Research Article
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New Assessments of the Middle and Late Bronze Age Pottery Recovered in the First Excavation Period at Tilmen Höyük

Year 2019, Issue: 22, 101 - 144, 11.10.2019


This article presents the Middle and Late
Bronze Age pottery of Tilmen Höyük unearthed
during the first excavation season.
The pottery is classified in 15 different groups
based on surface colour and temper of clay,
with eight groups belonging to the Middle
Bronze Age and the remaining seven to the
Late Bronze Age. Focusing on various aspects
of pottery at Tilmen Höyük and its neighbouring
contemporaneous settlements, the study
expands our knowledge of the second millennium
BC ceramic assemblages and traditions.
The pottery repertoire of Tilmen Höyük finds
its closest typological parallels in the adjacent
settlements of northern Syria. The existence of
prominent structures at Tilmen Höyük, represented
by a strongly fortified palace and temple,
highlights the settlement as a significant
city that may have served as the centre of a


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  • Al-Maqdissi, M., V. Matoïan, and C. Nicolle, eds. 2007. Céramique de L’âge du Bronze en Syrie, II. Beyrouth: Institut Français du Proche-Orient.
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  • Alkım, U.B. 1963. “Summary of Archaeological Research in Turkey in 1962.” AnatSt 13: 19–28.
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  • Alkım, U.B. 1960. “1959 İslahiye Bölgesi Araştırmaları, Yesemek Çalışmaları ve Tilmen Höyük Sondajı.” Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi X.1: 7–9.
  • Bonomo, A. 2008. “La Ceramica di Tilmen Höyük. Un nuovo corpus ceramico dell’Età del Bronzo Tra Siria e Anatolia.” PhD thesis, Bologna University.
  • Bucak, E., and R. Ditmann. 2004. “Şavi Höyük 2001 Kazılarının Kısa Raporu.” In Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2001 Yılı Çalışmaları, edited by N. Tuna, J. Greenhalgh, and J. Velibeyoğlu, 161–73. Ankara. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi ODTÜ Tarihsel Çevre Araştırma ve Değerlendirme Merkezi.
  • Buccellati, M.K., and W.R. Shelby. 2007. “Middle Euphrates Ceramics in the Third and Second Millennia: A View from Terqa.” In Céramique de L’âge du Bronze en Syrie, II, edited by M. Al-Maqdissi, V. Matoïan, and C. Nicolle, 127–51. Beyrouth: Institut Français du Proche-Orient.
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  • Duru, R. 2003. Unutulmuş Bir Başkent, Tilmen/A Forgotten Capital City. İstanbul: TÜRSAB.
  • Dornemann, R.H. 1979. “Tell Hadidi: A Millennium of Bronze Age City Occupation.” AASOR 44: 113–51.
  • Dornemann, R.H. 1981. “The Late Bronze Age Pottery Tradition at Tell Hadidi, Syria.” BASOR 241: 29–47.
  • Einwag, B. 2002. “The Early Middle Bronze Age in The Euphrates Valley: The Evidence From Tuttul/Tell Bia.” In The Middle Bronze Age in The Levant, edited by M. Bietak, 143–61. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Ezer, S. 2008. “Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Orta Tunç Çağı Seramiği.” PhD thesis, Ankara University.
  • Fugmann, E. 1958. Hama, Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938, II.1, L’architecture des périodes préhellénistiques. Nationalmuseets Skrifter. Større Beretninger. no. 4. Copenhague: National Museet.
  • Garstang, J. 1953. Preshistoric Mersin Yümük Tepe in Southern Turkey. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Gates, M.-H.C. 1981. “Alalakh Levels VI and V: A Chronological Reassessment, in Syro.” Mesopotamian Studies 4/2: 11–50.
  • Gates, M.-H.C. 1976. Alalakh-Tell Atchana, Levels VI and V: A Re-Examination of a Mid-Second Millennium B.C. Syrian City. PhD Thesis. Ann Arbor: Yale University Microfilms International.
  • Goldman, H. 1956. Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus: From the Neolithic through the Bronze Age, Volume II., Text and Plates. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Heinz, M. 1992. Tell Atchana/Alalakh: Die Schichten VII-XVII. Kevelaer: Butzon&Bercker. Neukirchener- Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag.
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  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C. 1992. Haradum I. Une ville nouvelle sur le Moyen Euphrates XVIII – XVII siécles av. J.-C. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les civilisations.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C., and R. Ergeç. 1999. “Tilbeshar 1998.” Anatolia Antiqua VII: 245–51.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C., and R. Ergeç. 1998. “Les Ceramiques de La Prospection de Tilbeshar au Bronze Ancien et Bronze Moyen.” Anatolia Antiqua VI: 155–77.
  • Mallowan, M.E.L. 1937. “The Excavations at Tell Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region. Second Campaign, 1936.” Iraq IV: 91–177.
  • Marchetti, N. 2008. “The 2006 Joint Turkish-Italian excavations at Tilmen Höyük.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 29.2: 389–402.
  • Marro, C., A. Tibet, and F. Bulgan. 2000. “Fouilles De Sauvetage De Horum Höyük (Province In Gaziantep): quatrième Rapport Préliminaire.” Anatolica Antiqua VIII: 257–78.
  • Matthers, J., ed. 1981. “Some Problems of the 2nd Millennium B.C. The Middle and Late Bronze Ages.” In The River Qoueig, Northern Syria and its Catchment; Studies Arising from the Tell Rifaat Survey 1977–79. Part ii: 369–401. BAR International Series 98. Oxford: BAR.
  • Matthiae, P. 1980. Ebla. An Empire Rediscovered. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  • McClellan, T.L. 1989. “The Chronology and Ceramic Assemblages of Alalakh.” In Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kanto, edited by A. Leonard and Jr-B.B. Williams, 181–212. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Monchambert, J.Y. 2004. La Céramique d’Ougarit. Campagnes de fouilles 1975 et 1976. RSO XV. Paris: ERC.
  • Nigro, L. 2002. “The MB Pottery Horizon of Tell Mardikh / Ancient Ebla in A Chronological Perspective.” In The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant, edited by M. Bietak, 297–328. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Pfälzner, P. 2007. “Archaeological Investigations in the Royal Palace of Qatna.” In Urban and Natural Landscapes of an Ancient Syrian Capital Settlement and Environment at Tell Mıshrıfeh / Qatna and in Central-Western Syria, edited by D. Bonacossi, 29–64. Italy: Forum.
  • Swift, G.F. 1958. “The Pottery of the Amuq Phases K to O and its Historical Relationships.” PhD thesis, University of Chicago.
  • Woolley, L.C. 1955. Alalakh: An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937-1949. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Yener, K.A. 2011. “Alalakh Kenti 2009 Çalışmaları.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 32.2: 70–81.
  • Yener, K.A. 2006. “Aççana Höyüğü 2004 Yılı Kazı Sonuçları.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 27.1: 37–46.
  • van Loon, M.N. 1988. Hammam et-Turkman I. Report on the University of Amsterdam’s 1981-84 Excavations in Syria. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te İstanbul, 63. İstanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Intituut te İstanbul.
Year 2019, Issue: 22, 101 - 144, 11.10.2019



