Research Article
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Measuring Financial Form Readability of Technology Companies with Text Mining Techniques

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 77 - 97, 31.12.2020


In financial markets, companies are required to disclose a comprehensive review of their business operations and financial positions via filing forms. For these forms to be understood by investors, it is necessary to use plain language without complexity. Readability indexes are used to determine the syntactic length and complexity of the texts, and they are closely related to fields such as applied linguistics, text analysis, and natural language processing. These indexes are one of the text mining functions, which aims to obtain meaningful information from texts as a primary data source. In this study, we calculated the readability scores of a total of 23,103 public disclosure forms of 144 technology companies on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) between 2010 - 2019. The scores were evaluated by comparing alternative readability indexes. As a result of the study, it was determined that readability indexes, except for file size, provide similar results, and it was concluded that public disclosure forms are “very difficult” to understand and require higher educational levels than a graduate education. It was also shown that the forms of medium and large-sized technology companies have lower readability levels than other technology companies.


  • Adalı, A. (2018). Sosyal Güvenlik Mevzuatının Okunabilirlik Düzeyi ve Buna İlişkin Bir Uygulama, (Yayımlanmamış Y.L. Tezi), Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Aggarwal, C. C., Zhai, C. (2012). An Introduction to Text Mining. C.C. Aggarwal, C. Zhai, İçinde Mining Text Data (S. 1-10), Boston: Springer.
  • Al Tamimi, A. K., Jaradat, M., Al-Jarrah, N., Ghanem, S. (2014). Aarı: Automatic Arabic Readability Index, The International Arab Journal Of Information Technology, 11(4), 370-378.
  • Ateşman, E. (1997). Türkçede Okunabilirliğin Ölçülmesi, Dil Dergisi, 58, 171-174.
  • Bailin, A., Grafstein, A. (2016). Readability: Text And Context, Boston: Springer.
  • Biddle, G., Hilary, G., Verdi, R. (2009). How Does Financial Reporting Quality Relate to Investment Efficiency?, Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 48, 112–31.
  • Bloomfıeld, R., (2008). Discussion Of Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, And Earnings Persistence, Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 45(2-3), 248-252.
  • Bonsall Iv, S. B., Leone, A. J., Mıller, B. P., Rennekamp, K. (2017). A Plain English Measure of Financial Reporting Readability. Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 63(2-3), 329-357.
  • Boubaker, S., Gounopoulos, D., Rjiba, H. (2019). Annual Report Readability And Stock Liquidity, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 28(2), 159-186.
  • Bushee, B.J., Gow, I.D., Taylor, D.J. (2018). Linguistic Complexity İn Firm Disclosures: Obfuscation Or Information?, Journal Of Accounting Research, 56(1), 85-121.
  • Cassell, C. A., Cunningham, L. M., Lisic, L. L. (2019). The Readability of Company Responses to Sec Comment Letters and Sec 10-K Filing Review Outcomes, Review of Accounting Studies, 24(4), 1252-1276.
  • Chakrabarty, B., Seetharaman, A., Swanson, Z., Wang, X. (2018). Management Risk Incentives and the Readability of Corporate Disclosures, Financial Management, 47(3), 583-616.
  • Chakraborty, G., Pagolu, M., Garla, S. (2013). Text Mining And Analysis: Practical Methods, Examples, and Case Studies Using Sas, North Carolina: Sas Institute Inc.
  • Chandler, S.B. (2001). Legibility And Comprehension of Onscreen Type, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, Usa.
  • Coleman, M., Liau, T. L. (1975). A Computer Readability Formula Designed for Machine Scoring, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(2), 283–284.
  • Çakın, T. (2010). Yatırımcıların Korunması Kapsamında Aracılık Faaliyetlerinde İş Yapış Kurallarına İlişkin Yurtdışı Düzenlemeler ve Türkiye İçin Öneriler, 18 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Spk Hukuk İşleri Dairesi: https://www.Spk.Gov.Tr/Siteapps/Yayin/Yayingoster/1156 Adresinden Alındı.
  • De Franco, G., Hope, O. K., Vyas, D., Zhou, Y. (2015). Analyst Report Readability, Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(1), 76-104.
