Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2022, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 71, 118 - 153, 31.03.2022


Atın evcilleştirilmesi ve arabanın ilk kez kullanımıyla birlikte sürekli hale gelen atlı araba yarışları, sıradan Bizans vatandaşının hayatındaki en önemli olaydı. Yarışlar, izleyenlere hayatının başka hiçbir alanında kendisine sunulmayan eğlenceli ve heyecan verici eylemleri gerçekleştirmesini sağladı. İnsanlar bir takım rengi seçti ve seçtiği takımı destekleyerek bastırılmış duygularını özgür bıraktı. Gelenekselleşen ve büyük ilgi uyandıran atlı araba yarışlarının düzenlendiği hipodrom, toplumsal memnuniyetsizliğin veya uyumun, imparatorluğun sorunlarının ya da refahının açıkça ifade edildiği bir arena haline geldi. Diğer yandan, yarışlar imparatora halkın durumunu değerlendirme imkânı sunarken, halka ise taleplerini imparatora iletme fırsatı tanıdı. Böylece insanların aidiyet duygusu canlı tutuldu. Bu çalışmada, Bizans döneminde düzenlenen atlı araba yarışları çerçevesinde taraftar grupları ele alınmış olup, taraftar gruplarının Bizans’ın toplumsal ve siyasi hayatındaki yeri incelenmiştir.


  • Auzepy, M., “İstanbul’un Hipodromu, Bizans”, Yapılar, Meydanlar, Yaşamlar, Ed. Annie Pralong, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul 2011.
  • Bardill, J., Constantine, Divine Emperor of The Christian Golden Age, Cambridge University Press, New York 2012.
  • Brockett, O. G., History of the Theatre, Allyn and Bacon Inc, Boston 1977.
  • Bury, J. B., A History of the Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius I. to the Death of Justinian, Cilt:1, Dover Publications, New York 1958.
  • Cameron, A., Porphyrius the Charioteer, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1973.
  • Cameron, A., “Heresies and Factions,” Byzantion,Cilt 44, 1974, s. 92-120. Cameron, A., Circus Factions: Blues and Greens At Rome and Byzantium, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1976.
  • Chronicon Paschale, Ed. Ludwig August Dindorf , Impensis E. Weberi, Cilt 1, Bonn 1832.
  • Crowther, N. B., Sport in Ancient Times, Praeger, Westport 2007.
  • Dagron, G., Konstantinopolis Hipodromu: Oyunlar, Halk ve Politika, Çev. İsmail Yerguz, Sel Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014. Decker, W., "Chariot Racing", Encyclopedia of World Sport: From Ancient Times to the Present, Ed. David Levinson, Karen Christensen, Oxford University Press, New York 1999, s. 75-76.
  • Diehl, C., “The Population of Constantinople”, The Cambridge Medieval History,: The Eastern Roman Empire (717-1453), Ed. John Bagnell Bury, Cilt 4, The Macmillan Company, New York 1923, s. 750.
  • Djukic, L., “Hippodrome (Constantinople)”, The Byzantine Empire A Historical Encyclopedia, Ed.James Francis LePree, ABC-CLIO, II, Santa Barbara, Kaliforniya 2019, s. 198-200.
  • Dvornik, F., “The Circus Parties in Byzantium: Their Evolution and their Supression”, Photian and Byzantine Ecclesiastical Studies, Londra 1974, s. 119-133.
  • Greatrex, G., “The Nika Riot: A Reappraisal”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies , Cilt 117, 1997, s. 60-86.
  • Geyssen, J., “Presentations Of Victory On The Theodosion Obelisk Base”, Byzantion, Cilt 68, 1998, s. 47-55.
  • Giatsis, S. G., “The Organization of Chariot-Racing in the Great Hippodrome of Byzantine Constantinople”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Cilt 17, Sayı 1, 2000, s. 36-68.
