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Kaplanmış ve Kaplanmamış Kağıtların Baskı Kalitesine Etkisini Belirleyen Parametrelerin Analizi

Year 2023, , 130 - 140, 30.09.2023


Kağıt ve mürekkep basılı malzeme üretiminde temel iki hammaddedir. Basılı mamül üzerinde görsel kalite çok önemlidir. Kağıt üzerinde, mürekkeple bir görüntüyü aslına uygun ve yüksek çözünürlükte basabilmek; kağıt ve mürekkep arayüzey ilişkisinin kalitesine bağlıdır. Mekanik odun hamurunun yoğun olarak kullanıldığı gazete kağıdı, kitap kağıdı ve saf selüloz esaslı 1.hamur kağıtlar gözenekli porozit yapıdadırlar. Bu kağıtlar üzerine baskı Coldset Ofset baskı ile gerçekleştirilir. Coldset ofset baskı, mürekkebin sıvı kısmının buharlaşması ve kağıda emilmesi yoluyla kurumanın geç gerçekleştiği bir baskı işlemidir. Mürekkebin tamamen kuruması (katılaşması) bazen birkaç gün sürebilir. Bu kuruma sürecinde kağıt bünyesindeki selüloz kapilerlerine dikey yönde nüfuz eden mürekkep, yatay yönde de aynı davranışı gösterir. Baskı basıncı nedeniyle mekanik olarak büyüyen (Dot Gain) nokta çapı kuruma sürecindeki kendiliğinden mikro adımlarla ilerleyerek daha da büyür. Dikey yönde ise kağıdın arka yüzeyine geçme eğilimindedir. Bu nedenle kağıt-mürekkep arayüzey davranışı mümkün olduğunca kontrol altında tutulması gereken önemli bir parametredir. Kağıdın pürüzlü yüzeyi, gözenekli yapısı ve nemi, mürekkebin viskozitesi ve kağıt yüzeyine basılan miktarı, NIP noktasındaki baskı basıncı, baskı odasının fiziksel şartları bu ara yüzey ilişkisinde etkilidir.
Çalışmada yüzeyi kaplanmış ve kaplanmamış kağıtların üzerine baskıda görüntü kalitesine etki eden faktörler test baskısı yapılarak incelenmiştir. Baskı kalitesinin incelenmesi için özel hazırlanan CMYK test skalası, yüzeyi kaplanmamış kağıtlara en iyi örnek olan ve özellikle kitap üretiminde yoğun olarak kullanılan woodfree coated paper ve woodfree uncoated paper ile yüzeyi kaplanmış pürüzsüz kağıtlara, Coldset Ofset Baskı ile baskılar yapılmıştır. Baskı sonrası kağıtların yüzeyi spektrofotometre ile ölçülerek; nokta büyümeleri ve trapping değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Stereoskopik mikroskopla da baskıların yüzey ve arayüzey görüntüleri alınarak görsel incelemeler yapılmıştır.


