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A One-Edged Curved Sword from Seyitömer Höyük

Year 2017, Issue: 20, 79 - 110, 01.06.2017


Seyitömer Höyük is located in inner western Anatolia, 25 km northwest of the provincial center, Kütahya Fig. 1 . The earliest archaeological excavations at the site were initiated by the Eskişehir Museum directorate in 1989. These were later followed by excavations undertaken by the Afyon Musuem directorate from 1990 to 1995. The excavations were abandoned for approximately a decade and then restarted by the Dumlupınar University, Department of Archaeology, between 2006-2014 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. A. N. Bilgen.


  • Alfieri – Arias 1958 N. Alfieri – P. E. Arias, Spina – Die neuentdeckte Etruskerstadt und die Griechischen Vasen ihrer Gräber (1958).
  • Anderson 1993 J. K. Anderson, “Hoplite Weapons and Offensive Arms”, in: V. D. Hanson (ed.), Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience² (1993) 15-37.
  • Archibald 1998 Z. H. Archibald, The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace: Orpheus Unmasked (1998). BAPD Beazley Archive Pottery Database.
  • Beazley 1916 J. D. Beazley, “Fragment of a Vase at Oxford and the Painter of the Tyszkiewicz Crater in Boston”, AJA 20, 1916, 144-153.
  • Berger 1968 E. Berger, “Die Hauptwerke des Basler Antikenmuseums zwischen 460 und 430 v.Chr.”, AntK 11, 1968, 62-81.
  • Best 1969 J. G. P. Best, Thracian Peltasts and their Influence on Greek Warfare (1969).
  • Bilgen 2015 A. N. Bilgen, “Introduction”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 7-8.
  • Bilgen – Bilgen 2015 A. N. Bilgen – Z. Bilgen, “Middle Bronze Age Settlement”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 61-118.
  • Bilgen – Çevirici Coşkun 2015a A. N. Bilgen - F. Çevirici Coşkun, “Hellenistic Period Settlement (Layer II)” in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 19-33.
  • Bilgen – Çevirici Coşkun 2015b A. N. Bilgen - F. Çevirici Coşkun, “Roman Period Settlement (Layer I)” in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 9-18.
  • Bilgen et al. 2010 A. N. Bilgen – G. Coşkun – Z. Bilgen, “Seyitömer Höyüğü 2008 Yılı Kazısı”, KST 31.1, 2010, 341-354.
  • Bilgen et al. 2015 A. N. Bilgen – Z. Bilgen – S. Çırakoğlu, “Early Bronze Age Settlement (Layer V)”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 119-186.
  • Boardman 1968 J. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems: Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries B.C. (1968).
  • Boardman 1971 J. Boardman, “The Danicourt Gems in Péronne”, Revue Archéologique, Nouvelle Série 2, 1971, 195-214
  • Boardman 1975 J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases the Archaic Period (1975).
  • Boardman 1989 J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases the Classical Period (1989).
  • Bohn 1885 R. Bohn, Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros Altertümer von Pergamon, Band II (1885).
  • Bovon 1963 A. Bovon, “La représentation des guerriers perses et la notion de Barbare dans la première moitié du Ve siècle”, BCH 87, 1963, 579-602.
  • Buitron Oliver 1995 D. Buitron Oliver, Douris: A Master-Painter of Athenian Red Figure Vases, Kerameus, Band 9 (1995).
  • Burton 1884 R. F. Burton, The Book of the Sword (1884).
  • Carpenter 2003 T. H. Carpenter, “The Native Market for Red-Figure Vases in Apulia”, MAAR 48, 2003, 1-24.
  • Casson 1926 S. Casson, Macedonia, Thrace, and Illyria: Their Relation to Greece from the Earliest Times down to the Time of Philip, Son of Amyntas (1926).
  • Connolly 1988 P. Connolly, Greece and Rome at War² (1988).
  • Coşkun 2011 G. Coşkun, “Achaemenid Period Architectural Remains at Seyitömer Mound”, in: A. N. Bilgen – R. von Den Hoff – S. Sandalcı – S. Silek (eds.), Archaeological Research in Western Central Anatolia, III International Symposium of Archaeology, Kütahya, 8-9 March 2010 (2011) 81-93.
