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Sağlık Kaynakları için Tam Sayılı Yanıt Optimizasyon Modellerinin Uygulanması

Year 2023, , 81 - 93, 02.01.2024


Bu çalışma, Türk sağlık sistemindeki hastane sayısı ile sağlık profesyonelleri arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma verileri 1967-2018 yıllarını kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada istatistiksel analizler yapılmış ve lineer regresyon yanıt optimizasyon modelleri kullanılarak tamsayılı yanıt optimizasyon modelleri oluşturulmuştur. Karar değişkenleri arasındaki ilişkiyi göstermek için Pearson korelasyon testi uygulanmıştır. Doğrusal regresyon modeli ile belirlenen yanıt değişkeninin varyasyon yüzdesi 97,85 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Hemşire (p değeri=0,001, f değeri=21,36, t değeri=-4,62), ebe (p değeri=0,001, f değeri=24,88, t değeri=4,99) ve diğer sağlık çalışanları (DSÇ) (p değeri=0,001, f değeri = 24.16, t değeri=4.92) hastane sayısı üzerinde etkili bulunmuş, doktor ve eczacı hastane sayısı üzerinde %1.00 veya %5.00 hata payı ile etkili olmamıştır. 1798 hastanede sağlık hizmeti vermek için gereken optimum sağlık çalışanı sayısı 153128 doktor, 165244 hemşire, 56351 ebe, 32032 eczacı ve 177409 DSÇ olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda, Türk hükümetinin sağlık sisteminin mevcut kaynakları ile daha fazla hastanede sağlık hizmeti sunabilmesi gerektiği doğrulanmıştır.


  • Abdalkareem, Zahraa A., Amiza Amir, Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar, Phaklen Ekhan, and Abdelaziz I. Hammouri. 2021. “Healthcare Scheduling in Optimization Context: A Review.” Health and Technology 11(3):445-69. doi: 10.1007/s12553-021-00547-5. google scholar
  • Agarana, M. C., and T. O. Olokunde. 2015. “Optimization of Healthcare Pathways in Covenant University Health Centre Using Linear Programming Model.” Journal of Applied Mathematics 91(3):215-28. google scholar
  • Ahmed, Mohamed A., and Talal M. Alkhamis. 2009. “Simulation Optimization for an Emergency Department Healthcare Unit in Kuwait.” European Journal of Operational Research 198(3):936-42. google scholar
  • Ansari, Aseer Ahmad, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Satyabrata Aich, Beom Su Kim, and Hee-Cheol Kim. 2020. “Optimization of Healthcare Network for Improved Service Delivery.” Pp. 314-18 in 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). IEEE. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2014. “Central Composite Design Optimization Using Computer Simulation Approach.” Flexsim Quarterly Publication 5-19. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2018. “Türkiye Sağlık Ekonomisi Için İstatistiksel Çok Amaçlı Optimizasyon Modelinin Uygulanması.” İşletme Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(1):34-51. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2021. “EFFECT OF HEALTHCARE EXPENDITURE ON THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF NURSES AND DOCTORS EMPLOYED.” International Journal ofHealth Management and Tourism 6(2):515-25. doi: 10.31201/ijhmt.949500. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2022. “A Cost Analysis with the Discrete-event Simulation Application in Nurse and Doctor Employment Management.” Journal ofNursing Management 30(3):733-41. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13547. google scholar
  • ATALAN, Abdulkadir. 2020. “Forecasting for Healthcare Expenditure of Turkey Covering the Years of 2018-2050.” Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 9(1):8-16. doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.538111. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir, and Cem Cagri Donmez. 2020. “DEVELOPING OPTIMIZATION MODELS TO EVLUATE HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS.” Sigma Journal ofEngineering and Natural Sciences 38(2):853-73. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir, and Cem Cağrı Dönmez. 2020. “Optimizing Experimental Simulation Design for the Emergency Departments.” Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 17(4):1-13. doi: 10.14488/BJOPM.2020.026. google scholar
