More than half of the anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions during general anesthesia occur due to neuromuscular blocking agents. Traditional resuscitation is the mainstay therapy in these reactions, which have a high morbidity and mortality due to delay in diagnosis and specific treatment. However, prompt removal of the offending agent from circulation may greatly improve the outcome. Sugammadeks is a drug that is the structure of γ-cyclodextrin. It's designed specifically to encapsuate steroidal nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers and facilitate their excretion through kidneys. There are case reports in the literature suggesting that anaphylactic reactions due to rocuronium, unresponsive to rutin anaphylactic therapy, respond promptly to sugammadex. In our opinion traditonal anaphylaxis treatment may benefit from sugammadex in removal of the offending agent from circulation.
Heier T, Guttormsen A. Anaphylactic reactions du- ring induction of anaesthesia using rocuronium for muscle relaxation: a report including 3 cases. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000; 44: 775-81.
Mertes P, Aimone-Gastin I, Guéant-Rodriguez R, Mouton-Faivre C, Audibert G, OBrien J, Frendt D, Brezeanu M, Bouaziz H, Guéant J. Hypersensitivity reactions to neuromuscular blocking agents. Curr Pharm Des 2008; 14: 2809-25.
Matthey P, Wang P, Finegan BA, Donnelly M. Rocu- ronium anaphylaxis and multiple neuromuscular blocking drug sensitivities. Can J Anaesth 2000; 47: 890-3.
Mertes PM, Laxenaire MC, Alla F, des Réactions Anaphylactoïdes GE. Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions occurring during anesthesia in France in 1999–2000. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 536.
Rose M, Fisher M. Rocuronium: high risk for anaphylaxis? Br J Anaesth2001; 86: 678-82.
de Boer HD, van Egmond J, van de Pol F, Bom A, Booij LHDJ. Chemical encapsulation of rocuronium by synthetic cyclodextrin derivatives: reversal of ne- uromuscular block in anaesthetized Rhesus mon- keys. Br J Anaesth 2006; 96: 201-6.
Gijsenbergh F, Ramael S, Houwing N, van Iersel T. First human exposure of Org 25969, a novel agent to reverse the action of rocuronium bromide. Anesthe- siology 2005; 103: 695.
Sorgenfrei IF, Norrild K, Larsen PB, Stensballe J, Østergaard D, Prins ME, Viby-Mogensen J. Reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by the selective relaxant binding agent sugammadex: a do- se-finding and safety study. Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 667-74.
Bom A, Bradley M, Cameron K, Clark JK, Van Egmond J, Feilden H, MacLean EJ, Muir AW, Palin R, Rees DC. A Novel Concept of Reversing Neuromuscular Block: Chemical Encapsulation of Rocuronium Bromide by a Cyclodextrin-Based Synthetic Host. Angewandte Chemie 2002; 114: 275-80.
Jones P, Turkstra T. Mitigation of rocuro- nium-induced anaphylaxis by sugammadex: the great unknown. Anaesthesia 2010; 65: 89-90.
Menéndez-Ozcoidi L, Ortiz-Gómez J, Olagui- bel-Ribero J, Salvador-Bravo M. Allergy to low dose sugammadex. Anaesthesia 2011; 66: 217-9.
Martyn JJA, Standaert FG: Neuromuscular physiology and pharmacology, In: Miller RD, Eriksson LI, Fleisher LA: Miller's Anesthesia. 5th edition, Churchill Livings- tone, New York, USA 2000: 735-51.
Galletly D, Treuren B. Anaphylactoid reactions during anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 1985; 40: 329-33.
Laxenaire MC. Drugs and other agents involved in anaphylactic shock occurring during anaesthesia. A French multicenter epidemiological inquiry. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993; 12: 91-6.
Pepys J, Pepys E, Baldo B, Whitwam J. Anaphylac- tic/anaphylactoid reactions to anaesthetic and asso- ciated agents Skin prick tests in aetiological diagno- sis. Anaesthesia 1994; 49: 470-5.
Fisher M, Baldo B. The incidence and clinical features of anaphylactic reactions during anaesthesia in Aust- ralia. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993; 12: 97-104.
Caldwell J, Miller R. Clinical implications of sugam- madex. Anaesthesia 2009; 64: 66-72.
