Conference Paper
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Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 145 - 167, 01.10.2010


For the European Union, Turkey’s full membership constitutes the basis of many heated arguments and has become a topic that is continually deferred to a later date. Perhaps the most frequently repeated reason given for the stand against Turkey’s accession by both the leading elite of the Union and member states, and the EU community, is that Turkey’s socio-cultural status significantly differs from that of the EU. This reasoning is also fed by a historical background that made Turks the most noteworthy Other for Europe for centuries. The present study attempts to show that cultural differences resulting especially from religion and the role Turkey has played as the most important historical Other, in fact constitute a principal point that the EU needs to take into account in terms of accepting Turkey’s membership bid. This is actually necessary if the EU is to reach its ideal of building a fully political union founded on a democratic and pluralistic framework


  • Emanuel ADLER, “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 3, No 3, 1997, s. 319-363.
  • Attila AGH, The Politics of Central Europe, London, Sage, 1998.
  • Deniz ALTINBAŞ, “Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Sarkozy Fransası Faktörü”, Mayıs 2008, (18 Aralık 2009).
  • Talal ASAD, “Muslims and European Identity”, Elizabeth Hallam ve Brian V. Street (der.), Cultural Encounters- Representing ‘Otherness’, London, Routledge, 2001, s. 16.
  • Natalya BALYTSKA, “Public Opinion in Turkey And EU Member States on the Turkish EU Membership”, Cross-Regional Discipline Meeting of AFP Fellows, 22-28 Şubat 2006, s. 16.
  • Paloma Gay BLASCO, “This is not a Place for Civilised People: Isolation, Enforced Education and Resistance Among Spanish Gypsies”, Carolyn Strange ve Alison Bashford (der.), Isolation: Places and Practices of Exclusion, London, Routledge, 2003, ss. 208-221.
  • Stefan BERGER, “Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe”, Debatte, Cilt. 12, No. 1, 2004, ss. 73-96.
  • Robert BİDELEUX and Ian JEFFRİES, A History of Eastern Europe, London, Routledge, 1998.
  • Yücel BULUT, Oryantalizmin Kısa Tarihi, 2. Basım, İstanbul, Küre Yayınları, 2006.
  • Jose CASANOVA, “Religion, European Secular Identities and European Integration”, Timothy A. Byrnes ve Peter J. Katzenstein (der.), Religion in An Expanding Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, s. 74.
  • Comission of European Communities, “A People’s Europe: Reports from the Ad Hoc Committee,” Bulletin of the European Communities 7/85, 1985.
  • Comission of European Communities, “Copenhagen European Council”, Bulletin of the European Communities 6/94, 1993, s. 7-26.
  • Comission of European Communities, “Negotiating Framework”, (3 Ekim 2005), (19 Kasım 2009), s. 1.
  • Norman DAVİES, Avrupa Tarihi, Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay (Çev. Ed.), Ankara, İmge Kitabevi, 2006, s. 1206.
  • Gerard DELANTY ve Chris RUMFORD, Rethinking Europe, London, Routledge, 2005, s. 28.
  • EP-CIA (European Parliament Committee on Institutional Affairs), Report on the Amsterdam Treaty, Strasbourg, 5 November 1997, s. 15.
  • Euractiv, “AB-Türkiye Müzakere Süreci”, , 16 Aralık 2009.
  • EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Report on Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU, 2007, , (26 Mayıs 2010).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 63, (Eylül 2005),, (14 Eylül 2009).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 64, (Aralık 2005),, (14 Eylül 2009).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 69, (Kasım 2008),, (14 Eylül 2009), s. 28.
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 69 – Values of Europeans, (Kasım 2008), (10 Ekim 2009).
  • Josep FONTANA, Çarpıtılmış Geçmişe Ayna-Avrupa’nın Yeniden Yorumlanması, İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık, 2003, s. 88.
  • Will GUY (der.), Between Past and Future: The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire, 2001; Angus Bancroft, Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe: Modernity, Race, Space and Exclusion, Avebury, Ashgate Press.
