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Evidence-Based Medicine Course for Pre-Clinical Medical Students and Evaluation of Their Self-Efficacy Perceptions

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 437 - 445, 25.12.2020



This study aims to share the results of the two-year implementation phase of the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) course, which was restructured and updated at Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine (MCBUFoM).

Materials and Method

All (N = 514) students enrolled in Year-1 at MCBUFoM in the academic years of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 were included in this cross-sectional study. Course goal, competencies and learning objectives were determined and sessions were developed accordingly. This restructured 12-hour course was given in six sessions, four of which were theoretical and two were practical. Lectures, practical exercises using mobile devices in small groups and case-based problem-solving activities were used as instruction methods.
Students’ self-efficacy perceptions and their feedback regarding the EBM course were collected via two separate online questionnaire forms containing structured and semi-structured items. The responses of the students who attended the EBM course sessions were analyzed and reported.


A total of 195 Year-1 students (37.7%) responded to the survey questionnaires. One hundred seventy-two of these students (88.2%) reported that they attended EBM course sessions. Based on their participation, 68 (39.5%) students have not attended any practical sessions, and 104 (60.5%) students have attended at least one practical session. Ninety-one (65.0%) of the students stated that the time allocated to the course was sufficient.
It was revealed that the mean total score of students' self-efficacy perceptions regarding the learning objectives of the EBM course was 3.41 ± 0.85, and the highest mean value was found in application dimension (3.49 ± 1.06). Students' self-efficacy perceptions were found to be significantly higher for the students who attended the practical sessions. Students’ level of satisfaction regarding the course was high for all evaluation domains. “The scope of the course” was most frequently (n = 86, 56.2%) reported response as the “most beneficial aspect of the course” by the students.


The findings obtained in this study were found to be compatible with the data reported in the literature. Starting the EBM training early, and continuing them throughout the medical education will increase the permanence of the knowledge acquired. Utilizing case-based clinical problems and mobile devices will have a significant positive impact on students' perception of self-efficacy concerning EBM.