  • Guilland, R., “Études Sur L’Hippodrome de Byzance, III, Rôle de L’Empereur Et Des Divers Fonctionnaires Avant Et Pendant Les Cources”, Byzantinoslavica, Cilt 26, 1965, s. 1-39.
  • Guerdan, R., Byzantium: Its Triumphs and Tragedy, Capricorn Books, New York 1962.
  • Fiona. K. H., Anastasius I: Politics and Empire in the Late Roman World, Francis Cairns,Cambridge 2006.
  • Harris, J., Constantinople Capital Of Byzantium, Hambledon Continuum, Londra ve New York 2007.
  • Homeros, İlyada, Çev. Azra Erhat ve A. Kadir, Can Yayınları, İstanbul 2008.
  • (Erişim Tarihi:4 Kasım 2020)
  • Humphrey, J. H.., Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot Racing, University of California Press, Berkeley ve Los Angeles 1986.
  • Kaegi, W. E., Heraclius Emperor of Byzantium,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 2003.
  • Kuban, D., Istanbul, An Urban History: Byzantion, Constantinopolis, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G., Decline and Fall of the Roman City, Oxford University Press, New York 2001.
  • Lindsay, J., Byzantium into Europe, The Bodley Head, Londra 1952.
  • Malalas, J., The Chronicle of John Malalas, Çev. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys and Roger Scott, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Melbourne 1986.
  • Manojlović, G., “Le Peuple De Constantinople”, çev. Henri Grégoires. Byzantion, Cilt 11, Sayı 2, 1936, s. 617-716.
  • Maurice’s Strategikon : Handbook of Byzantine Military Strategy, Çev. Gerge T. Dennis, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1984.
  • Millingen, A. V., Byzantine Constantinople, the Walls of the City and Adjoining Historical Cities, John Murray ,Londra 1899.
  • Mitchell, S., A History of the Later Roman Empire: AD 284–641, Willey Blackwell, West Sussex 2015.
  • Müller-Wiener, W., İstanbul‘un Tarihsel Topografyası: 17. Yüzyıl Başlarına Kadar Byzantion, Konstantinopolis, Çev. Ülker Sayın, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Parnell, D. A., “The Emperor and His People at the Chariot Races in Byzantium”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, XXXVII/3-4, (2020,) s. 233-245.
  • Parnell, D. A., “Spectacle and Sport in Constantinople in The Sixth Century”, Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity, Ed. Paul Christesen and Donald G. Kyle, Wiley Blackwell, West Sussex 2014, s. 633- 646.
  • Porphyrogennetos, C., The Book of Ceremonies, Çev. Ann Moffatt ve Maxeme Tall, Brill, Leiden 2012.
  • Procopius, History of the Wars, Çev. Henry Bronson Dewing, W. Heinemann ve Macmillan Co, Londra ve New York 1914.
  • Prokopios, The Wars of Justinian, Çev. Henry Bronson Dewing, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis 2014.
  • Prokopius, Bizans’ın Gizli Tarihi, Çev. Orhan Duru, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Rambaud, A., “Le Monde Byzantin: Le Sport Et L'Hippodrome A Constantinople”, Revuedes Deux Mondes, Cilt 94, Sayı 5, 1871, s. 761-794.
  • Roueché, C., Performers and Partisans At Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods, Society for The Promotion of Roman Studies, Londra 1993.
  • Saltuk, S., Antik Çağda Hipodromlar Circuslar, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul 2001. Sinanlar, S., At Meydanı: Bizans Araba Yarışlarından Osmanlı Şenliklerine, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul 2005.
  • Schrodt, B., “Sports of the Byzantine Empire”, Journal of Sport History, Cilt 8, Sayı 3, 1981, s. 40 - 59.
  • Spracklen, K., Constructing Leisure : Historical and Philosophical Debates, Palgrave Macmillan, Chippenham ve Eastbourne 2011.
  • The Codex of Justinian, Çev. Justice Fred H. Blume, Ed. Bruce W. Frier, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2016.
