Volume: 19 Issue: 69, 7/24/24

Year: 2024

Anadolu Bil Vocational School Journal is a refereed journal that includes original scientific research and application studies and aims to address both researchers and academics in practice. / Journal of Anadolu Bil Vocational School of Higher Education is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which provides a platform for publication of original scientific research and applied practice studies. Positioned as a vehicle for academics and practitioners to share field research, the journal aims to appeal to both researchers and academicians.

Anadolu Bil Vocational School Journal is published quarterly. The copyrights of the articles published in this journal belong to Anadolu Bil Vocational School. All rights arising from the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works are reserved in this publication. It cannot be reproduced without the permission of the School, except for the quotations for promotion The opinions in the articles published in this journal belong to their authors. The school does not accept any responsibility for these opinions.

Author’s may send their articles which are prepared in accordance with the below stated publishing and editorial principles, together with the “article presentation form” via e-mail to the provided addresses.

Providing the permissions of the authors (the main author or the rightful publishing house) is obligatory for the translated texts and articles as well.

The articles which are sent to their authors for further improvement and/ or proofreading following the preliminary reviews and referee evaluations, must be edited accordingly and delivered back to the journal in one month at the latest.

On the other hand, the articles which are found to be conflicting with this guideline, will be returned to their authors for further proofreading and will not be issued.

Publishing Principles

The articles to be published in the journal cannot be published or presented elsewhere without the permission of the Editorial Board. The articles that are published, partially or as a whole, cannot be used elsewhere without citation. The journal only accepts original manuscripts which are not published, being reviewed for publication or accepted to be published previously. The authors of the related articles must build a consensus upon the name order. 

The articles delivered to the journal are expected to be arranged according to American Psychological Association (APA) style regarding the references, footnotes and bibliography. The authors must consult the 6th edition of APA. 

The articles that are published in the journal will be open for discussion from the date of publication till the next issue of the journal. The criticisms made for the articles will be published in the journal as well. The articles must not exceed 12 pages and they must 
 be handed as a disc or delivered via e-mail to the given addresses. The originally prepared manuscripts will be scaled down by 20 % while printing, thus the sizes of the figures and tables must be arranged accordingly. Also, the journal is printed black and white, therefore the photographs, images, figures or graphics within the text must not be colored.
The journal only accepts manuscripts which are not published, being reviewed for publication or accepted to be published previously. 

The papers that are presented or to be presented in a scientific gathering such as symposium, congress or conference can be accepted for referee evaluation provided that they are not published. 

The Editorial Board of the Journal delivers the article to three different referees. The articles are published at least with two positive referee reviews. 

The manuscripts that are expected to be revised must be completed and resent to the Editorial Board within 30 days (including the posting time). Manuscripts that are sent within the specified period will be queued to be published in the next issue. Manuscript revision may also be evaluated by the referees who demanded the changes. 

The approved articles are published one after another regarding the completion dates of their referee reports. 

The manuscripts to be sent to the journal must be prepared as two copies. One of the two copies must be posted as a hard copy and the other must be delivered via e-mail. Both of the delivered copies (digital and hardcopy) must include a cover page which contains the names and the surnames of the author(s), the full title of their articles, their titles and the workplaces, work and mobile phones as well as e-mails. 

10. The copyrights of the manuscripts which are accepted to be published following the evaluation process, are considered as transferred to Istanbul Aydin University. 

Editorial Principles

I. Types of Articles

The articles to be published in the journal are expected to be as follows;

» Works related to original studies, 

» Works which explain application examples in a scientific way, 

» Works of collection presenting the deficiencies and evaluating the developments on a specific subject, 

» Scientific articles that are prepared using the results obtained from a thesis, where there is a scientific consistency partially or as a whole and in which the doctorate student and the advisor have worked together as collective authors.

II. Page Layout

A4 page size with 2 cm margins on left and right; 2.5 cm on up and 3 cm on the bottom of the page.

The text must be justified and written with 1,5 space whereas the Turkish and English abstracts must be written with single space leaving an empty line between the paragraphs. The text, excluding the title, name of the figure or table for which the format is specified, must be written using Times New Roman font type in 12-point size in general.

