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Farklı Oranlarda Fındık, Soya Küspesi, Balık Unu ile Birlikte Fitaz İçeren Rasyonların Gökkuşağı Alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yavrularının Gelişimi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 307 - 317, 15.09.2019


Bu çalışmada, balık unu protein (BUP), fındık küspesi proteini(FKP) ve soya küspesi protein (SKP) ile birlikte fitaz
enzimini 0 (-) ve 1000 FTU (+) farklı oranlarda içeren altı adet deneme
rasyonunun  g
alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
yavrularının (27,82±0,04g) büyüme parametrelerine,
vücut kimyasal kompozisyonuna,
organ indekslerine,
yemin sindirilebilirliğine etkilerinin
belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Çalışma 3 tekerrürlü olarak
ağırlık artışı 52,8-64,3g, yem tüketimi 64,1-72,1g/balık, yem dönüşüm oranı
1,12-1,22, spesifik büyüme oranı % 1,42-1,6 ve protein etkinlik oranı 1,79-2,0 arasında
(P<0.05).Denemede rasyon protein kaynağı
ve fitaz enzim içeriği gökkuşağı alabalığı yavrularının organ indeksleri, vücut
kimyasal kompozisyonları ve rasyon sindirim oranları üzerine etkilerinin
önemsiz, ancak rasyon fosfor ve enerjinin sindirilme oranı üzerine rasyon fitaz
enzimin seviyesinin etkisini önemli olduğu saptanmıştır
(P<0,05).Deneme sonu balık
vücutlarının kuru madde(KM), ham kül(HK), ham yağ (HY), ham protein (HP) ve
fosfor bileşenleri sırasıyla %30,7-31,8, %2,2-2,3, %11,8-12,8,%14,5-15,2 ve
%0,56-0,62 olarak bulunmuştur. Deneme grubu balıkların toplam azot, tüketimi,
kazancı ve tutumu günlük ortalama ağırlık üzerinden 1139-1173 mg/kg, 315-350
mg/kg, %27,2-30,6 ve toplam fosfor tüketimi, kazancı ve tutumu 248-279 mg/kg,
73-82 mg/kg ve %26-33 olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Denemede tüm hesaplamarda (“rasyon protein
kaynağı*Fitaz”) faktörleri arasında etkileşimin (interaksiyonun) önemsiz olduğu


  • Akpınar Z., Sevgili H., Demir A., Özgen T., Emre Y. & Tufan Eroldoğan O.(2012). Effects of dietary lipid levels on growth, nutrient utilization, and nitrogen and carbon balances in shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.).Aquaculture International, 20 (1):131-143.AOAC. (2000).Official Methods of Analysis.17th ed., Anal., Chem., Arlington. VA.Atalayoğlu G. & Çakmak M.N. (2010). The Investigation Possibilities of Using Hazelnut Kernel Meal in Scale Carp (Cyprinus carpio L. 1843) Diets. Firat University Journal of Science, 22(2):71-78.Biswas A.K., Kaku H., Cheol Ji S., Seoka M. & Takii K. (2007).Use of soybean meal and phytase for partial replacement of fish meal in the diet of red sea bream, Pagrus major. Aquaculture, 267: 284–291. Burr G.S., Wolters W.R., Barrows F.T. & Hardy R.W. (2012). Replacing fish meal with blends of alternative proteins on growth performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and early or late stage juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).Aquaculture, 334-337:110–116.Cao L., Wang W., Yang C., Yang Y., Diana J., Yakupitiyage A., Luo Z. & Li D.(2007). Application of microbial phytase in fish feed. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40:497-507.Cheng Z.J., Hardy R.W., Verlhac V. & Gabaudan J. (2004).Effects of microbial phytase supplementation and dosage on apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients and dry matter in soybean product‐based diets for rainbowtroutOncorhynchus mykiss.Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 35:1-15. doi:10.1111/j.1749-7345.2004.tb01054.xCheng Z., Ai Q., Mai K., Xu W., Ma H., Li Y. & Zhang J.(2010).Effects of dietary canola meal on growth performance,digestion and metabolism of Japanese seabass.Lateolabrax japonicus. Aquaculture, 305:102-108.Chung T.K.