  • Coşkun 2015 G. Coşkun, “Achaemenid Period Settlement (Layer III)”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 34-59.
  • CVA Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Daumas 1978 M. Daumas, “L’amphore de Panagurišté et les Sept contre Thèbes”, AntK 21, 1978, 23-31.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World (1999). Engelmann – Anderson 1892
  • R. Engelmann – W. C. F. Anderson, Pictorial Atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (1892).
  • Filow 1934 B. D. Filow, Die Grabhügelnekropole bei Duvanlij in Südbulgarien (1934).
  • Furtwängler 1893 A. Furtwängler, “Erwerbungen der Antikensammlungen in Deutschland. Berlin 1892”, AA, 1893, 72-102.
  • Furtwängler 1900 A. Furtwängler, Die antiken Gemmen: Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im Klassischen Altertum, Band 2 (1900).
  • Furtwängler et al. 1904-1932 A. Furtwängler – F. Hauser – K. Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei: Auswahl hervorragender Vasenbilder (1904-1932).
  • Gaebel 2002 R. E. Gaebel, Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World (2002).
  • García Cano – Gómez Ródenas 2006 J. M. García Cano – M. Gómez Ródenas, “Avance al estudio radiológico del armamento de la necrópolis ibérica del Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia).
  • I. – Las falcatas”, Gladius 26, 2006, 61-92.
  • García Cano – Page Del Pozo 2001 J. M. García Cano – V. Page Del Pozo, “El armamento de la necrópolis de Castillejo de los Baños. Una aproximación a la panoplia ibérica de Fortuna (Murcia)”, Gladius 21, 2001, 57‑136.
  • Gerhard 1840-1858 E. Gerhard, Auserlesene griechische Vasenbilder, hauptsächlich etruskischen Fundorts (1840-1858).
  • Gordon 1958 C. D. H. Gordon, “Scimitars, Sabres and Falchions”, Man, a Monthy Record of Anthropological Science 58, 1958, 22-27.
  • Greenewalt 1997 C. H. Greenewalt, “Arms and Weapons at Sardis in the Mid-Sixth Century B.C.”, ASanat 79, 1997, 2-13.
  • Hall 1906 E. H. Hall, “Greek and Italian Pottery”, Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum 4, 1906, 53-57.
  • Head 1982 D. Head, Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC: Organisation, Tactics, Dress and Weapons (1982).
  • Herrmann et al. 1994 A. Herrmann – A. Oliver – E. B. Towne – J. B. Grossman – J. R. Guy – K. Hamma – K. Wight – L. Mildenberg – M. Roland – M. True – M. Jentoft-Nilsen, “Greece from the Geometric Period to the Late Classical”, in: J. Harris (ed.), A Passion for Antiquities: Ancient Art from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman (1994) 45-114.
  • Heydemann 1881 H. Heydemann, Gigantomachie auf einer Vase aus Altamura (1881).
  • Hoffmeyer 1961 A. B. Hoffmeyer, “Introduction to the History of the European Sword”, Gladius 1, 1961, 30-75.
  • Hoppin 1919 J. C. Hoppin, A Handbook of Attic Red-Figured Vases, Vol. 1 (1919).
  • James 2011 S. James, Rome and the Sword: How Warriors and Weapons Shaped Roman History (2011).
  • Kurtz 1989 D. C. Kurtz, “Two Athenian White-ground Lekythoi”, Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum 4. Occasional Papers in Antiquities 5, 1989, 113-130.
  • Lippold 1922 G. Lippold, Gemmen und Kameen des Altertums und der Neuzeit (1922). Lorrio et al. 1998-1999 A. J. Lorrio – S. Rovira – F. Gago Blanco, “Una falcata damasquinada procedente de la Plana de Utiel (Valencia): estudio tipológico, tecnológico y restauración”, Lucentum 17-18, 1998-1999, 149-161.
  • Löwy 1929 E. Löwy, Ein buch von Griechischer Malarei (1929).
