Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 55 - 68, 30.06.2021


Çalışma, Ukrayna'daki kütüphanelerin sosyo-kültürel ve bilgi alanlarını dönüştürmeyi amaçlayan yenilikçi faaliyetlerini vurguluyor. Kütüphane merkezinin Ukrayna kültür ortamında oldukça yeni bir olgu olduğu vurgulanmaktadır.16.000 kütüphaneden sadece küçük bir kısmı modern kütüphaneler haline geldi. Ukrayna'da kütüphane merkezlerinin oluşturulması ancak 2016'da başladı. Bunların uygulanması ve işleyişi, daha derin analiz gerektiren, yeterince araştırılmamış bilimsel bir sorundur. Makale, "kütüphane merkezi" teriminin bilimsel literatürde ve kütüphane uygulamalarında kullanımındaki farklılıkları ortaya koymaktadır. Makale, küresel eğilimler, Ukrayna yönetmelikleri, yerel yönetimlerin kararları doğrultusunda Kiev'deki çocuklar için kütüphane alanının düzenlenmesinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri vurgulamaktadır. 2000'lerin başında kütüphanelerin sosyo-kültürel faaliyetleri boş zaman ve eğitim faaliyetleriyle sınırlıydı; Günümüzde kütüphane kurumlarının iletişimleri, Ukrayna'nın sosyo-kültürel ve bilgi sisteminin ayrılmaz bir parçası oldukları için çok daha geniş bir şekilde ele alınmaktadır. Özel görevleri bireyi sosyalleştirmek, halkla ilişkiler geliştirmek ve kültürel değerlere erişimi organize etmektir. Yazarların "kütüphane merkezi" kavramına ilişkin yorumu, araştırma sonuçlarının analizi ve uygulamaların incelenmesi temelinde formüle edilmiştir. Açık bilgi kaynaklarının araştırılması, kütüphane web sitelerinin izlenmesi, çocuklar için Kiev kütüphane merkezlerinin kamusal alanlarının doğrudan incelenmesi, modern bir kültür ve bilgi alanı yaratma deneyimini özetlemeye ve nüfus arasında artan popülerlik faktörlerini belirlemeye izin verdi. Çalışma, kütüphane merkezlerinin gelişimini ve etkin işleyişini yavaşlatan sorunları özetledi. Kütüphane merkezlerinin, kütüphane alanını bölgelere ayırarak ve kullanıcı ve ziyaretçilerle yenilikçi çalışma biçimleri kullanarak kütüphane kurumlarının faaliyetlerini çeşitlendirmeye ve modernize etmeye olanak tanıyan, modernize edilmiş açık çok düzeyli ve çok işlevli bilgi ve iletişim sistemleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • A children's library was turned into a modern library hub in Kyiv (2018). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • An updated library hub was opened in Kyiv: how it works (2020). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • Berezhna, K. (2017). Formation of a comfortable information and communication environment of public libraries of Ukraine. Molodyy vchenyy, 9 (49), 142–146.
  • "BiblioHub: modern space in the central library of the city" (Khmelnytsky): project № 761 Culture. Retrieved on 01.04.2019 from:
  • "BIBLIO HUB" on the basis of the library №123" in Kyiv: Project № 499 Culture and Tourism (2017). Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Boiarinova, O. (2019). Libraries of the future: the new birth of Kyiv libraries. Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from:
  • Cortes-Villalba, C., Gil-Leiva, I., & Artacho-Ramirez, M.A. (2017). Emotional design application to evaluate user impressions of library information desks. Library and Information Science Research. 39(4), pp. 311–318.
  • Creation in the First Zanasyp: BiblioHub in the Library No. 8 in Kremenchuk: Project №54: Innovations, Information Technologies, Telecommunications. Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Dubas, O. (2010). Information and communication space: concept, essence, structure. Suchasna ukrayinsʹka polityka. Polityky i politolohy pro neyi,19, 223–232. Retrieved on 10.06.2019 from:
  • "Four library spaces: an innovative model of activity" (2020). Official site of the Ukrainian Library Association. Retrieved on 06.08.2020 from
  • Gibson, A.N.&Kaplan S. (2017). Place, community and information behavior: Spatially oriented information seeking zones and information source preferences. Library and Information Science Research. 39(2), pp.131–139.
  • Guo, Y., Chan, C.H., Yip P.S.F. (2017). Spatial variation in accessibility of libraries in Hong Kong. Library and Information Science Research. 39(4), pp. 319–329.
  • Hrebin, V. (2018). The children's library in Podil has been turned into a modern space. Retrieved on 28.12.2018 from: https://vechirniykiev.
  • Hristoforov, Vladislav. (2018). A children's library in the Desnyanskyi district of the capital will be turned into a modern library hub. Retrieved 01.04.2019 from: -na-suchasnyy-bibliokhab /
  • JAWS for Windows Professional screen access program (2020). Retrieved on 21.04.2020 from:
  • Kyiv Development Strategy until 2025 (2017) Retrieved on 17.04.2020 from
  • Law of Ukraine "On Libraries and Library Affairs" (2017). Revision of 01.01.2017. Database "Legislation of Ukraine". Retrieved on 15.01.2021 from
  • Library Development Strategy until 2025 "Qualitative changes in libraries to ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine" (2016): Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 23, 2016 № 219-r. Retrieved on 17.04.2020 from:
  • "Library Hub: modern space in the Central Library in Zhovti Vody": project (2018). Retrieved on 03.06.2020 from:
  • Lobuzina, K. (2012). Creating an integrated library space: the main problems and solutions. Bibliotekoznavstvo. Dokumentoznavstvo. Informolohiya, 2, 34–40. Retrieved on 10.06.2020 from:
  • "Long-term strategy for the development of Ukrainian culture - a strategy for reform" (2016): Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 1, 2016 № 119-r. Retrieved from:
  • Main Department of Statistics in Kyiv (2020) Retrieved on 01.10.2020 from
  • Makarova, O. (2018). Library today – development trends. Retrieved on 20.04.2020 from:
  • Official site of BOKMÅL (2020). Retrieved on 23.04.2020 from:
  • Presentation of the public project "BIBLIO HUB for the visually impaired" (2018). Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Stremousov, K. (2017). A new hobby for librarians is the library hub. Retrieved 14.03.2020 from:
  • The Comprehensive City Target Program "Capital Culture: 2019-2021" (2019). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • Tiurmenko, I., Khaletska, L., Klynina, T. (2018). Libraries of Ukraine for Children as Sociocultural Centres of Community. 1st International Children’s Libraries Symposium Proceedings (pp. 315–328). Nevşehir/Turkey. Ankara. Retrieved from:,1-uluslararasi-cocuk-kutuphaneleri-sempozyumupdf.pdf?0
  • Tiurmenko, I., Bozhuk, L., Khaletska, L., Sruk, I.&Buriachok, V. (2019). Communication library mechanisms for children’s social integration. Conflict Management in Global Information Networks (pp. 533–544). In CEUR Workshop Proceedings . (2588). Retrieved from:
  • The updated Svichado library was opened in the Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv, which was turned into a public space (2020). Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from: 2020
  • Veligzhanina, T. (2017). Library innovation. Ukrayinsʹka bibliotechna entsyklopediya. Retrieved on 23.06.2020 from:
  • Yarlykova, A. (2018). Modern library: what is it and why? Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from:


Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 55 - 68, 30.06.2021


The publication highlights the innovative activities of library institutions in Ukraine, aimed at transforming their socio-cultural and information space. It is emphasized that the library hub is a fairly new phenomenon in the Ukrainian cultural environment. Of the 16,000 libraries, only a small number have become modern libraries. The creation of library hubs in Ukraine began only in 2016. Their implementation and functioning is an insufficiently studied scientific problem that needs deeper analysis. The article reveals the differences in the use of the term "library hub" in the scientific literature and library practice. The article highlights the changes that are taking place in the organization of the library space for children in Kyiv in accordance with global trends, regulations of Ukraine, decisions of local governments. In the early 2000s the socio-cultural activities of libraries were limited to leisure and educational activities; today the communications of library institutions are considered much more broadly, since they are an integral part of the socio-cultural and information system of Ukraine. Their special mission is to socialize the individual, develop public relations, and organize access to cultural values. The authors’ interpretation of the concept of "library hub" was formulated on the basis of analysis of research results and study of practices. Research of open sources of information, monitoring of library websites, direct study of the public space of Kyiv library hubs for children allowed to summarize the experience of creating a modern cultural and information space and identify the factors of their growing popularity among the population. The study outlined problems that slow down the development and effective functioning of library hubs.
It was established that library hubs are modernized open multilevel and multifunctional information and communication systems, which allowed to diversify and modernize the activities of library institutions by zoning the library space and using innovative forms of work with users and visitors.