(2001).Sustaining livestock production and environment.Food and Agriculture Asia Pacific Development, Singapore.52–54pp.Dalsgaard J., Ekmann K.S., Pedersen P.B. & Verlhac V. (2009).Effect of supplemented fungal phytase on performance and phosphorus availability by phosphorus-depleted juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and on the magnitude and composition of phosphorus waste output. Aquaculture.286:105-112.Dalsgaard A.J.T. & Pedersen P.B.(2011).Solid and Suspended/Dissolved Waste (N, P, O) from Rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 313(1-4):92-99.Diler I., Sevgili H., Arabacı M. & Emre Y. (2012).Soya içerikli gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yemlerine ilave edilen enzimlerin büyüme performansı, sindirilebilirlik ve azot-fosfor ilişkisi. Çevresel Ekoloji Dergisi, 21(85):89-97.Doğan G. & Bircan R. (2010). Use of hazelnut meal as an alternative protein source in fish feeds. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2:49 -57.Emre Y., Sevgili H. & Sanli M. (2008a). Partial Replacement of Fishmeal with Hazelnut Meal in Diets for Juvenile Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus aurata).The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture–Bamidgeh, 60(3):198-204.Emre Y., Sevgili H. & Şanlı M.(2008b).A preliminary study on the utilization of hazelnut meal as a substitute for fish meal in diets of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Aquaculture Research, 39 (3):324-328.Furukawa A. & Tsukahara H. (1966).On the acid digestion method for the determination of chromic oxide as an index substance in the study of digestibility of fish feed. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 32:502-506.Granada L., Sousa N., Lopes S. & Lemos M.F.L.(2016).Is integrated multitrophic aquaculture the solution to the sectors’ major challenges? – a review. Reviews in Aquaculture, 8:283–300.Harlıoğlu A.G.2011. Gökkuşağı alabalığı diyetlerinde balık ununun bir kısmı yerine soya küspesi ve tamyağlı soya kullanımın fosfor sindirimi ve balık etindeki fosfor miktarına etkileri.İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 26(2):47-61.Henken A.M. Lucas H., Tijssen P.A.T. & Machiels M.A.M. (1986). A comparison between methods used to determine the energy content of feed, fish and faeces samples.Aquaculture, 58(3-4):195-201. doi: 10.1111/raq.12093.Hernandez A., Satoh S., Kiron V. & Watanabe T. (2004). Phosphorus retention efficiency in rainbow trout fed diets with low fish meal and alternative protein ingredients. Fisheries Science, 70:580-586.James C.S. (1999). Analytical Chemistry of Foods an Apsen Publication. Apsen Publishers.Inc. Maryland. 178pp.Karabulut H.A., Sonay F.D., Kırtan Y. & Könez H.(2017). Fındık küspesinin melek balığı (Pterophyllum scalare) yavrularının büyüme performansına ve yaşama oranına etkisi.Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2:115-124.Maenz D.D. (2001). Enzymatic characteristics of phytases as they relate to their use in animal feeds.In: Bedford M.R. Partridge G.G. editors.Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition. CAB International; Wallingford. UK. 61–83pp.Metailler R. (1987). Experıments in Nutrition. In: Bruno.A. (Ed.). Nutrition and Marine Aquaculture, Tunise. Lisbon. 304-320pp.Morris P.C., Gallimore P., Handley J., Hide G., Haughton P. & Black A. (2005). Full-fat soya for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in freshwater: Effects on performance, composition and flesh fatty acid profile in absence of hind-gut enteritis. Aquaculture, 248:147–161.Orisasona O., Falaye A.E.,Ajanı E.K. & Kareem O.K. (2017).Effect of phytase supplementation on the growth.mineral composition and phosphorus digestibility of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles. Animal Research International, 14 (2):2741-2750.