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Risks and Complications of Orthodontic Skeletal Anchorage Methods

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 1259 - 1266, 01.10.2012


The use of skeletal anchorage devices applied to bone eliminates the undesirable effects of the conventional orthodontic methods and reduces the need for patient compliance. However, some complications may occur during or after the insertion of the mini screws. Vitality loss of the tooth, osteosclerosis or dentoalveolar ankylosis may be seen as a result of root trauma. Migration of the mini implant, nerve damage, perforation of the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus and mini implant fracture are also among the complications. Correct indication, selecting the suitable mini implant type for the proper location, appropriate insertion and loading protocols are the important considerations in the use of skeletal anchorage devices. Correct determination of the localization of mini screw can minimalize most of the complications


  • Erverdi N., Usumez S., Solak A., Koldas T. Noncompliance open-bite treatment with zygomatic anchorage. Angle Orthod. 77: 986- 990, 2007.
  • Kuroda S., Sakai Y., Tamamura N., Deguchi T., Takano-Yamamato T. Treatment of severe anterior open bite with skeletal anchorage in adults: Comparison with orthognathic surgery outcomes. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 132: 599- 605, 2007.
  • Singer SL., Henry PJ., Rosenberg I. Osseointegrated implants as an adjunct to facemask therapy: A case report. Angle Orthod. 70: 253-262, 2000.
  • Enacar A., Giray B., Pehlivanlioglu M., İplikcioğlu H. Facemask therapy with rigid anchorage in a patient with maxillary hypoplasia and severe oligodontia. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123: 571-577, 2003.
  • De Clerck HJ., Cornelis MA., Cevidanes LH., Heymann GC., Tulloch CJF. Orthopedic traction of the maxilla with miniplates: a new perspective for treatment of midface deficiency. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 67: 2123-2129, 2009.
  • Cope JB. Temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics: A paradigm shift. Semin. Orthod. 11: 3-9, 2005.
  • Kravitz N., Kusnoto B. Risks and complications of orthodontic miniscrews. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 131: 43-51, 2007.
  • Miyawaki S., Koyama I., Inoue M., Mishima K., Sugahara T., Takano-Yamamoto T. Factors associated with the stability of titanium screws placed in the posterior region for orthodontic anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 124: 373-378, 2003.
  • Ziebura T., Flieger S., Wiechmann D. Mini implants in the palatal slope-a retrospective analysis of implant survival and tissue reaction. Head Face Med. 8: 32-37, 2012.
  • Sato R., Sato T., Takahashi I., Sugawara J., Takahashi N. Profiling of bacterial flora in crevices around titanium orthodontic anchor plates. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 18: 21-26, 2007.
  • Lee JS., Kim JK., Park YC., Vanarsdall RL. Application of Orthodontic Mini-Implants. Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., 2007, 55-56.
  • Trisi P., Rebaudi A. Progressive bone adaptation of titanium implants during and after orthodontic load in humans. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent. 22: 31-43, 2002.
  • Melsen B. Mini Implants? Where are we? J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 539-547, 2005.
  • Ludwig B., Baumgaertel S., Bowman SJ. Mini Implants in Orthodontics. Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., 2008, 140-141.
  • Denio D., Torabinejad M., Bakland LK. Anatomical relationship of the mandibular canal to its surrounding structures in mature mandibles. J. Endod. 18: 161-165, 1992.
  • Torgay A., Aydin E., Cilasun U., Durmaz L., Arslan G. Subcutaneous emphysema after dental treatment: A case report. Paediatr. Anaesth. 16: 314-317, 2006.
  • Schuman NJ., Owens MB., Shelton JT. Subcutaneous emphysema after restorative dental treatment. Compend. Contin. Educ. Dent. 22: 38- 40, 2001.
  • Ardekian L., Oved-Peleg E., Mactei EE., Peled M. The clinical significance of sinus membrane perforation during augmentation of the maxillary sinus. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 64: 277-282, 2006.
