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An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 71 - 87, 28.06.2024


Currently, technology-based methods are widely used in the solutions developed for smart cities and sustainable transportation. Owing to the rapid advances in technology, the traditional structure of transportation networks is undergoing a paradigm shift. Artificial Intelligence (AI), that has started to have disruptive effects in many sectors in the future, is expected to be one of the most influential factors in the paradigm shift in transportation. In this paper, the dynamics of the paradigmatic shift in transportation to promote sustainable transportation in Türkiye are evaluated through conducting a review of the existing literature. Scenarios exhibiting the use of disruptive and innovative technologies in transport systems, specifically, AI applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), are examined. Additionally, the economic, environmental, and social impacts of AI applications are discussed by emphasizing the need to identify priority areas for the effective use of AI in the field of intelligent transport. Thus, this paper, by summarizing the use of AI-based technologies for intelligent transport in Türkiye, contributes to the literature by providing an overview of the existing knowledge.

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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Software Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Review

Esma Dilek 0000-0002-7994-0294

Özgür Talih 0000-0002-5899-2511

Türksel Kaya Bensghir 0000-0002-2313-5325

Publication Date June 28, 2024
Submission Date November 11, 2023
Acceptance Date March 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Dilek, E., Talih, Ö., & Kaya Bensghir, T. (2024). An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye. Acta Infologica, 8(1), 71-87.
AMA Dilek E, Talih Ö, Kaya Bensghir T. An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye. ACIN. June 2024;8(1):71-87. doi:10.26650/acin.1389571
Chicago Dilek, Esma, Özgür Talih, and Türksel Kaya Bensghir. “An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye”. Acta Infologica 8, no. 1 (June 2024): 71-87.
EndNote Dilek E, Talih Ö, Kaya Bensghir T (June 1, 2024) An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye. Acta Infologica 8 1 71–87.
IEEE E. Dilek, Ö. Talih, and T. Kaya Bensghir, “An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye”, ACIN, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 71–87, 2024, doi: 10.26650/acin.1389571.
ISNAD Dilek, Esma et al. “An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye”. Acta Infologica 8/1 (June 2024), 71-87.
JAMA Dilek E, Talih Ö, Kaya Bensghir T. An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye. ACIN. 2024;8:71–87.
MLA Dilek, Esma et al. “An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye”. Acta Infologica, vol. 8, no. 1, 2024, pp. 71-87, doi:10.26650/acin.1389571.
Vancouver Dilek E, Talih Ö, Kaya Bensghir T. An Overview of Paradigm Shift Dynamics in Transportation: Use of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Transportation Systems in Türkiye. ACIN. 2024;8(1):71-87.