Information to Authors and Writing Rules

Editorial Principles


Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University; AU is the publication body of the Institute of Health Sciences and published 3 times a year (APRIL-AUGUST-DECEMBER). About the health fied; research articles, case reports, review artical and letters to editor are published. The manuscripts submitted for publication in this journal must not have been published in another journal or sent for publication. The copyright of the articles published in the journals belongs to the journal. Published and unpublished writings are not returned. The legal and ethical responsibility of the study belongs to the authors. If necessary, the editor may request approval of the ethics committee.

Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University is open access and does not any charge for article submission and processing.

AIM: Adıyaman University Journal of Health Sciences; e-ISSN 2458-9179 Adıyaman University Institute of Health Sciences is the official publication of scientific content. It is pubished in April, Agustaos and December. Adıyaman University Journal of Health Sciences; It is an internationally acclaimed journal which accepts articles from all countries in Turkish and English languages. It accepts and publishes original, clinical and experimental research papers, case presentations, editorial letters containing published written reviews, and invited collections. Aims to bring quality scientific studies related to the fields of Health Sciences to the world of science and to present the literature.

SCOPE: The aim of Adıyaman University Health Sciences Journal is to make a scientifically qualified and literary new contribution in the field of Health Sciences (medical sciences, basic medical sciences, traditional medicine, pharmacy, nursing, nutrition dietetics, health-sports science etc.) clinical and experimental research papers. This publication is included in the compilation articles, case presentations, editorial commentaries, editorial letters that will contribute to the education and practice of physicians and health professionals in the target mass of the magazine and increase the scientific communication and knowledge between the authors and the readers.

Adıyaman University Health Sciences Journal; It is an internationally acclaimed journal which accepts articles from all countries in Turkish and English languages. The submitted articles are evaluated by independent rewiever according to the double blinded arbitration evaluation system. The journal is available on our website (

It is published as an e-journal aware of its responsibility to protect the environment and nature.  However, limited numbers of printed issues are published in special cases. The abstracts, full texts and all other magazine contents of all articles published in the journal can be accessed free of charge at and downloadable in pdf format.


Financial expenses of the magazine are covered by the Rectorate of Adıyaman University.

Printing Permissions: Our magazine is published as an e-journal. Applications for special print permits must be made to the journal editor's office.

Review process: double blind arbitration is applied in the examination process.

Charge: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University is an open access  e-journal. In the process of review and publication does not any charge.

Indexed on: Turkey Citation Index, Index Copernicus, Turkish Medline, SOBİAD, Araştırmaks, Google Scholar, Dergi Park

Article Types

Research Articles: The number of words should not exceed 4000 with 30 digits.

Reviews: The number of words should not exceed 5000, the number of sources should not exceed 40 with the abstract. They should contain new and up-to-date information. The number of authors should not exceed three.

Case presentations: The number of words should not exceed 1000 and the number of sources should not exceed 15.

Editors' Letters: Must not include abstracts. The number of words should not exceed 300, the number of sources should not exceed 10.

Writing Rules

Writting language of the journal is in Turkish and English. The Turkish Dictionary of the Turkish Language Association or the address should also be based on the glossary of the terms of the Turkish Medical Associations' own branches. Writing rules for English should be taken as basis. English abstracts should be found in English articles. The abbreviations used should be indicated in parentheses where the first pass is in writing. Numbers in the text should be indicated in the text (one-nine), 10 in the text, and arabic numbers if given. The totals should not start with numbers or numbers. Bacterial species' M. it should be written in italics, as in the case of 'tuberculosis'. Tables, figures and pictures should be numbered according to the transitional order in the text.

Manuscripts should be written in MS Word program with Times New Roman font, 12 point font and two line spacing, with a standard A4 (21x29.5cm) size, 2.5 cm space from 4 sides. All pages must be numbered starting from the title page. The sections of the articles should be in the following order. Top Text, Title Page, Turkish Title and Abstract, English Title and Abstract, Main Text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Findings, Discussion), Acknowledgment (if desired), Sources and Tables-Shapes-Graphics-Photographs.

Reviews; The reason why the author has printed publications about that subject is especially preferred. Introduction, Subject-related topics, Sources, Tables-Shapes-Graphics-Photographs.

Case reports; it should be supported with enough photographs and graphics. Apart from the abstracts, in the main text; Introduction, Case Presentation, Discussion, References should be included.

The Letter of Editors; consists of articles of no more than 500 words including the opinions, experiences and questions of the readers related to the articles published in the magazine in the last year. There is no title or summary section. The number of resources is limited to 5. Which article (number, date given) should be deduced and finally the name, institution, address of the author should be found. The text response is issued by the author (s) of the editor or the author, again published in the journal.


Cover letter: Title of the manuscript (in Turkish and English), names and surnames of all authors, academic titles, institutions, business phone, e-mail address and correspondence address. If there are sources supporting the work in monetary terms, it should be indicated on this page.

 The article must be submitted with the "Copyright Form" signed by the authors of the journal. The publication is available from the web address of the Publication of the Revolution Form, and printed magazines. Where the results of the research have been presented beforehand, the place and date of the meeting should be indicated.


A-Title Page

The title of the article should be as short as possible, informative and appropriate to the context. The names and surnames of the authors should be listed under the title before the title is written, the surnames of the authors should be written in capital letters and the institutions and addresses they work with should be numbered with different numbers. The name, surname, business address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of the author to whom correspondence should be written clearly.


For writing, a short title should be given that will not exceed 40 characters (no space). Author names or identifying information should not be placed anywhere outside the Title Page.


If the text is presented in any congress, place and time should be given. It should be noted on this page how many words are included with the abstract. If the essay is prepared from a thesis study, the name of the thesis and the date of acceptance must be indicated.

Last Update Time: 2/26/20, 3:04:19 PM