  • Batun, Sakine, and Mehmet A. Begen. 2013. “Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management. Optimization in Healthcare Delivery Modeling: Methods and Applications.” Pp. 75-119 in Vol. 184. New York, NY: Springer. google scholar
  • Bradley, Stephen P., Arnoldo C. Hax, and Thomas L. Magnanti. 1977. Applied Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley. google scholar
  • Brodsky, Eithan, and Dina Van Dijk. 2008. “Advanced and Specialist Nursing Practice: Attitudes of Nurses and Physicians in Israel.” Journal ofNursing Scholarship 40(2):187-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2008.00225.x. google scholar
  • Cabrera, Eduardo, Emilio Luque, Manel Taboada, Francisco Epelde, and Ma Luisa Iglesias. 2012. “ABMS Optimization for Emergency Departments.” in Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference. google scholar
  • Cattaneo, Matias D., Michael Jansson, and Whitney K. Newey. 2018. “Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 113(523):1350-61. doi: 10.1080/01621459.2017.1328360. google scholar
  • Ceylan, Zeynep, and Abdulkadir Atalan. 2021. “Estimation of Healthcare Expenditure per Capita of Turkey Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques with Genetic Algorithm-based Feature Selection.” Journal ofForecasting 40(2):279-90. doi: 10.1002/for.2747. google scholar
  • Cheng, Feng-Chou, Ming-Chung Lee, Ling-Hsia Wang, Wen-Juain Lin, Tzu-Chiang Lin, Shiang-Yao Liu, and Chun-Pin Chiang. 2022. “Correlation between the Beverage Serving Activities and the Dental Use of Health Care Resources of National Health Insurance for Common Oral Diseases.” Journal of Dental Sciences 17(4):1510-19. doi: 10.1016/jjds.2022.06.004. google scholar
  • Chi, Chih-Yi, Hsin-Hung Wu, Chih-Hsuan Huang, and Yii-Ching Lee. 2017. “Using Linear Regression to Identify Critical Demographic Variables Affecting Patient Safety Culture From Viewpoints of Physicians and Nurses.” Hospital Practices and Research 2(2):47-53. doi: 10.15171/hpr.2017.12. google scholar
  • Chiang, An Jen, Angus Jeang, Po Cheng Chiang, Po Sheng Chiang, and Chien-Ping Chung. 2019. “Multi-Objective Optimization for Simultaneous Operating Room and Nursing Unit Scheduling.” International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11:184797901989102. doi: 10.1177/1847979019891022. google scholar
  • Daldoul, Dorsaf, Issam Nouaouri, Hanen Bouchriha, and Hamid Allaoui. 2018. “A Stochastic Model to Minimize Patient Waiting Time in an Emergency Department.” Operations Research for Health Care 18:16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.orhc.2018.01.008. google scholar
  • Dönmez, Nergis Feride Kaplan, Abdulkadir Atalan, and Cem Çağrı Dönmez. 2020. “Desirability Optimization Models to Create the Global Healthcare Competitiveness Index.” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45(8):7065-76. doi: 10.1007/s13369-020-04718-w. google scholar
  • Gabrani, Adriatik, Adrian Hoxha, Jonila Gabrani (CYCO), Elizana Petrela (ZAIMI), Edmond Zaimi, and Endrit Avdullari. 2016. “Perceived Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Albanian Public Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Study.” International Journal of Healthcare Management 9(2):110-18. doi: 10.1179/2047971915Y.0000000019. google scholar
  • Goienetxea Uriarte, Ainhoa, Enrique Ruiz Zuniga, Matias Urenda Moris, and Amos H. C. Ng. 2017. “How Can Decision Makers Be Supported in the Improvement of an Emergency Department? A Simulation, Optimization and Data Mining Approach.” Operations Research for Health Care 15:102-22. doi: 10.1016/J.ORHC.2017.10.003. google scholar
  • Ishikawa, Masatoshi. 2020. “Time Changes in the Geographical Distribution of Physicians and Factors Associated with Starting Rural Practice in Japan.” The International Journal ofHealth Planning and Management 35(2):558-68. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2964. google scholar
  • Kan, Hong J., Hadi Kharrazi, Hsien-Yen Chang, Dave Bodycombe, Klaus Lemke, and Jonathan P. Weiner. 2019. “Exploring the Use of Machine Learning for Risk Adjustment: A Comparison of Standard and Penalized Linear Regression Models in Predicting Health Care Costs in Older Adults” edited by G. Stiglic. PLOS ONE 14(3):e0213258. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213258. google scholar
