Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 3/1/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

Acta Aquatica Turcica aims to publish articles written on limnology, fisheries management, ecology, biology, aquaculture, disease, socio-economy and fish processing technology topics.

The journal publishes articles in the formats of research articles, case reports, short communication and reviews written in both English and Turkish. For review articles, those prepared in English are given priority.

Scopes of the journal of Acta Aquatica Turcica:

- Aquaculture Science/Aquaculture Disease/Nutrition/Genetics

- Limnology

- Fishery Biology/Fisheries Management

- Fish-invertebrate Biology/Taxonomy

- Brackish and Marine Environment/Biology

- Water Pollution/Conservation/Sustainability

- Seafood Technology/Safety/Microbiology/Biochemistry

- Aquaculture Socio-Economics

- Capture Fisheries/Fishing Technology

Sample title page file: English & Türkçe

Sample manuscript file: English & Türkçe

Page should be A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) size.


Top: 2.5 cm
Right: 2.5 cm
Left: 2.5 cm
Bottom: 2.5 cm
 Gutter: 0 cm

Font : Times New Roman
Font size : 12-point
Alignment : Justified
Indent : 1.25 cm
Line spacing : 2
Line numbers : Continuously throughout the manuscript
Page numbers : Automatic numbered in the bottom center of the pages

The title page should be uploaded to the system separately from the manuscript file. The title page should contain only the following information.

- Title
Title should be brief and informative reflecting the study. Abbreviations and formulae usage is not recommended.

- Running title
A short (running) title with a maximum of 75 characters should be given to reflect the title.

- Authors names
Name and surnames of the authors should be indicated clearly. Accuracy of the names spelling should be checked before submission.

- Institution
Format used: University/Institution, Faculty, Department, Province-COUNTRY
Example: Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Eğirdir Fisheries Faculty, Department of Aquaculture, Isparta-TURKEY

- Corresponding author
Please indicate the corresponding author who will be responsible for all the stages of publication, review, and post-publication. Contact information and mailing address of corresponding author should be given in the title page.
*Corresponding Author: Name Surname, e-mail: …

- ORCID’s of the authors
ORCID’s of the authors should be identified. Please visit https://orcid.org to register an ORCID.

Manuscripts in original articles, short communication, case report and reviews should be prepared in accordance with the format below*.


* Note: Turkish title, abstract and keywords supports are provided for non-Turkish authors.

Abstract should concisely contain the purpose of the study, the methods used, the prominent findings, and its contribution to the literature. It should be written both in Turkish and English with a maximum of 300 words.

Keywords should be chosen from words that are not included in the title and reflect the study. At least 3 (three), maximum 5 (five) keywords should be specified. There should be a comma (,) between words and a dot (.) after the last word.

Keywords: CITES, aquaponics, production protocol, mortality, immunology.

Comma “,” should be used in Turkish manuscripts and dot “.” should be used in English manuscripts.
Turkish: %10,25
English: 10.25%

The species name should be given without abbreviation (Cyprinus carpio) in the first place in the text, and then the genus name should be abbreviated (C. carpio).

The table title should be positioned above the table and should be written concisely. Abbreviations used in the table should be explained below the table. The table must be in the form of a straight guide, with no special design applied. Authors are encouraged to convey the table contents to the reader in the table footer, independently of the article. Font size for footers should be 10 points. Tables should be cited in the text as Table 1, Table 2, etc. The tables should be given in the nearest place where it cited. Tables must be editable. Tables in screenshot or picture format are not accepted.

The figure title should be short and concise, centered at the bottom of the figure. Figures should have a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. Figures should be cited in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. The figures should be given in the nearest place where it cited.

In this section, those who help to the conduct the study apart from financial support, are indicated.

Example: The authors thank Ahmet Taş (Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Turkey) for his helps during the laboratory part of the study.

In this section, institutions that provide financial support to the conduct of the study are indicated using the grant number.

Example-1: This study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Isparta University of Applied Sciences grant 3241-E2-14.

Example-2: No financial support was received for the present study.

Conflicts of interest of the author(s), if any, are indicated in this section.

Example: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

The contributions of each author to the relevant stages of the study are indicated by using each work package and the first letters of the name and surname.

Fiction: IT; Literature: KL, TN; Methodology: CT, FU; Performing the experiment: FM, CT, FU; Data analysis: FU, TA; Manuscript writing: CT, FU, Supervision: CT. All authors approved the final draft.

The ethics committee approvals obtained for the study are indicated with information of institute, date, and number. Manuscripts that are not declare, although they require the Local Ethics Committee Approval in studies conducted with vertebrates, and the Approval for Ethics Committee Approval of Non-Interventional Investigates in survey/interview studies will not be considered for scientific evaluation.

