Research Article
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Year 2019, Issue: 22, 345 - 362, 11.10.2019



  • Acara, M., and B.Y. Olcay. 1998. “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesinde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri.” Adalya II: 249–66.
  • Antonaras, A. 2012. Fire and Sand – Ancient Glass in the Princeton University Art Museum. Princeton – New Jersey: Princeton University Art Museum.
  • Bent, J.T. 1891. “A Journey in Cilicia Tracheia.” JHS XII: 206–24.
  • Canevello, S.A., and M. Özyıldırım. 2009. “Constantinopolis Tahtında Isaurialı bir İmparator: Zeno.” Lucerna – Klasik Filoloji Yazıları 4: 16–28. İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık.
  • Collon, D. 2007. “Glass.” In Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98 – From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia, edited by N. Postgate and D. Thomas. Chapter 39, 505–10, 797. British Institute at Ankara Monograph No: 30. Cambridge-London: British Institute at Ankara.
  • Çakmakçı, Z. 2009. “A Typological Approach to the Glass Goblet Production from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Light of Recent Finds.” In Late Antique – Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 49–66. İzmir: Tübitak.
  • Dussart, O. 1998. Le Verre en Jordanie et en Syrie du Sud. Beyrouth: Institut Français d’Archéologie du Porche-Orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman, Bibliothéque Archéologique et Historique – T. CLII.
  • Erten, E. 2016. “Olba Kazılarından Yeni Bir Buluntu: Roma Mozaiği.” Seleucia VI: 61–91.
  • Erten, E. 2015. “The Use of Window Glass in the Roman World.” In Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyiğit’e Armağan, edited by E. Okan and C. Atila, 155–61. İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
  • Erten, E. 2013. “Olba Kazılarından Küçük Buluntular.” Seleucia ad Calycadnum III: 101–28.
  • Erten, E. 2009. “Olba’da Romalılaşma Süreci.” In Mersin Sempozyumu (19–22 Kasım 2008) Bildiriler, Cilt I: 76–85. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Erten, E. 2003. “Glass Finds from Olba Survey – 2001.” OLBA VII: 145–54.
  • Erten, E., and E. Akkuş Koçak. 2018. “Olba Kazıları Cam Kandil Buluntuları.” Seleucia VIII: 139–64.
  • Erten, E., and E. Akkuş Koçak. 2017. “Olba Tiyatro Kazısı Cam Kadeh Buluntuları.” Seleucia VII: 89–112.
  • Erten, E., M. Özyıldırım, and T. Akçay. 2010. “Mersin Silifke Olba 2009 Araştırmaları.” Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 28.2: 273–90.
  • Foy, D. 2000. “Un Atelier de verrier à Beyrouth au début de la conquête islamique.” Syria, 77: 239–90.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2010a. “The Glass Finds.” In Elaiussa Sebaste III – L’Agora Romana, edited by E.E. Schneider, 234–44. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2010b. “Soli–Pompeiopolis Antik Kenti (Mersin–Mezitli) Cam Buluntuları.” In Camgeran 2010 – Uluslararası Katılımlı Uygulamalı Cam Sempozyumu – Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı, 141–46. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2009. “Elaiussa Sebaste Antik Yerleşimi Cam Buluntuları.” PhD thesis, Ankara University.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2007. “Elaiussa Sebaste’den Bir Cam Kandil ve Kullanımı Üzerine.” In PATRONVS – Coşkun Özgünel’e 65. Yaş Armağanı, 157–60. İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
  • Gill, M.A.V. 2002. Amorium reports. Finds I, The glass (1987–1997). Oxford: BAR International Series 1070.
