Research Article
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Brain drain in health professionals: a bibliometric study

Year 2024, , 276 - 288, 31.12.2024


Aim: The research was carried out to identify, visualize and reveal the trends in the studies conducted between 1988-2023 in the field of health workers and brain drain.
Materials and Methods: Performance analysis, scientific mapping and bibliometric analysis were performed with VOSViewer (1.6.15) software program. When the findings were limited to publication language, WoS category, countries, institutions, authors, publication type, indexes and publication year 1988-2023, the sample was found to be 2.247.
Results: As a result of the analysis, the most used keywords in the WoS category were "health professional", "mental health", "brain drain", "education", the most published in the USA as a country, the number of publications in "University of London" as the institution with the highest number of publications.
Conclusion: According to the results of this analysis, the most broadcasts were made in 2022 and the most broadcasts were made in the USA.

Ethical Statement

There was no data obtained from animal or human experiments for this article.

Supporting Institution

The authors received no financial support for the research.

Project Number





  • United Nations. International Migration Report 2017. Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division, 2017. nreport/docs/MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf, Acsess date: 02.22.2024
  • Yılmaz E. The situation of brain drain in Turkey in the context of international brain drain movements. LAU Journal of Social, 2019;10(2):220-232.
  • Kizito S, Mukunya D, Nakitende, J, Nambasa S, Nampogo A, Kalyesubula R. Career intentions of final year medical students in Uganda after graduating: The burden of brain drain career choice, professional education, and development. BMC Med Educ. 2015;15:1-7.
  • CNBC. Silicon Valley is Fighting a Brain Drain War with Trump That it May Lose. 2018. causingsilicon-valley-brain-drain.html,
  • UNESCO UIS. (2023). Global flow of tertiary-level students. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from
  • Bimal MK, Kaur R. Factors intend to brain drain among staff nurses. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, 2016;4(4):327-330.
  • Goštautaitė B, Bučiūnienė I, Milašauskienė Ž, Bareikis K, Bertašiūtė E, Mikelionienė G. Migration intentions of Lithuanian physicians, nurses, residents, and medical students. Health Policy, 2018;122(10):1126-1131.
  • TÜBİTAK 2232- yurda dönüş araştırma burs program. Retrived September 4, 2024 from
  • Crisp N, Chen L. Global supply of health professionals. New England Journal of Medicine, 2014;370(10):950-957.
  • Ebeye T, Lee H. Down the brain drain: a rapid review exploring physician emigration from West Africa. Glob Health Res Policy. 2013;27;8(1):23.
  • Global Health Workforce Alliance and World Health Organization. A Universal Truth: No Health without a Workforce. 2013
  • Liu JX, Goryakin Y, Maeda A, Bruckner T, Scheffler R. Global health workforce labor market projections for 2030. Human Resources for Health, 2017;15(1):1-12.
  • Dede E, Özdemir E. Mapping and Performance Evaluation of Mathematics Education Research in Turkey: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2005 to 2021. Journal of Pedagogical Research,2022;6(4):1- 19.
  • Filiz M, Karagöz MB, Karagöz N. Evaluation of medical school students' attitudes towards brain drain. Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 2022;14(27):679-692.
  • Çelikkaya S, Atila M. A Review on the relationship between migration and development: bibliometric Network Analysis Based on Web Of Science Database. Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 2020;12(23):350-367. Doi: 10.38155/ksbd.797055
  • Arslan NA Bibliometric analysis of migration literature in international field indexes. Adıyaman University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 2022;41:571-600. Doi: 10.14520/adyusbd.934034
  • Moral-Munoz JA, Herrera-Viedma E, Santisteban-Espejo A, Cobo MJ. Sofware tools for conducting bibliyometric analysis in sience:An -up-to-date rewiew. El profesional de la informacion, 2020;29(1):273-289.
  • Karagö B, Şeref İ. Bibliometric profile of the Journal of Values Education (2009-2018). Journal of Values Education,2019;17(37):219-246.
  • Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSwiewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Sciento metrics, 2010;84(2):523-538.
  • Donthu N, Kumar S, Mukherjee D, Pandey N, Lim WM. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research,2021;133:285-96.
  • Leydesdorff L, Rafols I. Interactive overlays: a new method for generating global journal maps from Web of-Science data. J. Informet. 2022;6 (2):318–332.
  • Guo YM, Huang ZL, Guo Ji, Guo XR, Li H, Liu MY, Ezzeddine S, Nkeli MJ, A bibliometric analysis and visualization of blockchain. Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst. 2021;116:316–332.
  • Tindall DB, Wellman B. Canada as social structure: Social network analysis and Canadian Sociology. Can. J. Sociol. 2001;26:265–308.
  • Al U, Sezen U, Soydal I. Evaluation of Turkey’s Scientific Publications by Social Network Analysis Method. TUBITAK Social Sciences and Humanities Research Group-Project No: SOBAG 110K044, Ankara.2012.
  • Freeman LC. The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in The Sociology of Science. Empirical Press, Vancouver.2004.
  • Morris SA, Van der Veer Martens B. Mapping research specialties. Annual Review of I Information Science and Technology 2008;42 (1):213–295.
  • Kuhzady S, Benli RAS. Toward a new paradigm in sustainable tourism: trend and pattern analysis in tourism resilience researches. 1 st International Sustainable Tourism Congress, 2017;974-980,
  • Kulak M, Ozkan A, Bindak R. A bibliometric analysis of the essential oil- bearing plants exposed to the water stress: how long way we have come and how much further? Sci. Hortic. 2019;246:418–436.
  • Woodward A, Lake EG, Rajaraman N, Leather A. Specialist training aspirations of junior doctors in Sierra Leone: a qualitative follow-up study. BMC Medical Education, 2018;18(1): 1-15.
  • Duvivier RJ, Burch VC, Boulet JR. A comparison of physician emigration from Africa to the United States of America between 2005 and 2015. Human resources for health, 2017;15:1-12.
  • Patel YM, Ly DP, Hicks T, Jena AB. Proportion of non–US-born and noncitizen health care professionals in the United States in 2016. Jama, 2018;320(21):2265-2267.
  • Aluttis C, Bishaw T, Frank MW. The workforce for health in a globalized context–global shortages and international migration. Global health action, 2014;7(1):23611.
  • Dohlman L, DiMeglio M, Hajj J, Laudanski K. Global brain drain: How can the Maslow theory of motivation improve our understanding of physician migration? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019:2;16(7):1182. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071182.

