Dentine Hypersensitivity: Mechanisms, Aetiology And Treatment Approaches
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 833 - 840, 01.07.2011
Doğukan Yılmaz
Güliz N Güncü
Tooth sensitivity is a very common clinical presentation which can cause considerable concern for patients. The management of this condition requires a good understanding of the complexity of the problem, as well as the variety of treatments avaible. Even with the large number of published studies, it has not been possible to reach a consensus about the product that represents the gold standard in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. This article reviews the etiology, incidence and management of dentinal hypersensitivity
- Holland GR., Narhi MN., Addy M., Gangarosa L., Orchardson R. Guidelines for the design and conduct of clinical trials on dentine hypersensitivity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24:808-813, 1997.
- Addy M., Hughes J., Pickles MJ., Joiner A., Hun- tington E. Development of a method in situ to study toothpaste abrasion of dentine. Comparison of 2 products. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29:896-900, 2002.
- West NX., Hughes JA., Addy M. Dentine hypersen- sitivity: the effects of brushing toothpaste on etched and unetched dentine in vitro. J. Oral Rehabil. 29:167-174, 2002.
- West NX. Dentine hypersensitivity: preventive and therapeutic approaches to treatment. Periodontol. 2000. 48:31-41, 2008.
- Flynn J., Galloway R., Orchardson R. The incidence of ‘hypersensitive’ teeth in the West of Scotland. J. Dent. 13:230-236, 1985.
- Addy M., Moran JM. Clinical indications for the use of chemical adjuncts to plaque control: chlorhexidine formulations. Periodontol. 2000. 15:52-54, 1997.
- Addy M. Tooth brushing, tooth wear and dentine hypersensitivity--are they associated? Int. Dent. J. 55:261-267, 2005.
- Suge T., Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Matsuo T., Ebisu S. Effects of plaque control on the patency of dentinal tubules: an in vivo study in beagle dogs. J. Periodontol. 77:454-459, 2006.
- Mayhew RB., Jessee SA., Martin RE. Association of occlusal, periodontal, and dietary factors with the presence of non-carious cervical dental lesions. Am. J. Dent. 11:29-32, 1998.
- Wichgers TG., Emert RL. Dentin hypersensitivity. Oral Health. 87:51-53, 55-56, 59; quiz 61, 1997.
- Smith BG., Knight JK, A comparison of patterns of tooth wear with aetiological factors. Br. Dent. J. 157:16-19, 1984.
- Eisenburger M., Addy M. Erosion and attrition of human enamel in vitro part II: influence of time and loading. J. Dent. 30:349-352, 2002.
- Litonjua LA., Andreana S., Bush PJ., Tobias TS., Cohen RE. Noncarious cervical lesions and abfractions: a re- evaluation. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 134:845-850, 2003.
- Gillam DG., Newman HN., Davies EH., Bulman JS. Clinical efficacy of a low abrasive dentifrice for the relief of cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 19:197-201, 1992.
- Chabanski MB., Gillam DG., Bulman JS., New- man HN. Prevalence of cervical dentine sensitivity in a population of patients referred to a specialist Periodontology Department. J. Clin. Periodontol. 23:989-992, 1996.
- Frank RM. Attachment sites between the odonto- blast process and the intradentinal nerve fibre. Arch Oral Biol. 13:833-834, 1968.
- McGrath PA. The measurement of human pain. En- dod. Dent. Traumatol. 2:124-129, 1986.
- Gysi A. An attempt to explain the sensitiveness of dentine. Brit. J. Dent. Res. 43:865-868, 1900.
- Brannstrom M. Dentin sensitivity and aspiration of odon- toblasts. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 66:366-370, 1963.
- Brannstrom M., Johnson G., Nordenvall KJ. Trans- mission and control of dentinal pain: resin impreg- nation for the desensitization of dentin. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 99:612-618, 1979.
- Andrew D., Matthews B. Displacement of the con- tents of dentinal tubules and sensory transduction in intradental nerves of the cat. J. Physiol. 2000. 529 Pt 3, 791-802.
- Orchardson R., Gillam DG. Managing dentin hy- persensitivity. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 137:990-998; quiz 1028-1029, 2006.
- Orchardson R., Gillam DG. The efficacy of potas- sium salts as agents for treating dentin hypersensitiv- ity. J. Orofac. Pain. 14:9-19, 2000.
- Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Suge T. Effects of plaque control on the patency and occlusion of dentine tubules in situ. J. Oral. Rehabil. 28:439- 449, 2001.