  • Grierson, P. 1999. Byzantine Coinage. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Grossmann, R.A. 2013. “Glass” In Excavations at Zeugma Conducted by Oxford University. 3 vols., edited by W. Aylward, 218–58. Los Altos – California: The Packard Humanities Institute.
  • Headlam, A.C. 1892. Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria (Cilicia Trachea). Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies 2. London: Council and sold on their behalf by Macmillan and Company.
  • Hicks, E.L. 1891. “Inscriptions from Western Cilicia.” JHS XII: 225–73.
  • Hild, F., and H. Hellenkemper. 1990. Kiliken und Isaurien. Tabula Imperii Byzantini 5. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Hill, S. 1996. The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs. Vol. 1, edited by A. Bryer and J. Haldon. Aldershot–Hampshire: Variorum.
  • Keating, J.F. 1901. The Agape and the Eucharist in the Early Church – Studies in the History of the Christian Love–Feasts. London: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Keil, J., and A. Wilhelm. 1931. “Denkmäler aus dem Rauhen Kilikien.” Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua III. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Kramer, N. 2012. Keramik und Kleinfunde aus Diokaisareia, Ergebnisse des Surveys 2001–2006. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Olcay, B.Y. 2001. “Lighting Methods in the Byzantine Period and Findings of Glass Lamps in Anatolia.” JGS 43: 77–87.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2016. “Olba Manastırı 2015 Yılı Kazıları ve Kuzey Kilisesi’ndeki Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi.” Seleucia VI: 181–201.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2012. “Olba Manastırı Hakkında Arkeolojik ve Yazınsal Yeni Bilgiler.” Seleucia ad Calycadnum II: 105–18.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2003. “İlkçağ ve Erken Hıristiyanlık Kaynaklarında Olba Sözcüğünün Değişik Kullanımları.” OLBA VIII: 145–49.
  • Özyıldırım M., and Y. Yeğin. 2018. “Olba Manastırı Kuzey Kilisesinin Değerlendirilmesi.” Seleucia VIII: 165–90.
  • Özyıldırım, M., and Y. Yeğin. 2017. “Olba Manastırı Kuzey Kilisesi’nden (Diakonikon) Bizans Dönemi Opus Sectile Taban Döşemesi.” Seleucia VII: 47–68.
  • Smith, D.E. 2003. From Symposium to Eucharist: The Banquet in the Early Christian World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Stern, E.M. 2001. Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval Glass. 10 BCE - 700 CE. Ernesto Wolf Collection. Ostfildern–Ruit: Hatje Cantz Publishers.
  • Stern, E.M. 1985. “Ancient and Medieval Glass from the Necropolis Church at Anemurium.” In Annales du 9e Congrés de L’Association Internationale pour L’Histoire du Verre, 35–64. Nancy (France), Liege: Centre de Publications de l’Association International pour l’Historie du Verre.
  • Uçkan, B.Y.O., and M. Öztaşkın. 2017. “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri.” Seleucia VII: 11–28.
  • von Saldern, A. 1980. Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Cambridge – Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Whitehouse, D. 2001. “Window Glass Between the First and Eighth Centuries.” In Colore nel Medioevo: Arte, Simbolo, Tecnica: la Vetrata in Occidente dal IV all XI Secolo, edited by F. Dell’Acqua and R. Silva, 31–43. Lucca: Istituto Storico Lucchese.
  • Young, S.H. 1993. “A Preview of Seventh Century Glass from the Kourion Basilica, Cyprus.” JHS 35: 39–47.