III. Article Titles

The title of the article must reflect its content, must not exceed 70 characters. Authors must avoid redundancy; the title must be typed using Times New Roman font type in 20-point size with only the initial letter of the title capitalized. The title must be 6 cm below the upper page limit.

IV. Author’s name(s) and Address(es)

10 cm below the upper page limit, only the initials of the name and surname capitalized, Times New Roman in 12-point size, aligned to right and bold. In case there are more than one author name to be mentioned, each author’s institution must be indicated as a footnote. The author responsible for correspondence must be indicated with an asterisk (*) and his/ her contact information such as institution, phone number and e-mail address must be given on the first page of the article as a footnote with 2 cm above the bottom page limit using 10-point size Times New Roman font type.

V. Scientifically standardized abbreviations should be preferred and explained where it is first mentioned.

VI. Abstract

The abstract must contain the purpose(s), methods, results and evaluations regarding the subject of the work and consist between 200-250 words. In this respect, the abstract must be able to give an idea about the work to the reader. Starting from 13 cm below the upper page limit, the abstract must be typed with single space using 12-point size Times New Roman font type in italics. The title of the abstract (Abstract) must be typed in bold leaving an empty line before the text.

VII. Keywords

Following the abstract part, at least 3 and at most 6 keywords must be given in order for the article subject to be classified. The keywords must be prioritized with 12-point size Times New Roman font type for Turkish and 11-point size and italics for English with only the “Keywords” typed in bold. There must be a blank space between the abstract and the keywords. Keywords must be typed in lower-case letters unless indicating a proper name.

VIII. English Title of the Article

Only the initial letter capitalized; Times New Roman, 16-point size, bold and aligned to the left.

IX. Abstract in English

The English abstract should be prepared between 200-250 words to give information as the Turkish abstract, including the objectives of the study, the methods used in the article, the results achieved and the evaluations. Abstract, Times New Roman font should be written in 11 font size, italic and single spacing between lines, only the word “abstract” should be 12 font size and bold.

X. Titles

» Main Title

The introduction section must be directly related to the text itself without long background information. All main titles must be aligned to the left using 14-point size, bold, Times New Roman font type with only the initial letter of the title capitalized. Titles must not start with numbers or any kind of signs. Main titles must not have space before or after them and the main title must immediately be followed by the text (12-point size, Times New Roman) without an empty line.

» Section Titles

No empty space is required when main titles are to be followed by the section titles without a text. The section titles must be aligned to the left and written in 12-point size, Times New Roman font type in bold with only the initial letter of the first word capitalized. Section titles must be followed by the text without an empty line in between. However, any section title following a text must have an empty line before.

» Sub-titles

Sub-titles must be typed at the beginning of the text and separated from the text using a hyphen (-) after which must follow the text without a space. Sub-titles must be written in 12-point size italics using Times New Roman font type with only the initial letter of the first word capitalized.

IX. Figures

Metin içinde yer alan şekiller metin sınırlarını aşmayacak şekilde ortalanarak konulmalıdır. Şekiller mutlaka net ve okunaklı olmalıdır. Baskı sırasında yayın %20 oranında küçültüleceği için şekil büyüklükleri bu durum göz önünde bulundurularak belirlenmelidir. Şekiller ya bir çizim programı ile çizilmiş olmalı ya da taranmış ise en az 300dpi çözünürlükte taranmış olmalıdır. Şekil olarak gösterilen grafik, resim ve metin kutularında yer alan yazı ve sayıların büyüklüğü makale içinde Times New Roman karakteri ile yazılmış 9 punto boyutundaki bir yazının büyüklüğünden az olmamalıdır. Şekil numaraları ve adları şeklin altında ortalanarak, tek aralıklı ve Times New Roman 12 punto ile italik yazılmalı ve sadece ilk kelimenin ilk harfi büyük olmalıdır. Şekilden önce, şekil adından önce ve sonra da birer satır boşluk bırakılmalıdır. Şekiller metin içine yerleştirilirken mutlaka şekilden önce atıfta bulunulmalıdır.

X. Images and Photographs

The images, photographs or special drawings included within the text must be scanned in 300 ppi (300 pixels per inch) with a 10 cm short edge in JPEG format, cited within the text and numbered together with figures.

