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Wilson Prensipleri ve Liberal Emperyalizm

Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 67-68-69, 145 - 174, 04.11.2007


Açıklandıkları 1918 yılından bu yana onları gerektiği gibi tahlil edemeyen ya da liberalizmin dar ideolojik parametreleriyle düşünen bir çok akademisyen ve yazar Wilson prensiplerini, adaletli, özgürlükçü ve eşitlikçi
bir dünya idealinin formülasyonu olarak görmüşlerdir. Bu prensiplerin
gerçekte, emperyalizmin Yirminci Yüzyılın koşullarına uygun olarak liberal bir anlayışla yeniden yapılandırılması amacıyla geliştirildiği, bilgisizlik
nedeniyle ya da kasıtlı olarak göz ardı edilmiştir. Aşağıdaki makalede,
ABD Başkanı Wilson’un adıyla anılan prensiplerin gerçek amaçları ve nitelikleri sorgulanmaktadır.


  • Yayınlanmış Belgeler
  • Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East – A Documentary Record 1914-1956, Derleyen: J.[acob] C.[olleman] Hurewitz, Vol. II, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1958.
  • Document on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, E. L. Woodward, Rohan Butler (ed.), First Series, Vol. IV, 1919, London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1952.
  • Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, Rohan Butler, J. P. T. Bury, M. E. Lambert (ed.), First Series, Vol. XIII, The Near and Middle East, January 1920 – March 1921, London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1963.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918, World War Supplement I, Vol.I, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1933.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. III, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1943.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreugn Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. V, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1946.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. VI, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1946.
  • Kitap ve Makaleler
  • Akgün, Seçil, “Ana Hatlarıyla General Moseley Raporu: Türkiye’de Amerikan Mandası,” Belleten, C. XLVIII, S. 189-190 (Ocak-Nisan 1984), s. 95-108.
  • Akşin, Sina, İstanbul Hükümetleri ve Milli Mücadele, İstanbul, Cem Yayınları, 1976.
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Nutuk/Sylev, C. I, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1981.
  • Cumming, Henry Harford, Franco-British Rivalry in the Post-War Near East: The Decline of French Influence, Westport, Connectucit, Greenwood Press, 1986 c. 1938 (Oxford University Press.)
  • De Novo, John A., American Interests and Policies in the Middle East, 1900-1939, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 1963.
  • Erol, Mine, Türkiye’de Amerikan Mandası Meselesi, 1919-1920, Giresun, İleri Basımevi, 1972.
  • Evans, Laurence, United States Policy and the Partition of Turkey, 1914-1924, Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1965.
  • Fromkin, David, A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922, London, Penguin Books Ltd., 1991.
  • Helmreich, Paul C., From Paris to Sevres: The Partition of the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference of 1919-1920, Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1974.
  • Howard, Harry N., An American Inquiry in the Middle East: The KingCrane Commission, Beirut, Khayat’s, 1963.
  • Howard, Harry N., The Partition of Turkey: A Diplomatic History, 1913-1923, New York, Howard Fertig Inc., 1966.
  • Karal, Enver Ziya (derl.), Atatürk’ten Düşünceler, 3.B., Ankara, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 1969.
  • Kırçak, Çağlar, Cumhuriyet’ten Günümüze Gericilik, C. II, İstanbul, Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2001.
  • Kissinger, Henry, Diplomasi, Çeviren: İbrahim H. Kurt, İstanbul, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2006.
  • Kurat, Yuluğ Tekin, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Paylaşılması, Ankara, Kalite Matbaası, 1976.
  • Mejcher, Helmut, Imperial Quest fdr Oil: ıraq, 1900-1928, 1st Pr., London, Ithaca Press, 1976.
  • Selek, Sabahattin, Anadolu İhtilâli, 4.B., İstanbul, Burçak Yayınları, 1968.
  • Sonyel, Salâhi R., Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika, C. I, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1973.
  • Stivers, William, Supremacy of Oil: Iraq, Turkey and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930, London/Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1982.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Türkiye’de Siyasi Partiler, 1859-1952, İstanbul, y.y., 1952.
  • İnternet Siteleri

Wilson Principles and Liberal Imperialism

Year 2007, Volume: 23 Issue: 67-68-69, 145 - 174, 04.11.2007


Since 1918 when the Wilson principles were declared many scholars
and writers, not being able to analyze them properly or just thinking within the norrow ideological parameters of liberalism, perceived those principles as a formulation of an ideal world of justice, liberty and equality. Ignorantly or purposfully, it has generally been overlooked that their actual
target was to re-build imperialism in a liberal sense appropriate to the conditions of twentieth century. In the article below, main aims and characteristics of the principles attributed to the name of President Wilson, have
been interrogated.


