
Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is a peer-reviewed and scientific journal published twice a year by Ankara University European Communities Research and Application Center since 2001. ARES (ISSN 1303-2518 and e-ISSN: 2980-3349) includes original and well-documented articles about European integration, the European Union, and Türkiye-EU relations as well as case studies and book reviews. The review is published in Turkish and English in June and December.

AACD is searched in the following indexes and databases:
Web of Science Core Collection/Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
EBSCO (One Belt, One Road Reference Source)
IBZ and IBR from De Gruyter, Berlin
International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA)
Index Islamicus

Publication Administration Center Address: Ankara University European Communities Research and Application Center
Ankara University Cebeci Campus, Cemal Gürsel Caddesi, 06590, Cebeci / Çankaya / Ankara

Journal's Website: http://aacd.ankara.edu.tr

Last Update Time: 12/11/24, 4:09:46 PM


Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is licenced under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND license.