  • Elizabeth HALLAM and Brian V. STREET, “Introduction”, Elizabeth Hallam ve Brian V. Street (der.), Cultural Encounters- Representing ‘Otherness’, London, Routledge, 2000, s. 1-10.
  • Anja V. HARTMANN and Beatrice HEUSER (der.), War, Peace and World Orders in European History, London, Routledge, 2001.
  • Richard HİLL, We Europeans, Brussels, Europublications, 1995.
  • Ted HOPF, “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”, Andrew Linklater (der.), International Relations: Critical Concepts in Political Science, London, Routledge, 1998, s. 1756-1783.
  • Catherine HOSKYNS, “The European Union and the Women Within: An Overview of Women’s Rights Policy”, R. Amy Elman (der.), Sexual Politics and the European Union, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 1996, s. 13-23.
  • Adrian HYDE-PRİCE, The International Politics of East Central Europe, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1996.
  • A. HUSSEYNOV, “Ethical Basis of European Identity”, Nedret Kuran Burçoğlu (der.), Multiculturalism: Identity and Otherness, İstanbul, Boğaziçi University Press, ss. 57-61.
  • Ingmar KARLSSON, İslam ve Avrupa: İnanç Ayrılığı ve Yaşam Birliği, 2. Basım, İstanbul, Cem Yayınevi, 2000.
  • Martin KOVATS, “The Emergence of European Roma Policy”, Guy, Will (der.), Between Past and Future: The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire, 2001, ss. 93-116.
  • Helmut KURY, Joachim OBERGFELL-FUCHS and Gunda WOESSNER, “The Extent of Family Violence in Europe”, Violence Against Women, Cilt 10, No 7, 2004, s. 749-769.
  • Martin MARCUSSEN et al., “Constructing Europe? The Evolution of Nation Sate Identities”, Thomas Christiansen, Knud Erik Jorgensen ve Antje Wiener (der.), The Social Construction of Europe, London, Sage, 2001, ss. 101-121.
  • Krzysztof MİCHALSKİ, “Introduction”, Krzysztof Michalski (der.), What Holds Europe Together?, Budapest, Central European University Pres, 2006, s. 11.
  • Lambros Couloubaritsis et al., The Origins of European Identity, Brussels, European Interuniversity Press, 1993.
  • Mirela-Luminita MURGESCU, “The Turk in Romanian History Schoolbooks (19th- 20th Centuries)”, The Image of the Turk in Europe From the Declaration of the Republic in 1923 to the 1990s, Nedret Kuran Burcoglu (der.), İstanbul, Isis Press, 2000, s. 275-289.
  • Iver B. NEUMANN, Uses of the Other- “The East” in European Identity Formation, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
  • Vivienne ORCHARD, “Culture as Opposed to What”, European Journal of Social Theory, Cilt 5, No 4, 2002, ss. 419-433.
  • Sven PAPCKE, “Who Needs European Identity and What Could It Be?”, Brian Nelson (der.), The Idea of Europe, Oxford, Berg, s. 72.
  • Bkikhu PAREKH, Rethinking Multiculturalism-Cultural Diversity and Political Theory, 2. Baskı, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, s. 147.
  • Sergei PROZOROV, “Border Regions and the Politics of EU-Russian Relations”, Working Papers Series in EU Border Conflicts Studies, regions-the-politics-of-EU.pdf > (19 Aralık 2009).
  • Frederick QUİNN, The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in the Western Thought, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Michel ROCARD ve Olivier FERRAND, “La Turquie a sa place dans une Europe politique”, Liberation, 13 Kasım 2009.
  • Denis De ROUGEMONT, The Idea of Europe, London, Collier-Macmillan, 1966.
  • Michael J. SHAPİRO, The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography and Policy Analysis, Wisconsin, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1988, s. 101.