  • Khatri, Naresh, Jack Wells, Jeff McKune, and Mary Brewer. 2006. “Strategic Human Resource Management Issues in Hospitals: A Study of a University and a Community Hospital.” Hospital Topics 84(4):9-20. doi: 10.3200/HTPS.84.4.9-20. google scholar
  • Krogstad, U. 2004. “Doctor and Nurse Perception of Inter-Professional Co-Operation in Hospitals.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care 16(6):491-97. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzh082. google scholar
  • Krogstad, Unni, Dag Hofoss, Marijke Veenstra, and Per Hjortdahl. 2006. “Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Doctors, Nurses and Auxiliaries in Norwegian Hospitals: Relevance for Micro Unit Culture.” Human Resources for Health 4(1):3. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-4-3. google scholar
  • Lee, I. Chen, Chao-Sung Chang, and Pey-Lan Du. 2017. “Do Healthier Lifestyles Lead to Less Utilization of Healthcare Resources?” BMC Health Services Research 17(1):243. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2185-4. google scholar
  • Leonard, M. 2004. “The Human Factor: The Critical Importance of Effective Teamwork and Communication in Providing Safe Care.” Quality and Safety in Health Care 13(suppl_1):i85-90. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2004.010033. google scholar
  • Lin, Chin-I. 2008. “Optimization Models for Capacity Planning in Health Care Delivery.” University of Florida, Florida. google scholar
  • Lovink, Marleen H., Anke Persoon, Raymond T. C. M. Koopmans, Anneke J. A. H. Van Vught, Lisette Schoonhoven, and Miranda G. H. Laurant. 2017. “Effects of Substituting Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants or Nurses for Physicians Concerning Healthcare for the Ageing Population: A Systematic Literature Review.” Journal ofAdvanced Nursing 73(9):2084-2102. doi: 10.1111/jan.13299. google scholar
  • Malehi, Amal Saki, Fatemeh Pourmotahari, and Kambiz Ahmadi Angali. 2015. “Statistical Models for the Analysis of Skewed Healthcare Cost Data: A Simulation Study.” Health Economics Review 5:11. doi: 10.1186/s13561-015-0045-7. google scholar
  • Maleki, Mohammad, Nahidsadat Majlesinasab, and Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri. 2014. “Two New Models for Redeployment of Ambulances.” Computers & Industrial Engineering 78:271-84. doi: 10.1016/J.CIE.2014.05.019. google scholar
  • Mihaylova, Borislava, Andrew Briggs, Anthony O’Hagan, and Simon G. Thompson. 2011. “Review of Statistical Methods for Analysing Healthcare Resources and Costs.” Health Economics 20(8):897-916. doi: 10.1002/hec.1653. google scholar
  • Montgomery, Douglas C., Elizabeth A. Peck, and G. Geoffrey Vining. 2012. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. 5th ed. Wiley. google scholar
  • Özcan, Tuncay, and Fatih Tüysüz. 2018. “Healthcare Expenditure Prediction in Turkey by Using Genetic Algorithm Based Grey Forecasting Models.” Pp. 159-90 in International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. google scholar
  • Öztürk, Ahmet. 2016. Yöneylem Araştırması. 16th ed. Ekin. google scholar
  • Pellegrini, Lawrence C., Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, and Jing Qian. 2014. “The US Healthcare Workforce and the Labor Market Effect on Healthcare Spending and Health Outcomes.” International Journal ofHealth Care Finance and Economics. doi: 10.1007/s10754-014-9142-0. google scholar
  • Ramudhin, Amar, Eric Chan, and Abdelkader Mokadem. 2006. “A Framework for the Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of Pathways in Healthcare.” Pp. 698-702 in 2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. IEEE. google scholar
  • Schmid, Verena. 2012. “Solving the Dynamic Ambulance Relocation and Dispatching Problem Using Approximate Dynamic Programming.” European Journal of Operational Research 219(3):611-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.10.043. google scholar
  • Shinjo, Daisuke, and Toshiharu Aramaki. 2012. “Geographic Distribution of Healthcare Resources, Healthcare Service Provision, and Patient Flow in Japan: A Cross Sectional Study.” Social Science & Medicine 75(11):1954-63. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.07.032. google scholar
