Research Article
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From delegative democracy to competitive authoritarism; the place of Turkish democracy between “democracy with adjectives” and “authoritarian regimes with adjectives”

Year 2022, Volume: 80 Issue: 3, 103 - 139, 25.08.2022


There is a global erosion in the standards and quality of democracy. Regrettably and undoubtedly, this situation shows itself in Turkey as well. Despite the severe criticisms that Turkish democracy has received, studies on the place of Turkish democracy among world democracies are limited. Turkish democracy was considered to be a delegative democracy in the sense that it has not been consolidated and has failed to become institutionalized. It is an evident example of majoritarian democracy. On the other hand, there is competition when it comes to Competitive Authoritarianism. Yet, the competition is real but not fair in these regimes. Despite this uneven playing field, there is still a risk of losing elections for the government, which differs from authoritarian regimes in this respect. In this study, we plan to examine Turkey's oscillation between the pendulums of delegative democracy and competitive authoritarianism.


  • Alpan, Başak. “From AKP’s ‘Conservative Democracy’ to ‘Advanced Democracy’: Shifts and Challenges in the Debate on Europe.” South European Society and Politics 21 no.1 (2016):15-28.
  • Amnesty International. “Turkey: Pre-election Takeover of Opposition Media Outlets a Major Blow to Freedom of Expression.” Erişim 17 Mart 2022.
  • Boyunsuz, Şule. Ö. “The AKP's Proposal for a ‘Turkish Type of Presidentialism’ in Comparative Context.” Turkish Studies 17, no.1 (2016): 68-90.
  • Charles de Secondat Montesquieu and others. The Spirit of the Laws. Cambridge University Press (1989).
  • Cheibub, Jose, Elkins, Zachary and Ginsburg, Tom, “Latin American Presidentialism in Comparative and Historical Perspective.” Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers (2011).
  • Collier, David and Levitsky, Steven. “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research.” World Politics 49, no.3 (1997): 430-51.
  • Coppedge, Michael. “Eroding Regimes: What, Where, and When?.” V-Dem Working Paper 57, no.1 (2017).
  • Council of Europe, “Venice Commission Opinion Turkey: Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution Adopted by the Grand National Assembly on 21 Jnuary 2017.”
  • Curato, Nicole. “Participation without Deliberation The Crisis of Venezuelan Democracy.” Democratic Theory 1, no.2 (2014): 113-21.
  • Çalışkan, Koray. “Toward a New Political Regime in Turkey: From Competitive Toward Full Authoritarianism.” New Perspectives on Turkey 58, no1. (2018): 5-33.
  • Davies, Christian. “Poland’s Supreme Court Constitutional Crisis Approaches a Standoff.” The Guardian, 02 Temmuz 2018, blm. World news,
  • Eastwood, David. “Trump and Brexit Have Triggered Two Deep Constitutional Crises.” The Conversation. Erişim: 11 Ocak 2019,
  • “EIU Democracy Index 2017.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2021,
  • Esen, Berk and Gümüşçü, Şebnem. “A Small Yes for Presidentialism: The Turkish Constitutional Referendum of April 2017.” South European Society and Politics 22, no.3 (2017): 303-26.
  • Esen, Berk and Gümüşçü, Şebnem. “Rising Competitive Authoritarianism in Turkey.” Third World Quarterly 37, no.9 (2016):1581-1606.
  • “European Commission Turkey 2018 Report.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • Freedom House, “Freedom in the World 2015: Discarding Democracy: Return to the Iron Fist.”
  • Gönenç, Levent. “Presidential Elements in Government: Turkey.” European Constitutional Law Review 4, no.3 (2008): 488-523.
  • Gönenç, Levent. Siyasi İktidarın Denetlenmesi-Dengelenmesi ve Yargı. 2 Baskı, Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi, 2015.
  • Gözler, Kemal. “1982 Anayasası Hâlâ Yürürlükte mi? Anayasasızlaştırma Üzerine Bir Deneme.” Kemal Gözler (blog), 30 Mayıs 2016, 4. versiyon
  • Gözler, Kemal. “Hukuk Nereye Gidiyor? Gözlemler ve Sorular.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • Gözler, Kemal. “Demokrasi Nereye Gidiyor? Nerede Hata Yaptık?.” Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi 7, no.14. (2018): 563-568.
  • Gülener, Serdar and Miş, Nebi. “Constitutional Framework of Executive Presidency in Turkey.” SETA 29, no.1 (2017).
  • Hakyemez, Yusuf. “Çoğunlukçu Demokrasi Anlayışı, Rousseau ve Türk Anayasaları Üzerindeki Etkisi.” Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 52, no. 4 (2013): 69-92.
  • Horwitz, Morton. J. “Constitutional Transplants.” Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10, no.2 (2009): 536-560.
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  • Huntington, Samuel. “Democracy for the Long Haul.” Journal of Democracy 7, no. 2. (1996): 3-13.
  • Kaboğlu, İbrahim. Ö. 15 Temmuz Anayasası, İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi, 2017.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. “Turkish Popular Presidential Elections: Deepening Legitimacy Issues and Looming Regime Change” South European Society and Politics 20 no.2 (2015): 157-179.
  • Kelly, Duncan. “Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory of Dictatorship.” in The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt, ed. Jens Meierhenrich, Oliver Simons and Duncan Kelly, Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Kingsley, Patrick. “Orban and His Allies Cement Control of Hungary’s News Media.” The New York Times, 30 Kasım 2018, blm. World, orban-media.html.
  • Kuzu, Burhan. Her Yönü ile Başkanlık Sistemi. 6. Baskı, İstanbul: Babıali Kültür Yayıncılığı, 2016.
  • Landau, David. “Constitution-Making and Authoritarianism in Venezuela: The First Time as Tragedy, the Second as Farce.” in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?, ed. Mark A. Graber, Sanford Levinson, Mark Tushnet, 2018.
  • Levitsky, Steven and Lucan, A. Way. Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Levitsky, Steven and Way, Lucan. “The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism.” Journal of Democracy 13, no. 2, (2002): 51–65.
  • Levitsky Steven and Ziblatt, David. How Democracies Die, Crown Publishing, 2018.
  • Linz, Juan. J. ve Stepan, Alfred. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-communist Europe. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
  • Lührmannm, Anna and Lindberg, Staffan. “A Third Wave of Autocratization Is Here: What is New About It?.” Democratisation 26, no. 7 (2019): 1095-1113.
  • Mardin, Şerif. “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?.” Daedalus 102, no. 1 (1973): 169-190.
  • Mete, Muhammet Dervis. “Constitutional Crises and Referendums in Turkey.” Yasama Dergisi 44, no. 2 (2021): 61-100.
  • Moe, Terry. M. ve Caldwell, Michael. “The Institutional Foundations of Democratic Government; A Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems.” Journal of Institutional and Therotical Economics (JITE) 150, no.1 (1994).
  • Munter, Andre. D. “Turkey: The Venice Commission’s Opinion on the amendments to the Turkish Constitution to be submitted to a national referendum on 16April 2017, Highlights.” (European Parliament), (2017).
  • OSCE Report “Türkiye, Anayasa değişikliği referandumu, 16 Nisan 2017: Sonuç Raporu | OSCE.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo. A. “Delegative Democracy.” Journal of Democracy 5, no. 1 (1994): 55-69.
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo. A. “Do Economists Know Best?.” Journal of Democracy 6, no. 1 (1995): 23-28.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. Contemporary Turkish Politics: Challenges to Democratic Consolidation. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Pub, 2000.
  • Özbudun, Ergun and Gençkaya, Ömer. F. Democratization and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Turkey. Central European University Press, 2009.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. Anayasalcılık ve Demokrasi. 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015.
  • Schedler, Andreas. The Politics of Uncertainty: Sustaining and Subverting Electoral Authoritarianism. Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Siems, Mathias. Comparative Law (Law in Context). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Presss, 2014.
  • Smith, Patrick. (2021) “How the EU is struggling to contain its ‘illiberal’ democracies.” News, 21 Ekim 2021,
  • Taş, Hakkı. “Turkey – From Tutelary to Delegative Democracy.” Third World Quarterly 36, no. 4 (2015): 776-91.

Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri

Year 2022, Volume: 80 Issue: 3, 103 - 139, 25.08.2022


Demokrasi standartlarında ve kalitesinde her geçen gün global düzeyde bir erozyon yaşanmakta. Şüphesiz bu durum Türkiye’de de kendisini göstermekte. Aldığı ciddi eleştirilere rağmen, Türk demokrasisinin dünya demokrasileri arasındaki yerine ilişkin yapılan çalışmalar oldukça sınırlı düzeydedir. Türk demokrasisi, uzunca bir süre kendisine delegasyoncu demokrasiler arasında yer bulmakta idi. Bir “sıfatlı demokrasi” olan delegasyoncu demokrasi, pekişmemiş ve kurumsallaşmayı başaramamış demokrasilerdir. Çoğunlukçu demokrasinin bariz bir örneğidir. Öte yandan yarışmacı otoriterizmde ise bir yarış söz konusudur. Yarışma gerçektir ancak adil değildir. Bu eşitsiz ortama rağmen yine de seçimlerin kaybedilme riski vardır. Bu yönüyle yarışmacı otoriterizm, otoriter rejimlerden ayrılır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin delegasyoncu demokrasi ve yarışmacı otoriterizm sarkaçları arasındaki salınımını irdelemeyi planlıyoruz.