Example-1: Local Ethics Committee Approval was not obtained because experimental animals were not used in this study.

Example-2: This study was conducted with the approval of Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee of Isparta University of Applied Sciences (Date: 01.07.2010, No: 21438139-147).

In this section, data availability statement should be declared by the authors regarding the anonymous availability of the data used in the manuscript. Acta Aquatica Turcica encourages authors to share research data used.

Example-1: The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Figshare at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.11815566.v1

Example-2: The data used in the present study are available upon request from the corresponding author. Data is not available to the public due to privacy or ethical restrictions.

Example-3: Data supporting the findings of the present study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Example-4: Data sharing is not applicable for the present study as no new data was created or analyzed.

Example-5: Research data is not shared.

Example-6: Data supporting the findings of the present study are available in the supplementary material to this article.

Citations are written in the following formats, in the order of the year, separated by a semicolon (;).

- Single author
(Author, Year)
-- It is thought to be … (Küçük, 2008; Güçlü, 2018a; Güçlü, 2018b).
-- According to Küçük (2008), ….

- Two authors
(Author-1 and Author-2, Year)
-- They are among the important parameters (Küçük and Güçlü; 2001; Ekici and Koca, 2021a; Ekici and Koca, 2021b).
-- According to Ekici and Koca (2021b),….

- Three or more authors
(Author-1 et al., Year)
-- It can be repeated periodically (Yiğit et al., 2006a; Yiğit et al., 2006b; Boyacı et al., 2020).
-- According to Boyacı et al. (2020),…

References should be indented 1.25 cm from the second line and should prepared according to APA version 7. Ideally, the names of all authors should be provided. Usage of “et al” in long author lists (more than 10) will also be accepted. Except for special uses, only the first letter of the title of all references should be capitalized, and all words in the names of the sources (journal, publishing house and congress) should be written with a capital letter.

1-Journal articles
The name of the journal (italic) without shortening, volume (italic), issue, page numbers and DOI number having an active link should be specified.

Petrauskienė, L., Utevska, O., & Utevsky, S. (2009). Can different species of medicinal leeches (Hirudo spp.) interbreed? Invertebrate Biology, 128(4), 324-331. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7410.2009.00180.x

Wagenaar, D. A., Hamilton, M. S., Huang, T., Kristan, W. B., & French, K. A. (2010). A hormone-activated central pattern generator for courtship. Current Biology, 20(6), 487-495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2010.02.027

The title of book should be written in italic, and it should be followed with Publisher information.

Nesemann, H., & Neubert, E. (1999). Annelida, Clitellata: Branchiobdellida, Acanthobdellea, Hirudinea. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

Sawyer, R. T. (1986). Leech biology and behavior. Oxford University Press.

3-Book section
The title of the chapter should be normal, the title of the book should be in italic, the editor(s), the page numbers of the section, the publisher and the DOI number (if available) having active link should be included.

Le Couteur, D., Kendig, H., Naganathan, V., & McLachlan, A. (2010). The ethics of prescribing medications to older people. In S. Koch, F. M. Gloth, & R. Nay (Eds.), Medication management in older adults (pp. 29-42). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-60327-457-9_3

McCormack, B., McCance, T., & Maben, J. (2013). Outcome evaluation in the development of person-centred practice. In B. McCormack, K. Manley, & A. Titchen (Eds.), Practice development in nursing and healthcare (pp. 190-211). John Wiley & Sons.

4-Web pages / Online documents
The title of the page should be in italic, the name of the website and the active link to the page should be specified.

International Union for Conservation of Nature. (2010). Chondrostoma nasus. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/4789/97800985

Wikipedia. (2021). Toxicology. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxicology


The title of the dissertation/thesis should be in italic, its type (Doctoral, Master's, Specialization in Medicine) and the name of the university should be specified.

Filik, N. (2020). Inhibition effect of phenolic compounds on the environmental sensing system of Aeromonas hydrophila strains isolated from cultured fish and determination of the clonal relationship between strains by pulsed field gel electrophoresis method. [Doctoral dissertation, Isparta University of Applied Sciences].

Ozdal, A. M. (2019). Effects on growth and coloration of red pepper supplementation as pigment sources to diets of jewel cichlid (Hemichromis guttatus). [Master's thesis, Isparta University of Applied Sciences].

6-Conference, symposium presentations
Event date, presentation title (italic), presentation type (Oral presentation, Poster presentation), event name, city and country should be given.

Ceylan, M., Çetinkaya, O. (2017, October 4 - 6). Assessment of population structure and size of medicinal leech Hirudo verbana, inhabiting some model wetlands of Turkey [Oral Presentation]. International Symposium on Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries, Isparta, Turkey.

