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Sağlıklı yetişkinlerde lumbal lordoz ve lumbosakral bölgenin fizyolojik sagital indeks değerleri

Year 2020, , 343 - 356, 03.12.2020


Amaç: Columna vertebrablis’in lumbosakral bölgesi, hareketlilik ve yük taşınması bakımından en önemli bölgedir. Bölgenin sagital plandaki normal dizilimi klinisyenler için önemlidir. Bu çalışma, sağlıklı yetişkinlerde lumbosakral bölgenin sagital plandaki normal açısal değerlerini tespit etmek amacıyla planlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 210 sağlıklı yetişkinden alınan lateral lumbosakral X-Ray grafiler üzerinde Th12 vertebradan itibaren tüm lumbal vertebralar ve sacruma ait açısal parametreler ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 10.0 ile analiz edilerek yaş, VKİ ve cinsiyet grupları arasındaki farklılıklar ile açısal parametrelerin korelasyonları incelenmiştir.
Bulgular: Lumbar lordoz’un yaş grupları arasında farklılık göstermediği, oysa cinsiyetler arasında ve vücut kütle indeksi gruplarında anlamlı farklar olduğu ortaya koyulmuştur.
Sonuç: Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler, 25-55 yaşları arasındaki sağlıklı kişilerde lumbosakral bölgenin sagital dizilimi için önemli standartları ortaya koymaktadır.

