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Apllication of the Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Rich Fibrin in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 947 - 957, 01.10.2011


Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP is a plasma sample obtained from autogenous blood-tissue that contains thrombocytes and growth factor. PRP is used in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the purpose of increasing the healing rate of soft or hard tissues; and is applied in pure form or mixed with graft material, and even through direct injection method similar to the tissue renewal procedures. Platelet-Rich-Fibrine PRF , which contains a second generation thrombocyte concentration, has been defined by Chouckroun in 2006. The PRF is a fibrine matrix structure that is obtained from blood-tissue and is rich in thrombocyte in leukocytes. Much like PRP, PRF is commonly utilized in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery with its capability of being used as a graft material or a membrane on its own. This article discusses under the light of the information from the current literature the use, the preparation methods and the indications and counter-indications of PRP and PRF in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, as well as the differences between the application methods and biological structures for theese two concentrations


  • Dohan DM., Ramusson L., Albrektsson T., Classifi- cation of platelet concentrates: from pure platelet rich plasma to leucocyte and platelet rich fibrin. Trends in Biotechnology. 27:158-167, 2009
  • Kathleen ML., Dardık A., Platelet rich plasma: Support for its use in wound healing. Yale J. of Biology and Medicine. 83:1-9, 2010
  • Plachokova AS., Nikolidakis D., Mulder J., Jan- sen JA., Creugers NH., Effect of platelet rich plas- ma on bone regeneration in detistry: a systemic review. Clin Oral Impl. Res. 19:539-545, 2008
  • Dohan DM., Doglioli P., Giusseppe MP., Marco DC., Choukroun’s platelet rich fibrin stimulates in vitro proliferation and differentiation of hu- man oral bone mesenchymal stem cell in a dose- dependent way. Arch. Oral Biology. 55:185- 194, 2010
  • Raja SV., Naidue ME., Platelet rich fibrin: Evolu- tion of a second generation platelet concentrate. Indian J. Dent Res. 19:42-46, 2007
  • Pallua N., Wolter T., Marcowicz M., Platelet rich plasma in burns.BURNS. 36:4-8, 2009
  • Choi BH., Zhu SJ., Kim BY., Huh JY., Lee SH., Jung JH., Effect of platelet-rich plasma concentra- tion on the viability and proliferation of alveolar bone cells: an in vitro study. Int. J. of Oral Maxil- lofac Surg. 34:420-424, 2005
  • Arıkan F., Özçaka Ö., Bıçakçı N., Trombositten zengin plazma ve kemik grefti ile kombinasyonu- nun dar kemik içi defektlerde başarısının karşılaş- tırılması. EÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 28:151-161, 2007
  • Alkan E., Esen E., Platelet rich plasma in dentistry. GÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 23:137-142, 2005
  • Morren RECM., Dankers ACA., Merxs MAW., Bronkhorst EM., Jansen JA., Stoelinga PJW., The effect of platelet rich plasma on early and late bone healing using a mixure of particulate auto- genous cancellous bone and Bio-Oss an experi- mental study in goats. Int. J. of Oral Maxillofac Surg. 39:371-378, 2010
  • Gentile P., Bottini DJ., Spallone D., Curcio BC., Cervelli V., Application of platelet rich plasma in maxillofacial surgery: clinical evaluation. J. of Craniofac Surg. 21:900-904, 2010
  • Öztürk MK., Bozkurt FY., Periodontal rejenerasyon- da yeni bir yaklaşım: Trombositten zengin plazma. CÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 8:119-127, 2005
  • Dohan DM., Choukroun J., Diss A., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mouhyi J., Gogly B., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part I: Technological concepts and evolution. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol Endod. 101:E37- 44, 2006