Mirakhur R. Safety aspects of non-depolarizing neu- romuscular blocking agents with special reference to rocuronium bromide. Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl 1994; 9: 133.
McDonnell N, Pavy T, Green L, Platt P. Sugammadex in the management of rocuronium - induced anaphylaxis. Br J Anaesth 2011; 106: 199-201.
Funnell A, Griffiths J, Hodzovic I. A further case of rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis treated with su- gammadex. Br J Anaesth 2011; 107: 275-6.
Clarke R, Sadleir P, Platt P. The role of sugammadex in the development and modification of an allergic response to rocuronium: evidence from a cutaneous model. Anaesthesia 2012; 67: 266-73.
Leysen J, Bridts C, De Clerck L, Ebo D. Rocuro- nium-induced anaphylaxis is probably not mitigated by sugammadex: evidence from an in vitro experi- ment. Anaesthesia 2011; 66: 526-7.
Tomak Y, Yılmaz A, Bostan H, Tümkaya L, Altuner D, Kalkan Y, Erdivanlı B. Effects of sugammadex and ro- curonium mast cell number and degranulation in rat liver. Anaesthesia 2012;67: 1101-04.
Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü
Year 2013,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 63 - 67, 01.01.2013
Genel anestezi sırasında gelişen anafilaktik ve anafilaktoid reaksiyonların yarıdan fazlası kas gevşetici ajanlar nedeniyle oluşur. Teşhis ve uygun tedavide gecikme nedeniyle yüksek mortalite ve morbiditeyle sonuçlanan bu tür reaksiyonların önlenmesinde geleneksel destek tedavisi esastır. Fakat dolaşımdaki allerjenin hızla vücuttan uzaklaştırılması resüsitasyona büyük katkı sağlayabilir. Sugammadeks, γ-siklodekstrin yapısında bir ilaçtır. Steroid yapılı nondepolarizan nöromüsküler blokerleri selektif olarak bağlayarak, böbrek yoluyla vücuttan uzaklaştırmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Literatürde, roküronyuma bağlı geliştiği saptanan, fakat rutin anafilaksi tedavisine yanıt vermeyen durumlarda, sugammadeks ile etkin düzelme sağlandığını bildiren vaka sunumları vardır. Nondepolarizan nöromusküler blokerlere bağlı gelişen anafilaksinin geleneksel tedavisinde, dolaşımdaki allerjeni elimine etmeye yönelik sugammadeksten faydalanılabileceği kanaatindeyiz.
Heier T, Guttormsen A. Anaphylactic reactions du- ring induction of anaesthesia using rocuronium for muscle relaxation: a report including 3 cases. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2000; 44: 775-81.
Mertes P, Aimone-Gastin I, Guéant-Rodriguez R, Mouton-Faivre C, Audibert G, OBrien J, Frendt D, Brezeanu M, Bouaziz H, Guéant J. Hypersensitivity reactions to neuromuscular blocking agents. Curr Pharm Des 2008; 14: 2809-25.
Matthey P, Wang P, Finegan BA, Donnelly M. Rocu- ronium anaphylaxis and multiple neuromuscular blocking drug sensitivities. Can J Anaesth 2000; 47: 890-3.
Mertes PM, Laxenaire MC, Alla F, des Réactions Anaphylactoïdes GE. Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions occurring during anesthesia in France in 1999–2000. Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 536.
Rose M, Fisher M. Rocuronium: high risk for anaphylaxis? Br J Anaesth2001; 86: 678-82.
de Boer HD, van Egmond J, van de Pol F, Bom A, Booij LHDJ. Chemical encapsulation of rocuronium by synthetic cyclodextrin derivatives: reversal of ne- uromuscular block in anaesthetized Rhesus mon- keys. Br J Anaesth 2006; 96: 201-6.
Gijsenbergh F, Ramael S, Houwing N, van Iersel T. First human exposure of Org 25969, a novel agent to reverse the action of rocuronium bromide. Anesthe- siology 2005; 103: 695.
Sorgenfrei IF, Norrild K, Larsen PB, Stensballe J, Østergaard D, Prins ME, Viby-Mogensen J. Reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by the selective relaxant binding agent sugammadex: a do- se-finding and safety study. Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 667-74.