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Project Number



  • Onyemaechi NO. Evaluation of lumbar angles and their clinical correlates in a Nigerian population. Int J Res Med Sci, 2016;4(6):2018-23.
  • Nakipoglu GF, Karagoz A, Ozgirgin N. The biomechanics of the lumbosacral region in acute and chronic low back pain patients. Pain Physician, Jul-Aug 2008;11(4):505-11.
  • Lee JS, Goh TS, Park SH, Lee HS, Suh KT. Radiographic measurement reliability of lumbar lordosis in ankylosing spondylitis. European Spine Journal, 2013;22(4):813-818.
  • Evcik D, Yücel A. Lumbar lordosis in acute and chronic low back pain patients. Rheumatology International, 2003;23(4):163-165.
  • Hong T-H, Cho K-J, Kim Y-T, Park J-W, Seo B-H, Kim N-C. Does lordotic angle of cage determine lumbar lordosis in lumbar interbody fusion? Spine, 2017;42(13):E775-E780.
  • Rice JW, Sedney CL, Daffner SD, Arner JW, Emery SE, France JC. Improvement of segmental lordosis in transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a comparison of two techniques. Global Spine Journal, 2016;6(3):229-233.
  • Remes V, Helenius I, Schlenzka D, Yrjonen T, Ylikoski M, Poussa M. Cotrel-Dubousset (CD) or Universal Spine System (USS) instrumentation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): comparison of midterm clinical, functional, and radiologic outcomes, Spine (Phila Pa 1976), Sep 15 2004;29(18):2024-30. doi:10.1097/01.brs.0000138408.64907.dc.
  • Lee C-S, Park S-J, Chung S-S, Lee J-Y, Yum T-H, Shin S-K. Mini-open anterior lumbar interbody fusion combined with lateral lumbar interbody fusion in corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity. Asian spine journal, 2016;10(6):1023.
  • Lee S-K, Lee S-H, Song K-S, et al. Lumbar lordosis of spinal stenosis patients during intraoperative prone positioning. Clinics in orthopedic surgery, 2016;8(1):65-70.
  • De Carvalho D, Grondin D, Callaghan J.The impact of office chair features on lumbar lordosis, intervertebral joint and sacral tilt angles: a radiographic assessment. Ergonomics, 2017;60(10):1393-1404.
  • Chernukha KV, Daffner RH, Reigel DH. Lumbar lordosis measurement: a new method versus Cobb technique. Spine, 1998;23(1):74-79.
  • Jackson RP, McManus AC. Radiographic analysis of sagittal plane alignment and balance in standing volunteers and patients with low back pain matched for age, sex, and size: a prospective controlled clinical study. Spine, 1994;19(14):1611-1618.
  • Korovessis PG, Stamatakis MV, Baikousis AG. Reciprocal angulation of vertebral bodies in the sagittal plane in an asymptomatic Greek population. Spine, 1998;23(6):700-704.
  • Okcu G, Yercan H, Yorulmaz İ, Erkan S, Öziç U. Lomber Omıurganın Sagittal Planda Radyoloji Analizi clinical research. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery, 2000;11(2):146-150.
  • Voutsinas SA, MacEwen GD. Sagittal profiles of the spine. Clinical Orthopaedics and related research. 1986;(210):235-242.
  • Polly Jr DW, Kilkelly FX, McHale KA, Asplund LM, Mulligan M, Chang AS. Measurement of lumbar lordosis: evaluation of intraobserver, interobserver, and technique variability. Spine, 1996;21(13):1530-1535.
  • Wood KB, Kos P, Schendel M, Persson K. Effect of patient position on the sagittal-plane profile of the thoracolumbar spine. Clinical Spine Surgery, 1996;9(2):165-169.
  • Yukawa Y, Kato F, Suda K, Yamagata M, Ueta T, Yoshida M. Normative data for parameters of sagittal spinal alignment in healthy subjects: an analysis of gender specific differences and changes with aging in 626 asymptomatic individuals. European Spine Journal. 2018;27(2):426-432.
  • Sohn S, Chung CK, Kim YJ, et al. Sagittal spinal alignment in asymptomatic patients over 30 years old in the Korean population. Acta Neurochirurgica, 2017;159(6):1119-1128.
  • Vialle R, Levassor N, Rillardon L, Templier A, Skalli W, Guigui P. Radiographic analysis of the sagittal alignment and balance of the spine in asymptomatic subjects. JBJS, 2005;87(2):260-267.
  • Yeh K-T, Lee R-P, Chen H, et al. Are there age-and sex-related differences in spinal sagittal alignment and balance among Taiwanese asymptomatic adults? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2018;476(5):1010.
  • Hu Z, Man GCW, Yeung KH, et al. 2020 Young Investigator Award Winner: Age-and Sex-related Normative Value of Whole-body Sagittal Alignment Based on 584 Asymptomatic Chinese Adult Population From Age 20 to 89. Spine, 2020;45(2):79-87.
  • Zhou S, Xu F, Wang W, Zou D, Sun Z, Li W, Age-based normal sagittal alignment in Chinese asymptomatic adults: establishment of the relationships between pelvic incidence and other parameters. European Spine Journal. 2020;29(3):396-404.
  • Demir M, Gumusburun E, Seringec N, Cicek M, Ertugrul R, Guneri B. Radiographic analysis of the lumbar and sacral region angles in young Turkish adults. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018;68(8):1212-1216.
  • Pesenti S, Lafage R, Stein D, et al, The amount of proximal lumbar lordosis is related to pelvic incidence. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018;476(8):1603.
  • Bae JS, Jang J-S, Lee S-H, Kim JU. A comparison study on the change in lumbar lordosis when standing, sitting on a chair, and sitting on the floor in normal individuals. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. 2012;51(1):20.
  • Chen Y-L. Predicting the vertebral inclination of the lumbar spine. Ergonomics, 2000;43(6):744-751.
  • Wang W, Wang Z, Liu Z, et al. Are there gender differences in sagittal spinal pelvic inclination before and after the adolescent pubertal growth spurt? European Spine Journal, 2015;24(6):1168-1174.
  • Guo M, Kong C, Sun S, Sun X, Li X, Lu S. Predictors of L4− L5 Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: L4 Inclination Angle and Facet Joint Angle, World neurosurgery. 2019;130:e680-e686.

