Writing Rules

Structure of the Article
In general, the article must be taken into the order specified below:
1. The title should be written in bold capital letters.
2. Author's name(s) and last name(s) should not be included in the article, as the blind peer-review system is applied in the journal. During the publication of the article, information such as the author's name(s), last name(s), institution, academic title, address, ORCID are added by the editorial board of the journal.
3. Abstract (with keywords)
4. English title and abstract in English (with keywords)
5. An introduction should indicate article, purpose, scope and methods of work and sections of the main texts should be arranged to include Conclusion and Bibliography.

The abstract should be written separately in Turkish and English, with a minimum of 250 words. The abstract should reflect the contribution and the main idea of the article. A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 keywords should be given by leaving one blank line below the summary.

Main text
The article should be written in A4 size, with a margin of 2.5 cm above/bottom/right/left. The gutter should be 0 cm, the first line of the paragraph should be indented 1 cm, before and after the lines with 12nk 1.5 line spacing and 11 point (abstracts with 10 points) Times New Roman font in MS Word program. Article length should be 10.000 words.

Section Headings
Intermediate and sub-headings can be used in the article to determine the structure of the article and to provide a regular information transfer in the main text. Main headings [Article Turkish and English titles, ÖZ (ABSTRACT), ABSTRACT, GİRİŞ (INTRODUCTION), SONUÇ (CONCLUSION), KAYNAKÇA (BIBLIOGRAPHY), EKLER (ATTACHMENTS)] in capital letters; Intermediate and sub-headings should be written in lowercase letters with the first letters in capital letters and in bold.

Example 1:

II. Büyük Buhran ve Buhran Vergisi (II. The Great Depression and the Depression Tax)
II.1. Buhran Vergisinin Yasal Çerçevesi (II.1. Legal Framework of the Depression Tax)

Figures, Tables and Pictures
Figures, tables and pictures should be numerated beginning with one and the footnotes should be given beneath them. Figures, tables and pictures should not exceed 10 pages.

Citations should be in quotes. The citations passing three-line should be formatted left and right 1.5 cm and written in 11 pt.

References should be written in the form of a footnote, and should be 10 pt. with one line space.
a-Book: Author’s name and last name should be written in capital letters; title in bold, (if any) Volume, publisher, date and place of publication and page numbers of the book should be given.

Example 2:
Abdurahman Çaycı, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (The Leader of National Independence and Modernization), Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara 2002, p.130.

b-Article: Author’s name and last name should be written in capital letters; title of article should be in quotes; name in bold, Volume, Number, publisher, date (if any), place, year and page numbers of the publication should be given.

Example 3:
Mehmet Ali Beyhan, “The Literature of Reforms and Depressions: The Era of Selim III and Mahmut II”, Literature Journal of Research on Turkey, Volume I, Issue II, Istanbul 2003, p.57.

When citing books or articles with multiple authors, the name of the first author must be specified, the names of other authors may be specified with a comma in between, or they may not be written on condition that “etc.” is indicated after the first author. However, the names of all authors must be included in the bibliography.

Example 4:
Durmuş Yalçın, etc., Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Cilt I, 7. Baskı, Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Yayınları, Ankara 2010, s.511.

In the repeated references: Last name should be written; if the work is a book, one should write ibid but if the work is an article one should write ibid; page number should be added.

Çaycı, ibid, p.11.

Beyhan, ibid, p.60.


Bibliography should be put in alphabetical order by last names of authors.

a- Book: Author’s (s’) last name, name, the book’s title, publisher, place and date of publication should be specified.

Example 5:
Çaycı, Abdurahman, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (The Leader of National Independence and Modernization), Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara 2002.

b- Periodical: Author’s (s’) last name, name, title of article (in quotes), periodical’s full name, Volume, Number, place and date of publication, page range should be specified.

Example 6:
Beyhan, Mehmet Ali, “The Literature of Reforms and Depressions: The Era of Selim III and Mahmut II”, Literature Journal of Research on Turkey, Volume I, Issue II, Istanbul 2003, p.57-99.

c- Papers: Author’s (s’) last name, name, title of declaration (in quotes), symposium’s or congress’ name, name of organization place, date of issue, declarations, (if any) editors’ name, volume, printing house/publishing house, place and date of publication, page range should be specified.

Example 7:
Şimşir, Bilal N., “Atatürk ve Avusturalya”, Sixth International Atatürk Congress, Ankara, 12-16 November 2007, Papers, Volume I, Atatürk Research Center Publications, Ankara 2010, p.35-73.