  • The Chronicle John:Bishop of Nikiu, Çev. Robert Henry Charles, Williams and Nortgate, Oxford 1916.
  • The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, Çev. Cyril Mango ve Roger Scott, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
  • Tütüncü Çağlar, F., “Tracing the Hoof-prints of Byzantine History: Horses and Horse Breeding in the Middle Byzantine Period”, Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, Ed. Ekin Kozal, Murat Akar, Yağmur Heffron vd., Ugarit Verlag, Münster 2017, s. 699 -717.
  • Vasilʹev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire (324-1453, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1952.
  • Vasiliev, A., Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, Çev. Arif Müfid Mansel, Maarif Matbaası, Ankara 1943. Wolińska (Łódź), Teresa; “Constantinopolitan Charioteers and Their Supporters”, Studia Ceranea, 2011, s. 127- 142.
  • Whitby, M., “The Violence of The Circus Factions”, Organised Crime in Antiquity, Ed. Keith Hopwood, The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea 2009, s. 229 - 253.
  • Whitby M., “Factions, Bishops, Violence and Urban Decline,” Die Stadt in der Spätantike – Niedergang oder Wandel?. Ed. Jens Uwe Krause ve Christian Witschel , Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, s. 441 - 461.
  • Yücel, E., Bizans Devrinde Hipodrom, Arkitekt, Cilt 1966, Sayı 2/322, 1966, s. 84-88.


Yıl 2022, Cilt: 41 Sayı: 71, 118 - 153, 31.03.2022


The chariot races, which became continuous through the domestication of the horse and the first use of the car, were the most important event in the life of the ordinary Byzantine citizens. The races enabled the audience to have fun and exciting actions that were not presented to them in any other part of its life. People chose a set of colours and supported their chosen team, liberating their suppressed feelings. The hippodrome, where the traditional and very interesting chariot races were held, became an arena where social dissatisfaction or harmony, problems or prosperity of the empire were clearly expressed. In other respects, while the races gave the emperor the opportunity to evaluate the situation of the people and the people the opportunity to convey their demands to the emperor. In this study, the circus factions within the framework of the chariot racing organized during the Byzantine period, and the importance of circus factions in Byzantine social and political life was examined.


  • Auzepy, M., “İstanbul’un Hipodromu, Bizans”, Yapılar, Meydanlar, Yaşamlar, Ed. Annie Pralong, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul 2011.
  • Bardill, J., Constantine, Divine Emperor of The Christian Golden Age, Cambridge University Press, New York 2012.
  • Brockett, O. G., History of the Theatre, Allyn and Bacon Inc, Boston 1977.
  • Bury, J. B., A History of the Later Roman Empire from the Death of Theodosius I. to the Death of Justinian, Cilt:1, Dover Publications, New York 1958.
  • Cameron, A., Porphyrius the Charioteer, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1973.
  • Cameron, A., “Heresies and Factions,” Byzantion,Cilt 44, 1974, s. 92-120. Cameron, A., Circus Factions: Blues and Greens At Rome and Byzantium, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1976.
  • Chronicon Paschale, Ed. Ludwig August Dindorf , Impensis E. Weberi, Cilt 1, Bonn 1832.
  • Crowther, N. B., Sport in Ancient Times, Praeger, Westport 2007.
  • Dagron, G., Konstantinopolis Hipodromu: Oyunlar, Halk ve Politika, Çev. İsmail Yerguz, Sel Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2014. Decker, W., "Chariot Racing", Encyclopedia of World Sport: From Ancient Times to the Present, Ed. David Levinson, Karen Christensen, Oxford University Press, New York 1999, s. 75-76.
  • Diehl, C., “The Population of Constantinople”, The Cambridge Medieval History,: The Eastern Roman Empire (717-1453), Ed. John Bagnell Bury, Cilt 4, The Macmillan Company, New York 1923, s. 750.