  • Dehaan, E., Song, Y., Xie, C., Zhu, C., (2020). Disclosure Obfuscation İn Mutual Funds, 18 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Ssrn: https://ssrn.Com/Abstract=3540215 Adresinden Alındı.
  • Di Marco, J. (2010). Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles and Techniques, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Dolphin, R., Wagley, R. A. (1977). Reading the Annual Report, Financial Executive, 45(6), 20–22.
  • Drake, M. S., Roulstone, D. T., Thornock, J. R. (2016). The Usefulness Of Historical Accounting Reports, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 61(2-3), 448-464.
  • Dubay, W. H. (2004), The Principles Of Readability. Costa Mesa: Impact Information.
  • Dunn, O. J. (1964). Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums, Technometrics, 6(3), 241-252.
  • Dyer, T., Lang, M., Stice-Lawrence, L. (2017). The Evolution of 10-K Textual Disclosure: Evidence From Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 64(2-3), 221-245.
  • Fakhfakh, M. (2015). The Readability of International Illustration of Auditor's Report: An Advanced Reflection on the Compromise Between Normative Principles and Linguistic Requirements, Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 20(38), 21-29.
  • Finviz (2020). Financial Visualizations, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Finviz: https://finviz.Com/Groups.Ashx?G=İndustryvesg=Technologyvev=210veo=Marketcap Adresinden Alındı.
  • Fisher, I. E., Garnsey, M. R., Hughes, M. E. (2016). Natural Language Processing in Accounting, Auditing and Finance: A Synthesis of the Literature with A Roadmap for Future Research, Intelligent Systems İn Accounting, Finance and Management, 23(3), 157-214.
  • Flesch, R. (1948). A New Readability Yardstick, Journal of Applied Psychology, 32, 221-233
  • Gillick, D. (2009). Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the Us, Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of The North American Chapter of The Association For Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers İçinde, (s. 241-244).
  • Guay, W., Samuels, D., Taylor, D. (2016). Guiding through the Fog: Financial Statement Complexity and Voluntary Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 62(2-3), 234-269.
  • Gunning, R. (1952). The Technique of Clear Writing, New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Güyer T., Temur T. Solmaz E. (2009). Bilgisayar Destekli Metin Okunabilirliği Analizi, Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 751-766.
  • Hesarzadeh, R., Bazrafshan, A. (2018). Corporate Reporting Readability and Regulatory Review Risk, Baltic Journal Of Management, 13(4), 488-507.
  • Hornık, K., Hornik, M. K. (2018). Package ‘Nlp’, 21 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Cran: Http://Cran.Salud.Gob.Sv/Web/Packages/Nlp/Nlp.Pdf Adresinden Alındı.
  • Jha, A. (2019). Financial Reports and Social Capital, Journal of Business Ethics, 155(2), 567-596.
  • Keskin, D. A., Tutar, S., Öktem, B., Akçay, B. (2020). ARI Okunabilirlik Endeksine göre Cinsiyetin Kilit Denetim Konularının Okunabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: Sektörel Bir İnceleme, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Öneri Dergisi, 15(53), 209-228.
  • Kim, C., Wang, K., Zhang, L. (2019). Readability of 10‐K Reports and Stock Price Crash Risk, Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(2), 1184-1216.
  • Kincaid, J. P., Fishburne, R. P., Rogers, R. L., Chissom B. S. (1975). Derivation of New Readability Formulas (Automated Readability Index, Fog Count, And Flesch Reading Ease Formula) for Navy Enlisted Personnel, Research Branch Report, 8-75.
  • Klare, G. R. (1963). The Measurement of Readability, Ames: Iowa State University Press.
  • Klare, G. R. (1984). Readability. Handbook of Reading Research, New York: Longman.
  • Lawrence, A. (2013). Individual Investors and Financial Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 56(1), 130-147.
  • Lee, Y. J. (2012). The Effect of Quarterly Report Readability on Information Efficiency of Stock Prices, Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(4), 1137-1170.
  • Lehavy, R., Li, F., Merkley, K. (2011). The Effect of Annual Report Readability on Analyst Following and The Properties of Their Earnings Forecasts, The Accounting Review, 86(3), 1087–1115.
  • Li, F. (2008). Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, and Earnings Persistence, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45(2-3), 221-247.