- Pashley DH. Smear layer: overview of structure and function. Proc. Finn. Dent. Soc. 88:215-224, 1992
- International Conference on Harmonisation of Tech- nical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceu- ticals for Human Use (ICH) adopts Consolidated Guideline on Good Clinical Practice in the Conduct of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use. Int. Dig. Health Legis. 48:231-234, 1997.
- Hodosh M. A superior desensitizer--potassium ni- trate. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 88:831-832, 1974.
- Tarbet WJ., Buckner A., Stark MM., Fratarcangelo PA., Augsburger R. The pulpal effects of brushing with a 5 percent potassium nitrate paste used for desensitization. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 51:600-602, 1981.
- Markowitz K., Kim S. Hypersensitive teeth. Ex- perimental studies of dentinal desensitizing agents. Dent. Clin. North Am. 34:491-501, 1990.
- Greenhill JD., Pashley DH. The effects of desensitiz- ing agents on the hydraulic conductance of human dentin in vitro. J. Dent. Res. 60:686-698, 1981.
- Kanapka JA. Over-the-counter dentifrices in the treat- ment of tooth hypersensitivity. Review of clinical stud- ies. Dent. Clin. North Am. 34:545-560, 1990.
- Addy M., Absi EG., Adams D. Dentine hypersen- sitivity. The effects in vitro of acids and dietary sub- stances on root-planed and burred dentine. J. Clin. Periodontol. 14:274-279, 1987.
- Banfield N., Addy M. Dentine hypersensitivity: devel- opment and evaluation ofamodel in situ to study tubu- lepatency. J. Clin. Periodontol. 31:325-335, 2004.
- Suge T., Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Matsuo T., Ebi- su S. Effects of pre- or post-application of calcium chloride on occluding ability of potassium oxalate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. Am. J. Dent. 18:121-125, 2005.
- Levin MP., Yearwood LL., Carpenter WN. The de- sensitizing effect of calcium hydroxide and magne- sium hydroxide on hypersensitive dentin. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 35:741-746, 1973.
- McFall WT., Jr. A review of the active agents avail- able for treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. En- dod. Dent. Traumatol. 2:141-149, 1986.
- Scherman A., Jacobsen PL. Managing dentin hy- persensitivity: what treatment to recommend to pa- tients. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 123:57-61, 1992.
- Minkov B., Marmari I., Gedalia I., Garfunkel A. The effectiveness of sodium fluoride treatment with and without iontophoresis on the reduction of hypersensi- tive dentin. J. Periodontol. 46:246-249, 1975.
- Gedalia I., Brayer L., Kalter N., Richter M., Stab- holz A. The effect of fluoride and strontium applica- tion on dentin: in vivo and in vitro studies. J. Peri- odontol. 49:269-272, 1978.
- Kerns DG., Scheidt MJ., Pashley DH., Horner JA., Strong SL., Van Dyke TE. Dentinal tubule occlusion and root hy- persensitivity. J. Periodontol. 62:421-428, 1991.
- Tal M., Oron M., Gedalia I., Ehrlich J. X-ray diffrac- tion and scanning electron microscope investiga- tions of fluoride-treated dentine in man. Arch. Oral Biol. 21:285-290, 1976.
- Cummins D. Recent advances in dentin hypersen- sitivity: clinically proven treatments for instant and lasting sensitivity relief. Am. J. Dent. 23 Spec No A:3A-13A, 2010.
- Morris MF., Davis RD., Richardson BW. Clinical efficacy of two dentin desensitizing agents. Am. J. Dent. 12:72-76, 1999.
- Duran I., Sengun A. The long-term effectiveness of five current desensitizing products on cervical den- tine sensitivity. J. Oral Rehabil. 31:351-356, 2004.
- Prati C., Cervellati F., Sanasi V., Montebugnoli L. Treatment of cervical dentin hypersensitivity with resin adhesives: 4-week evaluation. Am. J. Dent. 14:378-382, 2001.
- Stewardson DA., Crisp RJ., McHugh S., Lenden- mann U., Burke FJ. The Effectiveness of Systemp. desensitizer in the treatment of dentine hypersensi- tivity. Prim. Dent. Care. 11:71-76, 2004.
- Ferrari M., Cagidiaco MC., Kugel G, Davidson CL. Clinical evaluation of a one-bottle bonding sys- tem for desensitizing exposed roots. Am. J. Dent. 12:243-249, 1999.
- Gaffar A.. Treating hypersensitivity with fluoride varnish. Compend. Contin. Educ. Dent. 20:27-33; quiz 35, 1999.
- Corona SA., Nascimento TN., Catirse AB., Lizarel- li RF., Dinelli W., Palma-Dibb RG. Clinical evalua- tion of low-level laser therapy and fluoride varnish for treating cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Oral Rehabil. 30:1183-1189, 2003.