Glass Finds from the Monastery at Olba

Year 2019, Issue: 22, 345 - 362, 11.10.2019


The majority of the glass finds discovered during
the excavations at the monastery of Olba
consists of fragments belonging to lamps, goblets,
and window panes that indicate the use
of glass for illumination. In addition to these,
fragments of bowls, plates, jars, or flasks were
also recorded. As almost all the glass fragments
were found within the earth fill, it is not possible
to build a chronology through stratigraphy.
The only location that gives numismatic evidence
for dating is the stone basin. The densely
corroded coins from the basin suggest a date
starting from the sixth century AD. The overall
study of the archaeological evidence from the
monastery, as well as the typological research
into the glass material, reveal that the glass
finds belong to a period starting from the fifth
century and ending in the seventh century AD.


  • Acara, M., and B.Y. Olcay. 1998. “Bizans Döneminde Aydınlatma Düzeni ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kilisesinde Kullanılan Aydınlatma Gereçleri.” Adalya II: 249–66.
  • Antonaras, A. 2012. Fire and Sand – Ancient Glass in the Princeton University Art Museum. Princeton – New Jersey: Princeton University Art Museum.
  • Bent, J.T. 1891. “A Journey in Cilicia Tracheia.” JHS XII: 206–24.
  • Canevello, S.A., and M. Özyıldırım. 2009. “Constantinopolis Tahtında Isaurialı bir İmparator: Zeno.” Lucerna – Klasik Filoloji Yazıları 4: 16–28. İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık.
  • Collon, D. 2007. “Glass.” In Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98 – From Bronze Age to Byzantine in Western Cilicia, edited by N. Postgate and D. Thomas. Chapter 39, 505–10, 797. British Institute at Ankara Monograph No: 30. Cambridge-London: British Institute at Ankara.
  • Çakmakçı, Z. 2009. “A Typological Approach to the Glass Goblet Production from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages in the Light of Recent Finds.” In Late Antique – Early Byzantine Glass in the Eastern Mediterranean, edited by E. Laflı, 49–66. İzmir: Tübitak.
  • Dussart, O. 1998. Le Verre en Jordanie et en Syrie du Sud. Beyrouth: Institut Français d’Archéologie du Porche-Orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman, Bibliothéque Archéologique et Historique – T. CLII.
  • Erten, E. 2016. “Olba Kazılarından Yeni Bir Buluntu: Roma Mozaiği.” Seleucia VI: 61–91.
  • Erten, E. 2015. “The Use of Window Glass in the Roman World.” In Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyiğit’e Armağan, edited by E. Okan and C. Atila, 155–61. İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
  • Erten, E. 2013. “Olba Kazılarından Küçük Buluntular.” Seleucia ad Calycadnum III: 101–28.
  • Erten, E. 2009. “Olba’da Romalılaşma Süreci.” In Mersin Sempozyumu (19–22 Kasım 2008) Bildiriler, Cilt I: 76–85. Mersin: Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Erten, E. 2003. “Glass Finds from Olba Survey – 2001.” OLBA VII: 145–54.
  • Erten, E., and E. Akkuş Koçak. 2018. “Olba Kazıları Cam Kandil Buluntuları.” Seleucia VIII: 139–64.
  • Erten, E., and E. Akkuş Koçak. 2017. “Olba Tiyatro Kazısı Cam Kadeh Buluntuları.” Seleucia VII: 89–112.
  • Erten, E., M. Özyıldırım, and T. Akçay. 2010. “Mersin Silifke Olba 2009 Araştırmaları.” Araştırma Sonuçları Toplantısı 28.2: 273–90.
  • Foy, D. 2000. “Un Atelier de verrier à Beyrouth au début de la conquête islamique.” Syria, 77: 239–90.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2010a. “The Glass Finds.” In Elaiussa Sebaste III – L’Agora Romana, edited by E.E. Schneider, 234–44. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2010b. “Soli–Pompeiopolis Antik Kenti (Mersin–Mezitli) Cam Buluntuları.” In Camgeran 2010 – Uluslararası Katılımlı Uygulamalı Cam Sempozyumu – Sempozyum Bildiri Kitabı, 141–46. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2009. “Elaiussa Sebaste Antik Yerleşimi Cam Buluntuları.” PhD thesis, Ankara University.