  • Lım, E. K., Chalmers, K., Hanlon, D. (2018), The Influence of Business Strategy on Annual Report Readability, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 37(1), 65-81.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2010). Measuring Readability in Financial Text, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde:http://Securitieseditor.Com/Wp/Wp-Content/Uploads/2014/05/Plain_English_V5.Pdf Adresinden Alındı.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2014), Measuring Readability in Financial Disclosures, The Journal of Finance, 69(4), 1643-1671.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2016). Textual Analysis in Accounting and Finance: A Survey, Journal of Accounting Research, 54(4).1187-1230.
  • Lundholm, R. J., Rogo, R., Zhang, J. L. (2014). Restoring the Tower of Babel: How Foreign Firms Communicate with US Investors, The Accounting Review, 89(4), 1453-1485.
  • Luo, J. H., Li, X., Chen, H. (2018). Annual Report Readability and Corporate Agency Costs, China Journal of Accounting Research, 11(3), 187-212.
  • Lupton, E. (2014). Type On Screen: A Critical GuidefFor Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Lusardi, A.,Tufano, P. (2009). Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde National Bureau of Economic Research: https://www.Nber.Org/Papers/W14808 Adresinden Alındı.
  • Mclaughlin, G. H. (1969). Smog Grading-A New Readability Formula, Journal of Reading, 22, 639-646.
  • Miller, B. P. (2010), The Effects of Reporting Complexity on Small and Large Investor Trading, The Accounting Review, 85(6), 2107-2143.
  • Ny Times (2019, 11 Aralık). Big Tech is Under Attack, and Investors Couldn’t Care Less, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Ny Times: Https://Www.Nytimes.Com/2019/12/10/Business/Tech-Stocks-Apple-Amazon-Microsoft-Google.Html Adresinden Alındı.
  • NYSE (2020). Why Tech Companies Choose Nyse?, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Nyse: Https://Www.Nyse.Com/Article/Technology-İpo/Listings/Why-Tech-Companies-Choose-Nyse Adresinden Alındı.
  • OECD (2017). G20/OECD Infe Report on Adult Financial Literacy n G20 Countries, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde OECD:İn-G20-Countries.Pdf adresinden Alındı.
  • Özcan, O., Türü, T. E. (2004). Sermaye Piyasasında Yatırımcı Eğitiminin Önemi. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 19(225), 58-72.
  • Rennekamp, K. (2012). Processing Fluency And Investors’ Reactions to Disclosure Readability, Journal of Accounting Research, 50(5), 1319-1354.
  • Sec (1998), A Plain English Handbook: How To Create Clear Sec Disclosure Documents, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Http://Www.Sec.Gov/Pdf/Handbook.Pdf adresinden Alındı.
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Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 77 - 97, 31.12.2020


Finansal piyasalarda işlem gören şirketlerin yükümlülükleri kapsamında bulunan ve işletme operasyonları ile işletmelerin finansal durumlarına ilişkin kapsamlı bilgi sağlayan kamuya açıklama formlarının (Disclosure forms) yatırımcılar tarafından anlaşılabilmesi için, karmaşık olmayan yalın bir dil kullanılması gerekmektedir. Metinlerin söz dizimsel uzunluğu ve karmaşıklığının tespitinde kullanılan okunabilirlik indeksleri, uygulamalı dilbilim, metin ve söylem analizi ile doğal dil işleme gibi alanlarla yakından ilişkili olup, veri kaynağı olarak metin üzerinden anlamlı bilgi edinilmesini amaçlayan metin madenciliği fonksiyonlarından biridir. Bu çalışmada, 2010 – 2019 yılları arasında New York Borsası’nda (NYSE) işlem gören ve teknoloji alanında faaliyet gösteren 144 şirkete ilişkin farklı türlerde toplam 23.103 adet kamuya açıklama formu kullanılarak, her bir form türüne ilişkin okunabilirlik skorları hesaplanmıştır. Alternatif okunabilirlik indeksleriyle elde edilen skorlar karşılaştırılarak şirket ölçeklerine göre ortalama skorlar da değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, dosya boyutu haricindeki indekslerin birbirine yakın sonuçlar verdiği tespit edilmiş olup, incelenen kamuya açıklama formlarının, lisansüstü eğitime sahip yatırımcıların seviyesinden de yüksek skorda, “çok zor” okunabilirlik düzeyinde olduğu; orta ve büyük ölçekteki teknoloji şirketlerince raporlanan formların ise daha düşük okunabilirlik düzeyine sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Adalı, A. (2018). Sosyal Güvenlik Mevzuatının Okunabilirlik Düzeyi ve Buna İlişkin Bir Uygulama, (Yayımlanmamış Y.L. Tezi), Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Aggarwal, C. C., Zhai, C. (2012). An Introduction to Text Mining. C.C. Aggarwal, C. Zhai, İçinde Mining Text Data (S. 1-10), Boston: Springer.