  • Yayınlanmış Belgeler
  • Diplomacy in the Near and Middle East – A Documentary Record 1914-1956, Derleyen: J.[acob] C.[olleman] Hurewitz, Vol. II, New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1958.
  • Document on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, E. L. Woodward, Rohan Butler (ed.), First Series, Vol. IV, 1919, London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1952.
  • Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, Rohan Butler, J. P. T. Bury, M. E. Lambert (ed.), First Series, Vol. XIII, The Near and Middle East, January 1920 – March 1921, London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1963.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1918, World War Supplement I, Vol.I, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1933.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. III, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1943.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreugn Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. V, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1946.
  • Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919: The Paris Peace Conference, Vol. VI, Washington D.C., United States Government Printing Office, 1946.
  • Kitap ve Makaleler
  • Akgün, Seçil, “Ana Hatlarıyla General Moseley Raporu: Türkiye’de Amerikan Mandası,” Belleten, C. XLVIII, S. 189-190 (Ocak-Nisan 1984), s. 95-108.
  • Akşin, Sina, İstanbul Hükümetleri ve Milli Mücadele, İstanbul, Cem Yayınları, 1976.
  • Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal, Nutuk/Sylev, C. I, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1981.
  • Cumming, Henry Harford, Franco-British Rivalry in the Post-War Near East: The Decline of French Influence, Westport, Connectucit, Greenwood Press, 1986 c. 1938 (Oxford University Press.)
  • De Novo, John A., American Interests and Policies in the Middle East, 1900-1939, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press, 1963.
  • Erol, Mine, Türkiye’de Amerikan Mandası Meselesi, 1919-1920, Giresun, İleri Basımevi, 1972.
  • Evans, Laurence, United States Policy and the Partition of Turkey, 1914-1924, Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1965.
  • Fromkin, David, A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914-1922, London, Penguin Books Ltd., 1991.
  • Helmreich, Paul C., From Paris to Sevres: The Partition of the Ottoman Empire at the Peace Conference of 1919-1920, Columbus, Ohio State University Press, 1974.
  • Howard, Harry N., An American Inquiry in the Middle East: The KingCrane Commission, Beirut, Khayat’s, 1963.
  • Howard, Harry N., The Partition of Turkey: A Diplomatic History, 1913-1923, New York, Howard Fertig Inc., 1966.
  • Karal, Enver Ziya (derl.), Atatürk’ten Düşünceler, 3.B., Ankara, Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 1969.
  • Kırçak, Çağlar, Cumhuriyet’ten Günümüze Gericilik, C. II, İstanbul, Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2001.
  • Kissinger, Henry, Diplomasi, Çeviren: İbrahim H. Kurt, İstanbul, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2006.
  • Kurat, Yuluğ Tekin, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Paylaşılması, Ankara, Kalite Matbaası, 1976.
  • Mejcher, Helmut, Imperial Quest fdr Oil: ıraq, 1900-1928, 1st Pr., London, Ithaca Press, 1976.
  • Selek, Sabahattin, Anadolu İhtilâli, 4.B., İstanbul, Burçak Yayınları, 1968.
  • Sonyel, Salâhi R., Türk Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Dış Politika, C. I, Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, 1973.
  • Stivers, William, Supremacy of Oil: Iraq, Turkey and the Anglo-American World Order, 1918-1930, London/Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1982.
  • Tunaya, Tarık Zafer, Türkiye’de Siyasi Partiler, 1859-1952, İstanbul, y.y., 1952.
  • İnternet Siteleri
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İhsan Şerif Kaymaz This is me

Publication Date November 4, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 23 Issue: 67-68-69


Chicago Kaymaz, İhsan Şerif. “Wilson Prensipleri Ve Liberal Emperyalizm”. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi 23, no. 67-68-69 (November 2007): 145-74.