Bom A, Bradley M, Cameron K, Clark JK, Van Egmond J, Feilden H, MacLean EJ, Muir AW, Palin R, Rees DC. A Novel Concept of Reversing Neuromuscular Block: Chemical Encapsulation of Rocuronium Bromide by a Cyclodextrin-Based Synthetic Host. Angewandte Chemie 2002; 114: 275-80.
Jones P, Turkstra T. Mitigation of rocuro- nium-induced anaphylaxis by sugammadex: the great unknown. Anaesthesia 2010; 65: 89-90.
Menéndez-Ozcoidi L, Ortiz-Gómez J, Olagui- bel-Ribero J, Salvador-Bravo M. Allergy to low dose sugammadex. Anaesthesia 2011; 66: 217-9.
Martyn JJA, Standaert FG: Neuromuscular physiology and pharmacology, In: Miller RD, Eriksson LI, Fleisher LA: Miller's Anesthesia. 5th edition, Churchill Livings- tone, New York, USA 2000: 735-51.
Galletly D, Treuren B. Anaphylactoid reactions during anaesthesia. Anaesthesia 1985; 40: 329-33.
Laxenaire MC. Drugs and other agents involved in anaphylactic shock occurring during anaesthesia. A French multicenter epidemiological inquiry. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993; 12: 91-6.
Pepys J, Pepys E, Baldo B, Whitwam J. Anaphylac- tic/anaphylactoid reactions to anaesthetic and asso- ciated agents Skin prick tests in aetiological diagno- sis. Anaesthesia 1994; 49: 470-5.
Fisher M, Baldo B. The incidence and clinical features of anaphylactic reactions during anaesthesia in Aust- ralia. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1993; 12: 97-104.
Caldwell J, Miller R. Clinical implications of sugam- madex. Anaesthesia 2009; 64: 66-72.
Mirakhur R. Safety aspects of non-depolarizing neu- romuscular blocking agents with special reference to rocuronium bromide. Eur J Anaesthesiol Suppl 1994; 9: 133.
McDonnell N, Pavy T, Green L, Platt P. Sugammadex in the management of rocuronium - induced anaphylaxis. Br J Anaesth 2011; 106: 199-201.
Funnell A, Griffiths J, Hodzovic I. A further case of rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis treated with su- gammadex. Br J Anaesth 2011; 107: 275-6.
Clarke R, Sadleir P, Platt P. The role of sugammadex in the development and modification of an allergic response to rocuronium: evidence from a cutaneous model. Anaesthesia 2012; 67: 266-73.
Leysen J, Bridts C, De Clerck L, Ebo D. Rocuro- nium-induced anaphylaxis is probably not mitigated by sugammadex: evidence from an in vitro experi- ment. Anaesthesia 2011; 66: 526-7.
Tomak Y, Yılmaz A, Bostan H, Tümkaya L, Altuner D, Kalkan Y, Erdivanlı B. Effects of sugammadex and ro- curonium mast cell number and degranulation in rat liver. Anaesthesia 2012;67: 1101-04.
Tomak, Y., Erdivanlı, B., & Şen, A. (2013). Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü. Abant Medical Journal, 2(1), 63-67.
Tomak Y, Erdivanlı B, Şen A. Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü. Abant Med J. January 2013;2(1):63-67. doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2013.96268
Tomak, Yakup, Başar Erdivanlı, and Ahmet Şen. “Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar Ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü”. Abant Medical Journal 2, no. 1 (January 2013): 63-67.
Tomak Y, Erdivanlı B, Şen A (January 1, 2013) Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü. Abant Medical Journal 2 1 63–67.
Y. Tomak, B. Erdivanlı, and A. Şen, “Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü”, Abant Med J, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 63–67, 2013, doi: 10.5505/abantmedj.2013.96268.
Tomak, Yakup et al. “Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar Ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü”. Abant Medical Journal 2/1 (January 2013), 63-67.
Tomak Y, Erdivanlı B, Şen A. Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü. Abant Med J. 2013;2:63–67.
Tomak, Yakup et al. “Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar Ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü”. Abant Medical Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, 2013, pp. 63-67, doi:10.5505/abantmedj.2013.96268.
Tomak Y, Erdivanlı B, Şen A. Steroid Yapılı Nondepolarizan Nöromüsküler Blokerlere Bağlı Allerjik Reaksiyonlar ve Tedavide Sugammadeksin Rolü. Abant Med J. 2013;2(1):63-7.