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İrrigasyon Solüsyonlarının Kök Kanalından Kalsiyum Hidroksit Uzaklaştırma Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 31.08.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada geleneksel şırınga irrigasyonunda kullanılan çeşitli irrigasyon solüsyonlarının kök kanalının apikal kısmında hazırlanan bir oluktan kalsiyum hidroksit medikamentini uzaklaştırma etkinlikleri değerlendirilmiştir.
Yöntemler: Toplam 100 adet tek köklü insan dişinin kronları uzaklaştırılıp, kök uzunlukları standardize edildi. Kökler uzunlamasına ikiye ayrıldı her iki yarımın apikal 1/3’lük kısmına standart oluklar açıldı. Ca(OH)2 95 örneğin kök kanallarına ve oluklara yerleştirildi, bir hafta bekletildi. Beş örnek pozitif kontrol grubu olarak ayrıldı. Kalan örnekler irrigasyon ajanlarına göre çalışma gruplarına rastgele ayrılarak (n=18); NaOCl (%5,25), EDTA (%17), etanol (%70), GA(%10) veya SA (%10) ile irrigasyon iğnesi kullanılarak yıkandı. Her örnekteki oluklar 20X büyütme altında stereomikroskop ile incelendi, Van der Sluis sınıflamasına göre skorlandırıldı. Elde edilen veriler her grubun skor ortalamasını karşılaştırmak için Kruskal-Wallis H testi ile analiz edildi.
Bulgular: En düşük skor EDTA grubunda saptanırken, EDTA’nın Ca(OH)2 uzaklaştırma becerisi NaOCl, SA ve etanol ile benzer bulunmuştur (p > .05). En yüksek skorun saptandığı GA grubunda Ca(OH)2 uzaklaştırma skorları EDTA ve SA’dan anlamlı oranda yüksektir (p < .05).
Sonuçlar: Test edilen solüsyonların iğne irrigasyonunda kullanılmaları sonucu hiçbiri Ca(OH)2 medikamentinin tamamen uzaklaştırılmasında başarılı olmamıştır. En iyi skorlar EDTA ve SA solüsyonlarında tespit edilirken en yüksek skor GA grubunda tespit edildi.