  • Alpan, Başak. “From AKP’s ‘Conservative Democracy’ to ‘Advanced Democracy’: Shifts and Challenges in the Debate on Europe.” South European Society and Politics 21 no.1 (2016):15-28.
  • Amnesty International. “Turkey: Pre-election Takeover of Opposition Media Outlets a Major Blow to Freedom of Expression.” Erişim 17 Mart 2022.
  • Boyunsuz, Şule. Ö. “The AKP's Proposal for a ‘Turkish Type of Presidentialism’ in Comparative Context.” Turkish Studies 17, no.1 (2016): 68-90.
  • Charles de Secondat Montesquieu and others. The Spirit of the Laws. Cambridge University Press (1989).
  • Cheibub, Jose, Elkins, Zachary and Ginsburg, Tom, “Latin American Presidentialism in Comparative and Historical Perspective.” Public Law and Legal Theory Working Papers (2011).
  • Collier, David and Levitsky, Steven. “Democracy with Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation in Comparative Research.” World Politics 49, no.3 (1997): 430-51.
  • Coppedge, Michael. “Eroding Regimes: What, Where, and When?.” V-Dem Working Paper 57, no.1 (2017).
  • Council of Europe, “Venice Commission Opinion Turkey: Opinion on the Amendments to the Constitution Adopted by the Grand National Assembly on 21 Jnuary 2017.”
  • Curato, Nicole. “Participation without Deliberation The Crisis of Venezuelan Democracy.” Democratic Theory 1, no.2 (2014): 113-21.
  • Çalışkan, Koray. “Toward a New Political Regime in Turkey: From Competitive Toward Full Authoritarianism.” New Perspectives on Turkey 58, no1. (2018): 5-33.
  • Davies, Christian. “Poland’s Supreme Court Constitutional Crisis Approaches a Standoff.” The Guardian, 02 Temmuz 2018, blm. World news,
  • Eastwood, David. “Trump and Brexit Have Triggered Two Deep Constitutional Crises.” The Conversation. Erişim: 11 Ocak 2019,
  • “EIU Democracy Index 2017.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2021,
  • Esen, Berk and Gümüşçü, Şebnem. “A Small Yes for Presidentialism: The Turkish Constitutional Referendum of April 2017.” South European Society and Politics 22, no.3 (2017): 303-26.
  • Esen, Berk and Gümüşçü, Şebnem. “Rising Competitive Authoritarianism in Turkey.” Third World Quarterly 37, no.9 (2016):1581-1606.
  • “European Commission Turkey 2018 Report.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • Freedom House, “Freedom in the World 2015: Discarding Democracy: Return to the Iron Fist.”
  • Gönenç, Levent. “Presidential Elements in Government: Turkey.” European Constitutional Law Review 4, no.3 (2008): 488-523.
  • Gönenç, Levent. Siyasi İktidarın Denetlenmesi-Dengelenmesi ve Yargı. 2 Baskı, Ankara: Adalet Yayınevi, 2015.
  • Gözler, Kemal. “1982 Anayasası Hâlâ Yürürlükte mi? Anayasasızlaştırma Üzerine Bir Deneme.” Kemal Gözler (blog), 30 Mayıs 2016, 4. versiyon
  • Gözler, Kemal. “Hukuk Nereye Gidiyor? Gözlemler ve Sorular.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • Gözler, Kemal. “Demokrasi Nereye Gidiyor? Nerede Hata Yaptık?.” Anayasa Hukuku Dergisi 7, no.14. (2018): 563-568.
  • Gülener, Serdar and Miş, Nebi. “Constitutional Framework of Executive Presidency in Turkey.” SETA 29, no.1 (2017).
  • Hakyemez, Yusuf. “Çoğunlukçu Demokrasi Anlayışı, Rousseau ve Türk Anayasaları Üzerindeki Etkisi.” Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 52, no. 4 (2013): 69-92.
  • Horwitz, Morton. J. “Constitutional Transplants.” Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10, no.2 (2009): 536-560.
  • Huntington, Samuel. P. Üçüncü Dalga / 20. Yüzyıl Sonlarında Demokratlaşma, Çev. Ergun Özbudun Ankara: Kıta Yayınları. (2007)
  • Huntington, Samuel. “Democracy for the Long Haul.” Journal of Democracy 7, no. 2. (1996): 3-13.
  • Kaboğlu, İbrahim. Ö. 15 Temmuz Anayasası, İstanbul: Tekin Yayınevi, 2017.
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. “Turkish Popular Presidential Elections: Deepening Legitimacy Issues and Looming Regime Change” South European Society and Politics 20 no.2 (2015): 157-179.
  • Kelly, Duncan. “Carl Schmitt’s Political Theory of Dictatorship.” in The Oxford Handbook of Carl Schmitt, ed. Jens Meierhenrich, Oliver Simons and Duncan Kelly, Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Kingsley, Patrick. “Orban and His Allies Cement Control of Hungary’s News Media.” The New York Times, 30 Kasım 2018, blm. World, orban-media.html.
  • Kuzu, Burhan. Her Yönü ile Başkanlık Sistemi. 6. Baskı, İstanbul: Babıali Kültür Yayıncılığı, 2016.
  • Landau, David. “Constitution-Making and Authoritarianism in Venezuela: The First Time as Tragedy, the Second as Farce.” in Constitutional Democracy in Crisis?, ed. Mark A. Graber, Sanford Levinson, Mark Tushnet, 2018.
  • Levitsky, Steven and Lucan, A. Way. Competitive Authoritarianism: Hybrid Regimes After the Cold War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Levitsky, Steven and Way, Lucan. “The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism.” Journal of Democracy 13, no. 2, (2002): 51–65.
  • Levitsky Steven and Ziblatt, David. How Democracies Die, Crown Publishing, 2018.
  • Linz, Juan. J. ve Stepan, Alfred. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America, and Post-communist Europe. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
  • Lührmannm, Anna and Lindberg, Staffan. “A Third Wave of Autocratization Is Here: What is New About It?.” Democratisation 26, no. 7 (2019): 1095-1113.
  • Mardin, Şerif. “Center-Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics?.” Daedalus 102, no. 1 (1973): 169-190.
  • Mete, Muhammet Dervis. “Constitutional Crises and Referendums in Turkey.” Yasama Dergisi 44, no. 2 (2021): 61-100.
  • Moe, Terry. M. ve Caldwell, Michael. “The Institutional Foundations of Democratic Government; A Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems.” Journal of Institutional and Therotical Economics (JITE) 150, no.1 (1994).
  • Munter, Andre. D. “Turkey: The Venice Commission’s Opinion on the amendments to the Turkish Constitution to be submitted to a national referendum on 16April 2017, Highlights.” (European Parliament), (2017).
  • OSCE Report “Türkiye, Anayasa değişikliği referandumu, 16 Nisan 2017: Sonuç Raporu | OSCE.” Erişim: 1 Ocak 2019,
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo. A. “Delegative Democracy.” Journal of Democracy 5, no. 1 (1994): 55-69.
  • O’Donnell, Guillermo. A. “Do Economists Know Best?.” Journal of Democracy 6, no. 1 (1995): 23-28.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. Contemporary Turkish Politics: Challenges to Democratic Consolidation. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Pub, 2000.
  • Özbudun, Ergun and Gençkaya, Ömer. F. Democratization and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Turkey. Central European University Press, 2009.
  • Özbudun, Ergun. Anayasalcılık ve Demokrasi. 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015.
  • Schedler, Andreas. The Politics of Uncertainty: Sustaining and Subverting Electoral Authoritarianism. Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Siems, Mathias. Comparative Law (Law in Context). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Presss, 2014.
  • Smith, Patrick. (2021) “How the EU is struggling to contain its ‘illiberal’ democracies.” News, 21 Ekim 2021,
  • Taş, Hakkı. “Turkey – From Tutelary to Delegative Democracy.” Third World Quarterly 36, no. 4 (2015): 776-91.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Article

