Research Article
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The Annexation of Galatia Reviewed

Year 2019, Issue: 22, 223 - 257, 11.10.2019


This article reconsiders the accepted views
on the annexation and ‘provincialisation’ of
Galatia by expanding on the military-related
factors involved. It is argued that the annexation
helped provide Rome with the necessary
resources, including manpower, to maintain
Augustus’ ‘New Model’ Army as established between
30 and 25 BC, as well as providing land
for the future discharge of legionary veterans.
The achievements of the known governors of
Galatia for 25 BC-AD 14 are reviewed also,
noting how their senatorial status as pro-praetor
or pro-consul had no bearing on the type
of garrison they commanded. The process of
establishing the Augustan coloniae ‘in Pisidia’
is then re-examined, as is the evidence for the
character of Ancyra, Pessinus, and Tavium in
the pre- and immediate post-annexation period.
The data for the garrison of Augustan
Galatia is then surveyed, concluding that the
legiones V and VII took part in the annexation
and probably remained there until AD 8, these
legions being supported by auxiliary units that
remained in the province after their departure.
Finally, the evidence for the formation of the
legio XXII Deiotariana is re-assessed, concluding
it was indeed constituted under Augustus
using the former Galatian Royal Army.


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Year 2019, Issue: 22, 223 - 257, 11.10.2019



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There are 95 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Julian Bennett This is me 0000-0002-6569-423X

Publication Date October 11, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 22


Chicago Bennett, Julian. “The Annexation of Galatia Reviewed”. Adalya, no. 22 (October 2019): 223-57.

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