Sağlık profesyonellerinde beyin göçü: bibliyometrik bir çalışma

Year 2024, , 276 - 288, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Araştırma, 1988-2023 yılları arasında sağlık çalışanları ve beyin göçü alanında yapılan çalışmalardaki eğilimleri belirlemek, görselleştirmek ve ortaya koymak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: VOSViewer (1.6.15) yazılım programı ile performans analizi, bilimsel haritalama ve bibliyometrik analiz yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular yayın dili, WoS kategorisi, ülkeler, kurumlar, yazarlar, yayın türü taranan indeksler ve yayın yılı 1988-2023 ile sınırlandırıldığında örneklem 2.247 olarak bulunmuştur.
Bulgular: Analiz sonucunda WoS kategorisinde en çok kullanılan anahtar kelimeler "health professional", "mental health", "brain drain", "education", ülke olarak en çok yayın ABD'de, yayın sayısı olarak en çok yayın yapılan kurum "University of London" olmuştur.
Sonuç: Bu analiz sonuçlarına göre en çok yayının 2022 yılında yapıldığı ve yayınların en çok ABD'de olduğu belirlendi.

Ethical Statement

There was no data obtained from animal or human experiments for this article.

Supporting Institution

The authors received no financial support for the research.

Project Number





  • United Nations. International Migration Report 2017. Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division, 2017. nreport/docs/MigrationReport2017_Highlights.pdf, Acsess date: 02.22.2024
  • Yılmaz E. The situation of brain drain in Turkey in the context of international brain drain movements. LAU Journal of Social, 2019;10(2):220-232.
  • Kizito S, Mukunya D, Nakitende, J, Nambasa S, Nampogo A, Kalyesubula R. Career intentions of final year medical students in Uganda after graduating: The burden of brain drain career choice, professional education, and development. BMC Med Educ. 2015;15:1-7.
  • CNBC. Silicon Valley is Fighting a Brain Drain War with Trump That it May Lose. 2018. causingsilicon-valley-brain-drain.html,
  • UNESCO UIS. (2023). Global flow of tertiary-level students. Retrieved March 29, 2023, from
  • Bimal MK, Kaur R. Factors intend to brain drain among staff nurses. International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management, 2016;4(4):327-330.
  • Goštautaitė B, Bučiūnienė I, Milašauskienė Ž, Bareikis K, Bertašiūtė E, Mikelionienė G. Migration intentions of Lithuanian physicians, nurses, residents, and medical students. Health Policy, 2018;122(10):1126-1131.
  • TÜBİTAK 2232- yurda dönüş araştırma burs program. Retrived September 4, 2024 from
  • Crisp N, Chen L. Global supply of health professionals. New England Journal of Medicine, 2014;370(10):950-957.
  • Ebeye T, Lee H. Down the brain drain: a rapid review exploring physician emigration from West Africa. Glob Health Res Policy. 2013;27;8(1):23.
  • Global Health Workforce Alliance and World Health Organization. A Universal Truth: No Health without a Workforce. 2013
  • Liu JX, Goryakin Y, Maeda A, Bruckner T, Scheffler R. Global health workforce labor market projections for 2030. Human Resources for Health, 2017;15(1):1-12.
  • Dede E, Özdemir E. Mapping and Performance Evaluation of Mathematics Education Research in Turkey: A Bibliometric Analysis from 2005 to 2021. Journal of Pedagogical Research,2022;6(4):1- 19.
  • Filiz M, Karagöz MB, Karagöz N. Evaluation of medical school students' attitudes towards brain drain. Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 2022;14(27):679-692.
  • Çelikkaya S, Atila M. A Review on the relationship between migration and development: bibliometric Network Analysis Based on Web Of Science Database. Black Sea Journal of Social Sciences, 2020;12(23):350-367. Doi: 10.38155/ksbd.797055