  • Acar Büyükpehlivan, G., Oktav, M., Özdemir, L. & Ural, E. (2022). Basic terms and explanations of print inks. Eurasscience Journals, 10 (1), 1-6.
  • Akgül, A., Şehnaz, Y., Sesli, Y., Oktav, M., Müjgan, N. D. (2022). Effect of paper porosity and mesh weaving density on total color difference (δe) in screen printing on paper. 7– 8 February 2020. IX. UMTEB International Congress on Vocational & Technical Sciences. Gaziantep.
  • Akgul, A., Ozakhun, C., Tutak, D. (2006). The investigation of the effect of liquid absorbing capacity of rough surfaced papers on the densitometric values of printed inks. 19-21 March 2006. Annual Technical Conference, Technical Association of the Graphic Arts.
  • Aslaninejad, H. & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2017). Study of hydraulic properties of uncoated paper: image analysis and pore-scale modeling. Transport in Porous Media, 120 (3), 67-81. 0
  • Aydemir, C., Kašiković, N., Horvath, C. & Durdevic, S. (2021). Effect of paper surface properties on ink color change, print gloss and light fastness resistance. Cellulose Chem. Technol., 55 (1-2),133-139.
  • Bluvol, G. & Carlsson, R. (2006). Optimizing ink setting properties on double coated wood-free papers. [Accessed 17th april 2023].
  • Cigula, T., Tomaššegovićć, T., Hudika, T. (2019). Effect of the paper surface properties on the ink transfer parameters in offset printing. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 34 (4), 540-549.
  • Desie, G., Deroover, G., Voeght, F. D., Soucemarianadin, A. (2004). Printing of dye and pigment-based aqueous inks onto porous substrates. Journal of Imagıng Scıence and Technology. 48 (5), 389-397.
  • Dhirender, Mr., Rajeev, Mr., Bijender, Mr. (2017). Identificatıon and analysis of ink setting and drying in sheet-fed offset and dry toner based digital printing presses. IJESRT, 6 (7), 677-686.
  • Eldred, N. R. (2012). What the printer should know about ink. Trans. Ülgen, M., Oktav, M., & Gençoğlu, E. N. Basev P ublications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Eldred, N. R. (2019). Chemistry fort he graphic arts. Trans. Ülgen, M., Oktav, M., & Çakır, N. Basev Publications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Elsayad, S., El-Sherbiny, S., Morsy, F., Wiseman, N. & El-Saied, H. (2001). Effect of some paper coating parameters on print gloss of offset prints. Surface Coatings International Part A, 3, 1-6.
  • Elwan, A. A. (2017). Influence of ink viscosity level on tone value increase in sheet-fed offset printing. International Design Journal, 7 (2), 307-312.
  • Hamada, H., Bousfield, D. W. & Luu, W. T. (2009). Absorption mechanism of aqueous and solvent inks into synthetic nonwoven fabrics. journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 52 (5), 050201–050201-6. Hayta, P.,,Sesli, Y. & Oktav, M. (2023). The concept of resolution in printing technologies. Eurasscience Journals, 11(1), 11-20.
  • Jiang, W. Y. (2010). Comparison of the printing characteristics between coated art paper and matt art paper. 12-15 October 2010, Proceedings of the 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging. Tianjin, China.
  • Jurič, I., Karlović, K., Tomić, I. & Novaković, D. (2013). Optical paper properties and their influence on colour reproduction and perceived print quality. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 28 (2), 264-273.
  • Kipphan, H. (2001). Handbook of print media. Springer-Verlag: Germany. Kumaraguru, K., Rengasamy, M., Titus Praveen Kumar, E. & Venkadesh, D. (2014). Factors affecting printing quality of paper from bagasse pulp. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 6 (5), 2783-2787.
  • Li, Y., He, B. (2011). Characterization of ink pigment penetration and distribution related to surface topography of paper using confocal laser scanning microscopy. BioResources, 6 (3), 2690-2702.
  • Masood, R. & Pillai, K. M. (2010). Darcy’s law-based model for wicking in paper-like swelling porous media. AIChE Journal, 56 (9), 2257-2267.
  • Mettänen, M. (2010). Measurement of print quality: joint statistical analysis of paper topography and print defects. Doctoral Thesis. Tampere University of Technology.
  • Mikula, M., Čeppan, M., Vaško, K. (2003). Gloss and gonio colorimetry of printed materials. Color Research and Application, 28(5):335-342.
  • MPI, Master Painters Institute Gloss Levels, [Accessed 17th april 2023]
  • Oktav, M. (1994). Examining the factors determining the effect of paper-ink interfacial on print quality. Marmara University PhD Thesis: İstanbul.
  • Oktav, M., Acar Büyükpehlivan, G., Kandan, N. A. (2021). Basic technical problems and solutions in offset printing. Basev Publications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Panpan, L. (2014). Properties and printing performance of light-weight paper. Bachelor’s Thesis. Saimaa University of Applied Sciences Technology.
  • Ragab, A. E. R. & Kader, M. E. A. E. (2020). Analysis of trapping of color sequences of multicolor offset printing. International Design Journal, 1 (1), 55-61.
  • Rioux, R. W. (2003). The rate of fluid absorption in porous media. The University of Maine, Master Thesis:USA.
  • Rousu, S., Gane, P., Eklund, D. (2003). Distribution of offset ink constituents in paper coating and implications for print quality. TAPPI Advanced Coating Fundamentals,
  • Analysis of the Parameters Determining the Effect of Coated and Uncoated Papers on Print Quality [Accessed 10th april 2023].
  • Sesli, Y. & Hayta, P. (2023). International Studies in Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences XXI, Chapter: Definitions of color communication and color problems in graphic design and printing systems. Editor: Dr. Mustafa Kısa. Eğitim Publishing, Konya, Turkey.
  • Shinde, D. H. (2018). Effect of porosity of paper on printing in different printing processes. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, 18884- 18886.
  • Srividya, B., Thirunavukkarasu, V. (2016). Print quality assessment for web offset colour printing machine in newspaper production. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). 34 (7), 322-326.
  • Srividya, B. (2016). Investigation of print quality in newspaper printing using a web offset printing machine based on computational intelligence. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 6 (4), 318-324.
  • Stankovská, M., Gigac, J., Letgo, M. & Opálená, E. (2014). The effect of surface sizing on paper wettability and on properties of inkjet prints. Wood Research, 59 (1), 67-76.
  • Ström, G. & Englund, A. (2003). Effect of coating structure on print gloss after sheet-fed offset printing. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 18 (1), 108-115.
  • Yang, L. (2003). Ink-paper interaction: a study in ink-jet color reproduction. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Dissertations No. 806. Sweden.
  • Yang, Y. G., Liu, F. P. (2011). The Effects of ink viscosity on the ink permeability inside newsprint and offset paper. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 314-316: 1359-1362.

