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Microbiological Evaluation of Wagner Grade III and IV Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 38 - 47, 01.05.2017


INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study to investigate the cases of Wagner grade III and IV diabetic foot ulcers which need critical clinical and surgical intervention, regarding to the pathogen microorganism populations and their antibiotic resistances.METHODS: A total 90 cases consist of 48 grade III and 42 grade IV ulcers according to the Wagner classification were included to the study. The carts are reviewed retrospectively, and patients’ demographics and microbiological culture results were recorded for analysis.RESULTS: Gram - microorganisms were isolated in 124 samples, Gram + microorganisms were isolated in 37 samples. E. Coli, P. aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis were the most frequently detected infectious agents. Enterococcus species showed 80%, staphylococcus showed as much as 42.8%, pseudomonas aeruginosa showed as much as 38.4%, E.coli showed as much as 64.5% drug resistance in the culture antibiogram studies. 31.6% of the isolated bacteria showed a multidrug resistance.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Surgeons should be aware of common antibiotic resistance in diabetic foot cases had Wangner grade III and IV ulcer which require surgical intervention.


  • Sapico FL, Bessman AN. Foot infections in the diabetic patient. In: Gorbach SL, Bartlett JG, Blacklow NR, Eds. Infectious Diseases. Second ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998:1270 – 2.
  • Lipsky BA. Osteomyelitis of the foot in diabetic patients. Clin Infect Dis, 1997; 25:1318 – 26.
  • Albrant DH. Management of foot ulcers in patients with Diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc, 2000; 40: 467 – 74.
  • Satman İ, Şengül AM, Uygur S, Salman F, Baştar İ, Sargın M, Tütüncü Y, Karşıdağ K, Dinççağ N, Özcan C et al. The TURdep Group, Diyabetes Div. İstanbul Univ. State Inst. Statistics and Min. Health – Turkey 36th EASD Jarusalem,17-21 September 2000. Provisional Programme p: 49. Diabetologia, 2000; Suppl 1.
  • Ertuğrul MB, Baktıroğlu S, Aksoy M, Çalangu S. Diyabetik Ayak ve Enfeksiyonu. Klimik Dergisi, 2004; 17 : 3 -12.
  • Levin M.E. Foot Lesions in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1996; 25: 447-462.
  • Boulton AJM: The importance of abnormal foot pressure and gait in the causation of foot ulcers. In Connor H, Boulton AJM, wards JD (edt). The Foot in Diabetes. John Wiley & Sons. 1987; 11-21.
  • Wagner W F. The Dysvascular Foot: A System for diagnosis and treatment. Foot Ankle 1981; 2: 62-122.
  • Ulusoy S. Diyabetik ayak enfeksiyonları. Modern Tıp Seminerleri: 33: 2006; 40-45.
  • Bozkurt F, Tekin R, Çelen M.K, Ayaz C. Wagner classification and culture analysis of diabetic foot infection. Dicle Tıp Derg / Dicle Med J Cilt / Vol 38, No 1, 31-34.
  • Gough A, Clapperton M, Rolando N, Foster AV, Philpott- Howard J, Edmonds ME: Randomised placebo-controlled trial of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in diabetic foot infection. Lancet 1997; 350: 855-859.
  • Ulusoy S, Arda B, Bayraktar F, Sesli E, Özinel MA, Yamazhan T, Ünal İ, Kısakol G, Tüzün M. Diyabetik ayak infeksiyonları: 179 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. Flora 2000; 5: 220-228.
  • Grayson ML: Diabetic foot infections-antimicrobial therapy. Infect Dis Clin North Am l995;9: 143-161. 81
  • Armstrong DG, Lipsky BA. Advances in the treatment of diabetic foot infections. Diyabetes Technol Ther 2004; 6(2):167-177
  • Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Deery HG, Embil JM, Joseph WS, Karchmer AW, LeFrock JL, Lew DP, Mader JT, Norden C et al. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections. Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Infections. CID, 2004; 39 (1 October): 885 – 910.
  • Ansari MA, Shukla VK. Foot Infections. Int J Low Extremy Wounds, 2005; 4(2): 74 – 87.