  • 1. Erik CE, Maden M, Çelik G. Endodontide kullanılan irrigasyon solüsyonları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018; 9(3): 31-38.
  • 2. Siqueira JF Jr, Rôças IN, Santos SR, Lima KC, Magalhães FA, de Uzeda M. Efficacy of instrumentation techniques and irrigation regimens in reducing the bacterial population within root canals. J Endod. 2002;28(3):181-4.
  • 3. Yusufoğlu SI, Saricam E. Comparative evaluation of apical extrusion debris and irrigation during calcium hydroxide removal and endodontic instrumentation using three types of instrumentation system. J Dent Indones. 2020;27(3):120-12
  • 4. Fava LR, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J. 1999;32:257-82.
  • 5. Bystrom A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial effect of camphorated paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1985;1:170-5.
  • 6. C¸alt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod. 1999;25:431–3.
  • 7. Hosoya N, Kurayama H, Iino F, Arai T. Effects of calcium hydroxide on physical and sealing properties of canal sealers. Int Endod J. 2004 Mar;37(3):178-84.
  • 8. Kenee DM, Allemang JD, Johnson JD, Hellstein J, Nichol BK. A quantitative assessment of efficacy of various calcium hydroxide removal techniques. J Endod. 2006 Jun;32(6):563-5. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2005.10.065. Epub 2006 Apr 4. PMID: 16728252.
  • 9. Siqueira JF Jr, Machado AG, Silveira RM, Lopes HP, de Uzeda M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite used with three irrigation methods in the elimination of Enterococcus faecalis from the root canal, in vitro. Int Endod J. 1997; 30(4):279-82
  • 10. Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod. 2006; 32(5): 389-98.
  • 11. Ramírez-Bommer C, Gulabivala K, Ng YL, Young A. Estimated depth of apatite and collagen degradation in human dentine by sequential exposure to sodium hypochlorite and EDTA: a quantitative FTIR study. Int Endod J. 2018;51(4):469-478.
  • 12. Vineet SA, Rajesh M, Sonali K, Mukesh PA. Contemporary Overview of Endodontic Irrigants – A Review. J Dent App. 2014; 1: 105-15.
  • 13. Arslan H, Barutcigil C, Karatas E, Topcuoglu HS, Yeter KY, Ersoy I, et al. Effect of citric acid irrigation on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated roots. Eur J Dent. 2014 Jan;8(1):74-78.
  • 14. Scelza MF, Teixeira AM, Scelza P. Decalcifying effect of EDTA-T, 10% citric acid, and 17% EDTA on root canal dentin. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 2003; 95: 234-6.
  • 15. Cecchin, D., Farina, A. P., Vidal, C. M. P. & Bedran-Russo, A. K. A novel enamel and dentin etching protocol using α-hydroxy glycolic acid: Surface property, etching pattern, and bond strength studies. Oper. Dent. 2018;43, 101–10.
  • 16. Cecchin D, Bringhenti I, Bernardi J, Leal L, Souza M, Bedran-Russo, A.K.B. et al. Alpha-hydroxy glycolic acid for root dentin etching: Morphological analysis and push out bond strength. Int J Adhes Ahdes. 2019;90:138-143.
  • 17. Bello YD, Porsch HF, Farina AP, Souza MA, Silva EJNL, Bedran-Russo AK, et al. Glycolic acid as the final irrigant in endodontics: Mechanical and cytotoxic effects. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2019 Jul;100:323-329.
  • 18. Dias-Junior LCL, Fonseca de Castro R, Fernandes AD, Reis Guerreiro MY, Silva EJNL, Melo da Silva Brandão J, Final endodontic irrigation with 70% ethanol enhanced calcium hydroxide removal from apical third, J Endod. 2021;47(1):105-11.
  • 19. Gambin DJ, Leal LO, Farina AP, Souza MA, Cecchin D. Antimicrobial activity of glycolic acid as a final irrigant solution for root canal preparation. Gen Dent. 2020 Jan-Feb;68(1):41-44. PMID: 31859661.
  • 20. Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton C, Tomazinho F et al (2020) Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities in extracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J 53(3):366–375)
  • 21. Van der Sluis L, Wu M, Wesselink P. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized roove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J. 2007;40:52–7.
  • 22. Alturaiki S, Lamphon H, Edrees H, Ahlquist M. Efficacy of 3 different irrigation systems on removal of calcium hydroxide from the root canal: a scanning electron microscopic study. J Endod. 2015;41(1):97-101.
  • 23. Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod. 2014;40(3):451-454.
  • 24. Ma JZ, Shen Y, Al-Ashaw AJ, Khaleel HY, Yang Y, Wang ZJ, et al. Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the removal of calcium hydroxide medicament from C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars. Int Endod J. 2015 Apr;48(4):333-41.
  • 25. Yücel AC, Gürel M, Güler E, Karabucak B. Comparison of final irrigation techniques in removal of calcium hydroxide. Aust Endod J. 2013;39(3):116-121.
  • 26. da Silva JM, Silveira A, Santos E, Prado L, Pessoa OF. Efficacy of sodium hypochlorite, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid in calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal: a microscopic cleanliness evaluation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011;112(6):820-824.
  • 27. Dadresanfar B, Abbas FM, Bashbaghi H, Miri SS, Ghorbani F. Intra-canal calcium hydroxide removal by two rotary systems: A comparative study. J Conserv Dent. 2015;18(3):257-260.
  • 28. Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Burklein S, Schafer E. Removal of calcium hydroxide from artificial grooves in straight root canals: sonic activation using EDDY versus passive ultrasonic ırrigation and XP-endo Finisher. J Endod. 2019;45(3):322-326.
  • 29. Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton CS, Tomazinho FSF, Gabardo MCL, Duarte MAH, Vivan RR, et al. Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities in extracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J. 2020 Mar;53(3):366-375.
  • 30. Mutluay M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different irrigation agents in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2022; 32(4): 266-27
  • 31. Keskin C, Keleş A, Sarıyılmaz Ö. Efficacy of glycolic acid for the removal of calcium hydroxide from simulated internal Resorption cavities. Clin Oral Investig. 2021 Jul;25(7):4407-4413.
Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 69 - 75, 31.08.2023