  • Al Tamimi, A. K., Jaradat, M., Al-Jarrah, N., Ghanem, S. (2014). Aarı: Automatic Arabic Readability Index, The International Arab Journal Of Information Technology, 11(4), 370-378.
  • Ateşman, E. (1997). Türkçede Okunabilirliğin Ölçülmesi, Dil Dergisi, 58, 171-174.
  • Bailin, A., Grafstein, A. (2016). Readability: Text And Context, Boston: Springer.
  • Biddle, G., Hilary, G., Verdi, R. (2009). How Does Financial Reporting Quality Relate to Investment Efficiency?, Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 48, 112–31.
  • Bloomfıeld, R., (2008). Discussion Of Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, And Earnings Persistence, Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 45(2-3), 248-252.
  • Bonsall Iv, S. B., Leone, A. J., Mıller, B. P., Rennekamp, K. (2017). A Plain English Measure of Financial Reporting Readability. Journal Of Accounting And Economics, 63(2-3), 329-357.
  • Boubaker, S., Gounopoulos, D., Rjiba, H. (2019). Annual Report Readability And Stock Liquidity, Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, 28(2), 159-186.
  • Bushee, B.J., Gow, I.D., Taylor, D.J. (2018). Linguistic Complexity İn Firm Disclosures: Obfuscation Or Information?, Journal Of Accounting Research, 56(1), 85-121.
  • Cassell, C. A., Cunningham, L. M., Lisic, L. L. (2019). The Readability of Company Responses to Sec Comment Letters and Sec 10-K Filing Review Outcomes, Review of Accounting Studies, 24(4), 1252-1276.
  • Chakrabarty, B., Seetharaman, A., Swanson, Z., Wang, X. (2018). Management Risk Incentives and the Readability of Corporate Disclosures, Financial Management, 47(3), 583-616.
  • Chakraborty, G., Pagolu, M., Garla, S. (2013). Text Mining And Analysis: Practical Methods, Examples, and Case Studies Using Sas, North Carolina: Sas Institute Inc.
  • Chandler, S.B. (2001). Legibility And Comprehension of Onscreen Type, (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, Usa.
  • Coleman, M., Liau, T. L. (1975). A Computer Readability Formula Designed for Machine Scoring, Journal of Applied Psychology, 60(2), 283–284.
  • Çakın, T. (2010). Yatırımcıların Korunması Kapsamında Aracılık Faaliyetlerinde İş Yapış Kurallarına İlişkin Yurtdışı Düzenlemeler ve Türkiye İçin Öneriler, 18 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Spk Hukuk İşleri Dairesi: https://www.Spk.Gov.Tr/Siteapps/Yayin/Yayingoster/1156 Adresinden Alındı.
  • De Franco, G., Hope, O. K., Vyas, D., Zhou, Y. (2015). Analyst Report Readability, Contemporary Accounting Research, 32(1), 76-104.
  • Dehaan, E., Song, Y., Xie, C., Zhu, C., (2020). Disclosure Obfuscation İn Mutual Funds, 18 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Ssrn: https://ssrn.Com/Abstract=3540215 Adresinden Alındı.
  • Di Marco, J. (2010). Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles and Techniques, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Dolphin, R., Wagley, R. A. (1977). Reading the Annual Report, Financial Executive, 45(6), 20–22.
  • Drake, M. S., Roulstone, D. T., Thornock, J. R. (2016). The Usefulness Of Historical Accounting Reports, Journal of Accounting And Economics, 61(2-3), 448-464.