  • Djukic, L., “Hippodrome (Constantinople)”, The Byzantine Empire A Historical Encyclopedia, Ed.James Francis LePree, ABC-CLIO, II, Santa Barbara, Kaliforniya 2019, s. 198-200.
  • Dvornik, F., “The Circus Parties in Byzantium: Their Evolution and their Supression”, Photian and Byzantine Ecclesiastical Studies, Londra 1974, s. 119-133.
  • Greatrex, G., “The Nika Riot: A Reappraisal”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies , Cilt 117, 1997, s. 60-86.
  • Geyssen, J., “Presentations Of Victory On The Theodosion Obelisk Base”, Byzantion, Cilt 68, 1998, s. 47-55.
  • Giatsis, S. G., “The Organization of Chariot-Racing in the Great Hippodrome of Byzantine Constantinople”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, Cilt 17, Sayı 1, 2000, s. 36-68.
  • Guilland, R., “Études Sur L’Hippodrome de Byzance, III, Rôle de L’Empereur Et Des Divers Fonctionnaires Avant Et Pendant Les Cources”, Byzantinoslavica, Cilt 26, 1965, s. 1-39.
  • Guerdan, R., Byzantium: Its Triumphs and Tragedy, Capricorn Books, New York 1962.
  • Fiona. K. H., Anastasius I: Politics and Empire in the Late Roman World, Francis Cairns,Cambridge 2006.
  • Harris, J., Constantinople Capital Of Byzantium, Hambledon Continuum, Londra ve New York 2007.
  • Homeros, İlyada, Çev. Azra Erhat ve A. Kadir, Can Yayınları, İstanbul 2008.
  • (Erişim Tarihi:4 Kasım 2020)
  • Humphrey, J. H.., Roman Circuses: Arenas for Chariot Racing, University of California Press, Berkeley ve Los Angeles 1986.
  • Kaegi, W. E., Heraclius Emperor of Byzantium,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge 2003.
  • Kuban, D., Istanbul, An Urban History: Byzantion, Constantinopolis, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2010.
  • Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G., Decline and Fall of the Roman City, Oxford University Press, New York 2001.
  • Lindsay, J., Byzantium into Europe, The Bodley Head, Londra 1952.
  • Malalas, J., The Chronicle of John Malalas, Çev. Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys and Roger Scott, Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, Melbourne 1986.
  • Manojlović, G., “Le Peuple De Constantinople”, çev. Henri Grégoires. Byzantion, Cilt 11, Sayı 2, 1936, s. 617-716.
  • Maurice’s Strategikon : Handbook of Byzantine Military Strategy, Çev. Gerge T. Dennis, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1984.
  • Millingen, A. V., Byzantine Constantinople, the Walls of the City and Adjoining Historical Cities, John Murray ,Londra 1899.
  • Mitchell, S., A History of the Later Roman Empire: AD 284–641, Willey Blackwell, West Sussex 2015.
  • Müller-Wiener, W., İstanbul‘un Tarihsel Topografyası: 17. Yüzyıl Başlarına Kadar Byzantion, Konstantinopolis, Çev. Ülker Sayın, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Parnell, D. A., “The Emperor and His People at the Chariot Races in Byzantium”, The International Journal of the History of Sport, XXXVII/3-4, (2020,) s. 233-245.
  • Parnell, D. A., “Spectacle and Sport in Constantinople in The Sixth Century”, Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity, Ed. Paul Christesen and Donald G. Kyle, Wiley Blackwell, West Sussex 2014, s. 633- 646.
  • Porphyrogennetos, C., The Book of Ceremonies, Çev. Ann Moffatt ve Maxeme Tall, Brill, Leiden 2012.
  • Procopius, History of the Wars, Çev. Henry Bronson Dewing, W. Heinemann ve Macmillan Co, Londra ve New York 1914.
  • Prokopios, The Wars of Justinian, Çev. Henry Bronson Dewing, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis 2014.
