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Seladon Sırları

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 388 - 413, 31.05.2019


Seladon (Japonca'da "seiji" olarak adlandırılır), Song Hanedanlığı döneminde (9601270) Çin'de ortaya çıkmış, daha sonra hızla Asya'ya yayılmış, 10. ve 14. yüzyıllar arasında Uzakdoğu’da yaygın bir biçimde uygulanmıştır. Eski Çin’de sır harmanın içerisine sedir ağacı, kiraz ağacı, eğrelti otu gibi bitkilerin külleri de katılmıştır. Adını, 18. yüzyılda Seladon adlı bir çobanın yeşil renkli giysilerinden almıştır. Sarıyeşilden griyeşile değişen bir yelpazesi vardır. Renk açısından etkin parametreler; pişirim atmosferinin indirgenliği, sırın bileşiminde yer alan Fe, Cr, Sn, Ti ve Ni bileşikleridir. Seladon sırlı seramikler, genellikle demir içeren pekişmiş kil altlık yüzeylerine yine demir oksit katkılı sırların, pişirim sırasında fırın ortamında indirgenmesi ile elde edilmektedirler. Bu makalede seladon sırlarının geçmişten günümüze yansımaları anlatılmıştır.


  • [1] “Chinese Porcelain Glossary: Celadon”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [2] “Goryeo Celadon|Essay|Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History|The Metropolitan Museum of Art", (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [3] Vainker S. J., “Chinese Pottery and Porcelain”, British Museum Press, pp. 53–55, 1991.
  • [4] “Glossary Celadon Glaze”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [5] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [6] Wang M., Zhu T., Ding X., Hui Z., Wua F., Liu C., Sun W., “Composition comparison of Zhejiang Longquan celadon and its imitation in Dapu kiln of Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty of China (1368–1644 CE) by LA–ICP–MS”, Ceramics International, 2018, 44:1785–1796.
  • [7] Vandiver P. B., “Ancient Glazes”, Scientific American, 1990, 262, 4: 106–113.
  • [8] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [9] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [10] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [11] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [12] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [13] Zhongshu W., “Han Civilization”, Translated by K. C. Chang and Collaborators, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982.
  • [14] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 1, 1980.
  • [15] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 4, 1980.
  • [16] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 6, 1980.
  • [17] Wood N., “Chinese Glazes: Their Origins, Chemistry, and Recreation”, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 75–76, 1999.
  • [18] “Katzenelnbogener Weltrekorde: Erster Riesling und Erste Bratwurst!”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [19] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 7 & 8, 1980.
  • [20] “Porcelain Menu–EY Net Japanese Pottery Primer”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [21] “Shinobu K., Japanese celadon artist”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018)..
  • [22] “고려청자의 세계”, Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (in Korean), (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [23] Cartwritght, M., “Korean celadon pottery”, Ancient History Encyclopedia,,+Mark+(2016-09-17).+%22Korean+Celadon+Pottery%22.+Ancient+History+Encyclopedia&nfpr=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiznO7R7vnfAhUwUxUIHXL-Cj0QvgUIJSgB&biw=1707&bih=850&dpr=1.5 (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [24] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [25] “Icheon Ceramics Village (이천도예마을)|Official Korea Tourism Organization”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [26] Horlyck C., “Desirable commodities–unearthing and collecting Koryŏ celadon ceramics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”, University of London, Bulletin of SOAS, 2013, 76, 3: 467–491.
  • [27] “Celadon Menu–EY Net Japanese Pottery Primer”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [28] “Ambient Green Flow 青韻流動”. (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [29] “Pure–pure”, Seihakuji bowl|Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [30] “Masamichi Y.–Artists, Japanese fine art”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [31] “Seiko M., “Celadon artist from Japan”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [32] “Collection|The Metropolitan Museum of Art”. (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [33] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [34] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [35] Brown R. M., “The Sukhothai and Sawankhalok Kilns. In: Dies.: The Ceramics of South–East Asia. Their Dating and Identification”, 2nd edition, Art Media Resources, Chicago, 56–80, 2000.
  • [36] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [37] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [38] (Access Date: 01.12.2017).
  • [39] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [40] Dewar R., “Stoneware”, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, p. 42, 2002.
  • [41] Katsuki H., Shiraishi A., Pee J–H, Cho W–S., Takahashi Y. and Kubuki S., “A relationship between oxidation state of iron and color of Arita celadon glaze characterized by 57Fe–Mössbauer spectroscopy”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2014, 122 [6]: 520–522.