  • Siciliani, Luigi, Anderson Stanciole, and Rowena Jacobs. 2009. “Do Waiting Times Reduce Hospital Costs?” Journal of Health Economics 28:771-80. google scholar
  • Steiner, Maria Teresinha Arns, Dilip Datta, Pedro José Steiner Neto, Cassius Tadeu Scarpin, and José Rui Figueira. 2015. “Multi-Objective Optimization in Partitioning the Healthcare System of Parana State in Brazil.” Omega 52(Supplement C):53-64. doi: google scholar
  • Taylor, Carl E. 1976. “The Doctor’s Role in Rural Health Care.” International Journal of Health Services 6(2):219-30. doi: 10.2190/ Q33J-0QC7-B2VA-L345. google scholar
  • Thapa, Chhitij, Abdul Ahad, Mohd. Aqil, Syed Sarim Imam, and Yasmin Sultana. 2018. “Formulation and Optimization of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers to Enhance Oral Bioavailability of Telmisartan Using Box-Behnken Design.” Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 44:431-39. doi: 10.1016/J.JDDST.2018.02.003. google scholar
  • TUIK. 2021. “Sağlık İstatistikleri, Istatistiksel Tablolar ve Dinamik Sorgulama.” Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Retrieved ( google scholar
  • Winston, Wayne L., and Munirpallam Venkataramanan. 2002. Introduction to Mathematical Programming. Fourth Edi. Thomson Learning. google scholar
  • Zhao, Jingtong, and Hanqi Wen. 2021. “Dynamic Planning with Reusable Healthcare Resources: Application to Appointment Scheduling.” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10696-021-09411-0. google scholar

Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources

Year 2023, , 81 - 93, 02.01.2024


This study investigated the relationship between the number of hospitals and healthcare professionals in the Turkish healthcare system. The study data covers the years 1967-2018. In the study, statistical analysis was performed, and the integer response optimization models were created using the linear regression response optimization models. The Pearson correlation test was applied to show the relationship between decision variables. The percentage of variation of the response variable specified by the linear regression model was calculated as 97.85. The numbers of nurses (p value=0.001, f value=21.36, t value=-4.62), midwives (p value=0.001, f value=24.88, t value=4.99), and OHP (Other health professionals) (p value=0.001, f value=24.16, t value=4.92) were found to be effective on the number of hospitals, doctors and pharmacists were not effective on the number of hospitals with a margin of error of 1.00% or 5.00%. The optimum number of healthcare workers required to provide health services in 1798 hospitals was calculated as 153128 doctors, 165244 nurses, 56351 midwives, 32032 pharmacists, and 177409 OHP. As a result of this study, we confirmed that the Turkish government should be able to provide health services in more hospitals with the existing healthcare system resources.


  • Abdalkareem, Zahraa A., Amiza Amir, Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar, Phaklen Ekhan, and Abdelaziz I. Hammouri. 2021. “Healthcare Scheduling in Optimization Context: A Review.” Health and Technology 11(3):445-69. doi: 10.1007/s12553-021-00547-5. google scholar
  • Agarana, M. C., and T. O. Olokunde. 2015. “Optimization of Healthcare Pathways in Covenant University Health Centre Using Linear Programming Model.” Journal of Applied Mathematics 91(3):215-28. google scholar
  • Ahmed, Mohamed A., and Talal M. Alkhamis. 2009. “Simulation Optimization for an Emergency Department Healthcare Unit in Kuwait.” European Journal of Operational Research 198(3):936-42. google scholar
  • Ansari, Aseer Ahmad, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Satyabrata Aich, Beom Su Kim, and Hee-Cheol Kim. 2020. “Optimization of Healthcare Network for Improved Service Delivery.” Pp. 314-18 in 2020 22nd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). IEEE. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2014. “Central Composite Design Optimization Using Computer Simulation Approach.” Flexsim Quarterly Publication 5-19. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2018. “Türkiye Sağlık Ekonomisi Için İstatistiksel Çok Amaçlı Optimizasyon Modelinin Uygulanması.” İşletme Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(1):34-51. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2021. “EFFECT OF HEALTHCARE EXPENDITURE ON THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE NUMBER OF NURSES AND DOCTORS EMPLOYED.” International Journal ofHealth Management and Tourism 6(2):515-25. doi: 10.31201/ijhmt.949500. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir. 2022. “A Cost Analysis with the Discrete-event Simulation Application in Nurse and Doctor Employment Management.” Journal ofNursing Management 30(3):733-41. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13547. google scholar