  • Brodsky J, Schneidler C. Diabetic foot infections. Orthop Clin North Am 1991; 22(3):473-489.
  • Shea KW. Antimicrobial therapy for diabetic foot infections. A practical approach. Postgrad Med 1999; 106(1):1-10.
  • Lipsky BA. Pecorato RE, Wheat LJ. The diabetic foot. Soft tissue and bone infection, Infect Dis Clin North Am 1990; 4: 409-432
  • Wheat LJ, Ailen SD, Henry M, Kerek CB, Siders Ja, Kuebler T, Fineberg N,Norton J. Diabetic foot infections - Bacteriologic analysis. Arch Intern Med 1986;146: 1935- 38.
  • Bamberger DM, Daus GP, Gerding DN. Osteomyelitis in the feet of diabetic patients. Am J Med 1987; 83:653-55.
  • Hollinworth H. Managing a patient with an infected foot ulcer. J wound Care 1993; 2: 22-26.
  • Joseph WS; Treatment of lower extremity infections in diabetics. Drugs 1991; 42: 984-86
  • West NJ. Systemic antimicrobial treatment of foot infections in diabetic patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm 1995;52: 1199-1202.
  • Slater R, Lazarovich T, Boldur I, Ramot Y, Buchs A, Weiss M, Hindi A, Rapoport MJ. Swab culteres accurately identify bacterial pathogens in diabetic foot wounds not involving bone. Diabet Med 2004; 21: 705-709
  • Pellizzer G, Strazzabosco M, Presi S, Furlan F, Lora L, Benedetti P, Bonato M, Erle G, de Lalla F. Deep tissue biopsy vs. superficial swab culture monitoring in the mi- crobiological assessment of limb-threatening diabetic foot infection. Diabet Med 2001; 18:822-827.
  • Ertuğrul MB. Diyabetik Ayak Enfeksiyonlarında Kemik Doku ve Yumuşak Dokudan İzole Edilen İnfeksiyon Etkeni Mikroorganizmaların Karşılaştırılması Uzmanlık Tezi. İstanbul. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 2003.
  • Sapico FL, Bessman AN. Quantitative aerobic and anaero- bic bacteriology of infected diabetic feet. J Clin Microbiol 1980; 4:413-420.
  • Pathare NA, Bal A, Talvalkar GV, Antani DU. Diabetic foot infections: a study of microorganisms associated with the different wagner grades. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 1998; 41: 437-441.
  • Frykberg RG, Armstrong DG, Giurini J, Edwards A, Krawette M, Kravitz S, Ross C, Stavosky J, Stuck R, Vanore J. Diabetic foot disorders. A Clinical Practice Guideline. J Foot Ankle Surg 2000; 39: Supplement.
  • Ge Y, MacDonald D, Hait H, Lipsky BA. Microbiological profile of infected diabetic foot ulcers. Diabet Med, 2002; 19:1032 – 1035.
  • Sert M, Tetiker T, Koçak M, Aksu HSZ. Diyabetik ayak enfeksiyonlarında ampirik antibiyotik kullanılması. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 2000; 9 : 47- 49.
  • Motta RN, Oliveira MM, Megahaes PS, Dias AM, Araqao LP, Forti AC, Carvalho CB. Plasmid mediated extended spectrum beta lactamase producing strains of Enterobacteriacea isolated from diabetic foot infections in a Brasilian diabetic center. Braz J Infect Dis, 2003; 7: 129 – 34.
  • Tentolouris N, Petrikkos G, Vallianou N, Zachos G, Daikos GL, Tsapogas P, Markou G, Katsilambros N. Prevalance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in infected and uninfected diabetic foot ulcers. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2006; 12: 178 – 196.
  • Zeillemaker AM, Veldkamp KE. Piperacillin – Tazobactam therapy for diabetic foot infection. Foot Ankle Int, 1998; 19(3):169-172.
  • Grayson ML, Gibbons GW, Habershaw GM, Freeman DV, Pomposelli FB, Rosenblum BI, Levin E, Karchmer AW. Use of ampicillin/sulbactam versus imipenem/cilastatin in the treatment of limb-threatining foot infections in diabetic patients. Clin Infect Dis, 1994; 18: 683 – 693.