  • Dubay, W. H. (2004), The Principles Of Readability. Costa Mesa: Impact Information.
  • Dunn, O. J. (1964). Multiple Comparisons Using Rank Sums, Technometrics, 6(3), 241-252.
  • Dyer, T., Lang, M., Stice-Lawrence, L. (2017). The Evolution of 10-K Textual Disclosure: Evidence From Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 64(2-3), 221-245.
  • Fakhfakh, M. (2015). The Readability of International Illustration of Auditor's Report: An Advanced Reflection on the Compromise Between Normative Principles and Linguistic Requirements, Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 20(38), 21-29.
  • Finviz (2020). Financial Visualizations, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Finviz: https://finviz.Com/Groups.Ashx?G=İndustryvesg=Technologyvev=210veo=Marketcap Adresinden Alındı.
  • Fisher, I. E., Garnsey, M. R., Hughes, M. E. (2016). Natural Language Processing in Accounting, Auditing and Finance: A Synthesis of the Literature with A Roadmap for Future Research, Intelligent Systems İn Accounting, Finance and Management, 23(3), 157-214.
  • Flesch, R. (1948). A New Readability Yardstick, Journal of Applied Psychology, 32, 221-233
  • Gillick, D. (2009). Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the Us, Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of The North American Chapter of The Association For Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers İçinde, (s. 241-244).
  • Guay, W., Samuels, D., Taylor, D. (2016). Guiding through the Fog: Financial Statement Complexity and Voluntary Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 62(2-3), 234-269.
  • Gunning, R. (1952). The Technique of Clear Writing, New York: Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Güyer T., Temur T. Solmaz E. (2009). Bilgisayar Destekli Metin Okunabilirliği Analizi, Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 751-766.
  • Hesarzadeh, R., Bazrafshan, A. (2018). Corporate Reporting Readability and Regulatory Review Risk, Baltic Journal Of Management, 13(4), 488-507.
  • Hornık, K., Hornik, M. K. (2018). Package ‘Nlp’, 21 Eylül 2020 Tarihinde Cran: Http://Cran.Salud.Gob.Sv/Web/Packages/Nlp/Nlp.Pdf Adresinden Alındı.
  • Jha, A. (2019). Financial Reports and Social Capital, Journal of Business Ethics, 155(2), 567-596.
  • Keskin, D. A., Tutar, S., Öktem, B., Akçay, B. (2020). ARI Okunabilirlik Endeksine göre Cinsiyetin Kilit Denetim Konularının Okunabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: Sektörel Bir İnceleme, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Öneri Dergisi, 15(53), 209-228.
  • Kim, C., Wang, K., Zhang, L. (2019). Readability of 10‐K Reports and Stock Price Crash Risk, Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(2), 1184-1216.
  • Kincaid, J. P., Fishburne, R. P., Rogers, R. L., Chissom B. S. (1975). Derivation of New Readability Formulas (Automated Readability Index, Fog Count, And Flesch Reading Ease Formula) for Navy Enlisted Personnel, Research Branch Report, 8-75.
  • Klare, G. R. (1963). The Measurement of Readability, Ames: Iowa State University Press.
  • Klare, G. R. (1984). Readability. Handbook of Reading Research, New York: Longman.
  • Lawrence, A. (2013). Individual Investors and Financial Disclosure, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 56(1), 130-147.
  • Lee, Y. J. (2012). The Effect of Quarterly Report Readability on Information Efficiency of Stock Prices, Contemporary Accounting Research, 29(4), 1137-1170.
  • Lehavy, R., Li, F., Merkley, K. (2011). The Effect of Annual Report Readability on Analyst Following and The Properties of Their Earnings Forecasts, The Accounting Review, 86(3), 1087–1115.
  • Li, F. (2008). Annual Report Readability, Current Earnings, and Earnings Persistence, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 45(2-3), 221-247.
  • Lım, E. K., Chalmers, K., Hanlon, D. (2018), The Influence of Business Strategy on Annual Report Readability, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 37(1), 65-81.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2010). Measuring Readability in Financial Text, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde:http://Securitieseditor.Com/Wp/Wp-Content/Uploads/2014/05/Plain_English_V5.Pdf Adresinden Alındı.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2014), Measuring Readability in Financial Disclosures, The Journal of Finance, 69(4), 1643-1671.