  • ATALAN, Abdulkadir. 2020. “Forecasting for Healthcare Expenditure of Turkey Covering the Years of 2018-2050.” Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 9(1):8-16. doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.538111. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir, and Cem Cagri Donmez. 2020. “DEVELOPING OPTIMIZATION MODELS TO EVLUATE HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS.” Sigma Journal ofEngineering and Natural Sciences 38(2):853-73. google scholar
  • Atalan, Abdulkadir, and Cem Cağrı Dönmez. 2020. “Optimizing Experimental Simulation Design for the Emergency Departments.” Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management 17(4):1-13. doi: 10.14488/BJOPM.2020.026. google scholar
  • Batun, Sakine, and Mehmet A. Begen. 2013. “Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management. Optimization in Healthcare Delivery Modeling: Methods and Applications.” Pp. 75-119 in Vol. 184. New York, NY: Springer. google scholar
  • Bradley, Stephen P., Arnoldo C. Hax, and Thomas L. Magnanti. 1977. Applied Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley. google scholar
  • Brodsky, Eithan, and Dina Van Dijk. 2008. “Advanced and Specialist Nursing Practice: Attitudes of Nurses and Physicians in Israel.” Journal ofNursing Scholarship 40(2):187-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1547-5069.2008.00225.x. google scholar
  • Cabrera, Eduardo, Emilio Luque, Manel Taboada, Francisco Epelde, and Ma Luisa Iglesias. 2012. “ABMS Optimization for Emergency Departments.” in Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference. google scholar
  • Cattaneo, Matias D., Michael Jansson, and Whitney K. Newey. 2018. “Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 113(523):1350-61. doi: 10.1080/01621459.2017.1328360. google scholar
  • Ceylan, Zeynep, and Abdulkadir Atalan. 2021. “Estimation of Healthcare Expenditure per Capita of Turkey Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques with Genetic Algorithm-based Feature Selection.” Journal ofForecasting 40(2):279-90. doi: 10.1002/for.2747. google scholar
  • Cheng, Feng-Chou, Ming-Chung Lee, Ling-Hsia Wang, Wen-Juain Lin, Tzu-Chiang Lin, Shiang-Yao Liu, and Chun-Pin Chiang. 2022. “Correlation between the Beverage Serving Activities and the Dental Use of Health Care Resources of National Health Insurance for Common Oral Diseases.” Journal of Dental Sciences 17(4):1510-19. doi: 10.1016/jjds.2022.06.004. google scholar
  • Chi, Chih-Yi, Hsin-Hung Wu, Chih-Hsuan Huang, and Yii-Ching Lee. 2017. “Using Linear Regression to Identify Critical Demographic Variables Affecting Patient Safety Culture From Viewpoints of Physicians and Nurses.” Hospital Practices and Research 2(2):47-53. doi: 10.15171/hpr.2017.12. google scholar
  • Chiang, An Jen, Angus Jeang, Po Cheng Chiang, Po Sheng Chiang, and Chien-Ping Chung. 2019. “Multi-Objective Optimization for Simultaneous Operating Room and Nursing Unit Scheduling.” International Journal of Engineering Business Management 11:184797901989102. doi: 10.1177/1847979019891022. google scholar
  • Daldoul, Dorsaf, Issam Nouaouri, Hanen Bouchriha, and Hamid Allaoui. 2018. “A Stochastic Model to Minimize Patient Waiting Time in an Emergency Department.” Operations Research for Health Care 18:16-25. doi: 10.1016/j.orhc.2018.01.008. google scholar
  • Dönmez, Nergis Feride Kaplan, Abdulkadir Atalan, and Cem Çağrı Dönmez. 2020. “Desirability Optimization Models to Create the Global Healthcare Competitiveness Index.” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45(8):7065-76. doi: 10.1007/s13369-020-04718-w. google scholar