  • [42] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [43] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [44] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [45] “진사 이야기”. The Yonsei Chunchu (in Korean). Yonsei University, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [46] Blehaut, H. L., “Chinese ceramics exported Near and Far East”, Chineese treasure in İstanbul, İstanbul, 16–39, 2001.
  • [47] Carswell J., “Çin seramikleri”, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu, İstanbul, 1995.
  • [48] Desroches J. P., “Les collections de ceramiques chinoises”, Topkapı a Versailles, Tresors de la Cour ottomane, Paris, 119–123, 1999.
  • [49] Erbahar N., “Çin porselenleri”, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası Kültür ve Sanat Hizmetlerinden, İstanbul, 1984.
  • [50] Erdoğdu A. “Chinese porcelains”, Arts of Asia, 2001, 31, 6: 88–100.
  • [51] Galland A., “İstanbul’a ait günlük hatıralar (1672–1673)”, Cilt: I, Çeviri: Nahid Sırrı Örik, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • [52] Krahl R. “The celadon wares”, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapı Saray Museum, Cilt:1, Sotheby’s Londra, 233–240, 1986.
  • [53] Reyhanlı T., “İngiliz gezginlerine göre XVI. yüzyılda İstanbul’da hayat (1582–1599)”, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları: 554, Ankara, 1983.
  • [54] Ünal İ., “Çin porselenlerine ait kaynaklar”, A.Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IX 1961’den ayrıbasım, s.189–195, T.T.K. Basımevi, Ankara, 1962.
  • [55] Zimmermann E., “İstanbul asari atika müzelerinde şaheserler”, Cilt II: Topkapı Sarayındaki Eski Çin Porselenleri, Berlin ve Leipzig, 1930.
  • [56] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [57] Colomban P., Liem N. Q., Sagon G., Tinh, H. X., Tang Ba Hoành T. B., “Microstructure, composition and processing of 15th century Vietnamese porcelains and celadons”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2003, 4: 187–197.
  • [58] Kim J.–Y., No H., Jeon A. Y., Kim U., Pee J.–H., Cho W.–S., Kim K. J., Kim C. M., Kim C. S., “Mössbauer spectroscopic and chromaticity analysis on colorative mechanism of celadon glaze”, Ceramics International, 2011, 37: 3389–3395.
  • [59] Zhu T., Huang H., Wang H., Hu L., Yi X., “Comparison of celadon from the Yaozhou and Xicun kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty of China by x–ray fluorescence and microscopy”, Journal of Archaeological Science 2011, 38: 3134–3140.
  • [60] Li L., Feng S. L., Feng X. Q., Xu Q., Yan L. T., Ma B., Liu L., “Study on elemental features of Longquan celadon at Fengdongyan kiln site in Yuan and Ming Dynasties by EDXRF”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 2012, B 292: 25–29.
  • [61] Hao W., Zheng T., Li Y., Zheng J., Zhu J., Glascock M. D., Wang C., “Provenance study of Chinese proto–celadon in Western Han Dynasty”, Ceramics International 2013, 39: 6325–6332.
  • [62] Lingtong Y., Yang H., Miao L., Long L., Li L., Songlin F., Xiangqian F., “Study on the compositional features of Longquan celadon with black body and Southern Song Guan wares from Laohudong using EDXRF”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015, 4: 395–400.
  • [63] Wu J., Zhang M., Hou T., Li Q., Wu J., “Analysis of the celadon of the Tang and the Five Dynasties unearthed from Nan Kiln and Lantian Kiln site of Jingdezhen, China”, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 6851–6857.
  • [64] He M., Xiao Y., Zhang S., Liu R., Hang W, Huang B., “Composition analysis of ancient celadon via femtosecond laserionization time–of–flight mass spectrometry”, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 351: 624–634.
  • [65] Duan H., Ji D., Ding Y., Wang G., Zheng J., Zhou G., Miao J., “Comparative study of black and gray body celadon shards excavated from Wayaoyang kiln in Longquan, China”, Microchemical Journal, 2016, 126: 274–279.
  • [66] He Z., Zhang M., Zhang H., “Data–driven research on chemical features of Jingdezhen and Longquan celadon by energy dispersive x–ray fluorescence”, Ceramics International, 2013, 42: 5123–5129.
  • [67] Shi P., Wang F., Wang Y., Zhu J., Zhang B., Fang Y., “Coloring and translucency mechanisms of Five Dynasty celadon body from Yaozhou kiln”, Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 11616–11622.
  • [68] Wu S., Li Y., Zhang B., Cheng H., Chen C., Zheng J. “PIXE analysis of early Yue wares from Shangyu and Nanjing (2nd–6th centuries AD)”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, 2017, B 412: 180–184.
  • [69] Li Y., Zhang B., Cheng H., Zheng J., “Revealing the coloration mechanism in the earliest Chinese celadon glaze”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society,
  • [70] Lingtong Y., Heyang S., Li L., Xiangqian F., “Characterization of early Chinese northern celadon with lead glaze from Caocun kiln within Yecheng site”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018 19: 643–650.
  • [71] Li W., Lu X., Zhushchikhovskaya I. S., Nikitin Y. G., Artemieva N. G., Luo H., “Provenance identification of the high–fired glazed wares excavated from the Late Jin Dynasty (Dong Xia State) sites in Russia's Primorye Region”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018, 21: 512–527.
  • [72] Zhang B., Zhang M., Li Y., Cheng H., Zheng J., “PIXE study on recovery of making–technology of Chinese Longquan celadon made in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279 CE)”, Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 3081–3087.