  • Bridges RM, Deitch EA. Diabetic foot infections. Surg Clin North Am. 1994; 74 : 537-555.
  • Abdulrazak A, Bitar ZI, Al-Shamali AA, Mobasher LA Bacteriological study of diabetic foot infections. J Diabetes Complications 2005; 19:138-141.
  • Özkan, Y., R. Çolak, K. Demirdağ, M. A. Yıldırım, G. Özalp, S. S. Koca. Diyabetik ayak sendromlu 142 olgunun retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Endocrin 2004; 2:191-195.
  • Boutoille D, Leautez S, Maulaz D, Krempf M, Raffi F. Skin and osteoarticular bacterial infections of the diabetic foot. Treatment. Presse Med 2000; 29: 396-400.
  • Örmen B, Türker N, Vardar İ. Diyabetik ayak infeksiyonlarının klinik ve bakteriyolojik değerlendirilmesi. İnfeksiyon Derg 2007; 21: 65-69

Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 38 - 47, 01.05.2017


GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Bu çalışmanın amacı patojen mikroorganizma popülasyonları ve antibiyotik dirençleri açısından kritik klinik ve cerrahi müdahale ihtiyacı duyulan Wagner evre III ve IV diyabetik ayak ülserli olguları incelemektir.YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Wagner sınıflamasına göre evre 48 evre III ve 42 evre IV olmak üzere toplam 90 diyabetik ayak ülserli olgu çalışmaya dahil edildi.Hasta kayıtları gözden geçirildi ve hasta bilgileri ile mikrobiyoloji kültür sonuçları analiz için kaydedildi.BULGULAR: Gram - mikroorganizmalar 124 örnekte ve Gram + mikroorganizmalar 37 örnekte izole edildi. E. Coli, P. aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus ve Proteus mirabilis en sık görülen enfeksiyon ajanları olarak tespit edildi. Kültür antibiyogram sonuçlarında Enterococcus türleri % 80, Staphylococcus % 42,8, pseudomonas aeruginosa % 38,4, E.coli ise % 64,5 antibiyotik direnci gösterdi. İzole edilen bakterilerin % 31,6’sı ise birden çok ilaca direnç gösterdi.TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Cerrahlar, cerrahi müdahale gerektiren Wagner Evre III ve IV ülserli diyabetik ayak olgularında yaygın antibiyotik direncinin farkında olmalıdırlar.


  • Sapico FL, Bessman AN. Foot infections in the diabetic patient. In: Gorbach SL, Bartlett JG, Blacklow NR, Eds. Infectious Diseases. Second ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998:1270 – 2.
  • Lipsky BA. Osteomyelitis of the foot in diabetic patients. Clin Infect Dis, 1997; 25:1318 – 26.
  • Albrant DH. Management of foot ulcers in patients with Diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc, 2000; 40: 467 – 74.
  • Satman İ, Şengül AM, Uygur S, Salman F, Baştar İ, Sargın M, Tütüncü Y, Karşıdağ K, Dinççağ N, Özcan C et al. The TURdep Group, Diyabetes Div. İstanbul Univ. State Inst. Statistics and Min. Health – Turkey 36th EASD Jarusalem,17-21 September 2000. Provisional Programme p: 49. Diabetologia, 2000; Suppl 1.
  • Ertuğrul MB, Baktıroğlu S, Aksoy M, Çalangu S. Diyabetik Ayak ve Enfeksiyonu. Klimik Dergisi, 2004; 17 : 3 -12.
  • Levin M.E. Foot Lesions in Patient with Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 1996; 25: 447-462.
  • Boulton AJM: The importance of abnormal foot pressure and gait in the causation of foot ulcers. In Connor H, Boulton AJM, wards JD (edt). The Foot in Diabetes. John Wiley & Sons. 1987; 11-21.
  • Wagner W F. The Dysvascular Foot: A System for diagnosis and treatment. Foot Ankle 1981; 2: 62-122.
  • Ulusoy S. Diyabetik ayak enfeksiyonları. Modern Tıp Seminerleri: 33: 2006; 40-45.