  • Hakimi M., Jungblunt P., Sager M., Betsch M., Herten M., Becker J., Windolf J., Wild M., Com- bined use of platelet rich plasma and autologo- us bone grafts in the treatment of long bone de- fects in mini pigs. Injury. Int. J. Care. 4156:1-7, 2009
  • Agata C., Tomaz B., Tadeusz SG., Tadeusz C., Tomasz S., Improved treatment of mandibu- lar odontogenic cyst with platelet-rich gel. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. En- dod. 105:423-429, 2008
  • Swennen GRJ., Schutyser F., Mueller MC., Kra- mer FJ., Eulzer C., Schliephake H., Effect of platelet rich plasma on cranial distraction oste- ogenesis in sheep: preliminary clinical and radi- ographic results. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 34:294-304, 2004
  • Kazakos K., Lyras DN., Verettas D., Tilkeridis K., Tryfonidis M., The use of autologous PRP gel as an aid in the management of acute trauma wo- unds. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured. 40:801-805, 2008
  • Elgazzar RF., Mutabagani MA., Abdelaal SE., Sadakah AA., Platelet rich plasma may enhance peripheral nevre regeneration after cyanoacrylate reanastomosis: a controlled bllind study on rats. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 37:748-755, 2008
  • Lynch SE., Genco RJ., Marx RE., Tissue enginee- ring. Quintessence books. 1999;217-226
  • Sadati KS., Corrado AC., Alexander RW., Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) utilized to promote gre- ater graft volume retention in autologous fat graf- ting. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 23:203-211, 2006
  • Cervalli V., Palla L., Pascali M., Angelis DB., Cur- cio BC., Gentile P., Autologous platelet rich plas- ma mixed with purified fat graft in aesthetic plastic surgery. Aesth. Plast. Surg. 33:716-721, 2009
  • Ling H., Lin Y., Hu X., Zhang Y., Wu H., A compa- rative study of platelet rich fibrin and platelet rich plasma on the effect of proliferation and differen- tiation of rat osteoblast in vitro. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 108:707-713, 2009
  • Choukroun J., Diss A., Simonpieri A., Girard MO., Schoeffler C., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mo- uhyi J., Dohan DM., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part IV: Clinical effects on tissue healing. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol Endod. 101:E56-60, 2006
  • Choukroun J., Diss A., Simonpieri A., Girard MO., Schoeffler C., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mo- uhyi J., Dohan DM., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part V: Histolo- gic evaluations of PRF effects on bone allograft maturation in sinus lift. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 101:299-303, 2006
  • Şençimen M., Gülses A., Özkaynak Ö., Varol A., Okçu KM., Doğan N., Trombositten zengin fibrin membran kaplı otojen kemik grefti ile tek taraflı alveol yarığı onarımı. HÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 33:37-42, 2009
  • Lee EH., Kim JY., Kweon HY., Jo YY., Min SK., Park WY., Choi JY., Kim SG., A combination graft of low molecular weight silk fibroin with Choukroun platelet rich fibrin for rabbit calvarial defect. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 109: e33-38, 2010
  • Jang SE., Park WJ., Kweon HY., Lee KG., Kang SW., Baek DH., Choi JY., Kim SG., Restoration of peri implant defects in immediate implant ins- tallations by Choukroun platelet rich fibrin and silk fibroin powder combination graft. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 109:831-836, 2010
  • 28-Sclafani AP., (2009) Applications of platelet rich fibrin matrix in facial plastic surgery. Facial Plast. Surg. 25:270-276, 2009
  • 29- Sclafani AP, Platelet rich fibrin matrix for imp- rovement of deep nasolabial folds. Journal of cos- metic dermatology. 9:66-71, 2010
  • 30-IntiniI G., The use of platelet rich plasma in bone reconstruction threapy. Biomaterils. 30:4956-4966, 2009
  • Dr. alper TaŞKalDıRaN
  • Kurtuluş mahallesi 692. Sokak No:31 merkez / Kırıkkale
  • E-posta:

Trombositten Zengin Plazma ve Trombositten Zengin Fibrinin Ağız, Çene ve Yüz Cerrahisinde Kullanım Alanı

Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 947 - 957, 01.10.2011


Trombositten Zengin Plazma TZP içerisinde trombosit ve büyüme faktörü bulunan, otojen kan dokusundan elde edilen plazma parçasıdır. TZP Ağız, Çene ve Yüz cerrahisinde yumuşak ve sert doku iyileşmesini hızlandırmak ve düzenlemek için tek başına, greft materyali ile karıştırılarak ya da doku yenilenmesinde olduğu gibi direk enjeksiyon yöntemi ile uygulanmaktadır.İkinci nesil trombosit konsantrasyonu olan Trombositten Zengin Fibrin TZF ise Chouckroun tarafından 2006 yılında tanımlanmıştır. TZF kan dokusundan elde edilen, yapısında bol miktarda trombosit ve lökosit içeren fibrin matriks yapısıdır. Ağız, Çene ve Yüz cerrahisinde TZF içerdiği yüksek miktardaki büyüme faktörleri sayesinde başlı başına greft materyali ya da membran olarak TZP gibi yaygın bir kullanım alanına sahiptir. Bu makalede TZP ve TZF’ nin Ağız, Çene ve Yüz cerrahisinde kullanımı, hazırlanış biçimleri, endikasyon ve kontrendikasyonları, iki konsantrasyon arasındaki uygulama ve biyolojik farklar ve bu ürünlerin geleceği, literatür desteği altında tartışılacaktır