XI.Tables and Equations

The tables included in the text must be centered on the page aligned with the text. The numbers and the names of the table must be typed above the table leaving a single space before and after as well as below the table using italics, 12-point size, Times New Roman font type; the title and the number must be centered with only the initial letter of the first word capitalized.

Tables must certainly be referred to within the text beforehand. The contents of the tables lines and columns must be typed with Times New Roman font-type and in 12-point size. In case necessary the font size can be decreased down to 9-point size not exceeding text limits. The first line of the table, where the parameters and the names are found, must be closed by a 1.5-point size thick line from above and under. The table must be limited by adding an additional line under the last line of the table without using horizontal or vertical lines.

The equations to be written within the text must be typed using Microsoft Word Equation Editor and aligned to left with equals numbered within parentheses and aligned to the right.

XII. Symbols

In case the article contains a lot of symbols or they are required to be explained, symbols should be written in 11-point size italics with Times New Roman font type before the bibliography in accordance with international standards. Decimal demonstrations must be done with full stop“.” with no comma separating thousands. If required use space.

IIIX. Bibliography

The reference system for the journal is American Psychologist Association (APA) 6th Edition. A work prepared in APA system must have a references section at the end. The page must begin with a title named “References” written in 14-point size Times New Roman with only the initial letter capitalized. Any work referred or quoted within the text must be cited in the references section.

The references content must be placed at the end of the text, aligned in an alphabetical order with Times New Roman, 11-point size with only the names of journals, books or symposiums written in Italics as shown in the following examples.

In case there is, the volume numbers must be typed in bold and issue numbers in regular characters. The names of the journals where national or international articles are taken must not be abbreviated and must be given in full.

» Example: Name of the journal should be written as Water Resources, not as Wat. Res.

Citation must be as follows within the text in a sentence...Smith (1980)... or ...(Smith, 1980; Adams, 1981) as well as (Smith et al., 1980) at the end of a sentence indicating the surname and publishing year of the work. For citing the works with two authors, the surnames of both authors must be mentioned as follows (Snell and Ettre, 1971). In case there are more than two authors to be indicated in the citation then “et al.” abbreviation must be used, in parentheses (Li et al. 1998) or within a sentence ... Li et al. (1998)...

- The names of books, magazines or journals, films or TV programs must be written in italics.

- A new or technical term may be written in italics when it is mentioned for the first time in the text and with regular characters later on.

- The common expressions and abbreviations in English must be written in regular characters. Italics must not be used for emphasizing an expression more.

-Organization abbreviations: the first reference must include the full name clearly; the abbreviations can be used later on in case the reader is familiar with the concept.

» Example: First reference: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Later on: (NIMH, 2015)

Place direct quotations that are 40 words, or longer, in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Use a smaller point size than the text itself (10 or 11) and add page number in parenthesis at the end of the quote.

According to Krishnamurti (1998),

(...) zamanın bir sonucu değildir. Dönüşüm sessiz, sakin, pasif bir zihnin sonucudur. Zihin bir sonuca odaklandığında, artık pasif değildir. İnsan dönüşmek istedikçe, değişmek istedikçe, olanı değiştirmek istedikçe, bir sonuca odaklanacaktır, bir sonucu arayacaktır. Zihin basit bir şekilde olanı anlamağa niyet etmek zorundadır. O zaman sakinleşebilir. Bu sakinlik içinde, insan olanı anlayabilir. Dolayısıyla bir dönüşüm olabilir (s.83).

Information based on personal conversations that are realized through e-mail, telephone, face to face communication and in other ways are cited within the text but not in references section.

"The main problem in meat production is inefficiency, and that the meat production should be transformed from an agricultural process to a factory process," said Professor Mark Post. (Mark Post personal interview, December 24, 2011).

Initial use of laws within a text:

For laws (statutes), the preferred form includes the name of the law and the year – e.g. (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974). APA style requires anything cited briefly in the text (e.g. in parentheses) should also have a complete listing in the References list. Belli koşulları sağlayan ve nüfus yoğunluğu fazla olan belediyelerde hizmetin daha etkin ve verimli şekilde verilebilmesi amacıyla Yapı Kontrol Müdürlükleri kurulmuştur (Belediye Kanunu [BK], 2005:Madde 48).