  • Prokopius, Bizans’ın Gizli Tarihi, Çev. Orhan Duru, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul 2001.
  • Rambaud, A., “Le Monde Byzantin: Le Sport Et L'Hippodrome A Constantinople”, Revuedes Deux Mondes, Cilt 94, Sayı 5, 1871, s. 761-794.
  • Roueché, C., Performers and Partisans At Aphrodisias in the Roman and Late Roman Periods, Society for The Promotion of Roman Studies, Londra 1993.
  • Saltuk, S., Antik Çağda Hipodromlar Circuslar, Ege Yayınları, İstanbul 2001. Sinanlar, S., At Meydanı: Bizans Araba Yarışlarından Osmanlı Şenliklerine, Kitap Yayınevi, İstanbul 2005.
  • Schrodt, B., “Sports of the Byzantine Empire”, Journal of Sport History, Cilt 8, Sayı 3, 1981, s. 40 - 59.
  • Spracklen, K., Constructing Leisure : Historical and Philosophical Debates, Palgrave Macmillan, Chippenham ve Eastbourne 2011.
  • The Codex of Justinian, Çev. Justice Fred H. Blume, Ed. Bruce W. Frier, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2016.
  • The Chronicle John:Bishop of Nikiu, Çev. Robert Henry Charles, Williams and Nortgate, Oxford 1916.
  • The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, Çev. Cyril Mango ve Roger Scott, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
  • Tütüncü Çağlar, F., “Tracing the Hoof-prints of Byzantine History: Horses and Horse Breeding in the Middle Byzantine Period”, Questions, Approaches, and Dialogues in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, Ed. Ekin Kozal, Murat Akar, Yağmur Heffron vd., Ugarit Verlag, Münster 2017, s. 699 -717.
  • Vasilʹev, A. A., History of Byzantine Empire (324-1453, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1952.
  • Vasiliev, A., Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, Çev. Arif Müfid Mansel, Maarif Matbaası, Ankara 1943. Wolińska (Łódź), Teresa; “Constantinopolitan Charioteers and Their Supporters”, Studia Ceranea, 2011, s. 127- 142.
  • Whitby, M., “The Violence of The Circus Factions”, Organised Crime in Antiquity, Ed. Keith Hopwood, The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea 2009, s. 229 - 253.
  • Whitby M., “Factions, Bishops, Violence and Urban Decline,” Die Stadt in der Spätantike – Niedergang oder Wandel?. Ed. Jens Uwe Krause ve Christian Witschel , Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2006, s. 441 - 461.
  • Yücel, E., Bizans Devrinde Hipodrom, Arkitekt, Cilt 1966, Sayı 2/322, 1966, s. 84-88.
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ceren Altunbeğ Turgut 0000-0003-4268-9697

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 41 Sayı: 71

Kaynak Göster

APA Altunbeğ Turgut, C. (2022). MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 41(71), 118-153.
AMA Altunbeğ Turgut C. MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI. TAD. Mart 2022;41(71):118-153. doi:10.35239/tariharastirmalari.941052
Chicago Altunbeğ Turgut, Ceren. “MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41, sy. 71 (Mart 2022): 118-53.
EndNote Altunbeğ Turgut C (01 Mart 2022) MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41 71 118–153.
IEEE C. Altunbeğ Turgut, “MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI”, TAD, c. 41, sy. 71, ss. 118–153, 2022, doi: 10.35239/tariharastirmalari.941052.
ISNAD Altunbeğ Turgut, Ceren. “MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 41/71 (Mart 2022), 118-153.
MLA Altunbeğ Turgut, Ceren. “MAVİLER VE YEŞİLLER: BİZANS ATLI ARABA YARIŞLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE TARAFTAR GRUPLARI”. Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, c. 41, sy. 71, 2022, ss. 118-53, doi:10.35239/tariharastirmalari.941052.