  • Cris SHORE, “Imagining the New Europe: Identity and Heritage in European Community Discourse”, Paul Graves-Brown et al. (der.), Cultural Identity and Archaelogy: The Construction of European Communities, London, Routledge, 1996, ss. 96-116
  • Carl F. STYCHİN, “Sexual Citizenship in the European Union”, Citizenship Studies, Cilt 5, No 3, 2001, ss. 285-301.
  • Alain TOURAİNE, Eşitliklerimiz ve Farklılıklarımızla Birlikte Yaşayabilecek miyiz?, Çev. Olcay Kunal, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2002, s. 241.
  • Menekşe TOKYAY, “Avrupa Parlamentosu Seçimleri Öncesinde Sandıktaki Sürpriz Ülke Türkiye”, (03 Haziran 2009), 39> (10 Ekim 2009), s. 4.
  • Ian TRAYNOR, “In 1683 Turkey was the Invader. In 2004 Much of Europe Still Sees It That Way” Guardian, 22 September 2004, s. 7.
  • Joseph H. WEİLER, “The Reformation of European Constitutionalism”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 35, No 1, 1997, s. 97-131; Andrew Linklater, The Transformation of Political Community, Oxford, Blackwell, 1998.
  • Edward WEİSBAND, Aslı Ceyhan ÖNER and David P. DANSEREAU, “Organized Hypocrisy As Negotiation Strategy: Turkish Accession into The European Uniıon”, International Studies Association Convention 46. Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 05 Mart 2005.

Avrupa’da Birliğin Yolu Türkiye’den Geçer

Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 145 - 167, 01.10.2010


Türkiye’nin tam üyeliği, Avrupa Birliği açısından en hararetli tartışmaların yaşandığı ve devamlı sürüncemede tutulan bir konu niteliğindedir. Gerek Birliğin ve üye ülkelerin yönetici elitleri açısından gerekse AB toplumu açısından Türkiye’nin üyeliğine karşı oluşun belki de en sık tekrarlanan gerekçesi Türkiye’nin sosyo-kültürel anlamda AB’den oldukça farklı bir konumda bulunmasıdır. Söz konusu gerekçe, Türkleri asırlarca Avrupa’nın en önemli Ötekisi yapan tarihsel bir arka planla da beslenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın ortaya koymaya çalıştığı husus, özellikle dinden kaynaklanan kültürel farklılıklarının ve en önemli tarihsel Ötekisi rolünün bulunmasının aslında Türkiye’yi üyeliğe kabul etme açısından, AB’nin dikkate alması gereken en önemli unsur olduğudur. Hatta Birliğin demokratik ve çoğulcu bir çerçevede tam anlamıyla siyasi bir birlik oluşturması yönündeki idealine ulaşabilmesi için bu zorunludur


  • Emanuel ADLER, “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics”, European Journal of International Relations, Cilt 3, No 3, 1997, s. 319-363.
  • Attila AGH, The Politics of Central Europe, London, Sage, 1998.
  • Deniz ALTINBAŞ, “Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Sarkozy Fransası Faktörü”, Mayıs 2008, (18 Aralık 2009).
  • Talal ASAD, “Muslims and European Identity”, Elizabeth Hallam ve Brian V. Street (der.), Cultural Encounters- Representing ‘Otherness’, London, Routledge, 2001, s. 16.
  • Natalya BALYTSKA, “Public Opinion in Turkey And EU Member States on the Turkish EU Membership”, Cross-Regional Discipline Meeting of AFP Fellows, 22-28 Şubat 2006, s. 16.
  • Paloma Gay BLASCO, “This is not a Place for Civilised People: Isolation, Enforced Education and Resistance Among Spanish Gypsies”, Carolyn Strange ve Alison Bashford (der.), Isolation: Places and Practices of Exclusion, London, Routledge, 2003, ss. 208-221.
  • Stefan BERGER, “Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe”, Debatte, Cilt. 12, No. 1, 2004, ss. 73-96.
  • Robert BİDELEUX and Ian JEFFRİES, A History of Eastern Europe, London, Routledge, 1998.