Repeated use of laws in a text:

Belediyeler 5393 sayılı yasanın kendilerine vermiş oldukları yetki çerçevesinde yapacakları işlerle ilgili olarak yönetmelikler çıkarırlar ([BK], 2005:Madde 48).

Bibliography should be prepared as follows:

National – International Articles

» Ishidate, M., Sofuni, T., Yoshikawa, K., Hayashi, M., Nohmi, T., Sawada, M., Matsuoka, A., (1984). Primary mutagenicity screening of food additives currently used in Japan. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 22(8), 623-636.

» Pandey, A. K., Kumar, P., Singh, P., Tripathi, N. N., Bajpai, V. K., (2017). Essential oils: Sources of antimicrobials and food preservatives. Microbiology, 7: 2161. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.

» Gezgin, S., (2009). Medyanın sorumluluğu (Türk Alman ilişkileri Örneğinde). İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 1: 44-54.

» National – International Papers

» Yilmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., (1998). Magnetic fields, Proceedings, 5tJl Conference, Electronics, 117-143, Sydney, A.

National – International Books

» Yilmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., (1998). Magnetic fields, 295, Mc. Graw Press, London.

Sections from Books

» Sensoy, T., (1998). Magnetic fields, in Reinhards, M, eds, Physics, Mc. Graw HM Press, 2-5, Oxford, UK.

Translated Books

» Ong, W.J (1995). Sözlü ve Yazılı Kültür. Sema Postacıoğlu (Çev.). 136, Metis Yayınevi. İstanbul

Edited Books

» Çebi, M.(Ed).(2003). Medya Etki Araştırmaları 142, Alternatif Yayınevi. Ankara.

Sections from Edited Books

» Keeplinger. H,M(2003). Etki Kavramının Sınırları. Murat Çebi (Ed.), Medya Etki Araştırmaları 142, Alternatif Yayınevi. Ankara.

Journal Articles

» Gezgin, S. (2009). Medyanın Sorumluluğu (Türk Alman ilişkileri Örneğinde). İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1, 44-54

Unpublished Theses, Papers

» Arvas, İ.S (2010). Cumhuriyet Döneminde Basında Etik Bağlamda Ortaya Konulan Uygulamalar ve Bir Meslek Örgütü: Basın Konseyi. (Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.) İstanbul Üniversitesi / Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.

Law and Regulations

» Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Anayasası (1982), Kanun No:2709, Resmi Gazete: 09.11.1982/17863.

» Yapı Denetimi Hakkında Kanun (2001), Kanun No:4708, Resmi Gazete: 13.07.2001/24461.

» Yapı Denetimi Uygulama Yönetmeliği (2008), Kanun No:4708, Resmi Gazete: 05.02.2008/26778.

Online Articles

» Koloğlu, O. (1999). Medya, Devlet ve Sermaye. http://dorduncukuvvetmedya.com

Printed Scientific Reports

» Yilmaz, A„ Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., eds. (1998). Magnetic fields, J., Technical Report, ICTP TRIL Programme, 12, Trieste.

Vocational, Technical Reports

» Yılmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., eds. (1998). Manyetik Alan Teorisi, Teknik Rapor 5, CEV Vakfı, İstanbul.


» Yilmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., (1998). Manyetik Alan Teorisi, Doktora tezi, AÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.


» TS920, (1990). Binalarda rüzgar yükü kuralları, Türk Standartları, Ankara. ix) Güncel Yazı,

» Yilmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., (1998). Manyetik Alan Teorisi, Bilim ve Teknik, 63, 7, 3-5

Online Sources

Kaynakların A’dan Z’ye sıralanması bittikten sonra 1 punto kalınlıkta bir çizgi çekilerek, çizginin altından itibaren, internet kaynakları, siteden yararlanılan tarihle beraber yazılmalıdır.

» Yilmaz, A., Brown, O. ve Nelson, H., (1998). Manyetik Alan Teorisi, http://www.server.com/final/paperl .html, (21.12.2005)


» Inside these doors: A guidebook of Elfreth’s Alley homes [Brochure]. (t.y.).Philadelphia: Elfreth’s Alley Association.