  • Macurdy 1932 G. H. Macurdy, “A Note on the Jewellery of Demetrius the Besieger”, AJA 36, 1932, 27-28.
  • Miller 1993 S. G. Miller, The Tomb of Lyson and Kallikles: A Painted Macedonian Tomb (1993).
  • Millingen 1822 J. Millingen, Ancient Unedited Monuments, Painted Greek Vases from Collections in Various Countries Principally in Great Britain, Vol. 1 (1822).
  • Minto 1943 A. Minto, Populonia (1943).
  • Mitchell 2004 A. G. Mitchell, “Humour in Greek Vase-Painting”, RA 37, 2004, 3-32.
  • Orsi 1915 P. Orsi, “Sicilia”, Notizie degli Scavi di antichità, vol. 12, 1915, 175-234.
  • Payne 1931 H. Payne, Necrocorinthia: A Study of Corinthian Art in the Archaic Period (1931).
  • Petsas 1964 P. Petsas, “Ten Years at Pella”, Archaeology 17, 1964. 74-84.
  • Prats i Darder et al. 1996 C. Prats i Darder – C. Rovira i Hortalà – J. H. Miró i Segura, “La falcata i la beina damasquinades trobades a la tomba 53 de la necròpoli ibèrica de la Serrata d’Alcoi. Procés de conservació-restauració i estudi tecnològic”, Recerques del Museu d’Alcoi 5, 1996, 137-154.
  • Quennell – Quennell 1954 M. Quennell – C. H. B. Quennell, Everyday Things in Ancient Greece² (1954).
  • Quesada Sanz 1988 F. Quesada Sanz, “Las acanaladuras en las hojas de falcatas ibéricas”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 15, 1988, 275‑300.
  • Quesada Sanz 1991 F. Quesada Sanz, “En torno al origen y procedencia de la falcata ibérica”, in: J. Remesal – O. Musso (eds.), La presencia de material etrusco en el ámbito de la colonización arcaica en la Península Ibérica (1991) 475‑541.
  • Quesada Sanz 1992 F. Quesada Sanz, “Notas sobre el armamento ibérico de Almedinilla”, Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa 3, 1992, 113‑135.
  • Quesada Sanz 1994 F. Quesada Sanz, “Machaira, kopis, falcata”, in: J. de la Villa (ed.), Dona Ferentes, Homenaje a F. Torrent (1994) 75-94.
  • Quesada Sanz 2005 F. Quesada Sanz, “Patterns of Interaction: ‘Celtic’ and ‘Iberian’ Weapons in Iron Age Spain”, in: W. Gillies – D. W. Harding (eds.), Celtic Connections: Archaeology, Numismatics, Historical Linguistics, Vol. 2 (2005) 56-78.
  • Quesada Sanz 2011 F. Quesada Sanz, “Military Developments in the ‘Late Iberian’ Culture (c. 237-c. 195 BC): Mediterranean Influences in the Far West via the Carthaginian Military”, in: N. Sekunda – A. Noguera (eds.), Hellenistic Warfare I. Proceedings Conference Torun (Poland), October 2003, Fundación Libertas 7 (2011) 207-257.
  • Raoul Rochette 1827 M. Raoul Rochette, Monumens inédits d’antiquité figurée, grecque, étrusque et romaine (1827).
  • Richter 1942 G. M. A. Richter, “The Gallatin Collection of Greek Vases”, BMMA 37, 1942, 51-59.
  • Richter 1968 G. M. A. Richter, Engraved Gems of the Greeks and Etruscans (1968).
  • Roux 1964 G. Roux, “Meurtre dans un ‘sanctuaire sur l’ amphore de Panaguriste”, AntK 7, 1964, 30-41.
  • Sandars 1913 H. Sandars, “The Weapons of the Iberians”, Archaeologia or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity 64, 1913, 205-294.