  • Yücel BULUT, Oryantalizmin Kısa Tarihi, 2. Basım, İstanbul, Küre Yayınları, 2006.
  • Jose CASANOVA, “Religion, European Secular Identities and European Integration”, Timothy A. Byrnes ve Peter J. Katzenstein (der.), Religion in An Expanding Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006, s. 74.
  • Comission of European Communities, “A People’s Europe: Reports from the Ad Hoc Committee,” Bulletin of the European Communities 7/85, 1985.
  • Comission of European Communities, “Copenhagen European Council”, Bulletin of the European Communities 6/94, 1993, s. 7-26.
  • Comission of European Communities, “Negotiating Framework”, (3 Ekim 2005), (19 Kasım 2009), s. 1.
  • Norman DAVİES, Avrupa Tarihi, Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay (Çev. Ed.), Ankara, İmge Kitabevi, 2006, s. 1206.
  • Gerard DELANTY ve Chris RUMFORD, Rethinking Europe, London, Routledge, 2005, s. 28.
  • EP-CIA (European Parliament Committee on Institutional Affairs), Report on the Amsterdam Treaty, Strasbourg, 5 November 1997, s. 15.
  • Euractiv, “AB-Türkiye Müzakere Süreci”, , 16 Aralık 2009.
  • EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Report on Racism and Xenophobia in the Member States of the EU, 2007, , (26 Mayıs 2010).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 63, (Eylül 2005),, (14 Eylül 2009).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 64, (Aralık 2005),, (14 Eylül 2009).
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 69, (Kasım 2008),, (14 Eylül 2009), s. 28.
  • European Commission, Eurobarometer 69 – Values of Europeans, (Kasım 2008), (10 Ekim 2009).
  • Josep FONTANA, Çarpıtılmış Geçmişe Ayna-Avrupa’nın Yeniden Yorumlanması, İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık, 2003, s. 88.
  • Will GUY (der.), Between Past and Future: The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire, 2001; Angus Bancroft, Roma and Gypsy-Travellers in Europe: Modernity, Race, Space and Exclusion, Avebury, Ashgate Press.
  • Elizabeth HALLAM and Brian V. STREET, “Introduction”, Elizabeth Hallam ve Brian V. Street (der.), Cultural Encounters- Representing ‘Otherness’, London, Routledge, 2000, s. 1-10.
  • Anja V. HARTMANN and Beatrice HEUSER (der.), War, Peace and World Orders in European History, London, Routledge, 2001.
  • Richard HİLL, We Europeans, Brussels, Europublications, 1995.
  • Ted HOPF, “The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory”, Andrew Linklater (der.), International Relations: Critical Concepts in Political Science, London, Routledge, 1998, s. 1756-1783.
  • Catherine HOSKYNS, “The European Union and the Women Within: An Overview of Women’s Rights Policy”, R. Amy Elman (der.), Sexual Politics and the European Union, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 1996, s. 13-23.
  • Adrian HYDE-PRİCE, The International Politics of East Central Europe, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1996.
  • A. HUSSEYNOV, “Ethical Basis of European Identity”, Nedret Kuran Burçoğlu (der.), Multiculturalism: Identity and Otherness, İstanbul, Boğaziçi University Press, ss. 57-61.
  • Ingmar KARLSSON, İslam ve Avrupa: İnanç Ayrılığı ve Yaşam Birliği, 2. Basım, İstanbul, Cem Yayınevi, 2000.
  • Martin KOVATS, “The Emergence of European Roma Policy”, Guy, Will (der.), Between Past and Future: The Roma of Central and Eastern Europe, Hatfield, University of Hertfordshire, 2001, ss. 93-116.
  • Helmut KURY, Joachim OBERGFELL-FUCHS and Gunda WOESSNER, “The Extent of Family Violence in Europe”, Violence Against Women, Cilt 10, No 7, 2004, s. 749-769.