Lumbar lordosis and physiological sagittal indices of lumbosacral region in healthy adults

Year 2020, , 343 - 356, 03.12.2020


Aim: The lumbosacral region of columna vertebrablis is the most important region in terms of mobility and load bearing. The normal alignment of the region in the sagittal plane is important for clinicians. This study was planned to determine the physiological sagittal indices of the lumbosacral region in healthy adults.
Materials and Methods: On the lateral lumbosacral X-Ray radiographs taken from 210 person with no symptoms, angular parameters of the Th12 and lumbosacral vertebrae were measured. The data obtained were analyzed with SPSS 10.0 and differences between age, gender and BMI groups were examined in addition to correlations of angular parameters.
Results: It has been revealed that lumbar lordosis does not differ between age groups, whereas there are significant differences between genders and body mass index groups.
Conclusion: The data obtained from the study reveal important standards for sagittal alignment of the lumbosacral region in healthy persons aged 25-55 years.

Project Number



  • Onyemaechi NO. Evaluation of lumbar angles and their clinical correlates in a Nigerian population. Int J Res Med Sci, 2016;4(6):2018-23.
  • Nakipoglu GF, Karagoz A, Ozgirgin N. The biomechanics of the lumbosacral region in acute and chronic low back pain patients. Pain Physician, Jul-Aug 2008;11(4):505-11.
  • Lee JS, Goh TS, Park SH, Lee HS, Suh KT. Radiographic measurement reliability of lumbar lordosis in ankylosing spondylitis. European Spine Journal, 2013;22(4):813-818.
  • Evcik D, Yücel A. Lumbar lordosis in acute and chronic low back pain patients. Rheumatology International, 2003;23(4):163-165.
  • Hong T-H, Cho K-J, Kim Y-T, Park J-W, Seo B-H, Kim N-C. Does lordotic angle of cage determine lumbar lordosis in lumbar interbody fusion? Spine, 2017;42(13):E775-E780.
  • Rice JW, Sedney CL, Daffner SD, Arner JW, Emery SE, France JC. Improvement of segmental lordosis in transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion: a comparison of two techniques. Global Spine Journal, 2016;6(3):229-233.
  • Remes V, Helenius I, Schlenzka D, Yrjonen T, Ylikoski M, Poussa M. Cotrel-Dubousset (CD) or Universal Spine System (USS) instrumentation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS): comparison of midterm clinical, functional, and radiologic outcomes, Spine (Phila Pa 1976), Sep 15 2004;29(18):2024-30. doi:10.1097/01.brs.0000138408.64907.dc.
  • Lee C-S, Park S-J, Chung S-S, Lee J-Y, Yum T-H, Shin S-K. Mini-open anterior lumbar interbody fusion combined with lateral lumbar interbody fusion in corrective surgery for adult spinal deformity. Asian spine journal, 2016;10(6):1023.
  • Lee S-K, Lee S-H, Song K-S, et al. Lumbar lordosis of spinal stenosis patients during intraoperative prone positioning. Clinics in orthopedic surgery, 2016;8(1):65-70.
  • De Carvalho D, Grondin D, Callaghan J.The impact of office chair features on lumbar lordosis, intervertebral joint and sacral tilt angles: a radiographic assessment. Ergonomics, 2017;60(10):1393-1404.
  • Chernukha KV, Daffner RH, Reigel DH. Lumbar lordosis measurement: a new method versus Cobb technique. Spine, 1998;23(1):74-79.
  • Jackson RP, McManus AC. Radiographic analysis of sagittal plane alignment and balance in standing volunteers and patients with low back pain matched for age, sex, and size: a prospective controlled clinical study. Spine, 1994;19(14):1611-1618.
  • Korovessis PG, Stamatakis MV, Baikousis AG. Reciprocal angulation of vertebral bodies in the sagittal plane in an asymptomatic Greek population. Spine, 1998;23(6):700-704.
