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Comparison Of Winograd Technique And Sleeve Method In Surgical Treatment Of Ingrown Toenail

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 113 - 118, 01.09.2019


INTRODUCTION: Ingrown toenail is a common painful condition that affects daily life negatively. There are many methods defined in the treatment of ingrown toenails. In this study, winograd method and sleeve method that used for patients treated were evaluated and compared retrospectively.METHODS: 39 case of ingrown toenail of 33 patients treated with winograd method and sleeve method between 2016-2019 in orthopedics clinic in Ağrı State Hospital were evaluated retrospectively. Age, gender, foot and finger side, Heifetz stages, recurrence rate, return time and satisfaction were evaluated in these patients.RESULTS: Patients who underwent surgical treatment in Ağrı State Hospital between 2016-2019 were followed up for 6 months and the results were reviewed. According to the Heifetz's staging, patients with Stage 3 were included in the study.The results were compared with 18 patients who underwent the Winograd technique and 15 patients who underwent the sleeve method followed up for 6 months.22 nail stingings of 18 patients with a mean age of 25 who underwent Winograd technique were examined. 17 nail stingings of 15 patients with a mean age of 23 who underwent sleeve procedure were examined. The incidence of recurrence and the incidence of infection were determined at 1. week, 1. month and 6. Month and the results of both groups were close to each other. İn the 6. Month, the patient's satisfaction was scored by 100 points in terms of ease of treatment, comfort after surgery,effectiveness of the treatment and the results of the treatment.None of the patients had osteomyelitis or any other serious complication.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The Winograd method and the sleeve method are some of the successful treatment options in cases of nail stinging. The sleeve method is easier to practice and the healing time is shorter and more satisfying in terms of cosmatic results.


  • Wallace WA, Milne DD, Andrew T. Gutter treatment for ingrowing toenails. British medical journal. 1979: 21;2(6183):168-71.
  • Issa MM, Tanner WA. Approach to ingrowing toenails: the combination treatment. The British journal of surgery. 1988:75(2):181-3. phenolization
  • Grassbaugh JA, Mosca VS. Congenital ingrown toenail of the hallux. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. 2007: 27(8):886-9.
  • Richert B. Surgical management of ingrown toenails - an update overdue. Dermatologic therapy. 2012: 25(6):498- 509.
  • Rounding C, Bloomfield S. Surgical treatments for ingrowing toenails. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2005: 18(2):CD001541.
  • Ilfeld FW, August W. Treatment of ingrown toenail with plastic insert. The Orthopedic clinics of North America. 1974: 5(1):95-7.
  • Murray WR, Bedi BS. The surgical management of ingrowing toenail. The British journal of surgery. 1975: 62(5):409-12.
  • Heifetz CJ. Operative management of ingrown toenail. Missouri medicine. 1945: 42:213-6.
  • Sugden P, Levy M, Rao GS. Onychocryptosis-phenol burn fiasco. Burns 2001: 27(3):289-92.
  • DeBrule MB. Operative treatment of ingrown toenail by nail fold resection without matricectomy. Journal of the American 105(4):295-301. Association. 2015
  • Peyvandi H, Robati RM, Yegane RA, Hajinasrollah E, Toossi P, Peyvandi AA, et al. Comparison of two surgical methods (Winograd and sleeve method) in the treatment of ingrown toenail. Dermatologic surgery: official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2011: 37(3):331-5.
  • Abby NS, Roni P, Amnon B, Yan P. Modified sleeve method treatment of ingrown toenail. Dermatologic surgery: official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. 2002: 28(9):852-5.
  • Winograd AM. A modification in the technic of operation for ingrown toe-nail. 1929. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2007:97(4):274-7.

Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması

Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 113 - 118, 01.09.2019


GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Tırnak batması; günlük hayatı olumsuz etkileyen ve sık görülen ağrılı bir durumdur. Tırnak batması tedavisinde tanımlanmış birçok yöntem vardır. winograd yöntemi sık kullanılan cerrahi yöntemlerden biridir. Sleeve methodu ise daha az invaziv ve sonuçları iyi olan bir yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada winograd yöntemi ve sleeve yöntemi ile tedavi edilen olgular retrospektif olarak değerlendirilerek karşılaştırıldı.YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Ağrı devlet hastanesinde ortopedi kliniğinde 2016-2019 yılları arasında winograd yöntemi ve sleeve methodu ile tedavi edilen 33 hastanın 39 ayak başparmak tırnak batması olgusu retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Bu hastalarda yaş, cinsiyet, tutulan ayak ve parmak tarafı, Heifetz evreleri, yineleme oranı, işe dönüş suresi ve memnuniyet durumları değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Tırnak batması nedeniyle 2016-2019 yılları arasında Ağrı Devlet Hastanesinde cerrahi tedavi yapılan hastalar 6 ay takip edildi ve sonuçlar incelendi. Heifetz evrelemesine göre evre 3 olan hastalar çalışmaya alındı. Winograd tekniği uygulanan 18 hasta ile Sleeve methodu uygulanan 15 hasta, 6 ay takip edilerek sonuçları karşılaştırıldı. Winograd tekniği uygulanan yaş ortalaması 25 15-51 olan 18 hastanın 12si erkek, 6sı kadın 22 tırnak batması incelendi..Sleeve methodu uygulanan 15 hastanın 11e, 4b yaş ortalaması 23 16-41 olan, 17 tırnak batması incelendi. Rekürrens insidansına ve enfeksiyon insidansına 1. Hafta,1. Ay ve 6. Ayda bakıldı, her iki grup sonuçları birbirine yakındı. 6. Ayında yapılan hasta anketinde 100 puan üzerinden değerlendirme yapıldı; tedavinin etkinliği, tedavinin kolaylığı, tedavinin kozmetik sonucu, cerrahi sonrası konfor ve iyileşme süresi gibi parametreler puanlandırıldı. Hiçbir hastada osteomyelit veya ciddi başka bir komplikasyon gelişmedi. TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: winograd yöntemi ve sleeve methodu, tırnak batması olgularında başarılı tedavi seçeneklerindendir. Sleeve yöntemi uygulaması daha kolay iyileşme süresi daha kısa ve kozmatik sonuçlar açısından tatmin edicidir.


  • Wallace WA, Milne DD, Andrew T. Gutter treatment for ingrowing toenails. British medical journal. 1979: 21;2(6183):168-71.
  • Issa MM, Tanner WA. Approach to ingrowing toenails: the combination treatment. The British journal of surgery. 1988:75(2):181-3. phenolization
  • Grassbaugh JA, Mosca VS. Congenital ingrown toenail of the hallux. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. 2007: 27(8):886-9.
  • Richert B. Surgical management of ingrown toenails - an update overdue. Dermatologic therapy. 2012: 25(6):498- 509.
  • Rounding C, Bloomfield S. Surgical treatments for ingrowing toenails. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 2005: 18(2):CD001541.
  • Ilfeld FW, August W. Treatment of ingrown toenail with plastic insert. The Orthopedic clinics of North America. 1974: 5(1):95-7.
  • Murray WR, Bedi BS. The surgical management of ingrowing toenail. The British journal of surgery. 1975: 62(5):409-12.
  • Heifetz CJ. Operative management of ingrown toenail. Missouri medicine. 1945: 42:213-6.
  • Sugden P, Levy M, Rao GS. Onychocryptosis-phenol burn fiasco. Burns 2001: 27(3):289-92.
  • DeBrule MB. Operative treatment of ingrown toenail by nail fold resection without matricectomy. Journal of the American 105(4):295-301. Association. 2015
  • Peyvandi H, Robati RM, Yegane RA, Hajinasrollah E, Toossi P, Peyvandi AA, et al. Comparison of two surgical methods (Winograd and sleeve method) in the treatment of ingrown toenail. Dermatologic surgery: official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery 2011: 37(3):331-5.
  • Abby NS, Roni P, Amnon B, Yan P. Modified sleeve method treatment of ingrown toenail. Dermatologic surgery: official publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery. 2002: 28(9):852-5.
  • Winograd AM. A modification in the technic of operation for ingrown toe-nail. 1929. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. 2007:97(4):274-7.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Selim Safalı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Safalı, S. (2019). Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması. Abant Medical Journal, 8(3), 113-118.
AMA Safalı S. Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması. Abant Med J. September 2019;8(3):113-118. doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2019.09581
Chicago Safalı, Selim. “Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması”. Abant Medical Journal 8, no. 3 (September 2019): 113-18.
EndNote Safalı S (September 1, 2019) Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması. Abant Medical Journal 8 3 113–118.
IEEE S. Safalı, “Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması”, Abant Med J, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 113–118, 2019, doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2019.09581.
ISNAD Safalı, Selim. “Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması”. Abant Medical Journal 8/3 (September 2019), 113-118.
JAMA Safalı S. Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması. Abant Med J. 2019;8:113–118.
MLA Safalı, Selim. “Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması”. Abant Medical Journal, vol. 8, no. 3, 2019, pp. 113-8, doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2019.09581.
Vancouver Safalı S. Tırnak Batması Cerrahi Tedavisinde Winograd Tekniği İle Sleeve Methodunun Karşılaştırılması. Abant Med J. 2019;8(3):113-8.