  • Arslan NA Bibliometric analysis of migration literature in international field indexes. Adıyaman University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 2022;41:571-600. Doi: 10.14520/adyusbd.934034
  • Moral-Munoz JA, Herrera-Viedma E, Santisteban-Espejo A, Cobo MJ. Sofware tools for conducting bibliyometric analysis in sience:An -up-to-date rewiew. El profesional de la informacion, 2020;29(1):273-289.
  • Karagö B, Şeref İ. Bibliometric profile of the Journal of Values Education (2009-2018). Journal of Values Education,2019;17(37):219-246.
  • Van Eck NJ, Waltman L. Software survey: VOSwiewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping. Sciento metrics, 2010;84(2):523-538.
  • Donthu N, Kumar S, Mukherjee D, Pandey N, Lim WM. How to conduct a bibliometric analysis: an overview and guidelines. Journal of Business Research,2021;133:285-96.
  • Leydesdorff L, Rafols I. Interactive overlays: a new method for generating global journal maps from Web of-Science data. J. Informet. 2022;6 (2):318–332.
  • Guo YM, Huang ZL, Guo Ji, Guo XR, Li H, Liu MY, Ezzeddine S, Nkeli MJ, A bibliometric analysis and visualization of blockchain. Futur. Gener. Comput. Syst. 2021;116:316–332.
  • Tindall DB, Wellman B. Canada as social structure: Social network analysis and Canadian Sociology. Can. J. Sociol. 2001;26:265–308.
  • Al U, Sezen U, Soydal I. Evaluation of Turkey’s Scientific Publications by Social Network Analysis Method. TUBITAK Social Sciences and Humanities Research Group-Project No: SOBAG 110K044, Ankara.2012.
  • Freeman LC. The Development of Social Network Analysis: A Study in The Sociology of Science. Empirical Press, Vancouver.2004.
  • Morris SA, Van der Veer Martens B. Mapping research specialties. Annual Review of I Information Science and Technology 2008;42 (1):213–295.
  • Kuhzady S, Benli RAS. Toward a new paradigm in sustainable tourism: trend and pattern analysis in tourism resilience researches. 1 st International Sustainable Tourism Congress, 2017;974-980,
  • Kulak M, Ozkan A, Bindak R. A bibliometric analysis of the essential oil- bearing plants exposed to the water stress: how long way we have come and how much further? Sci. Hortic. 2019;246:418–436.
  • Woodward A, Lake EG, Rajaraman N, Leather A. Specialist training aspirations of junior doctors in Sierra Leone: a qualitative follow-up study. BMC Medical Education, 2018;18(1): 1-15.
  • Duvivier RJ, Burch VC, Boulet JR. A comparison of physician emigration from Africa to the United States of America between 2005 and 2015. Human resources for health, 2017;15:1-12.
  • Patel YM, Ly DP, Hicks T, Jena AB. Proportion of non–US-born and noncitizen health care professionals in the United States in 2016. Jama, 2018;320(21):2265-2267.
  • Aluttis C, Bishaw T, Frank MW. The workforce for health in a globalized context–global shortages and international migration. Global health action, 2014;7(1):23611.
  • Dohlman L, DiMeglio M, Hajj J, Laudanski K. Global brain drain: How can the Maslow theory of motivation improve our understanding of physician migration? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019:2;16(7):1182. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071182.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration, Health Services and Systems (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Fatma Şule Bilgiç 0000-0002-5950-2553

Fatma Azizoğlu 0000-0002-7102-9797

Aysu Yıldız Karaahmet 0000-0003-1134-9016

Project Number None
Early Pub Date December 24, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date April 30, 2024
Acceptance Date October 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Bilgiç FŞ, Azizoğlu F, Yıldız Karaahmet A. Brain drain in health professionals: a bibliometric study. ADYÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Derg. December 2024;10(3):276-288. doi:10.30569/adiyamansaglik.1476131