  • Okcu G, Yercan H, Yorulmaz İ, Erkan S, Öziç U. Lomber Omıurganın Sagittal Planda Radyoloji Analizi clinical research. Journal of Arthroplasty Arthroscopic Surgery, 2000;11(2):146-150.
  • Voutsinas SA, MacEwen GD. Sagittal profiles of the spine. Clinical Orthopaedics and related research. 1986;(210):235-242.
  • Polly Jr DW, Kilkelly FX, McHale KA, Asplund LM, Mulligan M, Chang AS. Measurement of lumbar lordosis: evaluation of intraobserver, interobserver, and technique variability. Spine, 1996;21(13):1530-1535.
  • Wood KB, Kos P, Schendel M, Persson K. Effect of patient position on the sagittal-plane profile of the thoracolumbar spine. Clinical Spine Surgery, 1996;9(2):165-169.
  • Yukawa Y, Kato F, Suda K, Yamagata M, Ueta T, Yoshida M. Normative data for parameters of sagittal spinal alignment in healthy subjects: an analysis of gender specific differences and changes with aging in 626 asymptomatic individuals. European Spine Journal. 2018;27(2):426-432.
  • Sohn S, Chung CK, Kim YJ, et al. Sagittal spinal alignment in asymptomatic patients over 30 years old in the Korean population. Acta Neurochirurgica, 2017;159(6):1119-1128.
  • Vialle R, Levassor N, Rillardon L, Templier A, Skalli W, Guigui P. Radiographic analysis of the sagittal alignment and balance of the spine in asymptomatic subjects. JBJS, 2005;87(2):260-267.
  • Yeh K-T, Lee R-P, Chen H, et al. Are there age-and sex-related differences in spinal sagittal alignment and balance among Taiwanese asymptomatic adults? Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2018;476(5):1010.
  • Hu Z, Man GCW, Yeung KH, et al. 2020 Young Investigator Award Winner: Age-and Sex-related Normative Value of Whole-body Sagittal Alignment Based on 584 Asymptomatic Chinese Adult Population From Age 20 to 89. Spine, 2020;45(2):79-87.
  • Zhou S, Xu F, Wang W, Zou D, Sun Z, Li W, Age-based normal sagittal alignment in Chinese asymptomatic adults: establishment of the relationships between pelvic incidence and other parameters. European Spine Journal. 2020;29(3):396-404.
  • Demir M, Gumusburun E, Seringec N, Cicek M, Ertugrul R, Guneri B. Radiographic analysis of the lumbar and sacral region angles in young Turkish adults. J Pak Med Assoc. 2018;68(8):1212-1216.
  • Pesenti S, Lafage R, Stein D, et al, The amount of proximal lumbar lordosis is related to pelvic incidence. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2018;476(8):1603.
  • Bae JS, Jang J-S, Lee S-H, Kim JU. A comparison study on the change in lumbar lordosis when standing, sitting on a chair, and sitting on the floor in normal individuals. Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society. 2012;51(1):20.
  • Chen Y-L. Predicting the vertebral inclination of the lumbar spine. Ergonomics, 2000;43(6):744-751.
  • Wang W, Wang Z, Liu Z, et al. Are there gender differences in sagittal spinal pelvic inclination before and after the adolescent pubertal growth spurt? European Spine Journal, 2015;24(6):1168-1174.
  • Guo M, Kong C, Sun S, Sun X, Li X, Lu S. Predictors of L4− L5 Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: L4 Inclination Angle and Facet Joint Angle, World neurosurgery. 2019;130:e680-e686.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Gülru Esen 0000-0002-8848-3988

Bayram Ufuk Şakul 0000-0002-5539-2342

Selami Serhatlıoğlu This is me 0000-0002-7718-9812

Tayfun Servi 0000-0002-3173-327X

Project Number FÜNAF-397
Publication Date December 3, 2020
Submission Date September 3, 2020
Acceptance Date November 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


AMA Esen G, Şakul BU, Serhatlıoğlu S, Servi T. Sağlıklı yetişkinlerde lumbal lordoz ve lumbosakral bölgenin fizyolojik sagital indeks değerleri. ADYÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Derg. December 2020;6(3):343-356. doi:10.30569/adiyamansaglik.789968