Celadon Glazes

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 388 - 413, 31.05.2019


Celadon (called "seiji" in Japanese) is a reduction-fired glazed ware originated in China during the Song Dynasty (9601270), thereafter spread quickly across Asia and had been widely used is in the Far East between the 10th and 14th centuriesIn ancient China, the ashes of cedar wood, cherry tree, ferns, plants were also included in the glaze batches. Celadon was named in the 18th century by green cloths of a shepherd named Celadon. The colours of celadon glazes vary from greygreen to yellowgreen. Iron, chromium, tin, titanium and nickel compounds in the composition of the glaze are effective on colour, mainly under reduction. Celadon glazed ceramics are generally formed by the reduction of iron oxide doped glazes to the surfaces of reinforced clays substrates containing iron during firing. In this paper the journey of celadon glazes from past to present time is given.


  • [1] “Chinese Porcelain Glossary: Celadon”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [2] “Goryeo Celadon|Essay|Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History|The Metropolitan Museum of Art", (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [3] Vainker S. J., “Chinese Pottery and Porcelain”, British Museum Press, pp. 53–55, 1991.
  • [4] “Glossary Celadon Glaze”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [5] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [6] Wang M., Zhu T., Ding X., Hui Z., Wua F., Liu C., Sun W., “Composition comparison of Zhejiang Longquan celadon and its imitation in Dapu kiln of Guangdong in the Ming Dynasty of China (1368–1644 CE) by LA–ICP–MS”, Ceramics International, 2018, 44:1785–1796.
  • [7] Vandiver P. B., “Ancient Glazes”, Scientific American, 1990, 262, 4: 106–113.
  • [8] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [9] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [10] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
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  • [12] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [13] Zhongshu W., “Han Civilization”, Translated by K. C. Chang and Collaborators, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1982.
  • [14] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 1, 1980.
  • [15] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 4, 1980.
  • [16] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 6, 1980.
  • [17] Wood N., “Chinese Glazes: Their Origins, Chemistry, and Recreation”, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 75–76, 1999.
  • [18] “Katzenelnbogener Weltrekorde: Erster Riesling und Erste Bratwurst!”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [19] Gompertz G. St. G. M., Chinese Celadon Wares, 2nd edn., Faber & Faber, Ch. 7 & 8, 1980.
  • [20] “Porcelain Menu–EY Net Japanese Pottery Primer”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [21] “Shinobu K., Japanese celadon artist”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018)..
  • [22] “고려청자의 세계”, Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (in Korean), (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [23] Cartwritght, M., “Korean celadon pottery”, Ancient History Encyclopedia,,+Mark+(2016-09-17).+%22Korean+Celadon+Pottery%22.+Ancient+History+Encyclopedia&nfpr=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiznO7R7vnfAhUwUxUIHXL-Cj0QvgUIJSgB&biw=1707&bih=850&dpr=1.5 (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [24] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [25] “Icheon Ceramics Village (이천도예마을)|Official Korea Tourism Organization”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [26] Horlyck C., “Desirable commodities–unearthing and collecting Koryŏ celadon ceramics in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”, University of London, Bulletin of SOAS, 2013, 76, 3: 467–491.