  • 1. Erik CE, Maden M, Çelik G. Endodontide kullanılan irrigasyon solüsyonları. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018; 9(3): 31-38.
  • 2. Siqueira JF Jr, Rôças IN, Santos SR, Lima KC, Magalhães FA, de Uzeda M. Efficacy of instrumentation techniques and irrigation regimens in reducing the bacterial population within root canals. J Endod. 2002;28(3):181-4.
  • 3. Yusufoğlu SI, Saricam E. Comparative evaluation of apical extrusion debris and irrigation during calcium hydroxide removal and endodontic instrumentation using three types of instrumentation system. J Dent Indones. 2020;27(3):120-12
  • 4. Fava LR, Saunders WP. Calcium hydroxide pastes: classification and clinical indications. Int Endod J. 1999;32:257-82.
  • 5. Bystrom A, Claesson R, Sundqvist G. The antibacterial effect of camphorated paramonochlorophenol, camphorated phenol and calcium hydroxide in the treatment of infected root canals. Endod Dent Traumatol. 1985;1:170-5.
  • 6. C¸alt S, Serper A. Dentinal tubule penetration of root canal sealers after root canal dressing with calcium hydroxide. J Endod. 1999;25:431–3.
  • 7. Hosoya N, Kurayama H, Iino F, Arai T. Effects of calcium hydroxide on physical and sealing properties of canal sealers. Int Endod J. 2004 Mar;37(3):178-84.
  • 8. Kenee DM, Allemang JD, Johnson JD, Hellstein J, Nichol BK. A quantitative assessment of efficacy of various calcium hydroxide removal techniques. J Endod. 2006 Jun;32(6):563-5. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2005.10.065. Epub 2006 Apr 4. PMID: 16728252.
  • 9. Siqueira JF Jr, Machado AG, Silveira RM, Lopes HP, de Uzeda M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite used with three irrigation methods in the elimination of Enterococcus faecalis from the root canal, in vitro. Int Endod J. 1997; 30(4):279-82
  • 10. Zehnder M. Root canal irrigants. J Endod. 2006; 32(5): 389-98.
  • 11. Ramírez-Bommer C, Gulabivala K, Ng YL, Young A. Estimated depth of apatite and collagen degradation in human dentine by sequential exposure to sodium hypochlorite and EDTA: a quantitative FTIR study. Int Endod J. 2018;51(4):469-478.
  • 12. Vineet SA, Rajesh M, Sonali K, Mukesh PA. Contemporary Overview of Endodontic Irrigants – A Review. J Dent App. 2014; 1: 105-15.
  • 13. Arslan H, Barutcigil C, Karatas E, Topcuoglu HS, Yeter KY, Ersoy I, et al. Effect of citric acid irrigation on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated roots. Eur J Dent. 2014 Jan;8(1):74-78.
  • 14. Scelza MF, Teixeira AM, Scelza P. Decalcifying effect of EDTA-T, 10% citric acid, and 17% EDTA on root canal dentin. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 2003; 95: 234-6.
  • 15. Cecchin, D., Farina, A. P., Vidal, C. M. P. & Bedran-Russo, A. K. A novel enamel and dentin etching protocol using α-hydroxy glycolic acid: Surface property, etching pattern, and bond strength studies. Oper. Dent. 2018;43, 101–10.
  • 16. Cecchin D, Bringhenti I, Bernardi J, Leal L, Souza M, Bedran-Russo, A.K.B. et al. Alpha-hydroxy glycolic acid for root dentin etching: Morphological analysis and push out bond strength. Int J Adhes Ahdes. 2019;90:138-143.
  • 17. Bello YD, Porsch HF, Farina AP, Souza MA, Silva EJNL, Bedran-Russo AK, et al. Glycolic acid as the final irrigant in endodontics: Mechanical and cytotoxic effects. Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2019 Jul;100:323-329.
  • 18. Dias-Junior LCL, Fonseca de Castro R, Fernandes AD, Reis Guerreiro MY, Silva EJNL, Melo da Silva Brandão J, Final endodontic irrigation with 70% ethanol enhanced calcium hydroxide removal from apical third, J Endod. 2021;47(1):105-11.