  • Dohan DM., Ramusson L., Albrektsson T., Classifi- cation of platelet concentrates: from pure platelet rich plasma to leucocyte and platelet rich fibrin. Trends in Biotechnology. 27:158-167, 2009
  • Kathleen ML., Dardık A., Platelet rich plasma: Support for its use in wound healing. Yale J. of Biology and Medicine. 83:1-9, 2010
  • Plachokova AS., Nikolidakis D., Mulder J., Jan- sen JA., Creugers NH., Effect of platelet rich plas- ma on bone regeneration in detistry: a systemic review. Clin Oral Impl. Res. 19:539-545, 2008
  • Dohan DM., Doglioli P., Giusseppe MP., Marco DC., Choukroun’s platelet rich fibrin stimulates in vitro proliferation and differentiation of hu- man oral bone mesenchymal stem cell in a dose- dependent way. Arch. Oral Biology. 55:185- 194, 2010
  • Raja SV., Naidue ME., Platelet rich fibrin: Evolu- tion of a second generation platelet concentrate. Indian J. Dent Res. 19:42-46, 2007
  • Pallua N., Wolter T., Marcowicz M., Platelet rich plasma in burns.BURNS. 36:4-8, 2009
  • Choi BH., Zhu SJ., Kim BY., Huh JY., Lee SH., Jung JH., Effect of platelet-rich plasma concentra- tion on the viability and proliferation of alveolar bone cells: an in vitro study. Int. J. of Oral Maxil- lofac Surg. 34:420-424, 2005
  • Arıkan F., Özçaka Ö., Bıçakçı N., Trombositten zengin plazma ve kemik grefti ile kombinasyonu- nun dar kemik içi defektlerde başarısının karşılaş- tırılması. EÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 28:151-161, 2007
  • Alkan E., Esen E., Platelet rich plasma in dentistry. GÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 23:137-142, 2005
  • Morren RECM., Dankers ACA., Merxs MAW., Bronkhorst EM., Jansen JA., Stoelinga PJW., The effect of platelet rich plasma on early and late bone healing using a mixure of particulate auto- genous cancellous bone and Bio-Oss an experi- mental study in goats. Int. J. of Oral Maxillofac Surg. 39:371-378, 2010
  • Gentile P., Bottini DJ., Spallone D., Curcio BC., Cervelli V., Application of platelet rich plasma in maxillofacial surgery: clinical evaluation. J. of Craniofac Surg. 21:900-904, 2010
  • Öztürk MK., Bozkurt FY., Periodontal rejenerasyon- da yeni bir yaklaşım: Trombositten zengin plazma. CÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 8:119-127, 2005
  • Dohan DM., Choukroun J., Diss A., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mouhyi J., Gogly B., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part I: Technological concepts and evolution. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol Endod. 101:E37- 44, 2006
  • Hakimi M., Jungblunt P., Sager M., Betsch M., Herten M., Becker J., Windolf J., Wild M., Com- bined use of platelet rich plasma and autologo- us bone grafts in the treatment of long bone de- fects in mini pigs. Injury. Int. J. Care. 4156:1-7, 2009
  • Agata C., Tomaz B., Tadeusz SG., Tadeusz C., Tomasz S., Improved treatment of mandibu- lar odontogenic cyst with platelet-rich gel. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. En- dod. 105:423-429, 2008
  • Swennen GRJ., Schutyser F., Mueller MC., Kra- mer FJ., Eulzer C., Schliephake H., Effect of platelet rich plasma on cranial distraction oste- ogenesis in sheep: preliminary clinical and radi- ographic results. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 34:294-304, 2004
  • Kazakos K., Lyras DN., Verettas D., Tilkeridis K., Tryfonidis M., The use of autologous PRP gel as an aid in the management of acute trauma wo- unds. Injury, Int. J. Care Injured. 40:801-805, 2008
  • Elgazzar RF., Mutabagani MA., Abdelaal SE., Sadakah AA., Platelet rich plasma may enhance peripheral nevre regeneration after cyanoacrylate reanastomosis: a controlled bllind study on rats. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 37:748-755, 2008
  • Lynch SE., Genco RJ., Marx RE., Tissue enginee- ring. Quintessence books. 1999;217-226
  • Sadati KS., Corrado AC., Alexander RW., Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) utilized to promote gre- ater graft volume retention in autologous fat graf- ting. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 23:203-211, 2006
  • Cervalli V., Palla L., Pascali M., Angelis DB., Cur- cio BC., Gentile P., Autologous platelet rich plas- ma mixed with purified fat graft in aesthetic plastic surgery. Aesth. Plast. Surg. 33:716-721, 2009
  • Ling H., Lin Y., Hu X., Zhang Y., Wu H., A compa- rative study of platelet rich fibrin and platelet rich plasma on the effect of proliferation and differen- tiation of rat osteoblast in vitro. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 108:707-713, 2009
  • Choukroun J., Diss A., Simonpieri A., Girard MO., Schoeffler C., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mo- uhyi J., Dohan DM., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part IV: Clinical effects on tissue healing. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol Endod. 101:E56-60, 2006
  • Choukroun J., Diss A., Simonpieri A., Girard MO., Schoeffler C., Dohan SL., Dohan JJA., Mo- uhyi J., Dohan DM., Platelet rich fibrin: A second generation platelet concentrate. Part V: Histolo- gic evaluations of PRF effects on bone allograft maturation in sinus lift. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 101:299-303, 2006
  • Şençimen M., Gülses A., Özkaynak Ö., Varol A., Okçu KM., Doğan N., Trombositten zengin fibrin membran kaplı otojen kemik grefti ile tek taraflı alveol yarığı onarımı. HÜ Diş Hek. Fak. Derg. 33:37-42, 2009
  • Lee EH., Kim JY., Kweon HY., Jo YY., Min SK., Park WY., Choi JY., Kim SG., A combination graft of low molecular weight silk fibroin with Choukroun platelet rich fibrin for rabbit calvarial defect. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 109: e33-38, 2010
  • Jang SE., Park WJ., Kweon HY., Lee KG., Kang SW., Baek DH., Choi JY., Kim SG., Restoration of peri implant defects in immediate implant ins- tallations by Choukroun platelet rich fibrin and silk fibroin powder combination graft. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 109:831-836, 2010
  • 28-Sclafani AP., (2009) Applications of platelet rich fibrin matrix in facial plastic surgery. Facial Plast. Surg. 25:270-276, 2009
  • 29- Sclafani AP, Platelet rich fibrin matrix for imp- rovement of deep nasolabial folds. Journal of cos- metic dermatology. 9:66-71, 2010
  • 30-IntiniI G., The use of platelet rich plasma in bone reconstruction threapy. Biomaterils. 30:4956-4966, 2009
  • Dr. alper TaŞKalDıRaN
  • Kurtuluş mahallesi 692. Sokak No:31 merkez / Kırıkkale
  • E-posta:
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Alper Taşkaldıran This is me

İsmail Doruk Koçyiğit This is me

Hakan Tüz This is me

Fethi Atıl This is me

Umut Tekin This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


Vancouver Taşkaldıran A, Koçyiğit İD, Tüz H, Atıl F, Tekin U. Trombositten Zengin Plazma ve Trombositten Zengin Fibrinin Ağız, Çene ve Yüz Cerrahisinde Kullanım Alanı. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2011;5(3):947-5.