ÖzgürYigit N.Bahadir Koca S.,Işıl Didinen B. & Diler İ. (2018).Effect of protease and phytase supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss. Walbaum) fed soybean meal-based diets.Journal of Applied Animal Research. 46(1):29–32. J., Bendiksen E.Å., Bell J.G. & Tocher D.R. (2010).Effects of increasing replacement of dietary fishmeal with plant protein sources on growth performance and body lipid composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).Aquaculture, 305:124–132.Ruohonen K., Simpson S.J. & Raubenheimer D. (2007). A new approach to diet optimisation: A re-analysis using European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Aquaculture, 267:147-156.SAS Institute & Inc. (2008).JMP 8 introductory guide, Cary, NC.Selle P.H. & Ravindran V.(2007).Microbial phytase in poultry nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 135:1-41. Sevgili H., Emre Y.& Dal İ. (2009a). Growth, nutrient utilization, and digestibility of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed diets containing graded levels of hazelnut meal in place of fishmeal.The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, IIC.63.2011.557.10pp.Sevgili H., Emre Y., Kanyilmaz M. & Uysal R.(2009b). Effects of replacement of fishmeal with hazelnut meal on growth performance, body composition,and nutrient digestibility coefficients in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 61(2):103-113.Vielma J., Lall S.P., Koskela J., Schoner F.J. & Mattila P. (1998).Effects of dietary phytase and cholecalciferol on phosphorus bioavailability in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 163:309–323.Vielma J., Makinen T., Ekholm P. & Koskela J.(2000). Influence of dietary soy and phytase levels on performance and body composition of large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and algal availability of phosphorus load. Aquaculture, 183(3-4):349–362. J., Ruohonen K. & Peisker M. (2002).Dephytinization of two soy proteins increase phosphorus and protein utilization by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 204:145-156.Zhang Y., Øverland M., Shearer K.D., Sørensen M., Mydland L.T. & Storebakken T. (2012). Optimizing plant protein combinations in fish meal-free diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by a mixture model.Aquaculture,360–361:25–36.

Effects of the Feeds Containing Different Amounts of Hazelnut Meal, Soybean Meal, Fish Meal and Phytase on the Growth of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Juveniles

Year 2019, , 307 - 317, 15.09.2019


This study aimed to examine the effects of six trial diets (containing
different amounts of fish meal, hazelnut, and soybean meal protein, also
without the enzyme phytase “0 FTU” and with “1000 FTU”) on the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) juveniles. The
study was conducted as three replicates
. Live
weight gain
, feed
consumption, feed conversion ratio, specific growth ratio and the protein
efficiency ratio of the trial groups were calculated as 52.8-64.3g,
64.1-72.1g/fish, 1.12-1.22, 1.42-1.6% and 1.79-2.0, respectively (P<0.05).
The dietary factors did not produce a significant effect on the organ indexes,
body chemical composition, digestibility ratios of diets in the fish
(P>0.05). But phytase enzyme affected significantly the dietary phosphorus
ratio and the digestible energy ratio (P<0.05).  Dry matter, crude ash, crude lipid, crude
protein and phosphorus components in the fish bodies were found to be 30.7-31.8%,
2.2-2.3%, 11.8-12.8%, 14.5-15.2% and 0.56-0.62%, respectively. In the trial
group fishes, values of the total nitrogen and phosphorus consumption, gain and
retention were calculated as 1139-1173 mg/kg versus 248-279 mg/kg, 315-350
mg/kg versus 73-82 mg/kg, and 27.2-30.6% versus 26-33%, based on the average
daily weight. Generally, the interaction between factors was found to be
statistically insignificant (P>0.05).