Analysis of The Parameters Determining The Effect of Coated and Uncoated Papers on Print Quality

Year 2023, , 130 - 140, 30.09.2023


Both paper and ink are the two main raw materials in the manufacture of printed materials. The visual quality of the printed product is very important. Printing an image on paper with ink in high resolution is dependent on the quality of the interfacial relationship between paper and ink. Newsprint, book paper, and pure cellulose-based high-grade paper pulp where the mechanical wood pulp is intensively utilized have porous structures. Coldset offset printing is used for printing on these papers. The coldset offset printing is a printing process where drying occurs late by evaporation of the liquid portion of the ink and absorption into the paper. The ink can sometimes take several days to dry completely (solidify). During this drying process, the ink penetrates the cellulose capillaries in the paper in the vertical direction and behaves the same in the horizontal direction. The dot diameter, which mechanically grows due to the printing pressure (dot gain), grows even larger by spontaneous micro-steps during the drying process. It tends to cross to the back surface of the paper in a vertical direction. For this reason, the paper-ink interfacial behavior is a critical parameter that should be maintained under control as much as possible. The rough surface, porous structure and humidity of the paper, the viscosity and amount of ink printed on the paper surface, the printing pressure at the NIP point, and the physical conditions of the printing room are influential in this interfacial relationship.
In this study, the factors that affect the image quality in printing on uncoated and coated papers were investigated by test printing. The CMYK test scale, which was specially prepared for the examination of print quality, was printed with Coldset Offset Printing on smooth papers coated with woodfree coated paper and woodfree uncoated paper, which are the best examples of uncoated papers and are widely used especially in book production. After printing, the surface of the papers was measured with a spectrophotometer and the dot growth and trapping values were determined. Surface and interfacial images of the prints were taken with a stereoscopic microscope and visual examinations were undertaken.


