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Effect of Topical Fluoride Applications on the Microhardness of Bulk-Fill Composites

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 1357 - 1363, 01.01.2013


The aim of this study is to assess the effect on the surface microhardness of different bulk-fill composite resin materials after different topical fluoride applications. Twenty-two disc shaped specimens 8.0 x 2.5 mm for each material Clearfil Majesty ES-2, Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill, Sonic Fill were prepared and photopolimerized. The samples were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours and then initial microhardness of the materials was determined. Specimens were randomly assigned to 2 experimental groups according to surface treatment regimens consisting of 2% Sodium fluoride NaF gel and 1.23% acidulated phosphate fluoride APF gel. These groups were assigned to 3 experimental subgroups; 1 minute, 4 minutes and 4x4 minutes gel application. Then, microhardness measurements were repeated. Statistical analysis were made with repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni correction a=0.05 . The application that most decreased the microhardness values of Clearfil Majesty ES-2 and Sonic Fill was 4x4 min. APF gel application and it was 4 min APF application for Tetric-N-Ceram Bulk Fill p>0.05 . Different topical fluoride applications did not affect the microhardness values of the composite resins with different content used in the study


  • Roeters FJM., Opdam NJM., Loomans BAC. The amalgam-free dental school. J. Dent. 32: 371- 377, 2004.
  • Opdam NJM., Bronkhorst EM., Roeters JM., Loomans BAC. A retrospective clinical study on longevity of posterior composite and amalgam restorations. Dent. Mater. 23: 2-8, 2007.
  • Ferracane JL. Resin composite--state of the art. Dent. Mater. 27: 29-38, 2011.
  • Sadeghi M., Lynch CD. The effect of flowable materials on the microleakage of Class II composite restorations that extend apical to the cemento-enamel junction. Oper. Dent. 34: 306-311, 2009.
  • Terry DA. Direct applications of a nanocomposite resin system: Part 1--The evolution of contemporary composite materials. Pract. Proced. Aesthet. Dent. 16: 417-422, 2004.
  • Scougall-Vilchis RJ., Hotta Y., Hotta M., Idono T., Yamamoto K. Examination of composite resins with electron microscopy, microhardness tester and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. Dent. Mater. J. 28: 102-112, 2009.
  • Millar BJ., Nicholson JW. Effect of curing with a plasma light on the properties of polymerizable dental restorative materials. J. Oral Rehabil. 28: 549-552, 2001.
  • Tarle Z., Meniga A., Ristic M., Sutalo J., Pichler G., Davidson CL. The effect of the photopolymerization method on the quality of composite resin samples. J. Oral. Rehabil. 25: 436-442, 1998.
  • Unterbrink GL., Liebenberg WH. Flowable resin composites as “filled adhesives”: Literature review and clinical recommendations. Quintessence lnt. 30: 249-257, 1999.
  • Lazarchik DA., Hammond BD., Sikes CL., Looney SW., Rueggeberg FA. Hardness comparison of bulk-filled/transtooth and incremental-filled/ occlusally irradiated composite resins. J. Prosthet. Dent. 98: 129-140, 2007.
  • Czasch P., Ilie N. In vitro comparison of mechanical properties and degree of cure of bulk fill composites. Clin. Oral Invest.17: 227- 235, 2013.
  • Van Ende A., Mine A., De Munck J., Poitevin A., Van Meerbeek B. Bonding of low-shrinking composites in high C-factor cavities. J. Dent. 40: 295-303, 2012.
  • Martin FE. A survey of the efficiency of visible light curing units. J. Dent. 26: 239-243, 1998.
  • Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill Instructions for use. Ivoclar Vivadent. 2012.
  • Furness A., Tadros MY., Looney SW., Rueggeberg FA. Effect of bulk/incremental fill on internal gap formation of bulk-fill composites. J. Dent. 42: 439-449, 2014.
  • Paes Leme AF., Dalcico R., Tabchoury CP., Del Bel Cury AA., Rosalen PL., Cury JA. In situ effect of frequent sucrose exposure on enamel demineralization and on plaque composition after APF application and F dentifrice use. J. Dent. Res. 83: 71-75, 2004.
  • Demirci M., Üçok M. Hibrid iyonomer materyallerin florür salınımı. Atatürk Üniv. Diş. Hek. Fak. Derg. 10: 61-65, 2000.
  • Erickson RL., Glasspoole EA. Model investigations of caries inhibition by fluoride-releasing dental materials. Adv. Dent. Res. 9: 315-323, 1995.
  • Turssi CP., de Magalhães CS., Serra MC. Effect of fluoride gels on micromorphology of resin- modified glass-ionomer cements and polyacid- modified resin composites. Quintessence Int. 32: 571-577, 2001.
  • Van Rijkom H., Ruben J., Vieira A., Huysmans MC., Truin GJ., Mulder J. Erosion-inhibiting effect of sodium fluoride and titanium tetrafluoride treatment in vitro. Eur. J. Oral. Sci. 111: 253- 257, 2003.
  • Cehreli ZC., Yazici R., García-Godoy F. Effect of 1.23 percent APF gel on fluoride-releasing restorative materials. ASDC J. Dent. Child. 67: 330-337, 2000.
  • Yip HK., Lam WT., Smales RJ. Surface roughness and weight loss of esthetic restorative materials related to fluoride release and uptake. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. 23: 321-326, 1999.
  • Papagiannoulis L., Tzoutzas J., Eliades G. Effect of topical fluoride agents on the morphologic characteristics and composition of resin composite restorative materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 77: 405- 413, 1997.
  • Mair LH., Stolarski TA., Vowles RW., Lloyd CH. Wear: Mechanisms, manifestations and
  • Yıldırım D., Bilgir E., Fındık Y.