  • Loughran, T., Mcdonald, B. (2016). Textual Analysis in Accounting and Finance: A Survey, Journal of Accounting Research, 54(4).1187-1230.
  • Lundholm, R. J., Rogo, R., Zhang, J. L. (2014). Restoring the Tower of Babel: How Foreign Firms Communicate with US Investors, The Accounting Review, 89(4), 1453-1485.
  • Luo, J. H., Li, X., Chen, H. (2018). Annual Report Readability and Corporate Agency Costs, China Journal of Accounting Research, 11(3), 187-212.
  • Lupton, E. (2014). Type On Screen: A Critical GuidefFor Designers, Writers, Developers, and Students. New York: Princeton Architectural Press.
  • Lusardi, A.,Tufano, P. (2009). Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde National Bureau of Economic Research: https://www.Nber.Org/Papers/W14808 Adresinden Alındı.
  • Mclaughlin, G. H. (1969). Smog Grading-A New Readability Formula, Journal of Reading, 22, 639-646.
  • Miller, B. P. (2010), The Effects of Reporting Complexity on Small and Large Investor Trading, The Accounting Review, 85(6), 2107-2143.
  • Ny Times (2019, 11 Aralık). Big Tech is Under Attack, and Investors Couldn’t Care Less, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Ny Times: Https://Www.Nytimes.Com/2019/12/10/Business/Tech-Stocks-Apple-Amazon-Microsoft-Google.Html Adresinden Alındı.
  • NYSE (2020). Why Tech Companies Choose Nyse?, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde Nyse: Https://Www.Nyse.Com/Article/Technology-İpo/Listings/Why-Tech-Companies-Choose-Nyse Adresinden Alındı.
  • OECD (2017). G20/OECD Infe Report on Adult Financial Literacy n G20 Countries, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde OECD:İn-G20-Countries.Pdf adresinden Alındı.
  • Özcan, O., Türü, T. E. (2004). Sermaye Piyasasında Yatırımcı Eğitiminin Önemi. İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 19(225), 58-72.
  • Rennekamp, K. (2012). Processing Fluency And Investors’ Reactions to Disclosure Readability, Journal of Accounting Research, 50(5), 1319-1354.
  • Sec (1998), A Plain English Handbook: How To Create Clear Sec Disclosure Documents, 21 Temmuz 2020 Tarihinde U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: Http://Www.Sec.Gov/Pdf/Handbook.Pdf adresinden Alındı.
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There are 68 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

M. Fevzi Esen 0000-0001-7823-0883

Tutku Tuncalı Yaman 0000-0001-8742-2625

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date October 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Esen, M. F., & Tuncalı Yaman, T. (2020). Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi. Acta Infologica, 4(2), 77-97.
AMA Esen MF, Tuncalı Yaman T. Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi. ACIN. December 2020;4(2):77-97. doi:10.26650/acin.815945
Chicago Esen, M. Fevzi, and Tutku Tuncalı Yaman. “Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi”. Acta Infologica 4, no. 2 (December 2020): 77-97.
EndNote Esen MF, Tuncalı Yaman T (December 1, 2020) Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi. Acta Infologica 4 2 77–97.
IEEE M. F. Esen and T. Tuncalı Yaman, “Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi”, ACIN, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 77–97, 2020, doi: 10.26650/acin.815945.
ISNAD Esen, M. Fevzi - Tuncalı Yaman, Tutku. “Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi”. Acta Infologica 4/2 (December 2020), 77-97.
JAMA Esen MF, Tuncalı Yaman T. Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi. ACIN. 2020;4:77–97.
MLA Esen, M. Fevzi and Tutku Tuncalı Yaman. “Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi”. Acta Infologica, vol. 4, no. 2, 2020, pp. 77-97, doi:10.26650/acin.815945.
Vancouver Esen MF, Tuncalı Yaman T. Teknoloji Alanında Faaliyet Gösteren Şirketlerin Finansal Form Okunabilirliğinin Metin Madenciliği Teknikleriyle Ölçülmesi. ACIN. 2020;4(2):77-9.