  • [27] “Celadon Menu–EY Net Japanese Pottery Primer”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [28] “Ambient Green Flow 青韻流動”. (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [29] “Pure–pure”, Seihakuji bowl|Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [30] “Masamichi Y.–Artists, Japanese fine art”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [31] “Seiko M., “Celadon artist from Japan”, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [32] “Collection|The Metropolitan Museum of Art”. (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [33] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [34] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [35] Brown R. M., “The Sukhothai and Sawankhalok Kilns. In: Dies.: The Ceramics of South–East Asia. Their Dating and Identification”, 2nd edition, Art Media Resources, Chicago, 56–80, 2000.
  • [36] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [37] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [38] (Access Date: 01.12.2017).
  • [39] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [40] Dewar R., “Stoneware”, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, p. 42, 2002.
  • [41] Katsuki H., Shiraishi A., Pee J–H, Cho W–S., Takahashi Y. and Kubuki S., “A relationship between oxidation state of iron and color of Arita celadon glaze characterized by 57Fe–Mössbauer spectroscopy”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2014, 122 [6]: 520–522.
  • [42] Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [43] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [44] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [45] “진사 이야기”. The Yonsei Chunchu (in Korean). Yonsei University, (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [46] Blehaut, H. L., “Chinese ceramics exported Near and Far East”, Chineese treasure in İstanbul, İstanbul, 16–39, 2001.
  • [47] Carswell J., “Çin seramikleri”, Sadberk Hanım Müzesi Koleksiyonu, İstanbul, 1995.
  • [48] Desroches J. P., “Les collections de ceramiques chinoises”, Topkapı a Versailles, Tresors de la Cour ottomane, Paris, 119–123, 1999.
  • [49] Erbahar N., “Çin porselenleri”, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası Kültür ve Sanat Hizmetlerinden, İstanbul, 1984.
  • [50] Erdoğdu A. “Chinese porcelains”, Arts of Asia, 2001, 31, 6: 88–100.
  • [51] Galland A., “İstanbul’a ait günlük hatıralar (1672–1673)”, Cilt: I, Çeviri: Nahid Sırrı Örik, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara, 1987.
  • [52] Krahl R. “The celadon wares”, Chinese Ceramics in the Topkapı Saray Museum, Cilt:1, Sotheby’s Londra, 233–240, 1986.
  • [53] Reyhanlı T., “İngiliz gezginlerine göre XVI. yüzyılda İstanbul’da hayat (1582–1599)”, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları: 554, Ankara, 1983.
  • [54] Ünal İ., “Çin porselenlerine ait kaynaklar”, A.Ü. İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt: IX 1961’den ayrıbasım, s.189–195, T.T.K. Basımevi, Ankara, 1962.
  • [55] Zimmermann E., “İstanbul asari atika müzelerinde şaheserler”, Cilt II: Topkapı Sarayındaki Eski Çin Porselenleri, Berlin ve Leipzig, 1930.
  • [56] (Access Date: 01.12.2018).
  • [57] Colomban P., Liem N. Q., Sagon G., Tinh, H. X., Tang Ba Hoành T. B., “Microstructure, composition and processing of 15th century Vietnamese porcelains and celadons”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2003, 4: 187–197.
  • [58] Kim J.–Y., No H., Jeon A. Y., Kim U., Pee J.–H., Cho W.–S., Kim K. J., Kim C. M., Kim C. S., “Mössbauer spectroscopic and chromaticity analysis on colorative mechanism of celadon glaze”, Ceramics International, 2011, 37: 3389–3395.