Snoswell, C. (2016, October 31 - November 3). Models of care for store-and-forward teledermatology in Australia [Poster presentation]. 7th International Conference on Successes and Failures in Telehealth, Auckland, New Zealand.

NOTE: Manuscripts that are not prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules will not be considered for scientific evaluation.

  • Dergide su ürünleri alanında yapılmış orijinal araştırmalar, olgu sunumu, kısa araştırma ve derleme ("Derleme" formatında gönderilecek makalelerde, "İngilizce" dilinde olanlar tercih edilecektir) nitelikli eserler yayınlanır.
  • Dergide yayınlanacak eserin daha önce hiçbir yayın organında yayınlanmamış ya da yayın hakkının verilmemiş olması gerekir. Eserin tüm sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir. Dergi editörü eserlerin teknik içerik ve baskı hatalarından sorumlu değildir. Basılmış olan eserlere telif ücreti ödenmez.
  • Eserler bildirilmiş olan yazım kurallarına uyularak Türkçe veya İngilizce dillerinden herhangi biri ile yazılabilir. Yazım kurallarına uygun hazırlanmayıp sunulan makalelere, 1 defa yazım kurallarını düzeltmesi için uyarı verilir. 2. bir düzeltme hakkı verilmez ve makale "yazım kurallarından "RET" edilir. 
  • Yazarlar, makaleyi dergiye sunarken "Telif Hakları Bildirim Formu" nu doldurarak sisteme yüklemek zorundadır.
  • Editör sürecine dahil edilen makale, alan editörü tarafından hakemleme sürecinden önce bilimsel içerik yönünden değerlendirilip "Ret" / "Kabul" edilebilir. Alan editörü tarafından "Kabul" edilen makaleler ise, incelenmek üzere konu uzmanı en az iki hakemin görüşüne sunulur. Hakem görüşlerinde ayrılık durumunda nihai karar için bir başka hakemin görüşüne ya da alan editörüne başvurulur. Yayınlanmak üzere gönderilen makalelerin dergide yayınlanabilmesi için Yayın Kurulunca bilimsel içerik ve şekil bakımından uygun görülmesi ve hakemler tarafından kabul edilmesi gerekir.
  • Gönderilen makaleler, hakemleme sürecine girdikten sonra geri çekilemez ve dergi editör kurulunun izni olmadan başka bir dergiye sunulamaz. Yayının tüm hakları, "Acta Aquatica Turcica" ya aittir.

TR Dizin Etik Kurallarla ilgili AÇIKLAMA ve BİLGİLENDİRME

  • Niteliği itibariyle etik kurul onayı zorunlu olan makalelerin etik kurul onayı alınmadan yayınlanması mümkün değildir.
  • SORU: Tüm makaleler için etik kurul izni gerekli midir?
  • Etik Kurul izni gerektiren araştırmalar aşağıdaki gibidir:
    Ø Anket, mülakat, odak grup çalışması, gözlem, deney, görüşme teknikleri kullanılarak katılımcılardan veri toplanmasını gerektiren nitel ya da nicel yaklaşımlarla yürütülen her türlü araştırmalar
    Ø İnsan ve hayvanların (materyal/veriler dahil) deneysel ya da diğer bilimsel amaçlarla kullanılması,
    Ø İnsanlar üzerinde yapılan klinik araştırmalar,
    Ø Hayvanlar üzerinde yapılan araştırmalar,
    Ø Kişisel verilerin korunması kanunu gereğince retrospektif çalışmalar,
    Ø Olgu sunumlarında “Aydınlatılmış onam formu”nun alındığının belirtilmesi,
    Ø Başkalarına ait ölçek, anket, fotoğrafların kullanımı için sahiplerinden izin alınması ve belirtilmesi,
    Ø Kullanılan fikir ve sanat eserleri için telif hakları düzenlemelerine uyulduğunun belirtilmesi


  • Dergilerde yayımlanacak makalelerde etik kurul izini ve/veya yasal/özel izin alınmasının gerekip gerekmediği makalede belirtilmiş olmalıdır. Eğer bu izinlerin alınması gerekli ise, izinin hangi kurumdan, hangi tarihte ve hangi karar veya sayı numarası ile alındığı açıkça sunulmalıdır. Çalışma insan ve hayvan deneklerinin kullanımını gerektiriyor ise çalışmanın uluslararası deklerasyon, kılavuz vb. uygun gerçekleştirildiği beyan edilmelidir.

All articles published by Acta Aquatica Turcica are freely accessible online immediately upon publication. Acta Aquatica Turcica does not charge any article submission or processing charges from the authors.