Santos, A.A.R., Nalon, G.H. 2017. Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Masonry Prisms By Finite Element Method. Ibracon Structure and Materials Journal. 10( 2)
  • [16] Obaidat, Y.T. 2011. Structural Retrofitting of Concrete Beams Using FRP, Lund University Civil Engineering, Phd thesis, Lund, Sweden
  • [17] Inculet, V. 2016. Nonlinear analysis of earthquake induced vibrations. Aalborg University School of Engineering and Science, Master Thesis. 79s. Aalborg
  • [18] Al-Shaikh, I., Falah, N. 2014. Numerical Analysis of Masonry Infilled RC frames, Journal of Science and Technology (2014) 19-2
  • [19] Gao, J., Sun, W., Morino, K. 1997. Mechanical properties of steel fiber-reinforced high-strength lightweight concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites 19, (1997) 307-313.
  • [20] Zhou, Z., Xie,R., Qiao,P.,Lu,L. 2019. On the modeling of tensile behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete with freezing-thawing actions. Composites Part B: Engineering (2019) 174-1.
  • [21] Kwiecien, A. 2014. Shear bond of composites to brick applied highy deformable in relation to resin epoxy interface materials. Materials and Structures 47 (2014), 2005-2020
  • [22] Viskovic, A., Zuccarino, L., Kwiecien, A., Zajac, B., & Gams, M. 2017. Quick seismic protection of weak masonry infilling in filled frame structures using flexible joints. Key Engineering Materials, 747(2017), 628-637
  • [23] Abdulla, K., F., Cunningham, L., S., Gillie, M. 2017. Simulating masonry behaviour using a simplified micro model approach, Engineering Structures, 151, (2017) 349-365
  • [24] Avğın S., Köse,M., M. 2020. Yanal yüklere maruz kalan kolonların Sap2000 ile monotonik ve histeretik analizi. Erciyes University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology (2020) 36-3.
  • [25] Eurocode 8 2004. Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
  • [26] FEMA 356. 2000. Prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings.
  • [27] Mainstone R.J. 1974. Supplementary note on the stiffness and strength of infilled frames, Building Research Station, CP 13/74, Building Research Establishment, U.K.
  • [28] TBEC 2018. Türkiye Building Earthquake Code. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Ankara
  • [29] Amato, G., Fossetti, M., Cavaleri, L., Papia, M. 2009. An updated model of equivalent diagonal strut for infill panels. Eurocode 8 perspectives from the Italian Standpoint, Workshop, Napoli, Italy, 119-128.
  • [30] Durmazgezer, E. 2013. Dolgu Duvarlı Betonarme Çerçevelerin Deprem Etkileri Altındaki Davranışının İncelenmesi, Dokuzeylül Üniversitesi Fen bilimleri Enstitüsü, Master Tezi, İzmir
  • [31] Smyrou, E., Blandon, C., Antoniou, S., Pinho, R.,Crisafulli, F. 2011. Implementation and verification of a masonry panel model for nonlinear dynamic analysis of infilled RC frames, Bull Earthquake Eng 9, (2011), 1519–1534
  • [32] Totoev,Y., Al Harthy A., 2016. Semi Interlocking Masonry as Infill Wall System for Earthquake Resistant Buildings: A Review, The Journal of Engineering Research 13, (2016), 33-41

Betonarme Yapıların Yüksek Mukavemetli Hafif Beton Paneller ve Poliüretan Bağlayıcılar Kullanılarak Güçlendirilmesi için Bir Öneri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3, 521 - 537, 31.12.2023


Özet: Bu çalışmada, betonarme çerçevelerin fiber takviyeli hafif paneller ve polimer bağlayıcılarla sismik olarak güçlendirilmesi için daha önce önerilen yöntem, Abaqus tarafından gerçekleştirilen sayısal bir analizde ilk kez tam ölçekli çerçevelerle yeniden test edildi. Daha sonra Sap2000'de kiriş elemanları ve eşdeğer dikme yaklaşımıyla modelleme yapılarak modellemenin doğrulanması yapılmıştır. Daha sonra yöntem Sap2000'de kiriş elemanları ve eşdeğer dikme yaklaşımı kullanılarak 3 katlı ve 5 katlı çerçevelere uygulanmıştır. Önerilen yöntem, tek katlı çerçevelerde yapılan analize göre, geleneksel dolgulu çerçevelerle karşılaştırıldığında yanal yük kapasitesini 2,76 kat artırmıştır. Önerilen yöntem, güçlendirilmiş numuneler geleneksel dolgulu yapılarla karşılaştırıldığında, 3 katlı çerçevelerde yanal yük kapasitesini 3 kat, 5 katlı çerçevelerde ise 3,18 kat artırmıştır. Ayrıca önerilen yöntem yapıların rijitliğini arttırmada da etkilidir.