- Hansen EK. Dentin hypersensitivity treated with a fluoride-containing varnish or a light-cured glass-iono- mer liner. Scand. J. Dent. Res. 100:305-309, 1992.
- Ianzano JA., Gwinnett AJ., Westbay G. Polyme- ric sealing of dentinal tubules to control sensitivity: preliminary observations. Periodontal Clin. Investig. 15:13-16, 1993.
- Dondi dall’Orologio G., Lone A., Finger WJ. Clinical evaluation of the role of glutardialdehyde in a one- bottle adhesive. Am. J. Dent. 15:330-334, 2002.
- Dondi dall’Orologio G., Lorenzi R., Anselmi M., Opisso V. Dentin desensitizing effects of Gluma Al- ternate, Health-Dent Desensitizer and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose. Am. J. Dent. 12:103-106, 1999.
- Martens LC., Surmont PA. Effect of anti-sensitive to- othpastes on opened dentinal tubules and on two dentin-bonded resins. Clinical preventive dentistry. 13:23-28, 1991.
- Kimura Y., Wilder-Smith P., Yonaga K., Matsumoto K. Treatment of dentine hypersensitivity by lasers: a review. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27:715-721, 2000.
- Zhang C., Matsumoto K., Kimura Y., Harashima T., Takeda FH., Zhou H. Effects of CO2 laser in treatment of cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. En- dod.. 24:595-597, 1998.
- Lier BB., Rosing CK., Aass AM., Gjermo P. Treat- ment of dentin hypersensitivity by Nd:YAG laser. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29:501-506, 2002.
- Pashley DH., Zhang Y., Agee KA., Rouse CJ., Car- valho RM., Russell CM. Permeability of deminerali- zed dentin to HEMA. Dent. Mater. 16:7-14, 2000.
- Porto IC., Andrade AK., Montes MA. Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Oral Sci. 51:323-332, 2009.
- Kimura Y., Wilder-Smith P., Matsumoto K. Lasers in en- dodontics: a review. Int. Endod. J. 33:173-185, 2000.
- Moritz A., Schoop U., Goharkhay K, Long-term ef- fects of CO2 laser irradiation on treatment of hyper- sensitive dental necks: results of an in Vivo study. J. Clin. Laser Med. Surg. 16:211-215, 1998.
- Moritz A., Schoop U., Goharkhay K., Sperr W. The CO2 laser as an aid in direct pulp capping. J. Endod. 24:248-251, 1998.
- Lan WH., Liu HC., Lin CP. The combined occlu- ding effect of sodium fluoride varnish and Nd:YAG laser irradiation on human dentinal tubules. J. En- dod. 25:424-426, 1999.
- Thompson BK., Meyer R., Singh GB., Mitchell W. Desensitization of exposed root surfaces using a semilunar coronally positioned flap. Gen. Dent. 48:68-71; quiz 72-63, 2000.
- Kern DA., McQuade MJ., Scheidt MJ., Hanson B., Van Dyke TE. Effectiveness of sodium fluoride on to- oth hypersensitivity with and without iontophoresis. J. Periodontol. 60:386-389, 1989.
- Gillam DG., Newman HN. Iontophoresis in the treatment of cervical dentinal sensitivity--a review. J. West Soc. Perio- dontol. Periodontal Abstr. 38:129-133, 1990.
Dentin Hassasiyeti: Mekanizmalar, Etiyoloji ve Tedavi Yaklaşımları
Yıl 2011,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 833 - 840, 01.07.2011
Doğukan Yılmaz
Güliz N Güncü
Diş hassasiyeti hastalar için ciddi rahatsızlık yaratan yaygın bir klinik durumdur. Bu durumun kontrolü problemin kompleksliğini ve ulaşılabilen tedavi seçeneklerinin iyi anlaşılmasını gerektirir. Çok sayıda yayınlanmış çalışmaya rağmen, dentin hassasiyetinin tedavisinde altın standardı sunan bir ürünle ilgili ortak görüş birliğine varılamamıştır. Bu makale dentin hassasiyetinin etiyolojisi, insidansı ve kontrolünü incelemektedir
- Holland GR., Narhi MN., Addy M., Gangarosa L., Orchardson R. Guidelines for the design and conduct of clinical trials on dentine hypersensitivity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 24:808-813, 1997.
- Addy M., Hughes J., Pickles MJ., Joiner A., Hun- tington E. Development of a method in situ to study toothpaste abrasion of dentine. Comparison of 2 products. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29:896-900, 2002.