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Seyitömer Höyük’ten Tek Yüzlü Kavisli Bir Kılıç

Year 2017, Issue: 20, 79 - 110, 01.06.2017


Bu makalenin amacı Seyitömer Höyüğün Akhaemenid Dönem tabakasından ele geçen ve bugün Kütahya Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde korunan tek yüzlü kavisli kılıcın bilim dünyasına tanıtılmasıdır. Bu çalışmada tek yüzlü kavisli kılıçlar hakkında genel bir bilgi verildikten sonra, Seyitömer Höyük örneği tanıtılmış, bu tip kılıçların çeşitli tarihi eserler üzerindeki tasvirlerine değinilmiş ve elde edilen veriler değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Alfieri – Arias 1958 N. Alfieri – P. E. Arias, Spina – Die neuentdeckte Etruskerstadt und die Griechischen Vasen ihrer Gräber (1958).
  • Anderson 1993 J. K. Anderson, “Hoplite Weapons and Offensive Arms”, in: V. D. Hanson (ed.), Hoplites: The Classical Greek Battle Experience² (1993) 15-37.
  • Archibald 1998 Z. H. Archibald, The Odrysian Kingdom of Thrace: Orpheus Unmasked (1998). BAPD Beazley Archive Pottery Database.
  • Beazley 1916 J. D. Beazley, “Fragment of a Vase at Oxford and the Painter of the Tyszkiewicz Crater in Boston”, AJA 20, 1916, 144-153.
  • Berger 1968 E. Berger, “Die Hauptwerke des Basler Antikenmuseums zwischen 460 und 430 v.Chr.”, AntK 11, 1968, 62-81.
  • Best 1969 J. G. P. Best, Thracian Peltasts and their Influence on Greek Warfare (1969).
  • Bilgen 2015 A. N. Bilgen, “Introduction”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 7-8.
  • Bilgen – Bilgen 2015 A. N. Bilgen – Z. Bilgen, “Middle Bronze Age Settlement”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 61-118.
  • Bilgen – Çevirici Coşkun 2015a A. N. Bilgen - F. Çevirici Coşkun, “Hellenistic Period Settlement (Layer II)” in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 19-33.
  • Bilgen – Çevirici Coşkun 2015b A. N. Bilgen - F. Çevirici Coşkun, “Roman Period Settlement (Layer I)” in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 9-18.
  • Bilgen et al. 2010 A. N. Bilgen – G. Coşkun – Z. Bilgen, “Seyitömer Höyüğü 2008 Yılı Kazısı”, KST 31.1, 2010, 341-354.
  • Bilgen et al. 2015 A. N. Bilgen – Z. Bilgen – S. Çırakoğlu, “Early Bronze Age Settlement (Layer V)”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 119-186.
  • Boardman 1968 J. Boardman, Archaic Greek Gems: Schools and Artists in the Sixth and Early Fifth Centuries B.C. (1968).
  • Boardman 1971 J. Boardman, “The Danicourt Gems in Péronne”, Revue Archéologique, Nouvelle Série 2, 1971, 195-214
  • Boardman 1975 J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases the Archaic Period (1975).
  • Boardman 1989 J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases the Classical Period (1989).
  • Bohn 1885 R. Bohn, Das Heiligtum der Athena Polias Nikephoros Altertümer von Pergamon, Band II (1885).
  • Bovon 1963 A. Bovon, “La représentation des guerriers perses et la notion de Barbare dans la première moitié du Ve siècle”, BCH 87, 1963, 579-602.
  • Buitron Oliver 1995 D. Buitron Oliver, Douris: A Master-Painter of Athenian Red Figure Vases, Kerameus, Band 9 (1995).
  • Burton 1884 R. F. Burton, The Book of the Sword (1884).
  • Carpenter 2003 T. H. Carpenter, “The Native Market for Red-Figure Vases in Apulia”, MAAR 48, 2003, 1-24.
  • Casson 1926 S. Casson, Macedonia, Thrace, and Illyria: Their Relation to Greece from the Earliest Times down to the Time of Philip, Son of Amyntas (1926).
  • Connolly 1988 P. Connolly, Greece and Rome at War² (1988).
  • Coşkun 2011 G. Coşkun, “Achaemenid Period Architectural Remains at Seyitömer Mound”, in: A. N. Bilgen – R. von Den Hoff – S. Sandalcı – S. Silek (eds.), Archaeological Research in Western Central Anatolia, III International Symposium of Archaeology, Kütahya, 8-9 March 2010 (2011) 81-93.