  • [59] Zhu T., Huang H., Wang H., Hu L., Yi X., “Comparison of celadon from the Yaozhou and Xicun kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty of China by x–ray fluorescence and microscopy”, Journal of Archaeological Science 2011, 38: 3134–3140.
  • [60] Li L., Feng S. L., Feng X. Q., Xu Q., Yan L. T., Ma B., Liu L., “Study on elemental features of Longquan celadon at Fengdongyan kiln site in Yuan and Ming Dynasties by EDXRF”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 2012, B 292: 25–29.
  • [61] Hao W., Zheng T., Li Y., Zheng J., Zhu J., Glascock M. D., Wang C., “Provenance study of Chinese proto–celadon in Western Han Dynasty”, Ceramics International 2013, 39: 6325–6332.
  • [62] Lingtong Y., Yang H., Miao L., Long L., Li L., Songlin F., Xiangqian F., “Study on the compositional features of Longquan celadon with black body and Southern Song Guan wares from Laohudong using EDXRF”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2015, 4: 395–400.
  • [63] Wu J., Zhang M., Hou T., Li Q., Wu J., “Analysis of the celadon of the Tang and the Five Dynasties unearthed from Nan Kiln and Lantian Kiln site of Jingdezhen, China”, Ceramics International, 2015, 41: 6851–6857.
  • [64] He M., Xiao Y., Zhang S., Liu R., Hang W, Huang B., “Composition analysis of ancient celadon via femtosecond laserionization time–of–flight mass spectrometry”, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 351: 624–634.
  • [65] Duan H., Ji D., Ding Y., Wang G., Zheng J., Zhou G., Miao J., “Comparative study of black and gray body celadon shards excavated from Wayaoyang kiln in Longquan, China”, Microchemical Journal, 2016, 126: 274–279.
  • [66] He Z., Zhang M., Zhang H., “Data–driven research on chemical features of Jingdezhen and Longquan celadon by energy dispersive x–ray fluorescence”, Ceramics International, 2013, 42: 5123–5129.
  • [67] Shi P., Wang F., Wang Y., Zhu J., Zhang B., Fang Y., “Coloring and translucency mechanisms of Five Dynasty celadon body from Yaozhou kiln”, Ceramics International, 2017, 43: 11616–11622.
  • [68] Wu S., Li Y., Zhang B., Cheng H., Chen C., Zheng J. “PIXE analysis of early Yue wares from Shangyu and Nanjing (2nd–6th centuries AD)”, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, 2017, B 412: 180–184.
  • [69] Li Y., Zhang B., Cheng H., Zheng J., “Revealing the coloration mechanism in the earliest Chinese celadon glaze”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society,
  • [70] Lingtong Y., Heyang S., Li L., Xiangqian F., “Characterization of early Chinese northern celadon with lead glaze from Caocun kiln within Yecheng site”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018 19: 643–650.
  • [71] Li W., Lu X., Zhushchikhovskaya I. S., Nikitin Y. G., Artemieva N. G., Luo H., “Provenance identification of the high–fired glazed wares excavated from the Late Jin Dynasty (Dong Xia State) sites in Russia's Primorye Region”, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2018, 21: 512–527.
  • [72] Zhang B., Zhang M., Li Y., Cheng H., Zheng J., “PIXE study on recovery of making–technology of Chinese Longquan celadon made in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279 CE)”, Ceramics International, 2019, 45: 3081–3087.
Toplam 72 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Derleme

Bekir Karasu 0000-0002-7769-9863

Ülkü Melda Andaş Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7769-9863

Gizem Ak Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-7769-9863

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2019
Kabul Tarihi 30 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE B. Karasu, Ü. M. Andaş, ve G. Ak, “Seladon Sırları”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, c. 6, sy. 2, ss. 388–413, 2019, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.530520.
Creative Commons License El-Cezeri is licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.