  • Algaze, G., ed. 1990. Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia. Vol. II: The Stratigraphic Sequence at Kurban Höyük. Text and Plates. Chicago: The Oriental Institute.
  • Al-Maqdissi, M., V. Matoïan, and C. Nicolle, eds. 2007. Céramique de L’âge du Bronze en Syrie, II. Beyrouth: Institut Français du Proche-Orient.
  • Alkım, H. 1979. “Gedikli (Karahüyük) Çanak Çömleğine Toplu Bir Bakış.” Türk Tarih Kongresi VIII: 135–42.
  • Alkım, U.B. 1964. “Dördüncü Dönem Tilmen Hüyük Kazısı.” Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi XII.1: 5–7.
  • Alkım, U.B. 1963. “Summary of Archaeological Research in Turkey in 1962.” AnatSt 13: 19–28.
  • Alkım, U.B. 1962. “Tilmen Höyük Çalışmaları (1958-1960).” Belleten XXVI: 447–66.
  • Alkım, U.B. 1960. “1959 İslahiye Bölgesi Araştırmaları, Yesemek Çalışmaları ve Tilmen Höyük Sondajı.” Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi X.1: 7–9.
  • Bonomo, A. 2008. “La Ceramica di Tilmen Höyük. Un nuovo corpus ceramico dell’Età del Bronzo Tra Siria e Anatolia.” PhD thesis, Bologna University.
  • Bucak, E., and R. Ditmann. 2004. “Şavi Höyük 2001 Kazılarının Kısa Raporu.” In Ilısu ve Karkamış Baraj Gölleri Altında Kalacak Arkeolojik ve Kültür Varlıklarını Kurtarma Projesi 2001 Yılı Çalışmaları, edited by N. Tuna, J. Greenhalgh, and J. Velibeyoğlu, 161–73. Ankara. Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi ODTÜ Tarihsel Çevre Araştırma ve Değerlendirme Merkezi.
  • Buccellati, M.K., and W.R. Shelby. 2007. “Middle Euphrates Ceramics in the Third and Second Millennia: A View from Terqa.” In Céramique de L’âge du Bronze en Syrie, II, edited by M. Al-Maqdissi, V. Matoïan, and C. Nicolle, 127–51. Beyrouth: Institut Français du Proche-Orient.
  • Duru, R. 2013. Tilmen Höyük Kazıları I /Excavations at Tilmen Höyük. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Duru, R. 2003. Unutulmuş Bir Başkent, Tilmen/A Forgotten Capital City. İstanbul: TÜRSAB.
  • Dornemann, R.H. 1979. “Tell Hadidi: A Millennium of Bronze Age City Occupation.” AASOR 44: 113–51.
  • Dornemann, R.H. 1981. “The Late Bronze Age Pottery Tradition at Tell Hadidi, Syria.” BASOR 241: 29–47.
  • Einwag, B. 2002. “The Early Middle Bronze Age in The Euphrates Valley: The Evidence From Tuttul/Tell Bia.” In The Middle Bronze Age in The Levant, edited by M. Bietak, 143–61. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Ezer, S. 2008. “Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Orta Tunç Çağı Seramiği.” PhD thesis, Ankara University.
  • Fugmann, E. 1958. Hama, Fouilles et Recherches 1931-1938, II.1, L’architecture des périodes préhellénistiques. Nationalmuseets Skrifter. Større Beretninger. no. 4. Copenhague: National Museet.
  • Garstang, J. 1953. Preshistoric Mersin Yümük Tepe in Southern Turkey. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Gates, M.-H.C. 1981. “Alalakh Levels VI and V: A Chronological Reassessment, in Syro.” Mesopotamian Studies 4/2: 11–50.
  • Gates, M.-H.C. 1976. Alalakh-Tell Atchana, Levels VI and V: A Re-Examination of a Mid-Second Millennium B.C. Syrian City. PhD Thesis. Ann Arbor: Yale University Microfilms International.
  • Goldman, H. 1956. Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus: From the Neolithic through the Bronze Age, Volume II., Text and Plates. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Heinz, M. 1992. Tell Atchana/Alalakh: Die Schichten VII-XVII. Kevelaer: Butzon&Bercker. Neukirchener- Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag.
