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Penicillus capitatus Lamarck 1813’un Türk Kıyılarında Kuzeye Doğru Yayılımı

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 121 - 130, 01.03.2022


Penicillus capitatus Lamarck 1813’un Türkiye’nin güney kıyılarında varlığı 2010 yılından bu yana bilinmektedir. Bununla birlikte, P. capitatus’un Türkiye’nin Kuzey Ege kıyılarından kaydı henüz yapılmamıştır. Bu makale, P. capitatus’un Türkiye’nin Kuzey Ege kıyılarında yer alan Dikili’den kaydını rapor etmektedir. Sonuç olarak, Ege Denizinin fizikokimyasal parametrelerinin P. capitatus’un yayılımı için uygun olduğu ve Ege Denizinin birçok yerinden kaydının kuvvetle mümkün olacağı değerlendirilmektedir. Türkiye’nin Ege Kıyılarında yeni gözlenen ve habitat oluşturan bu tür için düzenli izleme faaliyetleri önerilmektedir.


  • Anon. (2017). Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. Website. Paris: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Accessed September 2017.
  • Athanasiadis, A. (1987). A survey of the seaweeds of the Aegean Sea with taxonomic studies on species of the tribe Antithamnieae (Rhodophyta). pp. i-vii, [1]-174. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. Ballesteros, E. (1992). Contribució al coneixement algològic de la Mediterrània espanyola, IX. Espècies interessants de les illes Balears. Folia Botanica Miscellanea, 8, 77-102.
  • Flores-Moya, A., Soto, J., Sánchez, A., Altamirano, M., Reyes, G. & Conde, F. (1995). Checklist of Andalusia (S. Spain) seaweeds. II. Chlorophyceae. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 20, 19-26.
  • Furnari, G., Cormaci, M. & Serio, D. (1999). Catalogue of the benthic marine macroalgae of the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Bocconea, 12, 1-214.
  • Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2021). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 04 August 2021.
  • Gallardo, T., Gómez Garreta, A., Ribera, M.A., Alvarez, M. & Conde, F. (1985). A preliminary checklist of Iberian benthic marine algae. pp. 83. Madrid: Real Jardín Botánico.
  • Gallardo, T., Gómez Garreta, A., Ribera, M.A., Cormaci, M., Furnari, G., Giaccone, G., Boudouresque, C.F. (1993). Checklist of Mediterranean Seaweeds, II. Chlorophyceae Wille s.l.. Botanica Marina, 36(5), 399-422.
  • Okudan, E , Özvarol, Y , Gökoğlu, M. (2010). Türkiye Deniz Florası için yeni bir tür olan Penicillus capitatus Lamarck, 1813 (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales, Udoteacea) türünün dağılım alanları. Ecological Life Sciences, 5(3), 203-208. Retrieved from;
  • Özvarol, Y. (2013). The Distribution of the Alien Gastropod Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) (Opistobranchia: Tethyidae) in the Mediterranean Shores of Turkey. Journal of Fisheries, 7(2), 121-124.
  • Puglisi, M.P., Tan, L.T., Jensen, P.R., & Fenical, W. (2004). Capisterones A and B from the tropical green alga Penicillus capitatus: unexpected anti-fungal defenses targeting the marine pathogen Lindra thallasiae. Tetrahedron, 60(33), 7035-7039.
  • Ribera, G., Coloreu, M., Rodriguez Prieto, C. & Ballesteros, E. (1997). Phytobenthic assemblages of Addaia Bay (Menorca, Western Mediterranean): composition and distribution. Botanica Marina, 40, 523-532.
  • Rindi, F., Sartoni, G. & Cinelli, F. (2002). A floristic account of the benthic marine algae of Tuscany (Western Mediterranean Sea). Nova Hedwigia, 74(1-2), 201-250.
  • Sfriso, A. (2011). Chlorophyta multicellulari e fanerogame acquatiche. Ambiente di transizione italiani e litorali adiacenti. pp. [1]-318, pls 1-94. Bologna: Arpa Emilia-Romagna.
  • Tsiamis, K., Panayotidis, P., Economou-Amilli, A. & Katsaros, C. (2014). Seaweeds of the Greek coasts. II. Ulvophyceae. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15, 449-461.
  • Tsiamis, K. & Gerakaris V. (2014). On some peculiar macroalgal communities from Greece. Proceedings of the 5th Marine Symposium of Marine Vegetation, Porotoroz, Slovenia, 27-28 October, pp. 244-245.
  • Tsirika, A. & Haritonidis, S. (2005). A survey of the benthic flora in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos (Greece). Botanica Marina, 48, 38-45.
  • Turna, İ, Özvarol, Y, Cormacı, M. (2010). First Record of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck (Bryopsidales, Udoteaceae) from the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 4(1), 29-31. Retrieved from;

Extended North Distribution of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck 1813 off the Turkish Shores

Year 2022, Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 121 - 130, 01.03.2022


Existence of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck 1813 has been known along the southern coastline of Turkey since 2010. On the other hand, no record of P. capitatus off the northern Aegean coastline of Turkey has so far been reported. The present paper reports the observation of P. capitatus in the coastline of Dikili, north of the Aegean shores of Turkey. In conclusion, it seems that the physicochemical parameters of the Aegean Sea are very suitable for P. capitatus and therefore, its observation in all locations of the Aegean Sea is most likely to be expected. Regular monitoring is recommended for this newly observed and habitat-forming species in the Turkish Coastline of the Aegean Sea.


