Glioblastome multiforme begin with personality changes for no apparent reason: a case report
Year 2012,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 23 - 25, 01.01.2012
Yaşar Dağıstan
Emine Dağıstan
Mehmet Salih Güney
In a 74-year-old female patient with complaints of personality disorder and headache, magnetic resonance imaging revealed bifrontal mass. Tumor resection was performed. The pathology report was defined glioblastome multiforme. Patient follow-up clinical findings were normal. The presence of a cranial mass in patients presenting with personality changes for no reason must be considered and investigated appropriate.
- Tolgay E, Bahar A, Yurtoğulları Ş, Karlı N, Erer S, Turan F ve ark. Multisentrik Glioblastoma Multiforme Olgusu. Türk Nörol Derg 2008; 14: 272 – 276.
- George M, Liangge H. Glioblastoma Multiforme. Brigham Radiology 1994.
- Vougiouklakis T, Mitselou A, Agnantis NJ. Sudden death due to primary intracranial neoplasms. A forensic autopsy study. Anticancer Res. 2006;26:2463-6.
- Matschke J, Tsokos M. Sudden Unexpected Death due to Undiagnosed Glioblastoma: Report of three cases and Review of the Literature. Acta Neurochir Suppl 2003;86:507-11.
- Frederiks J. Transient global amnesia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 1993;95:265-83.
- Parlayan ET. Geçici global amnezi ve demansiyel bulgular ile başlayan glioblastome multiforme olgusu. Klinik Psikiyatri 2010;13:209-214.
- Levin VA, Sheline PH, Gutin PH: Neoplasms of central nervous system, in de Vita, Helman VTS, Rosenberg SA (eds): Cancer. Principles and Practice of Onkology, vol 2, 3rd ed. Philadelp- hia: Lippincott, 1989:1557-1612
- Eroğlu C, Soyuer S, Yıldız OG, Özkan M, Menkü A, Orhan O ve ark. Glioblastoma multiforme’li olgularda postoperatif radyo- terapi ile eş zamanl temozolomide adjuvan temozolomid te- davesinin tedavi sonuçlarına katkısı UHOD 2008; 18: 65-73.
- Reni M, Cozzarini C, Ferreri AJM, Ceresoli GL, Galli L, Bianchi A, et al. A retrospective analysis of postradiation chemotherapy in 133 patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Cancer Invest 2000; 18: 510-515.
- Brada M, Sharpe G, Rajan B, Britton J, Wilkins PR, Guerrero D, et al. Modifying radical radiotherapy in high grade gliomas; Shortening the treatment time through acceleration. Int J Ra- diat Oncol Biol Phys 1999; 43: 287-292.
- Dere F. Nöroanatomi. 1. Baskı, Adana: Ç.Ü. Basımevi, 1990; 10- 113
- Levin A, Leibel SA, Gutın PH. Neoplasms of the Central Ner- vous. De Vita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology. 5th ED., Philadelphia: J.B Lippincot- Raven Publıshers, 1997:2022-2083.
- Weingart J, Brem H. Brain Tumors and Cancers of the Central Nervous System. Neıderhuber JE. Current Therapy. Fhırst ED., Decker: Mosby- Year Book Inc, 1993: 538-546.
- Karlsson UL, Leibel SA, Wallner K, DavisLW, Brady LW, Brain in: Principles and Practise of Radiation Oncology. (eds) : Perez CA, Brady LW ,J.B Lippincot Company Philadelphia:1992, ch23: 513-563
- Karlsson UL, Leibel SA, Wallner K, DavisLW, Brady LW. Primary intracranial Neoplasms. Perez CA, Brady LW. Principles and Practise of Radiation Oncology. Third ED., Philadelphia: J.B Lippincot Company 1998 :777-822.
- Demir MK, Hakan T, Okan Akıncı, Berkman Z. Primer serebellar glioblastoma multiforme. Diagn Interv Radiol 2005; 11:83-86
- Mayadağlı A, Tezcan Y, Uyanoğlu A, Aksakal Ö, Kızılkaya O, Erkal H ve ark. Konvansiyonel eksternal radyoterapi uygulanan glioblastoma multiforme tanılı 40 hastanın irdelenmesi. Genel Tıp Dergisi 1997 ;7 :121-3.
- Chang CH, Horton J, Schoenfeld D, Salazer O, Perez-Tamayo R, Kramer S, et al. Comparison of post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the multidisciplinary management of malignant gliomas. Cancer 1983; 52: 997-1007.
- Kristiansen K, Hagen S, Kollevold T, Torvik A, Holme I, Nes- bakken R, et al. Combined modality therapy of operated ast- rocytomas Grade III and IV. Confirmation of the value of pos- toperative irradiation and lack of potentiation of bleomycin on survival time: a prospective multicenter trial of the Scandi- navian Glioblastoma Study group. Cancer 1981; 47: 649-652.
- Buatti JM, Marcus RB, Mendenhall WM, Friedman WA, Bova FJ. Accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy for malignant gliomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996; 34: 785-792.
- Fulton DS, Urtasun RC, Shin KH, Geggie PH, Thomas H, Muller PJ, et al. Misonidasole combined with hyperfractionation in the management of malignant glioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1984; 10: 1709-1712.
- Keim H, Potthoff PC, Schmidt K, Schiebusch M, Neiss A, Trott KR. Survival and quality of life after continuous accelerated radiotherapy of glioblastomas. Radiother Oncol 1987; 9: 21- 26.