  • A children's library was turned into a modern library hub in Kyiv (2018). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • An updated library hub was opened in Kyiv: how it works (2020). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • Berezhna, K. (2017). Formation of a comfortable information and communication environment of public libraries of Ukraine. Molodyy vchenyy, 9 (49), 142–146.
  • "BiblioHub: modern space in the central library of the city" (Khmelnytsky): project № 761 Culture. Retrieved on 01.04.2019 from:
  • "BIBLIO HUB" on the basis of the library №123" in Kyiv: Project № 499 Culture and Tourism (2017). Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Boiarinova, O. (2019). Libraries of the future: the new birth of Kyiv libraries. Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from:
  • Cortes-Villalba, C., Gil-Leiva, I., & Artacho-Ramirez, M.A. (2017). Emotional design application to evaluate user impressions of library information desks. Library and Information Science Research. 39(4), pp. 311–318.
  • Creation in the First Zanasyp: BiblioHub in the Library No. 8 in Kremenchuk: Project №54: Innovations, Information Technologies, Telecommunications. Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Dubas, O. (2010). Information and communication space: concept, essence, structure. Suchasna ukrayinsʹka polityka. Polityky i politolohy pro neyi,19, 223–232. Retrieved on 10.06.2019 from:
  • "Four library spaces: an innovative model of activity" (2020). Official site of the Ukrainian Library Association. Retrieved on 06.08.2020 from
  • Gibson, A.N.&Kaplan S. (2017). Place, community and information behavior: Spatially oriented information seeking zones and information source preferences. Library and Information Science Research. 39(2), pp.131–139.
  • Guo, Y., Chan, C.H., Yip P.S.F. (2017). Spatial variation in accessibility of libraries in Hong Kong. Library and Information Science Research. 39(4), pp. 319–329.
  • Hrebin, V. (2018). The children's library in Podil has been turned into a modern space. Retrieved on 28.12.2018 from: https://vechirniykiev.
  • Hristoforov, Vladislav. (2018). A children's library in the Desnyanskyi district of the capital will be turned into a modern library hub. Retrieved 01.04.2019 from: -na-suchasnyy-bibliokhab /
  • JAWS for Windows Professional screen access program (2020). Retrieved on 21.04.2020 from:
  • Kyiv Development Strategy until 2025 (2017) Retrieved on 17.04.2020 from
  • Law of Ukraine "On Libraries and Library Affairs" (2017). Revision of 01.01.2017. Database "Legislation of Ukraine". Retrieved on 15.01.2021 from
  • Library Development Strategy until 2025 "Qualitative changes in libraries to ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine" (2016): Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 23, 2016 № 219-r. Retrieved on 17.04.2020 from:
  • "Library Hub: modern space in the Central Library in Zhovti Vody": project (2018). Retrieved on 03.06.2020 from:
  • Lobuzina, K. (2012). Creating an integrated library space: the main problems and solutions. Bibliotekoznavstvo. Dokumentoznavstvo. Informolohiya, 2, 34–40. Retrieved on 10.06.2020 from:
  • "Long-term strategy for the development of Ukrainian culture - a strategy for reform" (2016): Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 1, 2016 № 119-r. Retrieved from:
  • Main Department of Statistics in Kyiv (2020) Retrieved on 01.10.2020 from
  • Makarova, O. (2018). Library today – development trends. Retrieved on 20.04.2020 from:
  • Official site of BOKMÅL (2020). Retrieved on 23.04.2020 from:
  • Presentation of the public project "BIBLIO HUB for the visually impaired" (2018). Retrieved on 01.04.2020 from:
  • Stremousov, K. (2017). A new hobby for librarians is the library hub. Retrieved 14.03.2020 from:
  • The Comprehensive City Target Program "Capital Culture: 2019-2021" (2019). Retrieved on 16.04.2020 from:
  • Tiurmenko, I., Khaletska, L., Klynina, T. (2018). Libraries of Ukraine for Children as Sociocultural Centres of Community. 1st International Children’s Libraries Symposium Proceedings (pp. 315–328). Nevşehir/Turkey. Ankara. Retrieved from:,1-uluslararasi-cocuk-kutuphaneleri-sempozyumupdf.pdf?0
  • Tiurmenko, I., Bozhuk, L., Khaletska, L., Sruk, I.&Buriachok, V. (2019). Communication library mechanisms for children’s social integration. Conflict Management in Global Information Networks (pp. 533–544). In CEUR Workshop Proceedings . (2588). Retrieved from:
  • The updated Svichado library was opened in the Sviatoshynskyi district of Kyiv, which was turned into a public space (2020). Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from: 2020
  • Veligzhanina, T. (2017). Library innovation. Ukrayinsʹka bibliotechna entsyklopediya. Retrieved on 23.06.2020 from:
  • Yarlykova, A. (2018). Modern library: what is it and why? Retrieved on 14.03.2020 from:
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Library and Information Studies
Journal Section Refereed Articles

Iryna Tiurmenko 0000-0001-9350-6868

Lesia Khaletska This is me 0000-0002-8409-2138

Yurii Smolnıkov This is me 0000-0001-8971-8833

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Acceptance Date May 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Tiurmenko, I., Khaletska, L., & Smolnıkov, Y. (2021). KYIV LIBRARY HUBS (UKRAINE): FIRST EXPERIENCE AND FORMATION CHALLENGES. Arşiv Dünyası, 8(1), 55-68.

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