  • Gabrani, Adriatik, Adrian Hoxha, Jonila Gabrani (CYCO), Elizana Petrela (ZAIMI), Edmond Zaimi, and Endrit Avdullari. 2016. “Perceived Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Albanian Public Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Study.” International Journal of Healthcare Management 9(2):110-18. doi: 10.1179/2047971915Y.0000000019. google scholar
  • Goienetxea Uriarte, Ainhoa, Enrique Ruiz Zuniga, Matias Urenda Moris, and Amos H. C. Ng. 2017. “How Can Decision Makers Be Supported in the Improvement of an Emergency Department? A Simulation, Optimization and Data Mining Approach.” Operations Research for Health Care 15:102-22. doi: 10.1016/J.ORHC.2017.10.003. google scholar
  • Ishikawa, Masatoshi. 2020. “Time Changes in the Geographical Distribution of Physicians and Factors Associated with Starting Rural Practice in Japan.” The International Journal ofHealth Planning and Management 35(2):558-68. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2964. google scholar
  • Kan, Hong J., Hadi Kharrazi, Hsien-Yen Chang, Dave Bodycombe, Klaus Lemke, and Jonathan P. Weiner. 2019. “Exploring the Use of Machine Learning for Risk Adjustment: A Comparison of Standard and Penalized Linear Regression Models in Predicting Health Care Costs in Older Adults” edited by G. Stiglic. PLOS ONE 14(3):e0213258. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213258. google scholar
  • Khatri, Naresh, Jack Wells, Jeff McKune, and Mary Brewer. 2006. “Strategic Human Resource Management Issues in Hospitals: A Study of a University and a Community Hospital.” Hospital Topics 84(4):9-20. doi: 10.3200/HTPS.84.4.9-20. google scholar
  • Krogstad, U. 2004. “Doctor and Nurse Perception of Inter-Professional Co-Operation in Hospitals.” International Journal for Quality in Health Care 16(6):491-97. doi: 10.1093/intqhc/mzh082. google scholar
  • Krogstad, Unni, Dag Hofoss, Marijke Veenstra, and Per Hjortdahl. 2006. “Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Doctors, Nurses and Auxiliaries in Norwegian Hospitals: Relevance for Micro Unit Culture.” Human Resources for Health 4(1):3. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-4-3. google scholar
  • Lee, I. Chen, Chao-Sung Chang, and Pey-Lan Du. 2017. “Do Healthier Lifestyles Lead to Less Utilization of Healthcare Resources?” BMC Health Services Research 17(1):243. doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2185-4. google scholar
  • Leonard, M. 2004. “The Human Factor: The Critical Importance of Effective Teamwork and Communication in Providing Safe Care.” Quality and Safety in Health Care 13(suppl_1):i85-90. doi: 10.1136/qshc.2004.010033. google scholar
  • Lin, Chin-I. 2008. “Optimization Models for Capacity Planning in Health Care Delivery.” University of Florida, Florida. google scholar
  • Lovink, Marleen H., Anke Persoon, Raymond T. C. M. Koopmans, Anneke J. A. H. Van Vught, Lisette Schoonhoven, and Miranda G. H. Laurant. 2017. “Effects of Substituting Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants or Nurses for Physicians Concerning Healthcare for the Ageing Population: A Systematic Literature Review.” Journal ofAdvanced Nursing 73(9):2084-2102. doi: 10.1111/jan.13299. google scholar
  • Malehi, Amal Saki, Fatemeh Pourmotahari, and Kambiz Ahmadi Angali. 2015. “Statistical Models for the Analysis of Skewed Healthcare Cost Data: A Simulation Study.” Health Economics Review 5:11. doi: 10.1186/s13561-015-0045-7. google scholar
  • Maleki, Mohammad, Nahidsadat Majlesinasab, and Mohammad Mehdi Sepehri. 2014. “Two New Models for Redeployment of Ambulances.” Computers & Industrial Engineering 78:271-84. doi: 10.1016/J.CIE.2014.05.019. google scholar
  • Mihaylova, Borislava, Andrew Briggs, Anthony O’Hagan, and Simon G. Thompson. 2011. “Review of Statistical Methods for Analysing Healthcare Resources and Costs.” Health Economics 20(8):897-916. doi: 10.1002/hec.1653. google scholar
  • Montgomery, Douglas C., Elizabeth A. Peck, and G. Geoffrey Vining. 2012. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis. 5th ed. Wiley. google scholar
  • Özcan, Tuncay, and Fatih Tüysüz. 2018. “Healthcare Expenditure Prediction in Turkey by Using Genetic Algorithm Based Grey Forecasting Models.” Pp. 159-90 in International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. google scholar