  • Anon. (2017). Inventaire national du Patrimoine naturel. Website. Paris: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Accessed September 2017.
  • Athanasiadis, A. (1987). A survey of the seaweeds of the Aegean Sea with taxonomic studies on species of the tribe Antithamnieae (Rhodophyta). pp. i-vii, [1]-174. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg. Ballesteros, E. (1992). Contribució al coneixement algològic de la Mediterrània espanyola, IX. Espècies interessants de les illes Balears. Folia Botanica Miscellanea, 8, 77-102.
  • Flores-Moya, A., Soto, J., Sánchez, A., Altamirano, M., Reyes, G. & Conde, F. (1995). Checklist of Andalusia (S. Spain) seaweeds. II. Chlorophyceae. Acta Botanica Malacitana, 20, 19-26.
  • Furnari, G., Cormaci, M. & Serio, D. (1999). Catalogue of the benthic marine macroalgae of the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea. Bocconea, 12, 1-214.
  • Guiry, M.D. & Guiry, G.M. (2021). AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 04 August 2021.
  • Gallardo, T., Gómez Garreta, A., Ribera, M.A., Alvarez, M. & Conde, F. (1985). A preliminary checklist of Iberian benthic marine algae. pp. 83. Madrid: Real Jardín Botánico.
  • Gallardo, T., Gómez Garreta, A., Ribera, M.A., Cormaci, M., Furnari, G., Giaccone, G., Boudouresque, C.F. (1993). Checklist of Mediterranean Seaweeds, II. Chlorophyceae Wille s.l.. Botanica Marina, 36(5), 399-422.
  • Okudan, E , Özvarol, Y , Gökoğlu, M. (2010). Türkiye Deniz Florası için yeni bir tür olan Penicillus capitatus Lamarck, 1813 (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales, Udoteacea) türünün dağılım alanları. Ecological Life Sciences, 5(3), 203-208. Retrieved from;
  • Özvarol, Y. (2013). The Distribution of the Alien Gastropod Melibe viridis (Kelaart, 1858) (Opistobranchia: Tethyidae) in the Mediterranean Shores of Turkey. Journal of Fisheries, 7(2), 121-124.
  • Puglisi, M.P., Tan, L.T., Jensen, P.R., & Fenical, W. (2004). Capisterones A and B from the tropical green alga Penicillus capitatus: unexpected anti-fungal defenses targeting the marine pathogen Lindra thallasiae. Tetrahedron, 60(33), 7035-7039.
  • Ribera, G., Coloreu, M., Rodriguez Prieto, C. & Ballesteros, E. (1997). Phytobenthic assemblages of Addaia Bay (Menorca, Western Mediterranean): composition and distribution. Botanica Marina, 40, 523-532.
  • Rindi, F., Sartoni, G. & Cinelli, F. (2002). A floristic account of the benthic marine algae of Tuscany (Western Mediterranean Sea). Nova Hedwigia, 74(1-2), 201-250.
  • Sfriso, A. (2011). Chlorophyta multicellulari e fanerogame acquatiche. Ambiente di transizione italiani e litorali adiacenti. pp. [1]-318, pls 1-94. Bologna: Arpa Emilia-Romagna.
  • Tsiamis, K., Panayotidis, P., Economou-Amilli, A. & Katsaros, C. (2014). Seaweeds of the Greek coasts. II. Ulvophyceae. Mediterranean Marine Science, 15, 449-461.
  • Tsiamis, K. & Gerakaris V. (2014). On some peculiar macroalgal communities from Greece. Proceedings of the 5th Marine Symposium of Marine Vegetation, Porotoroz, Slovenia, 27-28 October, pp. 244-245.
  • Tsirika, A. & Haritonidis, S. (2005). A survey of the benthic flora in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos (Greece). Botanica Marina, 48, 38-45.
  • Turna, İ, Özvarol, Y, Cormacı, M. (2010). First Record of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck (Bryopsidales, Udoteaceae) from the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 4(1), 29-31. Retrieved from;
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Research Articles

Levent Çavaş 0000-0003-2136-6928

Publication Date March 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 18 Issue: 1


APA Çavaş, L. (2022). Extended North Distribution of Penicillus capitatus Lamarck 1813 off the Turkish Shores. Acta Aquatica Turcica, 18(1), 121-130.