  • Acar Büyükpehlivan, G., Oktav, M., Özdemir, L. & Ural, E. (2022). Basic terms and explanations of print inks. Eurasscience Journals, 10 (1), 1-6.
  • Akgül, A., Şehnaz, Y., Sesli, Y., Oktav, M., Müjgan, N. D. (2022). Effect of paper porosity and mesh weaving density on total color difference (δe) in screen printing on paper. 7– 8 February 2020. IX. UMTEB International Congress on Vocational & Technical Sciences. Gaziantep.
  • Akgul, A., Ozakhun, C., Tutak, D. (2006). The investigation of the effect of liquid absorbing capacity of rough surfaced papers on the densitometric values of printed inks. 19-21 March 2006. Annual Technical Conference, Technical Association of the Graphic Arts.
  • Aslaninejad, H. & Hassanizadeh, S. M. (2017). Study of hydraulic properties of uncoated paper: image analysis and pore-scale modeling. Transport in Porous Media, 120 (3), 67-81. 0
  • Aydemir, C., Kašiković, N., Horvath, C. & Durdevic, S. (2021). Effect of paper surface properties on ink color change, print gloss and light fastness resistance. Cellulose Chem. Technol., 55 (1-2),133-139.
  • Bluvol, G. & Carlsson, R. (2006). Optimizing ink setting properties on double coated wood-free papers. [Accessed 17th april 2023].
  • Cigula, T., Tomaššegovićć, T., Hudika, T. (2019). Effect of the paper surface properties on the ink transfer parameters in offset printing. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 34 (4), 540-549.
  • Desie, G., Deroover, G., Voeght, F. D., Soucemarianadin, A. (2004). Printing of dye and pigment-based aqueous inks onto porous substrates. Journal of Imagıng Scıence and Technology. 48 (5), 389-397.
  • Dhirender, Mr., Rajeev, Mr., Bijender, Mr. (2017). Identificatıon and analysis of ink setting and drying in sheet-fed offset and dry toner based digital printing presses. IJESRT, 6 (7), 677-686.
  • Eldred, N. R. (2012). What the printer should know about ink. Trans. Ülgen, M., Oktav, M., & Gençoğlu, E. N. Basev P ublications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Eldred, N. R. (2019). Chemistry fort he graphic arts. Trans. Ülgen, M., Oktav, M., & Çakır, N. Basev Publications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Elsayad, S., El-Sherbiny, S., Morsy, F., Wiseman, N. & El-Saied, H. (2001). Effect of some paper coating parameters on print gloss of offset prints. Surface Coatings International Part A, 3, 1-6.
  • Elwan, A. A. (2017). Influence of ink viscosity level on tone value increase in sheet-fed offset printing. International Design Journal, 7 (2), 307-312.
  • Hamada, H., Bousfield, D. W. & Luu, W. T. (2009). Absorption mechanism of aqueous and solvent inks into synthetic nonwoven fabrics. journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 52 (5), 050201–050201-6. Hayta, P.,,Sesli, Y. & Oktav, M. (2023). The concept of resolution in printing technologies. Eurasscience Journals, 11(1), 11-20.
  • Jiang, W. Y. (2010). Comparison of the printing characteristics between coated art paper and matt art paper. 12-15 October 2010, Proceedings of the 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging. Tianjin, China.
  • Jurič, I., Karlović, K., Tomić, I. & Novaković, D. (2013). Optical paper properties and their influence on colour reproduction and perceived print quality. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 28 (2), 264-273.
  • Kipphan, H. (2001). Handbook of print media. Springer-Verlag: Germany. Kumaraguru, K., Rengasamy, M., Titus Praveen Kumar, E. & Venkadesh, D. (2014). Factors affecting printing quality of paper from bagasse pulp. International Journal of ChemTech Research, 6 (5), 2783-2787.
  • Li, Y., He, B. (2011). Characterization of ink pigment penetration and distribution related to surface topography of paper using confocal laser scanning microscopy. BioResources, 6 (3), 2690-2702.
  • Masood, R. & Pillai, K. M. (2010). Darcy’s law-based model for wicking in paper-like swelling porous media. AIChE Journal, 56 (9), 2257-2267.
  • Mettänen, M. (2010). Measurement of print quality: joint statistical analysis of paper topography and print defects. Doctoral Thesis. Tampere University of Technology.
  • Mikula, M., Čeppan, M., Vaško, K. (2003). Gloss and gonio colorimetry of printed materials. Color Research and Application, 28(5):335-342.
  • MPI, Master Painters Institute Gloss Levels, [Accessed 17th april 2023]
  • Oktav, M. (1994). Examining the factors determining the effect of paper-ink interfacial on print quality. Marmara University PhD Thesis: İstanbul.
  • Oktav, M., Acar Büyükpehlivan, G., Kandan, N. A. (2021). Basic technical problems and solutions in offset printing. Basev Publications, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • Panpan, L. (2014). Properties and printing performance of light-weight paper. Bachelor’s Thesis. Saimaa University of Applied Sciences Technology.
  • Ragab, A. E. R. & Kader, M. E. A. E. (2020). Analysis of trapping of color sequences of multicolor offset printing. International Design Journal, 1 (1), 55-61.
  • Rioux, R. W. (2003). The rate of fluid absorption in porous media. The University of Maine, Master Thesis:USA.
  • Rousu, S., Gane, P., Eklund, D. (2003). Distribution of offset ink constituents in paper coating and implications for print quality. TAPPI Advanced Coating Fundamentals,
  • Analysis of the Parameters Determining the Effect of Coated and Uncoated Papers on Print Quality [Accessed 10th april 2023].
  • Sesli, Y. & Hayta, P. (2023). International Studies in Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences XXI, Chapter: Definitions of color communication and color problems in graphic design and printing systems. Editor: Dr. Mustafa Kısa. Eğitim Publishing, Konya, Turkey.
  • Shinde, D. H. (2018). Effect of porosity of paper on printing in different printing processes. International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, 18884- 18886.
  • Srividya, B., Thirunavukkarasu, V. (2016). Print quality assessment for web offset colour printing machine in newspaper production. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). 34 (7), 322-326.
  • Srividya, B. (2016). Investigation of print quality in newspaper printing using a web offset printing machine based on computational intelligence. International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 6 (4), 318-324.
  • Stankovská, M., Gigac, J., Letgo, M. & Opálená, E. (2014). The effect of surface sizing on paper wettability and on properties of inkjet prints. Wood Research, 59 (1), 67-76.
  • Ström, G. & Englund, A. (2003). Effect of coating structure on print gloss after sheet-fed offset printing. Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 18 (1), 108-115.
  • Yang, L. (2003). Ink-paper interaction: a study in ink-jet color reproduction. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Dissertations No. 806. Sweden.
  • Yang, Y. G., Liu, F. P. (2011). The Effects of ink viscosity on the ink permeability inside newsprint and offset paper. Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 314-316: 1359-1362.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Yasemin Sesli 0000-0002-1238-9071

Pelin Hayta 0000-0003-1613-0785

Ahmet Akgül 0000-0001-8726-4727

Mehmet Oktav 0000-0002-9872-4802

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date August 13, 2023
Acceptance Date August 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Sesli, Y., Hayta, P., Akgül, A., Oktav, M. (2023). Analysis of The Parameters Determining The Effect of Coated and Uncoated Papers on Print Quality. 19 Mayıs Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(3), 130-140.