  • 1. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ [Internet]. 1996 Jan 13 [cited 2019 Feb 6];312(7023):71 LP – 72. Available from:
  • 2. Guyatt G, Cairns J, Churchill D, Cook D, Haynes B, Hirsh J, et al. Evidence-Based Medicine. JAMA [Internet]. 1992 Nov 4 [cited 2019 Feb 6];268(17):2420. Available from:
  • 3. Straus SE, Sackett DL. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2005;XVI, 299 s.
  • 4. Yılmaz E, Çöl M. Kanıta Dayalı Tıp Evidence Based Medicine. J Clin Anal Med | 1 J Clin Anal Med [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2019 Feb 7];5(6):537–79. Available from:
  • 5. Finkel ML, Brown H-A, Gerber LM, Supino PG. Teaching evidence-based medicine to medical students. Med Teach [Internet]. 2003 Jan 3 [cited 2019 Feb 6];25(2):202–4. Available from:
  • 6. Kahveci R, Özyiğit F. Kanıta Dayalı Tıp Beceri Edindirme Yöntemleri [Training Methods to Improve Evidence-Based Medicine Skills]. TAF Prev Med Bull. 2010;9(3):245–54.
  • 7. Saygılı M, Kaya S, Sonğur C, Özer Ö, Üniversitesi K, Bilimleri S, et al. Aile hekimlerinin kanıta dayalı tıp uygulamalarını kullanım durumları ve bilgi arama davranışları Family physician’s evidence based medicine applications and information searching behaviours. SDÜ Sağlık Bilim Enstitüsü Derg [Internet]. 2013 [cited 2019 Feb 7];4(13):104–10. Available from:
  • 8. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Eğitim Öğretim Rehberi [Internet]. [cited 2019 Feb 7]. Available from:
  • 9. Krathwohl DR. A revision of bloom’s taxonomy: An overview [Internet]. Vol. 41, Theory into Practice. 2002 [cited 2020 Jan 11]. p. 212–8. Available from:
  • 10. Shrauger JS, Osberg TM. The relative accuracy of self-predictions and judgments by others in psychological assessment. Psychol Bull. 1981;90(2):322. 11. Dochy FJRC, McDowell L. Introduction: Assessment as a Tool for Learning. Stud Educ Eval. 1997;23(4):279–98.
  • 12. Bennett KJ, Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Neufeld VR, Tugwell P, Roberts R. A Controlled Trial of Teaching Critical Appraisal of the Clinical Literature to Medical Students. JAMA J Am Med Assoc. 1987 May 8;257(18):2451–4.
  • 13. Ilic D, Maloney S. Methods of teaching medical trainees evidence-based medicine: a systematic review. Med Educ [Internet]. 2014 Feb 1 [cited 2019 Feb 6];48(2):124–35. Available from:
  • 14. Acharya Y, Raghavendra Rao M V, Arja S. Evidence-based medicine in pre-clinical years: a study of early introduction and usefulness. J Adv Med Educ Prof [Internet]. 2017;5(3):95–100. Available from:
  • 15. Ghali WA, Saitz R, Eskew AH, Gupta M, Quan H, Hershman WY. Successful teaching in evidence-based medicine. Med Educ [Internet]. 2000 Jan [cited 2020 Jan 31];34(1):18–22. Available from:
  • 16. Schilling K, Wiecha J, Polineni D, Khalil S. An Interactive Web-based Curriculum on Evidence-based Medicine: Design and Effectiveness [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2020 Jan 31]. Available from: www.guideline.
  • 17. Davis J, Crabb S, Rogers E, Zamora J, Khan K, Khalid Khan &. Medical Teacher Computer-based teaching is as good as face to face lecture-based teaching of evidence based medicine: a randomized controlled trial Computer-based teaching is as good as face to face lecture-based teaching of evidence based medicine: a randomized controlled trial. 2008 [cited 2020 Jan 31];30:302–7. Available from:
  • 18. West CP, Jaeger TM, McDonald FS. Extended evaluation of a longitudinal medical school evidence-based medicine curriculum. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;26(6):611–5. 19. Nieman LZ, Cheng ; Lee, Foxhall LE. Teaching First-year Medical Students to Apply Evidence-based Practices to Patient Care. 2009.
  • 20. Srinivasan M, Weiner M, Breitfeld PP, Brahmi F, Dickerson KL, Weiner G. Early Introduction of an Evidence-based Medicine Course to. Intern Med [Internet]. 2000 [cited 2019 Jan 11];(September):58–65. Available from:
  • 21. Sastre EA, Denny JC, McCoy JA, McCoy AB, Spickard A. Teaching evidence-based medicine: Impact on students’ literature use and inpatient clinical documentation. Med Teach [Internet]. 2011 Jun [cited 2020 Feb 21];33(6):e306-12. Available from:
  • 22. İlhan MN, Maral I, Güney Z, Haznedaroğlu Ş, Çakır N, Tunaoğlu FS, et al. GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ TIP FAKÜLTESİNDE KANITA DAYALI TIP EĞİTİMİ: İLK YIL DENEYİMİ* Evidence Based Medicine Education in Gazi University School of Medicine: First Year Experience.

Klinik Öncesi Tıp Öğrencilerine Kanıta Dayalı Tıp Eğitimi ve Özyeterlik Algılarının Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 437 - 445, 25.12.2020



Bu çalışmada Manisa
Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’nde (MCBÜTF) yeniden yapılandırılarak
güncellenen Kanıta Dayalı Tıp (KDT) dersinin ilk iki yıl uygulamasına ilişkin
sonuçların paylaşılması amaçlanmıştır.

Gereç ve Yöntem

Kesitsel tarama
desenindeki bu araştırmaya MCBÜTF’de 2018-2019 ve 2019-2020 yıllarında
Dönem-1’e kayıtlı tüm (N=514) öğrenciler dahil edilmiştir. KDT derslerinin
planlamasında genel amaç, yeterlikler ve öğrenme hedefleri belirlenmiştir. Buna
göre planlanan dersler, dördü kuramsal, ikisi uygulama olmak üzere toplam 12
saatlik altı oturumda uygulanmıştır. Derslerde kuramsal sunum, küçük gruplarda
mobil cihazlar kullanılarak yapılan uygulamalar ve olguya dayalı problem çözümü
öğretim yöntemleri kullanılmıştır.