  • Coşkun 2015 G. Coşkun, “Achaemenid Period Settlement (Layer III)”, in: A. N. Bilgen (ed.), Seyitömer Höyük I (2015) 34-59.
  • CVA Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Daumas 1978 M. Daumas, “L’amphore de Panagurišté et les Sept contre Thèbes”, AntK 21, 1978, 23-31.
  • Dunbabin 1999 K. M. D. Dunbabin, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World (1999). Engelmann – Anderson 1892
  • R. Engelmann – W. C. F. Anderson, Pictorial Atlas to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (1892).
  • Filow 1934 B. D. Filow, Die Grabhügelnekropole bei Duvanlij in Südbulgarien (1934).
  • Furtwängler 1893 A. Furtwängler, “Erwerbungen der Antikensammlungen in Deutschland. Berlin 1892”, AA, 1893, 72-102.
  • Furtwängler 1900 A. Furtwängler, Die antiken Gemmen: Geschichte der Steinschneidekunst im Klassischen Altertum, Band 2 (1900).
  • Furtwängler et al. 1904-1932 A. Furtwängler – F. Hauser – K. Reichhold, Griechische Vasenmalerei: Auswahl hervorragender Vasenbilder (1904-1932).
  • Gaebel 2002 R. E. Gaebel, Cavalry Operations in the Ancient Greek World (2002).
  • García Cano – Gómez Ródenas 2006 J. M. García Cano – M. Gómez Ródenas, “Avance al estudio radiológico del armamento de la necrópolis ibérica del Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia).
  • I. – Las falcatas”, Gladius 26, 2006, 61-92.
  • García Cano – Page Del Pozo 2001 J. M. García Cano – V. Page Del Pozo, “El armamento de la necrópolis de Castillejo de los Baños. Una aproximación a la panoplia ibérica de Fortuna (Murcia)”, Gladius 21, 2001, 57‑136.
  • Gerhard 1840-1858 E. Gerhard, Auserlesene griechische Vasenbilder, hauptsächlich etruskischen Fundorts (1840-1858).
  • Gordon 1958 C. D. H. Gordon, “Scimitars, Sabres and Falchions”, Man, a Monthy Record of Anthropological Science 58, 1958, 22-27.
  • Greenewalt 1997 C. H. Greenewalt, “Arms and Weapons at Sardis in the Mid-Sixth Century B.C.”, ASanat 79, 1997, 2-13.
  • Hall 1906 E. H. Hall, “Greek and Italian Pottery”, Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Museum 4, 1906, 53-57.
  • Head 1982 D. Head, Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC: Organisation, Tactics, Dress and Weapons (1982).
  • Herrmann et al. 1994 A. Herrmann – A. Oliver – E. B. Towne – J. B. Grossman – J. R. Guy – K. Hamma – K. Wight – L. Mildenberg – M. Roland – M. True – M. Jentoft-Nilsen, “Greece from the Geometric Period to the Late Classical”, in: J. Harris (ed.), A Passion for Antiquities: Ancient Art from the Collection of Barbara and Lawrence Fleischman (1994) 45-114.
  • Heydemann 1881 H. Heydemann, Gigantomachie auf einer Vase aus Altamura (1881).
  • Hoffmeyer 1961 A. B. Hoffmeyer, “Introduction to the History of the European Sword”, Gladius 1, 1961, 30-75.
  • Hoppin 1919 J. C. Hoppin, A Handbook of Attic Red-Figured Vases, Vol. 1 (1919).
  • James 2011 S. James, Rome and the Sword: How Warriors and Weapons Shaped Roman History (2011).
  • Kurtz 1989 D. C. Kurtz, “Two Athenian White-ground Lekythoi”, Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum 4. Occasional Papers in Antiquities 5, 1989, 113-130.
  • Lippold 1922 G. Lippold, Gemmen und Kameen des Altertums und der Neuzeit (1922). Lorrio et al. 1998-1999 A. J. Lorrio – S. Rovira – F. Gago Blanco, “Una falcata damasquinada procedente de la Plana de Utiel (Valencia): estudio tipológico, tecnológico y restauración”, Lucentum 17-18, 1998-1999, 149-161.
