Research Article
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A Unique Roman Folding Knife Handle with Eagle Ornament from Philadelphia in Cilicia

Year 2020, , 289 - 296, 15.11.2020


Numerous artefacts were discovered inside a pit located in the necropolis of ancient Philadelphia, which belonged to Cilicia from time to time. This study suggests that the pit might be a votive deposit of some kind with objects placed within it in a planned sequence. The folding knife, which is one of the many metal finds discovered in this pit and the subject of this study, is a unique find never recorded before in Asia Minor. Its handle bears an eagle figure, which also makes it unique. Folding knives are found at Roman garrison sites in Germania and Britannia, and the figures depicted on their handles vary. The Philadelphia folding knife is associated with military iconography and also with the cult of the dead.


I would like to extend my gratitude to Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Centre for Mediterranean Civilisations, (AKMED) for their financial support for the project coded KU AKMED 2017/T.1014. I would like to thank faculty member Asts. Prof. Dr Ercan Aşkın who allowed me to publish this work and my tutor Prof. Dr. Serra Durugönül for her support in creating this article.


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  • Toynbee, J.M.C. 1973. Animals in Roman Life and Art. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Vass, L. 2011. “A Roman Bone Pocket Knife Handle depicting Eros riding a Dolphin from Porolissum (Moigrad, Sa˘laj County, Romania).” In Studii de arheologie și istorie: Omagiu profesorului Nicolae Gudea la 70 de ani = Studies in Archaeology and History: An Anniversary Volume to Professor Nicolae Gudes on His 70th Birthday, edited by C. Cosma, 295-303. Cluj-Napoca: Mega Publishing House.
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Year 2020, , 289 - 296, 15.11.2020



  • Plin. Nat. Hist., Plinius the Elder, Pliny, Natural History. Vol. 2, Books 3-7. Translated by H. Rackham. The Loeb Classical Library 352. 1942. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Aşkın, E., A. Yıldız, H.E. Ergürer, H. Körsulu, M. Kurt, and M. Alkan. 2016. “Excavations at Philadelphia (Ermenek/Gökçeseki) 2015.” Anmed 14:357-61.
  • Bartus, D., and J. Grimm. 2010. “A Knife Handle from Caerwent (Venta Silurum) Depicting Gladiators.” Britannia 41:321-24.
  • Bennett, J., and A.L. Goldman. 2009. “A Preliminary Report on the Roman Military Presence at Gordion, Galatia.” Gladius 13:35-45.
  • Blömer, M., and E. Winter. 2011. Commagene. The Land of Gods Between the Taurus and the Euphrates. An Archaeological Guide. Istanbul: Homer Yayınları.
  • Boon, G.C. 1991. “Tonsor Humanus: Razor and Toilet-Knife in Antiquity.” Britannia 22:21-32.
  • Canlı, H. 2019. “Isauria’daki Philadelphia (Gökçeseki) Metal Buluntuları.” Ph.D. diss., Mersin University. Dodgeon, M.H., and S.N.C. Lieu. 1994. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars (AD 226-363). A Documentary History. London: Routledge.
  • Ergin, G. 2009. “Anadolu’da Roma Hâkimiyeti: İsyanlar, Tepkiler ve Huzursuzluklar. Asia Eyaleti’nin Kuruluşu’ndan (MÖ 129) Iustinianus Döneminin Sonuna Kadar (MS 565).” Ph.D. diss., Istanbul University.
  • Faust, S. 2004. “Figürliche Bronzen und Gegenstände aus anderen Metallen aus Stadt und Bezirk Trier in Privatbesitz III.” Trierer Zeitschrift 67/68:157-212.
  • Hild, F., and H. Hellenkemper. 1990. Kilikien und Isaurien. 2 vols. Tabula Imperii Byzantini 5. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Hünemörder, C. 1996. “Adler.” In Der neue Pauly. Enzyklopädie der Antike. Vol. 1, A-Ari, edited by H. Cancik and H. Schneider, 105-16. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler.
  • Kaufmann-Heinimann, A. 1998. Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica: Herstellung, Fundzusammenhänge und sakrale Funktion figürlicher Bronzen in einer römischen Stadt. Forschungen in Augst 26. Augst: Römermuseum.
  • Koeppel, G.M. 1986. “Die historischen Reliefs der römischen Kaiserzeit 4. Stadtrömische Denkmäler unbekannter Bauzugehörigkeit aus hadrianischer bis konstantinischer Zeit.” BJb 186:1-90.
  • Kurt, M. 2018. “MS 4. Yüzyılda Isauria Eyaleti’nin Siyasal ve İdari Yapısı.” Belleten 82.295:803-29.
  • Ramsay, W.M. 1960. Anadolu’nun Tarihi Coğrafyası. Translated by M. Pektaş. Istanbul: Milli Eğitim Basımevi.
  • Riha, E. 1986. Römisches Toilettgerät und medizinische Instrumente aus Augst und Kaiseraugust. Forschungen in Augst 6. Augst: Römermuseum.
  • Rüsch, A. 1981. “Römische Klappmesser aus Köngen und Bondorf.” Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg 6:541-49.
  • Schuster, J., E. Brook, J. Watson, and M. Henig. 2011. “Springhead Metalwork.” In Settling the Ebbsfleet Valley: High Speed I Excavations at Springhead and Northfleet, Kent. The Late Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and Medieval Landscape. Vol. 2, Late Iron Age to Roman Finds Reports, edited by E. Biddulph, R. Seager Smith, and J. Schuster. 189-291. Salisbury: Oxford Wessex Archaeology.
  • Toynbee, J.M.C. 1973. Animals in Roman Life and Art. London: Thames and Hudson.
  • Vass, L. 2011. “A Roman Bone Pocket Knife Handle depicting Eros riding a Dolphin from Porolissum (Moigrad, Sa˘laj County, Romania).” In Studii de arheologie și istorie: Omagiu profesorului Nicolae Gudea la 70 de ani = Studies in Archaeology and History: An Anniversary Volume to Professor Nicolae Gudes on His 70th Birthday, edited by C. Cosma, 295-303. Cluj-Napoca: Mega Publishing House.
  • Weiss, P. 1985. “Argaios/Erciyes Dağı - Heiliger Berg Kappadokiens Monumente und Ikonographie.” JNG 35:21-48.
  • Worrell, S. 2002. “Recent Metalwork Discoveries in Hampshire.” Hampshire Studies: Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club & Archaeological Society 57:89-95.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Article

Handegül Canlı 0000-0003-4455-3961

Publication Date November 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Chicago Canlı, Handegül. “A Unique Roman Folding Knife Handle With Eagle Ornament from Philadelphia in Cilicia”. Adalya, no. 23 (November 2020): 289-96.

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