Muhammet Derviş Mete 0000-0003-2065-7117

Publication Date August 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 80 Issue: 3


APA Mete, M. D. (2022). Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 80(3), 103-139.
AMA Mete MD. Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri. JABA. August 2022;80(3):103-139. doi:10.30915/abd.1159140
Chicago Mete, Muhammet Derviş. “Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” Ve ‘Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler’ Arasındaki Yeri”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 80, no. 3 (August 2022): 103-39.
EndNote Mete MD (August 1, 2022) Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 80 3 103–139.
IEEE M. D. Mete, “Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve ‘Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler’ Arasındaki Yeri”, JABA, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 103–139, 2022, doi: 10.30915/abd.1159140.
ISNAD Mete, Muhammet Derviş. “Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” Ve ‘Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler’ Arasındaki Yeri”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi 80/3 (August 2022), 103-139.
JAMA Mete MD. Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri. JABA. 2022;80:103–139.
MLA Mete, Muhammet Derviş. “Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” Ve ‘Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler’ Arasındaki Yeri”. Ankara Barosu Dergisi, vol. 80, no. 3, 2022, pp. 103-39, doi:10.30915/abd.1159140.
Vancouver Mete MD. Delegasyoncu Demokrasiden Yarışmacı Otoriterizme; Türk Demokrasisinin “Sıfatlı Demokrasiler” ve “Sıfatlı Otoriter Rejimler” Arasındaki Yeri. JABA. 2022;80(3):103-39.

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