  • Bozkurt F, Tekin R, Çelen M.K, Ayaz C. Wagner classification and culture analysis of diabetic foot infection. Dicle Tıp Derg / Dicle Med J Cilt / Vol 38, No 1, 31-34.
  • Gough A, Clapperton M, Rolando N, Foster AV, Philpott- Howard J, Edmonds ME: Randomised placebo-controlled trial of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in diabetic foot infection. Lancet 1997; 350: 855-859.
  • Ulusoy S, Arda B, Bayraktar F, Sesli E, Özinel MA, Yamazhan T, Ünal İ, Kısakol G, Tüzün M. Diyabetik ayak infeksiyonları: 179 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. Flora 2000; 5: 220-228.
  • Grayson ML: Diabetic foot infections-antimicrobial therapy. Infect Dis Clin North Am l995;9: 143-161. 81
  • Armstrong DG, Lipsky BA. Advances in the treatment of diabetic foot infections. Diyabetes Technol Ther 2004; 6(2):167-177
  • Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Deery HG, Embil JM, Joseph WS, Karchmer AW, LeFrock JL, Lew DP, Mader JT, Norden C et al. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections. Guidelines for Diabetic Foot Infections. CID, 2004; 39 (1 October): 885 – 910.
  • Ansari MA, Shukla VK. Foot Infections. Int J Low Extremy Wounds, 2005; 4(2): 74 – 87.
  • Brodsky J, Schneidler C. Diabetic foot infections. Orthop Clin North Am 1991; 22(3):473-489.
  • Shea KW. Antimicrobial therapy for diabetic foot infections. A practical approach. Postgrad Med 1999; 106(1):1-10.
  • Lipsky BA. Pecorato RE, Wheat LJ. The diabetic foot. Soft tissue and bone infection, Infect Dis Clin North Am 1990; 4: 409-432
  • Wheat LJ, Ailen SD, Henry M, Kerek CB, Siders Ja, Kuebler T, Fineberg N,Norton J. Diabetic foot infections - Bacteriologic analysis. Arch Intern Med 1986;146: 1935- 38.
  • Bamberger DM, Daus GP, Gerding DN. Osteomyelitis in the feet of diabetic patients. Am J Med 1987; 83:653-55.
  • Hollinworth H. Managing a patient with an infected foot ulcer. J wound Care 1993; 2: 22-26.
  • Joseph WS; Treatment of lower extremity infections in diabetics. Drugs 1991; 42: 984-86
  • West NJ. Systemic antimicrobial treatment of foot infections in diabetic patients. Am J Health Syst Pharm 1995;52: 1199-1202.
  • Slater R, Lazarovich T, Boldur I, Ramot Y, Buchs A, Weiss M, Hindi A, Rapoport MJ. Swab culteres accurately identify bacterial pathogens in diabetic foot wounds not involving bone. Diabet Med 2004; 21: 705-709
  • Pellizzer G, Strazzabosco M, Presi S, Furlan F, Lora L, Benedetti P, Bonato M, Erle G, de Lalla F. Deep tissue biopsy vs. superficial swab culture monitoring in the mi- crobiological assessment of limb-threatening diabetic foot infection. Diabet Med 2001; 18:822-827.
  • Ertuğrul MB. Diyabetik Ayak Enfeksiyonlarında Kemik Doku ve Yumuşak Dokudan İzole Edilen İnfeksiyon Etkeni Mikroorganizmaların Karşılaştırılması Uzmanlık Tezi. İstanbul. İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, 2003.
  • Sapico FL, Bessman AN. Quantitative aerobic and anaero- bic bacteriology of infected diabetic feet. J Clin Microbiol 1980; 4:413-420.
  • Pathare NA, Bal A, Talvalkar GV, Antani DU. Diabetic foot infections: a study of microorganisms associated with the different wagner grades. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 1998; 41: 437-441.
  • Frykberg RG, Armstrong DG, Giurini J, Edwards A, Krawette M, Kravitz S, Ross C, Stavosky J, Stuck R, Vanore J. Diabetic foot disorders. A Clinical Practice Guideline. J Foot Ankle Surg 2000; 39: Supplement.