  • Carano A., Velo S., Leone P., Siciliani G. Clinical applications of the miniscrew anchorage system. J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 9-24, 2005.
  • Mine K., Kanno Z., Muramoto T., Soma K. Occlusal forces promote periodontal healing of transplanted teeth and prevent dentoalveolar ankylosis: an experimental study in rats. Angle Orthod. 75: 637-644, 2005.
  • Melsen B., Verna C. Mini screw implants: The Aarhus anchorage system. Semin. Orthod. 11: 24-31, 2005.
  • Suzuki EY., Buranastidporn B. An adjustable surgical guide for miniscrew placement. J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 588-590, 2005.
  • Kyung HM., Park HS., Bae SM., Sung JH., Kim IB. Development of orthodontic micro-implants for intraoral anchorage. J. Clin. Orthod. 37: 321- 328, 2003.
  • Qiu L., Haruyama N., Suzuki S., Yamada D., Obayashi N., Kurabayas T. Accuracy of orthodontic miniscrew implantation guided by stereolithographic surgical stent based on cone- beam CT-derived 3D images. Angle Orthod. 82: 284-293, 2012.
  • Kuroda S., Yamada K., Deguchi T., Hashimoto T., Kyung HM., Takano-Yamamoto T. Root proximity is a major factor for screw failure in orthodontic anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 131: 68-73, 2007.
  • Motoyoshi M., Ueno S., Okazaki K., Shimizu N. Bone stress for a mini-implant close to the roots of adjacent teeth-3D finite element analysis. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 38: 363-368, 2009.
  • Kim SH., Kang MS., Choi YS., Kook YA., Chung KR., Huang JC. Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of mini-implants after placement: Is root proximity a major risk factor for failure? Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 138: 264-276, 2010.
  • Shinohara A., Motoyoshi M., Uchida Y., Schimizu N. Root proximity and inclination of orthodontic mini implants after placement: Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 144: 50-56, 2013.
  • Kadioglu O., Büyükyilmaz T., Zachrisson BU., Maino BG. Contact damage to root surfaces of premolars touching miniscrews during orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 134: 353-360, 2008.
  • Poggio PM., Incorvati C., Velo S., Carano A. “Safe zones”: A guide for miniscrew positioning in the maxillary and mandibular arch. Angle Orthod. 76: 191-197, 2006.
  • Giancotti A., Arcuri C., Barlattani A. Treatment of ectopic mandibular second molar with titanium miniscrews. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 126: 113-117, 2004.
  • Liou EJ., Pai BC., Lin JC. Do miniscrews remain stationary under orthodontic forces? Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 126: 42-47, 2004.
  • Chen Y., Kang ST., Bae SM., Kyung HM. Clinical and histologic analysis of the stability of microimplants with immediate orthodontic loading in dogs. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 136: 260-267, 2009.
  • Nienkemper M., Handschel J., Drescher D. Systematic review of mini-implant displacement under orthodontic loading. Int. J. Oral Sci. 6: 1-6, 2014.
  • Murray B., McGuinness N., Biagioni P., Hyland P., Lamey PJ. A comparative study of the efficacy of Aphtheal in the management of recurrent minor aphthous ulceration. J. Oral Pathol. Med. 34: 413-419, 2005.
  • Choi BH., Zhu SJ., Kim YH. A clinical evaluation of titanium miniplates as anchors for orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 128: 382-384, 2005.
  • Sergl HG., Klages U., Zentner A. Pain and discomfort during orthodontic treatment: Causative factors and effects on compliance. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 114: 684-691, 1998.
  • Herman R., Cope J. Miniscrew implants: Imtec mini ortho implants. Semin. Orthod. 11: 32-39, 2005.
  • Lehnen S., McDonald F., Bourauel C., Jager A., Baxmann M. Expectations, acceptance and preferences of patients in treatment with orthodontic mini implants: part II: Implant removal J. Orofac. Orthop. 72: 214-222, 2011.
  • Shin YS., Ahn HW., Park YK., Kim SH., Chung KR., Cho SI., Nelson G. Effects of predrilling on the osseointegration potential of mini-implants. Angle Orthod. 82: 1008-1013, 2012. Dr. Elçin ESENLİK
  • Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
  • Doğu Kampüsü Çünür/Isparta
  • e-posta: • Tel: 0246 211 88 07 • Faks: 0246 237 06 07

