Research Article
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Morphometric and morphologic analysis of the mental foramen in a Turkish population with cone beam computed tomography

Year 2025, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 132 - 139, 21.03.2025


Aims: It is critical to know the localization, anatomy and dimensions of mental foramen (MF) to avoid nerve damage during surgical procedures in the mandibular anterior region and to ensure complete local anesthesia for dental procedures. The aim of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the morphological and morphometric features of MF using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and to contribute to the existing data.
Methods: In our study, the location of the MF, its horizontal diameter, its vertical diameter, the distance of the MF to the alveolar crest, the distance to the lower border of the mandible, the distance to the apex of the adjacent tooth and the distance to the midline were evaluated in the CBCT images of 500 patients between the ages of 18-65. In addition, the types of exit of the mental nerve from the MF were examined. Pearson Chi-square test was used to analyze categorical variables. Normally distributed characteristics were compared using the student t test.
Results: In our study, CBCT images of 500 cases, 250 (50%) of which were male and 250 (50%) of which were female were examined (mean age: 37.12±11.91). No significant relationship was found between MF location and gender (p>0.05). In the right mandibular region, a statistically significant difference was found between the vertical and horizontal diameters of the MF (higher in males), the distance to the alveolar crest (higher in males), the distance of the MF to the lower border of the mandible (higher in males), the distance to the midline (higher in males) and gender (p<0.05). No statistically significant relationship was found between MF exit types and gender in the right and left mandibular regions (p>0.05).
Conclusion: It is important to examine the localization, size and distance of MF to neighboring anatomical structures, the presence and dimensions of alveolar loop (AL) with CBCT before procedures with high risk of complications in the interforaminal region.


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There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Journal Section Research Articles

Sedef Kotanlı 0000-0002-0827-0991

Mehmet Sinan Doğan 0000-0002-3089-1305

Yasemin Yavuz 0000-0001-5961-4996

Mehmet Veysel Kotanlı 0000-0001-7032-4367

Nezif Çelik 0000-0002-0099-6384

Muhammet Bahattin Bingül 0000-0002-6581-2363

Publication Date March 21, 2025
Submission Date January 7, 2025
Acceptance Date January 27, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


AMA Kotanlı S, Doğan MS, Yavuz Y, Kotanlı MV, Çelik N, Bingül MB. Morphometric and morphologic analysis of the mental foramen in a Turkish population with cone beam computed tomography. Anatolian Curr Med J / ACMJ / acmj. March 2025;7(2):132-139.

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