  • Akpınar Z., Sevgili H., Demir A., Özgen T., Emre Y. & Tufan Eroldoğan O.(2012). Effects of dietary lipid levels on growth, nutrient utilization, and nitrogen and carbon balances in shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.).Aquaculture International, 20 (1):131-143.AOAC. (2000).Official Methods of Analysis.17th ed., Anal., Chem., Arlington. VA.Atalayoğlu G. & Çakmak M.N. (2010). The Investigation Possibilities of Using Hazelnut Kernel Meal in Scale Carp (Cyprinus carpio L. 1843) Diets. Firat University Journal of Science, 22(2):71-78.Biswas A.K., Kaku H., Cheol Ji S., Seoka M. & Takii K. (2007).Use of soybean meal and phytase for partial replacement of fish meal in the diet of red sea bream, Pagrus major. Aquaculture, 267: 284–291. Burr G.S., Wolters W.R., Barrows F.T. & Hardy R.W. (2012). Replacing fish meal with blends of alternative proteins on growth performance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and early or late stage juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).Aquaculture, 334-337:110–116.Cao L., Wang W., Yang C., Yang Y., Diana J., Yakupitiyage A., Luo Z. & Li D.(2007). Application of microbial phytase in fish feed. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40:497-507.Cheng Z.J., Hardy R.W., Verlhac V. & Gabaudan J. (2004).Effects of microbial phytase supplementation and dosage on apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients and dry matter in soybean product‐based diets for rainbowtroutOncorhynchus mykiss.Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 35:1-15. doi:10.1111/j.1749-7345.2004.tb01054.xCheng Z., Ai Q., Mai K., Xu W., Ma H., Li Y. & Zhang J.(2010).Effects of dietary canola meal on growth performance,digestion and metabolism of Japanese seabass.Lateolabrax japonicus. Aquaculture, 305:102-108.Chung T.K.(2001).Sustaining livestock production and environment.Food and Agriculture Asia Pacific Development, Singapore.52–54pp.Dalsgaard J., Ekmann K.S., Pedersen P.B. & Verlhac V. (2009).Effect of supplemented fungal phytase on performance and phosphorus availability by phosphorus-depleted juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and on the magnitude and composition of phosphorus waste output. Aquaculture.286:105-112.Dalsgaard A.J.T. & Pedersen P.B.(2011).Solid and Suspended/Dissolved Waste (N, P, O) from Rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 313(1-4):92-99.Diler I., Sevgili H., Arabacı M. & Emre Y. (2012).Soya içerikli gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss) yemlerine ilave edilen enzimlerin büyüme performansı, sindirilebilirlik ve azot-fosfor ilişkisi. Çevresel Ekoloji Dergisi, 21(85):89-97.Doğan G. & Bircan R. (2010). Use of hazelnut meal as an alternative protein source in fish feeds. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2:49 -57.Emre Y., Sevgili H. & Sanli M. (2008a). Partial Replacement of Fishmeal with Hazelnut Meal in Diets for Juvenile Gilthead Sea bream (Sparus aurata).The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture–Bamidgeh, 60(3):198-204.Emre Y., Sevgili H. & Şanlı M.(2008b).A preliminary study on the utilization of hazelnut meal as a substitute for fish meal in diets of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.). Aquaculture Research, 39 (3):324-328.Furukawa A. & Tsukahara H. (1966).On the acid digestion method for the determination of chromic oxide as an index substance in the study of digestibility of fish feed. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 32:502-506.Granada L., Sousa N., Lopes S. & Lemos M.F.L.(2016).Is integrated multitrophic aquaculture the solution to the sectors’ major challenges? – a review. Reviews in Aquaculture, 8:283–300.Harlıoğlu A.G.2011. Gökkuşağı alabalığı diyetlerinde balık ununun bir kısmı yerine soya küspesi ve tamyağlı soya kullanımın fosfor sindirimi ve balık etindeki fosfor miktarına etkileri.İstanbul Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 26(2):47-61.Henken A.M. Lucas H., Tijssen P.A.T. & Machiels M.A.M. (1986). A comparison between methods used to determine the energy content of feed, fish and faeces samples.Aquaculture, 58(3-4):195-201. doi: 10.1111/raq.12093.Hernandez A., Satoh S., Kiron V. & Watanabe T. (2004). Phosphorus retention efficiency in rainbow trout fed diets with low fish meal and alternative protein ingredients. Fisheries Science, 70:580-586.James C.S. (1999). Analytical Chemistry of Foods an Apsen Publication. Apsen Publishers.Inc. Maryland. 