  • 19. Gambin DJ, Leal LO, Farina AP, Souza MA, Cecchin D. Antimicrobial activity of glycolic acid as a final irrigant solution for root canal preparation. Gen Dent. 2020 Jan-Feb;68(1):41-44. PMID: 31859661.
  • 20. Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton C, Tomazinho F et al (2020) Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities in extracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J 53(3):366–375)
  • 21. Van der Sluis L, Wu M, Wesselink P. The evaluation of removal of calcium hydroxide paste from an artificial standardized roove in the apical root canal using different irrigation methodologies. Int Endod J. 2007;40:52–7.
  • 22. Alturaiki S, Lamphon H, Edrees H, Ahlquist M. Efficacy of 3 different irrigation systems on removal of calcium hydroxide from the root canal: a scanning electron microscopic study. J Endod. 2015;41(1):97-101.
  • 23. Capar ID, Ozcan E, Arslan H, Ertas H, Aydinbelge HA. Effect of different final irrigation methods on the removal of calcium hydroxide from an artificial standardized groove in the apical third of root canals. J Endod. 2014;40(3):451-454.
  • 24. Ma JZ, Shen Y, Al-Ashaw AJ, Khaleel HY, Yang Y, Wang ZJ, et al. Micro-computed tomography evaluation of the removal of calcium hydroxide medicament from C-shaped root canals of mandibular second molars. Int Endod J. 2015 Apr;48(4):333-41.
  • 25. Yücel AC, Gürel M, Güler E, Karabucak B. Comparison of final irrigation techniques in removal of calcium hydroxide. Aust Endod J. 2013;39(3):116-121.
  • 26. da Silva JM, Silveira A, Santos E, Prado L, Pessoa OF. Efficacy of sodium hypochlorite, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid in calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal: a microscopic cleanliness evaluation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011;112(6):820-824.
  • 27. Dadresanfar B, Abbas FM, Bashbaghi H, Miri SS, Ghorbani F. Intra-canal calcium hydroxide removal by two rotary systems: A comparative study. J Conserv Dent. 2015;18(3):257-260.
  • 28. Donnermeyer D, Wyrsch H, Burklein S, Schafer E. Removal of calcium hydroxide from artificial grooves in straight root canals: sonic activation using EDDY versus passive ultrasonic ırrigation and XP-endo Finisher. J Endod. 2019;45(3):322-326.
  • 29. Marques-da-Silva B, Alberton CS, Tomazinho FSF, Gabardo MCL, Duarte MAH, Vivan RR, et al. Effectiveness of five instruments when removing calcium hydroxide paste from simulated internal root resorption cavities in extracted maxillary central incisors. Int Endod J. 2020 Mar;53(3):366-375.
  • 30. Mutluay M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of different irrigation agents in the removal of calcium hydroxide from root canals. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2022; 32(4): 266-27
  • 31. Keskin C, Keleş A, Sarıyılmaz Ö. Efficacy of glycolic acid for the removal of calcium hydroxide from simulated internal Resorption cavities. Clin Oral Investig. 2021 Jul;25(7):4407-4413.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Hayriye Dilara Altıntaş 0009-0002-5439-6322

Publication Date August 31, 2023
Submission Date May 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


Vancouver Altıntaş HD. İrrigasyon Solüsyonlarının Kök Kanalından Kalsiyum Hidroksit Uzaklaştırma Etkinliğinin Değerlendirilmesi. Akd Dent J. 2023;2(2):69-75.

Founded: 2022

Period: 3 Issues Per Year

Publisher: Akdeniz University