Ortodontide İskeletsel Ankraj Yöntemlerinin Risk ve Komplikasyonları

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 1259 - 1266, 01.10.2012


Kemiğe yerleştirilen iskeletsel ankraj sistemlerinin kullanımı konvansiyonel ortodontik yöntemlerde görülen yan etkileri ortadan kaldırabilmekte ve hasta kooperasyonuna olan ihtiyacı azaltabilmektedir. Bununla birlikte mini vidaların yerleştirilmesi sırasında ve sonrasında bazı komplikasyonlar ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Diş köklerinde travma sonucu dişte vitalite kaybı, osteoskleroz veya dentoalveolar ankiloz oluşabilmektedir. Ayrıca, mini vidada sürüklenme, sinir hasarı, nazal kavite ve maksiller sinüs perforasyonu, mini vidada kırılma gibi komplikasyonlar da gelişebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, klinisyenlerin doğru endikasyon koyarak, uygun lokalizasyonda uygun mini vida ve mini plakları tercih etmeleri, yerleştirme ve yükleme protokollerine uymaları gerekmektedir. Lokalizasyonun doğru belirlenmesi komplikasyonların birçoğunu minimalize edecektir


  • Erverdi N., Usumez S., Solak A., Koldas T. Noncompliance open-bite treatment with zygomatic anchorage. Angle Orthod. 77: 986- 990, 2007.
  • Kuroda S., Sakai Y., Tamamura N., Deguchi T., Takano-Yamamato T. Treatment of severe anterior open bite with skeletal anchorage in adults: Comparison with orthognathic surgery outcomes. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 132: 599- 605, 2007.
  • Singer SL., Henry PJ., Rosenberg I. Osseointegrated implants as an adjunct to facemask therapy: A case report. Angle Orthod. 70: 253-262, 2000.
  • Enacar A., Giray B., Pehlivanlioglu M., İplikcioğlu H. Facemask therapy with rigid anchorage in a patient with maxillary hypoplasia and severe oligodontia. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 123: 571-577, 2003.
  • De Clerck HJ., Cornelis MA., Cevidanes LH., Heymann GC., Tulloch CJF. Orthopedic traction of the maxilla with miniplates: a new perspective for treatment of midface deficiency. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 67: 2123-2129, 2009.
  • Cope JB. Temporary anchorage devices in orthodontics: A paradigm shift. Semin. Orthod. 11: 3-9, 2005.
  • Kravitz N., Kusnoto B. Risks and complications of orthodontic miniscrews. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 131: 43-51, 2007.
  • Miyawaki S., Koyama I., Inoue M., Mishima K., Sugahara T., Takano-Yamamoto T. Factors associated with the stability of titanium screws placed in the posterior region for orthodontic anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 124: 373-378, 2003.
  • Ziebura T., Flieger S., Wiechmann D. Mini implants in the palatal slope-a retrospective analysis of implant survival and tissue reaction. Head Face Med. 8: 32-37, 2012.
  • Sato R., Sato T., Takahashi I., Sugawara J., Takahashi N. Profiling of bacterial flora in crevices around titanium orthodontic anchor plates. Clin. Oral Implants Res. 18: 21-26, 2007.
  • Lee JS., Kim JK., Park YC., Vanarsdall RL. Application of Orthodontic Mini-Implants. Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., 2007, 55-56.
  • Trisi P., Rebaudi A. Progressive bone adaptation of titanium implants during and after orthodontic load in humans. Int. J. Periodontics Restorative Dent. 22: 31-43, 2002.
  • Melsen B. Mini Implants? Where are we? J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 539-547, 2005.
  • Ludwig B., Baumgaertel S., Bowman SJ. Mini Implants in Orthodontics. Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., 2008, 140-141.
  • Denio D., Torabinejad M., Bakland LK. Anatomical relationship of the mandibular canal to its surrounding structures in mature mandibles. J. Endod. 18: 161-165, 1992.
  • Torgay A., Aydin E., Cilasun U., Durmaz L., Arslan G. Subcutaneous emphysema after dental treatment: A case report. Paediatr. Anaesth. 16: 314-317, 2006.
  • Schuman NJ., Owens MB., Shelton JT. Subcutaneous emphysema after restorative dental treatment. Compend. Contin. Educ. Dent. 22: 38- 40, 2001.
  • Ardekian L., Oved-Peleg E., Mactei EE., Peled M. The clinical significance of sinus membrane perforation during augmentation of the maxillary sinus. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 64: 277-282, 2006.
  • Carano A., Velo S., Leone P., Siciliani G. Clinical applications of the miniscrew anchorage system. J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 9-24, 2005.