KDT dersine ilişkin
öğrenci özyeterlik algıları ve geri bildirimleri, Likert tipi ölçekler ile
değerlendirilen, yapılandırılmış ve yarı yapılandırılmış maddeler içeren iki
ayrı çevrimiçi anket formu ile alınmıştır. 
KDT ders oturumlarına katılan öğrencilerin yanıtları analiz edilerek


Araştırma anket
formlarını Dönem 1 öğrencilerinin %37,7’si (n=195)  yanıtlamıştır. Bu
öğrencilerin 172’si (%88,2) KDT ders oturumlarına katıldığını bildirmiştir.
Derslere katılan öğrenciler uygulama oturumlarına katılma durumlarına göre
kategorize edildiğinde 68 (%39,5) öğrencinin hiçbir uygulama dersine
katılmadığı, 104 (%60,5) öğrencinin en az bir uygulama dersine katıldığı
belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin 91’i (%65) derse ayrılan sürenin yeterli olduğunu

Öğrencilerin KDT
dersinin öğrenme hedeflerine ilişkin özyeterlik algısı toplam puan ortalaması
3,41±0,85,  en yüksek ortalama değer ise
uygulama boyutunda (3,49±1,06) saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin özyeterlik
algılarının uygulama oturumlarına katılan öğrencilerde istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin derse ilişkin
beğenileri tüm başlıklarda yüksek düzeyde saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin en yararlı
yön olarak bildirdikleri ifadelerden “Dersin
 en sık dile getirilen
yanıt  (n=86, %56,2) olarak belirlenmiştir.

Tartışma ve Sonuçlar

Bu çalışmada elde
edilen bulgular literatür ile uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. KDT eğitimlerinin
erken dönemde başlaması ve tıp eğitimi boyunca sürdürülmesi öğrenme
kalıcılığını artıracaktır. Olguya dayalı uygulamalar ve mobil cihazlar
kullanılmasının öğrencilerin KDT konusunda kendilerini yeterli hissetmelerine
önemli etkisi olacaktır.