Sebepsiz kişilik değişiklikleri ile başlayan glioblastome multiforme: Bir olgu sunumu
Year 2012,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 23 - 25, 01.01.2012
Yaşar Dağıstan
Emine Dağıstan
Mehmet Salih Güney
Kişilik bozukluğu ve baş ağrısı şikayetleri bulunan 74 yaşında bayan hastanın magnetik rezonans görüntülemesinde bifrontal kitle saptandı. Tümör rezeksiyonu yapıldı. Patoloji sonucu glioblastome multiforme geldi. Hastanın takiplerinde klinik bulguları normaldi. Sebepsiz kişilik değişikliği ile başvuran hastalarda kranial bir kitlenin varlığı düşünülerek araştırılma yapılması uygundur.
- Tolgay E, Bahar A, Yurtoğulları Ş, Karlı N, Erer S, Turan F ve ark. Multisentrik Glioblastoma Multiforme Olgusu. Türk Nörol Derg 2008; 14: 272 – 276.
- George M, Liangge H. Glioblastoma Multiforme. Brigham Radiology 1994.
- Vougiouklakis T, Mitselou A, Agnantis NJ. Sudden death due to primary intracranial neoplasms. A forensic autopsy study. Anticancer Res. 2006;26:2463-6.
- Matschke J, Tsokos M. Sudden Unexpected Death due to Undiagnosed Glioblastoma: Report of three cases and Review of the Literature. Acta Neurochir Suppl 2003;86:507-11.
- Frederiks J. Transient global amnesia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 1993;95:265-83.
- Parlayan ET. Geçici global amnezi ve demansiyel bulgular ile başlayan glioblastome multiforme olgusu. Klinik Psikiyatri 2010;13:209-214.
- Levin VA, Sheline PH, Gutin PH: Neoplasms of central nervous system, in de Vita, Helman VTS, Rosenberg SA (eds): Cancer. Principles and Practice of Onkology, vol 2, 3rd ed. Philadelp- hia: Lippincott, 1989:1557-1612
- Eroğlu C, Soyuer S, Yıldız OG, Özkan M, Menkü A, Orhan O ve ark. Glioblastoma multiforme’li olgularda postoperatif radyo- terapi ile eş zamanl temozolomide adjuvan temozolomid te- davesinin tedavi sonuçlarına katkısı UHOD 2008; 18: 65-73.
- Reni M, Cozzarini C, Ferreri AJM, Ceresoli GL, Galli L, Bianchi A, et al. A retrospective analysis of postradiation chemotherapy in 133 patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Cancer Invest 2000; 18: 510-515.
- Brada M, Sharpe G, Rajan B, Britton J, Wilkins PR, Guerrero D, et al. Modifying radical radiotherapy in high grade gliomas; Shortening the treatment time through acceleration. Int J Ra- diat Oncol Biol Phys 1999; 43: 287-292.
- Dere F. Nöroanatomi. 1. Baskı, Adana: Ç.Ü. Basımevi, 1990; 10- 113
- Levin A, Leibel SA, Gutın PH. Neoplasms of the Central Ner- vous. De Vita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA Cancer Principles and Practice of Oncology. 5th ED., Philadelphia: J.B Lippincot- Raven Publıshers, 1997:2022-2083.
- Weingart J, Brem H. Brain Tumors and Cancers of the Central Nervous System. Neıderhuber JE. Current Therapy. Fhırst ED., Decker: Mosby- Year Book Inc, 1993: 538-546.
- Karlsson UL, Leibel SA, Wallner K, DavisLW, Brady LW, Brain in: Principles and Practise of Radiation Oncology. (eds) : Perez CA, Brady LW ,J.B Lippincot Company Philadelphia:1992, ch23: 513-563
- Karlsson UL, Leibel SA, Wallner K, DavisLW, Brady LW. Primary intracranial Neoplasms. Perez CA, Brady LW. Principles and Practise of Radiation Oncology. Third ED., Philadelphia: J.B Lippincot Company 1998 :777-822.
- Demir MK, Hakan T, Okan Akıncı, Berkman Z. Primer serebellar glioblastoma multiforme. Diagn Interv Radiol 2005; 11:83-86
- Mayadağlı A, Tezcan Y, Uyanoğlu A, Aksakal Ö, Kızılkaya O, Erkal H ve ark. Konvansiyonel eksternal radyoterapi uygulanan glioblastoma multiforme tanılı 40 hastanın irdelenmesi. Genel Tıp Dergisi 1997 ;7 :121-3.
- Chang CH, Horton J, Schoenfeld D, Salazer O, Perez-Tamayo R, Kramer S, et al. Comparison of post-operative radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the multidisciplinary management of malignant gliomas. Cancer 1983; 52: 997-1007.
- Kristiansen K, Hagen S, Kollevold T, Torvik A, Holme I, Nes- bakken R, et al. Combined modality therapy of operated ast- rocytomas Grade III and IV. Confirmation of the value of pos- toperative irradiation and lack of potentiation of bleomycin on survival time: a prospective multicenter trial of the Scandi- navian Glioblastoma Study group. Cancer 1981; 47: 649-652.
- Buatti JM, Marcus RB, Mendenhall WM, Friedman WA, Bova FJ. Accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy for malignant gliomas. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1996; 34: 785-792.
- Fulton DS, Urtasun RC, Shin KH, Geggie PH, Thomas H, Muller PJ, et al. Misonidasole combined with hyperfractionation in the management of malignant glioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1984; 10: 1709-1712.
- Keim H, Potthoff PC, Schmidt K, Schiebusch M, Neiss A, Trott KR. Survival and quality of life after continuous accelerated radiotherapy of glioblastomas. Radiother Oncol 1987; 9: 21- 26.