Works such as articles, case studies and book reviews can be sent to Ankara Review of European Studies.
• Works must be in Turkish or English.
• The works will be written in Times New Roman in Microsoft Word. Line spacing should be 1.5. 12 point font size should be used for text and 10 point font size should be used for footnotes.
• Articles should be between 6,000-10,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Case studies should be between 3000-5000 words, including footnotes and bibliography. Book reviews should be between 1500-2000 words. A similarity report is mandatory for article applications. During the file upload step, the similarity report will be prepared by excluding "quotations, text parts with overlap of less than 5 words and bibliography" and the result will be notified to the author by e-mail. When the result of the report is announced, the author will be able to complete the submission process. In order for the manuscript to be proceeded to evaluation, the total similarity rate in the report must be below 15%, and the similarity with a single work must be below 4%.
• Articles should include a Turkish and English summary not exceeding 200 words and a maximum of 5 keywords in Turkish and English. For articles in foreign languages, journal editors may add Turkish abstracts and keywords when necessary.
• Sources used in the works should be given both in footnotes and in the bibliography. Reference style must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Please see
• In the subheading system to be used in the works, the first subheading is "I-II-III-...", the second subheading is "A-B-C-...", the third subheading is "1-2-3...", the fourth subheading is "a-b-c-...", the fifth subheading is "A-B-C-..." The subheading should be “i-ii-iii-…” and the sixth subheading should be “aa-bb-cc-…”.
• Tables, graphics and figures to be used in the works must be included in the main text file submitted. Graphs, figures and tables must be in JPEG, GIF, BMP or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) format. The graph, figure or table must be small enough to fit on an A4 page.
• Tables, graphs and figures should be numbered sequentially and should be the same numbering used in the text.
Ankara Review of European Studies (ARES) is licenced under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND license.