Topikal Flor Uygulamalarının Bulk-Fill Kompozitlerin Mikrosertlikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4, 1357 - 1363, 01.01.2013


Bu in-vitro çalışmanın amacı, farklı topikal flor uygulamalarının çeşitli bulk-fill kompozit materyallerin mikrosertlik özelikleri üzerine olan etkilerinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada kullanılan her bir materyal için Clearfil Majesty ES-2, Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill, Sonic Fill disk şeklinde 72 adet örnek 8.0 x 2.5 mm hazırlandı ve polimerize edildi. Polimerizasyonu tamamlanan örnekler 24 saat 37°C’de deiyonize su içerisinde bekletildi ve ardından başlangıç mikrosertlik ölçümleri yapıldı. Örnekler rastlantısal olarak %2’lik Sodyum florid NaF ve %1.23’lük Asidule fosfat florür APF jelin uygulandığı 2 gruba ayrıldı. Bu gruplar da; 1dk, 4 dk ve 4x4 dk jel uygulaması olmak üzere kendi içinde 3 alt gruba ayrıldı. Topikal flor uygulaması sonrası mikrosertlik ölçümleri tekrar edildi. İstatistiksel analizler, tekrarlanan ölçümlü ANOVA testi ve Bonferroni düzeltmesi ile gerçekleştirildi a=0,05 . Materyallerin mikrosertlik değerlerini en çok düşüren uygulama Clearfil Majesty ES-2 ve Sonic Fill materyalleri için 4x4 dk APF uygulaması olurken, Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill için 4 dk APF uygulaması oldu p>0,05 . Farklı topikal flor uygulamalarının çalışmada kullanılan bulk-fill kompozit materyallerin mikrosertlik değerlerini etkilemediği görüldü