  • Öztürk, Ahmet. 2016. Yöneylem Araştırması. 16th ed. Ekin. google scholar
  • Pellegrini, Lawrence C., Rosa Rodriguez-Monguio, and Jing Qian. 2014. “The US Healthcare Workforce and the Labor Market Effect on Healthcare Spending and Health Outcomes.” International Journal ofHealth Care Finance and Economics. doi: 10.1007/s10754-014-9142-0. google scholar
  • Ramudhin, Amar, Eric Chan, and Abdelkader Mokadem. 2006. “A Framework for the Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of Pathways in Healthcare.” Pp. 698-702 in 2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. IEEE. google scholar
  • Schmid, Verena. 2012. “Solving the Dynamic Ambulance Relocation and Dispatching Problem Using Approximate Dynamic Programming.” European Journal of Operational Research 219(3):611-21. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2011.10.043. google scholar
  • Shinjo, Daisuke, and Toshiharu Aramaki. 2012. “Geographic Distribution of Healthcare Resources, Healthcare Service Provision, and Patient Flow in Japan: A Cross Sectional Study.” Social Science & Medicine 75(11):1954-63. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2012.07.032. google scholar
  • Siciliani, Luigi, Anderson Stanciole, and Rowena Jacobs. 2009. “Do Waiting Times Reduce Hospital Costs?” Journal of Health Economics 28:771-80. google scholar
  • Steiner, Maria Teresinha Arns, Dilip Datta, Pedro José Steiner Neto, Cassius Tadeu Scarpin, and José Rui Figueira. 2015. “Multi-Objective Optimization in Partitioning the Healthcare System of Parana State in Brazil.” Omega 52(Supplement C):53-64. doi: google scholar
  • Taylor, Carl E. 1976. “The Doctor’s Role in Rural Health Care.” International Journal of Health Services 6(2):219-30. doi: 10.2190/ Q33J-0QC7-B2VA-L345. google scholar
  • Thapa, Chhitij, Abdul Ahad, Mohd. Aqil, Syed Sarim Imam, and Yasmin Sultana. 2018. “Formulation and Optimization of Nanostructured Lipid Carriers to Enhance Oral Bioavailability of Telmisartan Using Box-Behnken Design.” Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 44:431-39. doi: 10.1016/J.JDDST.2018.02.003. google scholar
  • TUIK. 2021. “Sağlık İstatistikleri, Istatistiksel Tablolar ve Dinamik Sorgulama.” Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Retrieved ( google scholar
  • Winston, Wayne L., and Munirpallam Venkataramanan. 2002. Introduction to Mathematical Programming. Fourth Edi. Thomson Learning. google scholar
  • Zhao, Jingtong, and Hanqi Wen. 2021. “Dynamic Planning with Reusable Healthcare Resources: Application to Appointment Scheduling.” Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. doi: 10.1007/s10696-021-09411-0. google scholar
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Software Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Abdulkadir Atalan 0000-0003-0924-3685

Publication Date January 2, 2024
Submission Date March 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Atalan, A. (2024). Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources. Acta Infologica, 7(1), 81-93.
AMA Atalan A. Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources. ACIN. January 2024;7(1):81-93. doi:10.26650/acin.1096774
Chicago Atalan, Abdulkadir. “Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources”. Acta Infologica 7, no. 1 (January 2024): 81-93.
EndNote Atalan A (January 1, 2024) Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources. Acta Infologica 7 1 81–93.
IEEE A. Atalan, “Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources”, ACIN, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 81–93, 2024, doi: 10.26650/acin.1096774.
ISNAD Atalan, Abdulkadir. “Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources”. Acta Infologica 7/1 (January 2024), 81-93.
JAMA Atalan A. Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources. ACIN. 2024;7:81–93.
MLA Atalan, Abdulkadir. “Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources”. Acta Infologica, vol. 7, no. 1, 2024, pp. 81-93, doi:10.26650/acin.1096774.
Vancouver Atalan A. Application of Integer Response Optimization Models for the Healthcare Resources. ACIN. 2024;7(1):81-93.