- West NX., Hughes JA., Addy M. Dentine hypersen- sitivity: the effects of brushing toothpaste on etched and unetched dentine in vitro. J. Oral Rehabil. 29:167-174, 2002.
- West NX. Dentine hypersensitivity: preventive and therapeutic approaches to treatment. Periodontol. 2000. 48:31-41, 2008.
- Flynn J., Galloway R., Orchardson R. The incidence of ‘hypersensitive’ teeth in the West of Scotland. J. Dent. 13:230-236, 1985.
- Addy M., Moran JM. Clinical indications for the use of chemical adjuncts to plaque control: chlorhexidine formulations. Periodontol. 2000. 15:52-54, 1997.
- Addy M. Tooth brushing, tooth wear and dentine hypersensitivity--are they associated? Int. Dent. J. 55:261-267, 2005.
- Suge T., Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Matsuo T., Ebisu S. Effects of plaque control on the patency of dentinal tubules: an in vivo study in beagle dogs. J. Periodontol. 77:454-459, 2006.
- Mayhew RB., Jessee SA., Martin RE. Association of occlusal, periodontal, and dietary factors with the presence of non-carious cervical dental lesions. Am. J. Dent. 11:29-32, 1998.
- Wichgers TG., Emert RL. Dentin hypersensitivity. Oral Health. 87:51-53, 55-56, 59; quiz 61, 1997.
- Smith BG., Knight JK, A comparison of patterns of tooth wear with aetiological factors. Br. Dent. J. 157:16-19, 1984.
- Eisenburger M., Addy M. Erosion and attrition of human enamel in vitro part II: influence of time and loading. J. Dent. 30:349-352, 2002.
- Litonjua LA., Andreana S., Bush PJ., Tobias TS., Cohen RE. Noncarious cervical lesions and abfractions: a re- evaluation. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 134:845-850, 2003.
- Gillam DG., Newman HN., Davies EH., Bulman JS. Clinical efficacy of a low abrasive dentifrice for the relief of cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Clin. Periodontol. 19:197-201, 1992.
- Chabanski MB., Gillam DG., Bulman JS., New- man HN. Prevalence of cervical dentine sensitivity in a population of patients referred to a specialist Periodontology Department. J. Clin. Periodontol. 23:989-992, 1996.
- Frank RM. Attachment sites between the odonto- blast process and the intradentinal nerve fibre. Arch Oral Biol. 13:833-834, 1968.
- McGrath PA. The measurement of human pain. En- dod. Dent. Traumatol. 2:124-129, 1986.
- Gysi A. An attempt to explain the sensitiveness of dentine. Brit. J. Dent. Res. 43:865-868, 1900.
- Brannstrom M. Dentin sensitivity and aspiration of odon- toblasts. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 66:366-370, 1963.
- Brannstrom M., Johnson G., Nordenvall KJ. Trans- mission and control of dentinal pain: resin impreg- nation for the desensitization of dentin. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 99:612-618, 1979.
- Andrew D., Matthews B. Displacement of the con- tents of dentinal tubules and sensory transduction in intradental nerves of the cat. J. Physiol. 2000. 529 Pt 3, 791-802.
- Orchardson R., Gillam DG. Managing dentin hy- persensitivity. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 137:990-998; quiz 1028-1029, 2006.
- Orchardson R., Gillam DG. The efficacy of potas- sium salts as agents for treating dentin hypersensitiv- ity. J. Orofac. Pain. 14:9-19, 2000.
- Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Suge T. Effects of plaque control on the patency and occlusion of dentine tubules in situ. J. Oral. Rehabil. 28:439- 449, 2001.
- Pashley DH. Smear layer: overview of structure and function. Proc. Finn. Dent. Soc. 88:215-224, 1992
- International Conference on Harmonisation of Tech- nical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceu- ticals for Human Use (ICH) adopts Consolidated Guideline on Good Clinical Practice in the Conduct of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use. Int. Dig. Health Legis. 48:231-234, 1997.
- Hodosh M. A superior desensitizer--potassium ni- trate. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 88:831-832, 1974.
- Tarbet WJ., Buckner A., Stark MM., Fratarcangelo PA., Augsburger R. The pulpal effects of brushing with a 5 percent potassium nitrate paste used for desensitization. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 51:600-602, 1981.
- Markowitz K., Kim S. Hypersensitive teeth. Ex- perimental studies of dentinal desensitizing agents. Dent. Clin. North Am. 34:491-501, 1990.
- Greenhill JD., Pashley DH. The effects of desensitiz- ing agents on the hydraulic conductance of human dentin in vitro. J. Dent. Res. 60:686-698, 1981.