» Yönetmenin Soyadı, Yönetmenin Adının Baş Harfleri. (Yönetmen). (Yıl). Filmin adı italik şekilde. Prodüksiyon şehri: Prodüksiyon şirketi ismi.

» Huston, J. (Yönetmen/Senaryo Yazarı). (1941). Malta Şahini [Film]. U.S.: Warner.

» Metin içindeyse: (Malta Şahini, 1941) …. şeklinde gösterilir. Photograph

» Adams, Ansel. (1927). Monolith, the face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park [Fotoğraf]. Art Institute, Chicago.

Metin içindeyse: (Adams, 1927) …. şeklinde gösterilir.


» Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal. (2003). A time for Prayer. Michael Schuman ile söyleşi. Time. 28 Temmuz 2003. Erişim Tarihi 13 Ocak 2004, http://www.times.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,471205,00.html

Report and technical articles

» Gencel Bek, M. (1998). Mediscape Turkey 2000 (Report No. 2). Ankara: BAYAUM.

TV Show

» Long, T. (Yazar), ve Moore, S. D. (Yönetmen). (2002). Bart vs. Lisa vs. 3. Sınıf [Televizyon Dizisi]. B. Oakley ve J. Weinstein (Yapımcı), Simpsonlar içinde. Bölüm: 1403 F55079. Fox.

Within the text: ...(Simpsons, 2002)... 

Principles of Research and Publication Ethics

In scientific papers sent to ABMYOD, the guidelines related to the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the International Standards for the Authors and Authors of the Committee should be taken into attention. Plagiarism, forgery in the data, misleading, repetition of publications, divisional publication and individuals who do not contribute to the research are among the authors are unacceptable practices within the ethical rules. Legal actions will be taken in case of any ethical irregularity related to this and similar practices.

a)Plagiarism: Placing the original ideas, methods, data, or works of others, partly or completely, without making reference to the scientific rules, is dealt with in the context of plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism, the authors should refer to the scientific rules in a manner that is appropriate and should pay attention to the references of all scientific papers in their research.

b)Forgery of Data: The use of data that does not exist or is modified in scientific research is data in the scope of forgery. Authors should analyze their data in accordance with ethical rules and without exposing them to a change in validity and reliability during the process.

c)Detortion: Changing the records or data obtained from the study, showing the devices or materials that are not used in the research as used, changing or shaping the research results according to the interests of the people and organizations that are supported are considered within the scope of distortion. The authors should be honest, objective and transparent in the information they provide in relation to the research process. They should avoid violating the rules of ethics.

d)Repetition: Presenting the same publication as separate publications without referring to the previous publications is considered within the scope of repetition of publications. The responsibility for the publication of the publications submitted for evaluation in another place or in the evaluation process belongs to the authors. The authors should refrain from repeating the original and original research and they should pay attention to submit their original and original research.

e)Divisional Publication: The results of a research are discussed in the scope of dissemination and disseminating the results of the research in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and disseminating it in more than one way, and publishing these publications as separate publications. The authors should consider the integrity of the research and avoid the divisions that will affect the results.

f)Authorship: The inclusion of people who do not contribute to the research or not to include the people who have contributed is considered within the scope of unfair writing. All authors should have contributed sufficiently to the planning, design, data collection, analysis, evaluation, preparation of the research and finalization of the research.

Ethics Committee Approval

"Ethics Committee Approval" is required for the following researches. An approved “Ethics Committee Approval ” must be obtained from the institution where the author of the article is located. Researches requiring from the Ethics Committee Approval are as follows:

Any kind of researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group works, observation, experiment, interview techniques,

· Usage of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

· Clinical researches on humans,
· Researches on animals,
· Retrospective studies in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data,


· Stating that “Informed consent form” has been taken in the case reports,
· Obtaining and specifying the permission of the owners for the use of scales, questionnaire and photos belonging to others,
· Stating that copyright regulations are obeyed for the ideas and works of art used.

In these articles, “Ethics Committee Approval ” should be stated in the article. The articles should include the statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

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