  • Ge Y, MacDonald D, Hait H, Lipsky BA. Microbiological profile of infected diabetic foot ulcers. Diabet Med, 2002; 19:1032 – 1035.
  • Sert M, Tetiker T, Koçak M, Aksu HSZ. Diyabetik ayak enfeksiyonlarında ampirik antibiyotik kullanılması. Endokrinolojide Yönelişler, 2000; 9 : 47- 49.
  • Motta RN, Oliveira MM, Megahaes PS, Dias AM, Araqao LP, Forti AC, Carvalho CB. Plasmid mediated extended spectrum beta lactamase producing strains of Enterobacteriacea isolated from diabetic foot infections in a Brasilian diabetic center. Braz J Infect Dis, 2003; 7: 129 – 34.
  • Tentolouris N, Petrikkos G, Vallianou N, Zachos G, Daikos GL, Tsapogas P, Markou G, Katsilambros N. Prevalance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in infected and uninfected diabetic foot ulcers. Clin Microbiol Infect, 2006; 12: 178 – 196.
  • Zeillemaker AM, Veldkamp KE. Piperacillin – Tazobactam therapy for diabetic foot infection. Foot Ankle Int, 1998; 19(3):169-172.
  • Grayson ML, Gibbons GW, Habershaw GM, Freeman DV, Pomposelli FB, Rosenblum BI, Levin E, Karchmer AW. Use of ampicillin/sulbactam versus imipenem/cilastatin in the treatment of limb-threatining foot infections in diabetic patients. Clin Infect Dis, 1994; 18: 683 – 693.
  • Bridges RM, Deitch EA. Diabetic foot infections. Surg Clin North Am. 1994; 74 : 537-555.
  • Abdulrazak A, Bitar ZI, Al-Shamali AA, Mobasher LA Bacteriological study of diabetic foot infections. J Diabetes Complications 2005; 19:138-141.
  • Özkan, Y., R. Çolak, K. Demirdağ, M. A. Yıldırım, G. Özalp, S. S. Koca. Diyabetik ayak sendromlu 142 olgunun retrospektif değerlendirilmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Endocrin 2004; 2:191-195.
  • Boutoille D, Leautez S, Maulaz D, Krempf M, Raffi F. Skin and osteoarticular bacterial infections of the diabetic foot. Treatment. Presse Med 2000; 29: 396-400.
  • Örmen B, Türker N, Vardar İ. Diyabetik ayak infeksiyonlarının klinik ve bakteriyolojik değerlendirilmesi. İnfeksiyon Derg 2007; 21: 65-69
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fatih Tekin This is me

Mehmet Sürmeli This is me

Ergin Işık This is me

Furkan Erol Karabekmez This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Tekin, F., Sürmeli, M., Işık, E., Karabekmez, F. E. (2017). Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. Abant Medical Journal, 6(2), 38-47.
AMA Tekin F, Sürmeli M, Işık E, Karabekmez FE. Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. Abant Med J. May 2017;6(2):38-47. doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2017.06078
Chicago Tekin, Fatih, Mehmet Sürmeli, Ergin Işık, and Furkan Erol Karabekmez. “Wagner Evre III Ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi”. Abant Medical Journal 6, no. 2 (May 2017): 38-47.
EndNote Tekin F, Sürmeli M, Işık E, Karabekmez FE (May 1, 2017) Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. Abant Medical Journal 6 2 38–47.
IEEE F. Tekin, M. Sürmeli, E. Işık, and F. E. Karabekmez, “Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi”, Abant Med J, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 38–47, 2017, doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2017.06078.
ISNAD Tekin, Fatih et al. “Wagner Evre III Ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi”. Abant Medical Journal 6/2 (May 2017), 38-47.
JAMA Tekin F, Sürmeli M, Işık E, Karabekmez FE. Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. Abant Med J. 2017;6:38–47.
MLA Tekin, Fatih et al. “Wagner Evre III Ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi”. Abant Medical Journal, vol. 6, no. 2, 2017, pp. 38-47, doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2017.06078.
Vancouver Tekin F, Sürmeli M, Işık E, Karabekmez FE. Wagner Evre III ve IV Diyabetik Ayak Ülserlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Değerlendirmesi. Abant Med J. 2017;6(2):38-47.