  • Roeters FJM., Opdam NJM., Loomans BAC. The amalgam-free dental school. J. Dent. 32: 371- 377, 2004.
  • Opdam NJM., Bronkhorst EM., Roeters JM., Loomans BAC. A retrospective clinical study on longevity of posterior composite and amalgam restorations. Dent. Mater. 23: 2-8, 2007.
  • Ferracane JL. Resin composite--state of the art. Dent. Mater. 27: 29-38, 2011.
  • Sadeghi M., Lynch CD. The effect of flowable materials on the microleakage of Class II composite restorations that extend apical to the cemento-enamel junction. Oper. Dent. 34: 306-311, 2009.
  • Terry DA. Direct applications of a nanocomposite resin system: Part 1--The evolution of contemporary composite materials. Pract. Proced. Aesthet. Dent. 16: 417-422, 2004.
  • Scougall-Vilchis RJ., Hotta Y., Hotta M., Idono T., Yamamoto K. Examination of composite resins with electron microscopy, microhardness tester and energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. Dent. Mater. J. 28: 102-112, 2009.
  • Millar BJ., Nicholson JW. Effect of curing with a plasma light on the properties of polymerizable dental restorative materials. J. Oral Rehabil. 28: 549-552, 2001.
  • Tarle Z., Meniga A., Ristic M., Sutalo J., Pichler G., Davidson CL. The effect of the photopolymerization method on the quality of composite resin samples. J. Oral. Rehabil. 25: 436-442, 1998.
  • Unterbrink GL., Liebenberg WH. Flowable resin composites as “filled adhesives”: Literature review and clinical recommendations. Quintessence lnt. 30: 249-257, 1999.
  • Lazarchik DA., Hammond BD., Sikes CL., Looney SW., Rueggeberg FA. Hardness comparison of bulk-filled/transtooth and incremental-filled/ occlusally irradiated composite resins. J. Prosthet. Dent. 98: 129-140, 2007.
  • Czasch P., Ilie N. In vitro comparison of mechanical properties and degree of cure of bulk fill composites. Clin. Oral Invest.17: 227- 235, 2013.
  • Van Ende A., Mine A., De Munck J., Poitevin A., Van Meerbeek B. Bonding of low-shrinking composites in high C-factor cavities. J. Dent. 40: 295-303, 2012.
  • Martin FE. A survey of the efficiency of visible light curing units. J. Dent. 26: 239-243, 1998.
  • Tetric N-Ceram Bulk Fill Instructions for use. Ivoclar Vivadent. 2012.
  • Furness A., Tadros MY., Looney SW., Rueggeberg FA. Effect of bulk/incremental fill on internal gap formation of bulk-fill composites. J. Dent. 42: 439-449, 2014.
  • Paes Leme AF., Dalcico R., Tabchoury CP., Del Bel Cury AA., Rosalen PL., Cury JA. In situ effect of frequent sucrose exposure on enamel demineralization and on plaque composition after APF application and F dentifrice use. J. Dent. Res. 83: 71-75, 2004.
  • Demirci M., Üçok M. Hibrid iyonomer materyallerin florür salınımı. Atatürk Üniv. Diş. Hek. Fak. Derg. 10: 61-65, 2000.
  • Erickson RL., Glasspoole EA. Model investigations of caries inhibition by fluoride-releasing dental materials. Adv. Dent. Res. 9: 315-323, 1995.
  • Turssi CP., de Magalhães CS., Serra MC. Effect of fluoride gels on micromorphology of resin- modified glass-ionomer cements and polyacid- modified resin composites. Quintessence Int. 32: 571-577, 2001.
  • Van Rijkom H., Ruben J., Vieira A., Huysmans MC., Truin GJ., Mulder J. Erosion-inhibiting effect of sodium fluoride and titanium tetrafluoride treatment in vitro. Eur. J. Oral. Sci. 111: 253- 257, 2003.
  • Cehreli ZC., Yazici R., García-Godoy F. Effect of 1.23 percent APF gel on fluoride-releasing restorative materials. ASDC J. Dent. Child. 67: 330-337, 2000.
  • Yip HK., Lam WT., Smales RJ. Surface roughness and weight loss of esthetic restorative materials related to fluoride release and uptake. J. Clin. Pediatr. Dent. 23: 321-326, 1999.
  • Papagiannoulis L., Tzoutzas J., Eliades G. Effect of topical fluoride agents on the morphologic characteristics and composition of resin composite restorative materials. J. Prosthet. Dent. 77: 405- 413, 1997.
  • Mair LH., Stolarski TA., Vowles RW., Lloyd CH. Wear: Mechanisms, manifestations and
  • Yıldırım D., Bilgir E., Fındık Y.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Selçuk Savaş Bu kişi benim

Başak Bölükbaşı Bu kişi benim

Ebru Küçükyılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Savaş S, Bölükbaşı B, Küçükyılmaz E. Topikal Flor Uygulamalarının Bulk-Fill Kompozitlerin Mikrosertlikleri Üzerine Etkisi. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2013;6(4):1357-63.