  • Gençler Güray, Ç. 2007. “Elaiussa Sebaste’den Bir Cam Kandil ve Kullanımı Üzerine.” In PATRONVS – Coşkun Özgünel’e 65. Yaş Armağanı, 157–60. İstanbul: Homer Kitabevi.
  • Gill, M.A.V. 2002. Amorium reports. Finds I, The glass (1987–1997). Oxford: BAR International Series 1070.
  • Grierson, P. 1999. Byzantine Coinage. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.
  • Grossmann, R.A. 2013. “Glass” In Excavations at Zeugma Conducted by Oxford University. 3 vols., edited by W. Aylward, 218–58. Los Altos – California: The Packard Humanities Institute.
  • Headlam, A.C. 1892. Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria (Cilicia Trachea). Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies 2. London: Council and sold on their behalf by Macmillan and Company.
  • Hicks, E.L. 1891. “Inscriptions from Western Cilicia.” JHS XII: 225–73.
  • Hild, F., and H. Hellenkemper. 1990. Kiliken und Isaurien. Tabula Imperii Byzantini 5. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
  • Hill, S. 1996. The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria, Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs. Vol. 1, edited by A. Bryer and J. Haldon. Aldershot–Hampshire: Variorum.
  • Keating, J.F. 1901. The Agape and the Eucharist in the Early Church – Studies in the History of the Christian Love–Feasts. London: Kessinger Publishing.
  • Keil, J., and A. Wilhelm. 1931. “Denkmäler aus dem Rauhen Kilikien.” Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua III. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Kramer, N. 2012. Keramik und Kleinfunde aus Diokaisareia, Ergebnisse des Surveys 2001–2006. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Olcay, B.Y. 2001. “Lighting Methods in the Byzantine Period and Findings of Glass Lamps in Anatolia.” JGS 43: 77–87.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2016. “Olba Manastırı 2015 Yılı Kazıları ve Kuzey Kilisesi’ndeki Çalışmaların Değerlendirilmesi.” Seleucia VI: 181–201.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2012. “Olba Manastırı Hakkında Arkeolojik ve Yazınsal Yeni Bilgiler.” Seleucia ad Calycadnum II: 105–18.
  • Özyıldırım, M. 2003. “İlkçağ ve Erken Hıristiyanlık Kaynaklarında Olba Sözcüğünün Değişik Kullanımları.” OLBA VIII: 145–49.
  • Özyıldırım M., and Y. Yeğin. 2018. “Olba Manastırı Kuzey Kilisesinin Değerlendirilmesi.” Seleucia VIII: 165–90.
  • Özyıldırım, M., and Y. Yeğin. 2017. “Olba Manastırı Kuzey Kilisesi’nden (Diakonikon) Bizans Dönemi Opus Sectile Taban Döşemesi.” Seleucia VII: 47–68.
  • Smith, D.E. 2003. From Symposium to Eucharist: The Banquet in the Early Christian World. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
  • Stern, E.M. 2001. Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval Glass. 10 BCE - 700 CE. Ernesto Wolf Collection. Ostfildern–Ruit: Hatje Cantz Publishers.
  • Stern, E.M. 1985. “Ancient and Medieval Glass from the Necropolis Church at Anemurium.” In Annales du 9e Congrés de L’Association Internationale pour L’Histoire du Verre, 35–64. Nancy (France), Liege: Centre de Publications de l’Association International pour l’Historie du Verre.
  • Uçkan, B.Y.O., and M. Öztaşkın. 2017. “Olympos Kazılarında Bulunan Aydınlatma Gereçleri.” Seleucia VII: 11–28.
  • von Saldern, A. 1980. Ancient and Byzantine Glass from Sardis. Cambridge – Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Whitehouse, D. 2001. “Window Glass Between the First and Eighth Centuries.” In Colore nel Medioevo: Arte, Simbolo, Tecnica: la Vetrata in Occidente dal IV all XI Secolo, edited by F. Dell’Acqua and R. Silva, 31–43. Lucca: Istituto Storico Lucchese.
  • Young, S.H. 1993. “A Preview of Seventh Century Glass from the Kourion Basilica, Cyprus.” JHS 35: 39–47.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Research Articles

Ayşe Emel Erten 0000-0002-3295-3610

Emine Akkuş This is me 0000-0001-7365-0029

Publication Date October 11, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Issue: 22


Chicago Erten, Ayşe Emel, and Emine Akkuş. “Glass Finds from the Monastery at Olba”. Adalya, no. 22 (October 2019): 345-62.

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