Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of internal compression therapy (ICT), a new technique used in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), and to share the early results.
Material and Method: Between September 2018 and June 2019, 27 patients with superficial venous insufficiency due to saphenofemoral junction (SFJ) insufficiency and who underwent ICT were included in the study. Demographic data, venous color doppler ultrasonography (RDUS) results, CEAP (clinical etiology, anatomy, pathophysiology) classification, venous clinical severity score (VCSS) and visual analog scale (VAS) results were retrospectively analyzed from the files of the patients.
Results: It was determined that 14 of the 27 patients were female and 13 were male in the study. While the mean CEAP classification scores were 3.9±0.5 before the procedure, it was 2.3±0.7 at the 3rd month after the procedure (p<0.001). While the mean duration of venous reflux before the procedure was 4.7±0.3 seconds, pathological reflux was detected in 2 patients at the 3rd month after the procedure (p<0.001). While the mean VCSS score was 11.2±3.3 before the procedure, it was 5.4±1.2 at 3 months (p<0.001). While the mean VAS score was 6.5±1.3 preoperatively, the mean VAS score was 2.7±1.4 at 3 months after the procedure (p<0.001). No complications were observed in any of the patients.
Conclusion: We think that ICT can be used as an alternative treatment method in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency due to valve dysfunction in SFJ.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Health Care Administration |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Project Number | YOK |
Early Pub Date | January 21, 2022 |
Publication Date | January 24, 2022 |
Published in Issue | Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 1 |
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