  • Martin MARCUSSEN et al., “Constructing Europe? The Evolution of Nation Sate Identities”, Thomas Christiansen, Knud Erik Jorgensen ve Antje Wiener (der.), The Social Construction of Europe, London, Sage, 2001, ss. 101-121.
  • Krzysztof MİCHALSKİ, “Introduction”, Krzysztof Michalski (der.), What Holds Europe Together?, Budapest, Central European University Pres, 2006, s. 11.
  • Lambros Couloubaritsis et al., The Origins of European Identity, Brussels, European Interuniversity Press, 1993.
  • Mirela-Luminita MURGESCU, “The Turk in Romanian History Schoolbooks (19th- 20th Centuries)”, The Image of the Turk in Europe From the Declaration of the Republic in 1923 to the 1990s, Nedret Kuran Burcoglu (der.), İstanbul, Isis Press, 2000, s. 275-289.
  • Iver B. NEUMANN, Uses of the Other- “The East” in European Identity Formation, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 1999.
  • Vivienne ORCHARD, “Culture as Opposed to What”, European Journal of Social Theory, Cilt 5, No 4, 2002, ss. 419-433.
  • Sven PAPCKE, “Who Needs European Identity and What Could It Be?”, Brian Nelson (der.), The Idea of Europe, Oxford, Berg, s. 72.
  • Bkikhu PAREKH, Rethinking Multiculturalism-Cultural Diversity and Political Theory, 2. Baskı, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, s. 147.
  • Sergei PROZOROV, “Border Regions and the Politics of EU-Russian Relations”, Working Papers Series in EU Border Conflicts Studies, regions-the-politics-of-EU.pdf > (19 Aralık 2009).
  • Frederick QUİNN, The Sum of All Heresies: The Image of Islam in the Western Thought, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Michel ROCARD ve Olivier FERRAND, “La Turquie a sa place dans une Europe politique”, Liberation, 13 Kasım 2009.
  • Denis De ROUGEMONT, The Idea of Europe, London, Collier-Macmillan, 1966.
  • Michael J. SHAPİRO, The Politics of Representation: Writing Practices in Biography, Photography and Policy Analysis, Wisconsin, The University of Wisconsin Press, 1988, s. 101.
  • Cris SHORE, “Imagining the New Europe: Identity and Heritage in European Community Discourse”, Paul Graves-Brown et al. (der.), Cultural Identity and Archaelogy: The Construction of European Communities, London, Routledge, 1996, ss. 96-116
  • Carl F. STYCHİN, “Sexual Citizenship in the European Union”, Citizenship Studies, Cilt 5, No 3, 2001, ss. 285-301.
  • Alain TOURAİNE, Eşitliklerimiz ve Farklılıklarımızla Birlikte Yaşayabilecek miyiz?, Çev. Olcay Kunal, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2002, s. 241.
  • Menekşe TOKYAY, “Avrupa Parlamentosu Seçimleri Öncesinde Sandıktaki Sürpriz Ülke Türkiye”, (03 Haziran 2009), 39> (10 Ekim 2009), s. 4.
  • Ian TRAYNOR, “In 1683 Turkey was the Invader. In 2004 Much of Europe Still Sees It That Way” Guardian, 22 September 2004, s. 7.
  • Joseph H. WEİLER, “The Reformation of European Constitutionalism”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt 35, No 1, 1997, s. 97-131; Andrew Linklater, The Transformation of Political Community, Oxford, Blackwell, 1998.
  • Edward WEİSBAND, Aslı Ceyhan ÖNER and David P. DANSEREAU, “Organized Hypocrisy As Negotiation Strategy: Turkish Accession into The European Uniıon”, International Studies Association Convention 46. Annual Meeting, Hawaii, 05 Mart 2005.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hakan Samur This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2010
Submission Date January 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


Chicago Samur, Hakan. “Avrupa’da Birliğin Yolu Türkiye’den Geçer”. Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi 9, no. 2 (October 2010): 145-67.