  • Kaschau, G. 1999. Lidar Höyük. Die Keramik der Mittleren Bronzezeit. Mainz: Philipp von Zabern.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C. 2004. “Tilbeshar about The Early/Middle Bronze Age Transition.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 25.2: 467–70.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C. 1992. Haradum I. Une ville nouvelle sur le Moyen Euphrates XVIII – XVII siécles av. J.-C. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les civilisations.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C., and R. Ergeç. 1999. “Tilbeshar 1998.” Anatolia Antiqua VII: 245–51.
  • Kepinski-Lecomte, C., and R. Ergeç. 1998. “Les Ceramiques de La Prospection de Tilbeshar au Bronze Ancien et Bronze Moyen.” Anatolia Antiqua VI: 155–77.
  • Mallowan, M.E.L. 1937. “The Excavations at Tell Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region. Second Campaign, 1936.” Iraq IV: 91–177.
  • Marchetti, N. 2008. “The 2006 Joint Turkish-Italian excavations at Tilmen Höyük.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 29.2: 389–402.
  • Marro, C., A. Tibet, and F. Bulgan. 2000. “Fouilles De Sauvetage De Horum Höyük (Province In Gaziantep): quatrième Rapport Préliminaire.” Anatolica Antiqua VIII: 257–78.
  • Matthers, J., ed. 1981. “Some Problems of the 2nd Millennium B.C. The Middle and Late Bronze Ages.” In The River Qoueig, Northern Syria and its Catchment; Studies Arising from the Tell Rifaat Survey 1977–79. Part ii: 369–401. BAR International Series 98. Oxford: BAR.
  • Matthiae, P. 1980. Ebla. An Empire Rediscovered. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
  • McClellan, T.L. 1989. “The Chronology and Ceramic Assemblages of Alalakh.” In Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kanto, edited by A. Leonard and Jr-B.B. Williams, 181–212. Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
  • Monchambert, J.Y. 2004. La Céramique d’Ougarit. Campagnes de fouilles 1975 et 1976. RSO XV. Paris: ERC.
  • Nigro, L. 2002. “The MB Pottery Horizon of Tell Mardikh / Ancient Ebla in A Chronological Perspective.” In The Middle Bronze Age in the Levant, edited by M. Bietak, 297–328. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Pfälzner, P. 2007. “Archaeological Investigations in the Royal Palace of Qatna.” In Urban and Natural Landscapes of an Ancient Syrian Capital Settlement and Environment at Tell Mıshrıfeh / Qatna and in Central-Western Syria, edited by D. Bonacossi, 29–64. Italy: Forum.
  • Swift, G.F. 1958. “The Pottery of the Amuq Phases K to O and its Historical Relationships.” PhD thesis, University of Chicago.
  • Woolley, L.C. 1955. Alalakh: An Account of the Excavations at Tell Atchana in the Hatay, 1937-1949. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Yener, K.A. 2011. “Alalakh Kenti 2009 Çalışmaları.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 32.2: 70–81.
  • Yener, K.A. 2006. “Aççana Höyüğü 2004 Yılı Kazı Sonuçları.” Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 27.1: 37–46.
  • van Loon, M.N. 1988. Hammam et-Turkman I. Report on the University of Amsterdam’s 1981-84 Excavations in Syria. Uitgaven van het Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te İstanbul, 63. İstanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archeologisch Intituut te İstanbul.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Aslıhan Yurtsever This is me 0000-0003-0457-3351

Publication Date October 11, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 22


Chicago Yurtsever, Aslıhan. “New Assessments of the Middle and Late Bronze Age Pottery Recovered in the First Excavation Period at Tilmen Höyük”. Adalya, no. 22 (October 2019): 101-44.

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