  • Löwy 1929 E. Löwy, Ein buch von Griechischer Malarei (1929).
  • Macurdy 1932 G. H. Macurdy, “A Note on the Jewellery of Demetrius the Besieger”, AJA 36, 1932, 27-28.
  • Miller 1993 S. G. Miller, The Tomb of Lyson and Kallikles: A Painted Macedonian Tomb (1993).
  • Millingen 1822 J. Millingen, Ancient Unedited Monuments, Painted Greek Vases from Collections in Various Countries Principally in Great Britain, Vol. 1 (1822).
  • Minto 1943 A. Minto, Populonia (1943).
  • Mitchell 2004 A. G. Mitchell, “Humour in Greek Vase-Painting”, RA 37, 2004, 3-32.
  • Orsi 1915 P. Orsi, “Sicilia”, Notizie degli Scavi di antichità, vol. 12, 1915, 175-234.
  • Payne 1931 H. Payne, Necrocorinthia: A Study of Corinthian Art in the Archaic Period (1931).
  • Petsas 1964 P. Petsas, “Ten Years at Pella”, Archaeology 17, 1964. 74-84.
  • Prats i Darder et al. 1996 C. Prats i Darder – C. Rovira i Hortalà – J. H. Miró i Segura, “La falcata i la beina damasquinades trobades a la tomba 53 de la necròpoli ibèrica de la Serrata d’Alcoi. Procés de conservació-restauració i estudi tecnològic”, Recerques del Museu d’Alcoi 5, 1996, 137-154.
  • Quennell – Quennell 1954 M. Quennell – C. H. B. Quennell, Everyday Things in Ancient Greece² (1954).
  • Quesada Sanz 1988 F. Quesada Sanz, “Las acanaladuras en las hojas de falcatas ibéricas”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 15, 1988, 275‑300.
  • Quesada Sanz 1991 F. Quesada Sanz, “En torno al origen y procedencia de la falcata ibérica”, in: J. Remesal – O. Musso (eds.), La presencia de material etrusco en el ámbito de la colonización arcaica en la Península Ibérica (1991) 475‑541.
  • Quesada Sanz 1992 F. Quesada Sanz, “Notas sobre el armamento ibérico de Almedinilla”, Anales de Arqueología Cordobesa 3, 1992, 113‑135.
  • Quesada Sanz 1994 F. Quesada Sanz, “Machaira, kopis, falcata”, in: J. de la Villa (ed.), Dona Ferentes, Homenaje a F. Torrent (1994) 75-94.
  • Quesada Sanz 2005 F. Quesada Sanz, “Patterns of Interaction: ‘Celtic’ and ‘Iberian’ Weapons in Iron Age Spain”, in: W. Gillies – D. W. Harding (eds.), Celtic Connections: Archaeology, Numismatics, Historical Linguistics, Vol. 2 (2005) 56-78.
  • Quesada Sanz 2011 F. Quesada Sanz, “Military Developments in the ‘Late Iberian’ Culture (c. 237-c. 195 BC): Mediterranean Influences in the Far West via the Carthaginian Military”, in: N. Sekunda – A. Noguera (eds.), Hellenistic Warfare I. Proceedings Conference Torun (Poland), October 2003, Fundación Libertas 7 (2011) 207-257.
  • Raoul Rochette 1827 M. Raoul Rochette, Monumens inédits d’antiquité figurée, grecque, étrusque et romaine (1827).
  • Richter 1942 G. M. A. Richter, “The Gallatin Collection of Greek Vases”, BMMA 37, 1942, 51-59.
  • Richter 1968 G. M. A. Richter, Engraved Gems of the Greeks and Etruscans (1968).
  • Roux 1964 G. Roux, “Meurtre dans un ‘sanctuaire sur l’ amphore de Panaguriste”, AntK 7, 1964, 30-41.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Gökhan Coşkun This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 20


Chicago Coşkun, Gökhan. “A One-Edged Curved Sword from Seyitömer Höyük”. Adalya, no. 20 (June 2017): 79-110.

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