  • Mine K., Kanno Z., Muramoto T., Soma K. Occlusal forces promote periodontal healing of transplanted teeth and prevent dentoalveolar ankylosis: an experimental study in rats. Angle Orthod. 75: 637-644, 2005.
  • Melsen B., Verna C. Mini screw implants: The Aarhus anchorage system. Semin. Orthod. 11: 24-31, 2005.
  • Suzuki EY., Buranastidporn B. An adjustable surgical guide for miniscrew placement. J. Clin. Orthod. 39: 588-590, 2005.
  • Kyung HM., Park HS., Bae SM., Sung JH., Kim IB. Development of orthodontic micro-implants for intraoral anchorage. J. Clin. Orthod. 37: 321- 328, 2003.
  • Qiu L., Haruyama N., Suzuki S., Yamada D., Obayashi N., Kurabayas T. Accuracy of orthodontic miniscrew implantation guided by stereolithographic surgical stent based on cone- beam CT-derived 3D images. Angle Orthod. 82: 284-293, 2012.
  • Kuroda S., Yamada K., Deguchi T., Hashimoto T., Kyung HM., Takano-Yamamoto T. Root proximity is a major factor for screw failure in orthodontic anchorage. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 131: 68-73, 2007.
  • Motoyoshi M., Ueno S., Okazaki K., Shimizu N. Bone stress for a mini-implant close to the roots of adjacent teeth-3D finite element analysis. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 38: 363-368, 2009.
  • Kim SH., Kang MS., Choi YS., Kook YA., Chung KR., Huang JC. Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of mini-implants after placement: Is root proximity a major risk factor for failure? Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 138: 264-276, 2010.
  • Shinohara A., Motoyoshi M., Uchida Y., Schimizu N. Root proximity and inclination of orthodontic mini implants after placement: Cone-beam computed tomography evaluation. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 144: 50-56, 2013.
  • Kadioglu O., Büyükyilmaz T., Zachrisson BU., Maino BG. Contact damage to root surfaces of premolars touching miniscrews during orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 134: 353-360, 2008.
  • Poggio PM., Incorvati C., Velo S., Carano A. “Safe zones”: A guide for miniscrew positioning in the maxillary and mandibular arch. Angle Orthod. 76: 191-197, 2006.
  • Giancotti A., Arcuri C., Barlattani A. Treatment of ectopic mandibular second molar with titanium miniscrews. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 126: 113-117, 2004.
  • Liou EJ., Pai BC., Lin JC. Do miniscrews remain stationary under orthodontic forces? Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 126: 42-47, 2004.
  • Chen Y., Kang ST., Bae SM., Kyung HM. Clinical and histologic analysis of the stability of microimplants with immediate orthodontic loading in dogs. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 136: 260-267, 2009.
  • Nienkemper M., Handschel J., Drescher D. Systematic review of mini-implant displacement under orthodontic loading. Int. J. Oral Sci. 6: 1-6, 2014.
  • Murray B., McGuinness N., Biagioni P., Hyland P., Lamey PJ. A comparative study of the efficacy of Aphtheal in the management of recurrent minor aphthous ulceration. J. Oral Pathol. Med. 34: 413-419, 2005.
  • Choi BH., Zhu SJ., Kim YH. A clinical evaluation of titanium miniplates as anchors for orthodontic treatment. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 128: 382-384, 2005.
  • Sergl HG., Klages U., Zentner A. Pain and discomfort during orthodontic treatment: Causative factors and effects on compliance. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 114: 684-691, 1998.
  • Herman R., Cope J. Miniscrew implants: Imtec mini ortho implants. Semin. Orthod. 11: 32-39, 2005.
  • Lehnen S., McDonald F., Bourauel C., Jager A., Baxmann M. Expectations, acceptance and preferences of patients in treatment with orthodontic mini implants: part II: Implant removal J. Orofac. Orthop. 72: 214-222, 2011.
  • Shin YS., Ahn HW., Park YK., Kim SH., Chung KR., Cho SI., Nelson G. Effects of predrilling on the osseointegration potential of mini-implants. Angle Orthod. 82: 1008-1013, 2012. Dr. Elçin ESENLİK
  • Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı
  • Doğu Kampüsü Çünür/Isparta
  • e-posta: • Tel: 0246 211 88 07 • Faks: 0246 237 06 07
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Berna Ertekin Bu kişi benim

Elçin Esenlik Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Ertekin B, Esenlik E. Ortodontide İskeletsel Ankraj Yöntemlerinin Risk ve Komplikasyonları. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2012;6(3):1259-66.