178pp.Karabulut H.A., Sonay F.D., Kırtan Y. & Könez H.(2017). Fındık küspesinin melek balığı (Pterophyllum scalare) yavrularının büyüme performansına ve yaşama oranına etkisi.Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 2:115-124.Maenz D.D. (2001). Enzymatic characteristics of phytases as they relate to their use in animal feeds.In: Bedford M.R. Partridge G.G. editors.Enzymes in Farm Animal Nutrition. CAB International; Wallingford. UK. 61–83pp.Metailler R. (1987). Experıments in Nutrition. In: Bruno.A. (Ed.). Nutrition and Marine Aquaculture, Tunise. Lisbon. 304-320pp.Morris P.C., Gallimore P., Handley J., Hide G., Haughton P. & Black A. (2005). Full-fat soya for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in freshwater: Effects on performance, composition and flesh fatty acid profile in absence of hind-gut enteritis. Aquaculture, 248:147–161.Orisasona O., Falaye A.E.,Ajanı E.K. & Kareem O.K. (2017).Effect of phytase supplementation on the growth.mineral composition and phosphorus digestibility of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles. Animal Research International, 14 (2):2741-2750.ÖzgürYigit N.Bahadir Koca S.,Işıl Didinen B. & Diler İ. (2018).Effect of protease and phytase supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss. Walbaum) fed soybean meal-based diets.Journal of Applied Animal Research. 46(1):29–32. J., Bendiksen E.Å., Bell J.G. & Tocher D.R. (2010).Effects of increasing replacement of dietary fishmeal with plant protein sources on growth performance and body lipid composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).Aquaculture, 305:124–132.Ruohonen K., Simpson S.J. & Raubenheimer D. (2007). A new approach to diet optimisation: A re-analysis using European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Aquaculture, 267:147-156.SAS Institute & Inc. (2008).JMP 8 introductory guide, Cary, NC.Selle P.H. & Ravindran V.(2007).Microbial phytase in poultry nutrition. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 135:1-41. Sevgili H., Emre Y.& Dal İ. (2009a). Growth, nutrient utilization, and digestibility of mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed diets containing graded levels of hazelnut meal in place of fishmeal.The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, IIC.63.2011.557.10pp.Sevgili H., Emre Y., Kanyilmaz M. & Uysal R.(2009b). Effects of replacement of fishmeal with hazelnut meal on growth performance, body composition,and nutrient digestibility coefficients in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh, 61(2):103-113.Vielma J., Lall S.P., Koskela J., Schoner F.J. & Mattila P. (1998).Effects of dietary phytase and cholecalciferol on phosphorus bioavailability in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture, 163:309–323.Vielma J., Makinen T., Ekholm P. & Koskela J.(2000). Influence of dietary soy and phytase levels on performance and body composition of large rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and algal availability of phosphorus load. Aquaculture, 183(3-4):349–362. J., Ruohonen K. & Peisker M. (2002).Dephytinization of two soy proteins increase phosphorus and protein utilization by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture, 204:145-156.Zhang Y., Øverland M., Shearer K.D., Sørensen M., Mydland L.T. & Storebakken T. (2012). Optimizing plant protein combinations in fish meal-free diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by a mixture model.Aquaculture,360–361:25–36.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Orhan Demir 0000-0002-1230-8489

Adil Yılayaz This is me

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Demir, O., & Yılayaz, A. (2019). Effects of the Feeds Containing Different Amounts of Hazelnut Meal, Soybean Meal, Fish Meal and Phytase on the Growth of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Juveniles. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 15(3), 307-317.