  • 1. Sackett DL, Rosenberg WMC, Gray JAM, Haynes RB, Richardson WS. Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ [Internet]. 1996 Jan 13 [cited 2019 Feb 6];312(7023):71 LP – 72. Available from:
  • 2. Guyatt G, Cairns J, Churchill D, Cook D, Haynes B, Hirsh J, et al. Evidence-Based Medicine. JAMA [Internet]. 1992 Nov 4 [cited 2019 Feb 6];268(17):2420. Available from:
  • 3. Straus SE, Sackett DL. Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM. 2005;XVI, 299 s.
  • 4. Yılmaz E, Çöl M. Kanıta Dayalı Tıp Evidence Based Medicine. J Clin Anal Med | 1 J Clin Anal Med [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2019 Feb 7];5(6):537–79. Available from:
  • 5. Finkel ML, Brown H-A, Gerber LM, Supino PG. Teaching evidence-based medicine to medical students. Med Teach [Internet]. 2003 Jan 3 [cited 2019 Feb 6];25(2):202–4. Available from:
  • 6. Kahveci R, Özyiğit F. Kanıta Dayalı Tıp Beceri Edindirme Yöntemleri [Training Methods to Improve Evidence-Based Medicine Skills]. TAF Prev Med Bull. 2010;9(3):245–54.
  • 7. Saygılı M, Kaya S, Sonğur C, Özer Ö, Üniversitesi K, Bilimleri S, et al. Aile hekimlerinin kanıta dayalı tıp uygulamalarını kullanım durumları ve bilgi arama davranışları Family physician’s evidence based medicine applications and information searching behaviours. SDÜ Sağlık Bilim Enstitüsü Derg [Internet]. 2013 [cited 2019 Feb 7];4(13):104–10. Available from:
  • 8. Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Eğitim Öğretim Rehberi [Internet]. [cited 2019 Feb 7]. Available from:
  • 9. Krathwohl DR. A revision of bloom’s taxonomy: An overview [Internet]. Vol. 41, Theory into Practice. 2002 [cited 2020 Jan 11]. p. 212–8. Available from:
  • 10. Shrauger JS, Osberg TM. The relative accuracy of self-predictions and judgments by others in psychological assessment. Psychol Bull. 1981;90(2):322. 11. Dochy FJRC, McDowell L. Introduction: Assessment as a Tool for Learning. Stud Educ Eval. 1997;23(4):279–98.
  • 12. Bennett KJ, Sackett DL, Haynes RB, Neufeld VR, Tugwell P, Roberts R. A Controlled Trial of Teaching Critical Appraisal of the Clinical Literature to Medical Students. JAMA J Am Med Assoc. 1987 May 8;257(18):2451–4.
  • 13. Ilic D, Maloney S. Methods of teaching medical trainees evidence-based medicine: a systematic review. Med Educ [Internet]. 2014 Feb 1 [cited 2019 Feb 6];48(2):124–35. Available from:
  • 14. Acharya Y, Raghavendra Rao M V, Arja S. Evidence-based medicine in pre-clinical years: a study of early introduction and usefulness. J Adv Med Educ Prof [Internet]. 2017;5(3):95–100. Available from:
  • 15. Ghali WA, Saitz R, Eskew AH, Gupta M, Quan H, Hershman WY. Successful teaching in evidence-based medicine. Med Educ [Internet]. 2000 Jan [cited 2020 Jan 31];34(1):18–22. Available from:
  • 16. Schilling K, Wiecha J, Polineni D, Khalil S. An Interactive Web-based Curriculum on Evidence-based Medicine: Design and Effectiveness [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2020 Jan 31]. Available from: www.guideline.
  • 17. Davis J, Crabb S, Rogers E, Zamora J, Khan K, Khalid Khan &. Medical Teacher Computer-based teaching is as good as face to face lecture-based teaching of evidence based medicine: a randomized controlled trial Computer-based teaching is as good as face to face lecture-based teaching of evidence based medicine: a randomized controlled trial. 2008 [cited 2020 Jan 31];30:302–7. Available from:
  • 18. West CP, Jaeger TM, McDonald FS. Extended evaluation of a longitudinal medical school evidence-based medicine curriculum. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;26(6):611–5. 19. Nieman LZ, Cheng ; Lee, Foxhall LE. Teaching First-year Medical Students to Apply Evidence-based Practices to Patient Care. 2009.
  • 20. Srinivasan M, Weiner M, Breitfeld PP, Brahmi F, Dickerson KL, Weiner G. Early Introduction of an Evidence-based Medicine Course to. Intern Med [Internet]. 2000 [cited 2019 Jan 11];(September):58–65. Available from:
  • 21. Sastre EA, Denny JC, McCoy JA, McCoy AB, Spickard A. Teaching evidence-based medicine: Impact on students’ literature use and inpatient clinical documentation. Med Teach [Internet]. 2011 Jun [cited 2020 Feb 21];33(6):e306-12. Available from:
  • 22. İlhan MN, Maral I, Güney Z, Haznedaroğlu Ş, Çakır N, Tunaoğlu FS, et al. GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ TIP FAKÜLTESİNDE KANITA DAYALI TIP EĞİTİMİ: İLK YIL DENEYİMİ* Evidence Based Medicine Education in Gazi University School of Medicine: First Year Experience.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

S. Ayhan Çalışkan 0000-0001-9714-6249

Ozan Karaca Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-5431-0942

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2020
Kabul Tarihi 2 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çalışkan SA, Karaca O. Evidence-Based Medicine Course for Pre-Clinical Medical Students and Evaluation of Their Self-Efficacy Perceptions. SDÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2020;27(4):437-45.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.