  • [1] Parsons T., Toda S., Stein, R.,S., Barka, A., Dieterich, J., H. 2000. Heightened Odds of Large Earthquakes Near Istanbul: An Interaction-Based Probability Calculation. Science 288(2000) 661-665.
  • [2] Le Pichon, X., Şengör, A. C., Kende, J., İmren, C., Henry, P., Grall, C., & Karabulut, H. 2016. Propagation of a strike-slip plate boundary within an extensional environment: the westward propagation of the North Anatolian Fault. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(11), 1416-1439.
  • [3] Akın,E., Özcebe,G., Canbay, E., Binici, B. 2014. Numerical Study on CFRP Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Masonry Infill Walls Journal of Composites for Construction, 18-2
  • [4] Özkaynak, H., Sürmeli, M., Yüksel, E. 2016. A capacity curve model for confined clay brick infills. Bull Earthquake Engineering 14, 889–918
  • [5] Ersoy, U. 2011. Manisa İmo Sempozyumu
  • [6] Baran, M., Canbay, E., Tankut, T. 2010. Beton Panellerle Güçlendirme - Kuramsal Yaklaşım . Teknik Dergi, 21 (101), 4959-4978.
  • [7] Koman, H. 2023. Strengthening of RC Frames With Infill Walls Using High Strength Lightweight Concrete Panels. Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies , 8 (2) , 120-133.
  • [8] Kwiecien, A. 2013. Highly deformable polymers for repair and strengthening of cracked masonry structures, International Journal of Engineering Technology, 2, 1, pp. 182-196
  • [9] Koman, H. 2021. Harçsız bloklar kullanılarak yapıların deprem davranışının iyileştirilmesi. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi., Manisa
  • [10] Abaqus v16, Dessault Systems
  • [11] Sap 2000 v22, Computers and Structures Inc., America
  • [12] Zhai C., Kong, J., Wang, X., & Chen, Z. 2016. Experimental and finite element analytical investigation of seismic behavior of full-scale masonry infilled RC frames, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 20:7, 1171-1198
  • [13] Koman, H. 2023. Improving the Behaviour of RC Frames By Using Lightweight Concrete Panels and Metallic Elements. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Engineering Sciences (2023).
  • [14] Demir, C. 2012. Seismic Behaviour of Historical stone masonry. Istanbul Technical University Civil Engineering, Phd Thesis, İstanbul
  • [15] Santos, C.F.R., Alvarenga, R.C.S.S., Riberio, J.C.L., Castro,L., O., Silva R.M., Santos, A.A.R., Nalon, G.H. 2017. Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Masonry Prisms By Finite Element Method. Ibracon Structure and Materials Journal. 10( 2)
  • [16] Obaidat, Y.T. 2011. Structural Retrofitting of Concrete Beams Using FRP, Lund University Civil Engineering, Phd thesis, Lund, Sweden
  • [17] Inculet, V. 2016. Nonlinear analysis of earthquake induced vibrations. Aalborg University School of Engineering and Science, Master Thesis. 79s. Aalborg
  • [18] Al-Shaikh, I., Falah, N. 2014. Numerical Analysis of Masonry Infilled RC frames, Journal of Science and Technology (2014) 19-2
  • [19] Gao, J., Sun, W., Morino, K. 1997. Mechanical properties of steel fiber-reinforced high-strength lightweight concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites 19, (1997) 307-313.
  • [20] Zhou, Z., Xie,R., Qiao,P.,Lu,L. 2019. On the modeling of tensile behavior of ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete with freezing-thawing actions. Composites Part B: Engineering (2019) 174-1.
  • [21] Kwiecien, A. 2014. Shear bond of composites to brick applied highy deformable in relation to resin epoxy interface materials. Materials and Structures 47 (2014), 2005-2020
  • [22] Viskovic, A., Zuccarino, L., Kwiecien, A., Zajac, B., & Gams, M. 2017. Quick seismic protection of weak masonry infilling in filled frame structures using flexible joints. Key Engineering Materials, 747(2017), 628-637
  • [23] Abdulla, K., F., Cunningham, L., S., Gillie, M. 2017. Simulating masonry behaviour using a simplified micro model approach, Engineering Structures, 151, (2017) 349-365
  • [24] Avğın S., Köse,M., M. 2020. Yanal yüklere maruz kalan kolonların Sap2000 ile monotonik ve histeretik analizi. Erciyes University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology (2020) 36-3.
  • [25] Eurocode 8 2004. Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
  • [26] FEMA 356. 2000. Prestandard and commentary for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings.
  • [27] Mainstone R.J. 1974. Supplementary note on the stiffness and strength of infilled frames, Building Research Station, CP 13/74, Building Research Establishment, U.K.
  • [28] TBEC 2018. Türkiye Building Earthquake Code. Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Ankara
  • [29] Amato, G., Fossetti, M., Cavaleri, L., Papia, M. 2009. An updated model of equivalent diagonal strut for infill panels. Eurocode 8 perspectives from the Italian Standpoint, Workshop, Napoli, Italy, 119-128.
  • [30] Durmazgezer, E. 2013. Dolgu Duvarlı Betonarme Çerçevelerin Deprem Etkileri Altındaki Davranışının İncelenmesi, Dokuzeylül Üniversitesi Fen bilimleri Enstitüsü, Master Tezi, İzmir
  • [31] Smyrou, E., Blandon, C., Antoniou, S., Pinho, R.,Crisafulli, F. 2011. Implementation and verification of a masonry panel model for nonlinear dynamic analysis of infilled RC frames, Bull Earthquake Eng 9, (2011), 1519–1534
  • [32] Totoev,Y., Al Harthy A., 2016. Semi Interlocking Masonry as Infill Wall System for Earthquake Resistant Buildings: A Review, The Journal of Engineering Research 13, (2016), 33-41
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Betonarme Yapılar
Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan Koman

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Koman, H. (2023). A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 39(3), 521-537.
AMA Koman H. A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2023;39(3):521-537.
Chicago Koman, Hakan. “A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 39, sy. 3 (Aralık 2023): 521-37.
EndNote Koman H (01 Aralık 2023) A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 39 3 521–537.
IEEE H. Koman, “A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 39, sy. 3, ss. 521–537, 2023.
ISNAD Koman, Hakan. “A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 39/3 (Aralık 2023), 521-537.
JAMA Koman H. A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;39:521–537.
MLA Koman, Hakan. “A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 39, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 521-37.
Vancouver Koman H. A Proposal For Strengthening of RC Structures By Using High Strength Lighweight Concrete Panels and Polyurethane Binders. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2023;39(3):521-37.

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