- Kanapka JA. Over-the-counter dentifrices in the treat- ment of tooth hypersensitivity. Review of clinical stud- ies. Dent. Clin. North Am. 34:545-560, 1990.
- Addy M., Absi EG., Adams D. Dentine hypersen- sitivity. The effects in vitro of acids and dietary sub- stances on root-planed and burred dentine. J. Clin. Periodontol. 14:274-279, 1987.
- Banfield N., Addy M. Dentine hypersensitivity: devel- opment and evaluation ofamodel in situ to study tubu- lepatency. J. Clin. Periodontol. 31:325-335, 2004.
- Suge T., Kawasaki A., Ishikawa K., Matsuo T., Ebi- su S. Effects of pre- or post-application of calcium chloride on occluding ability of potassium oxalate for the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity. Am. J. Dent. 18:121-125, 2005.
- Levin MP., Yearwood LL., Carpenter WN. The de- sensitizing effect of calcium hydroxide and magne- sium hydroxide on hypersensitive dentin. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 35:741-746, 1973.
- McFall WT., Jr. A review of the active agents avail- able for treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. En- dod. Dent. Traumatol. 2:141-149, 1986.
- Scherman A., Jacobsen PL. Managing dentin hy- persensitivity: what treatment to recommend to pa- tients. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 123:57-61, 1992.
- Minkov B., Marmari I., Gedalia I., Garfunkel A. The effectiveness of sodium fluoride treatment with and without iontophoresis on the reduction of hypersensi- tive dentin. J. Periodontol. 46:246-249, 1975.
- Gedalia I., Brayer L., Kalter N., Richter M., Stab- holz A. The effect of fluoride and strontium applica- tion on dentin: in vivo and in vitro studies. J. Peri- odontol. 49:269-272, 1978.
- Kerns DG., Scheidt MJ., Pashley DH., Horner JA., Strong SL., Van Dyke TE. Dentinal tubule occlusion and root hy- persensitivity. J. Periodontol. 62:421-428, 1991.
- Tal M., Oron M., Gedalia I., Ehrlich J. X-ray diffrac- tion and scanning electron microscope investiga- tions of fluoride-treated dentine in man. Arch. Oral Biol. 21:285-290, 1976.
- Cummins D. Recent advances in dentin hypersen- sitivity: clinically proven treatments for instant and lasting sensitivity relief. Am. J. Dent. 23 Spec No A:3A-13A, 2010.
- Morris MF., Davis RD., Richardson BW. Clinical efficacy of two dentin desensitizing agents. Am. J. Dent. 12:72-76, 1999.
- Duran I., Sengun A. The long-term effectiveness of five current desensitizing products on cervical den- tine sensitivity. J. Oral Rehabil. 31:351-356, 2004.
- Prati C., Cervellati F., Sanasi V., Montebugnoli L. Treatment of cervical dentin hypersensitivity with resin adhesives: 4-week evaluation. Am. J. Dent. 14:378-382, 2001.
- Stewardson DA., Crisp RJ., McHugh S., Lenden- mann U., Burke FJ. The Effectiveness of Systemp. desensitizer in the treatment of dentine hypersensi- tivity. Prim. Dent. Care. 11:71-76, 2004.
- Ferrari M., Cagidiaco MC., Kugel G, Davidson CL. Clinical evaluation of a one-bottle bonding sys- tem for desensitizing exposed roots. Am. J. Dent. 12:243-249, 1999.
- Gaffar A.. Treating hypersensitivity with fluoride varnish. Compend. Contin. Educ. Dent. 20:27-33; quiz 35, 1999.
- Corona SA., Nascimento TN., Catirse AB., Lizarel- li RF., Dinelli W., Palma-Dibb RG. Clinical evalua- tion of low-level laser therapy and fluoride varnish for treating cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Oral Rehabil. 30:1183-1189, 2003.
- Hansen EK. Dentin hypersensitivity treated with a fluoride-containing varnish or a light-cured glass-iono- mer liner. Scand. J. Dent. Res. 100:305-309, 1992.
- Ianzano JA., Gwinnett AJ., Westbay G. Polyme- ric sealing of dentinal tubules to control sensitivity: preliminary observations. Periodontal Clin. Investig. 15:13-16, 1993.
- Dondi dall’Orologio G., Lone A., Finger WJ. Clinical evaluation of the role of glutardialdehyde in a one- bottle adhesive. Am. J. Dent. 15:330-334, 2002.
- Dondi dall’Orologio G., Lorenzi R., Anselmi M., Opisso V. Dentin desensitizing effects of Gluma Al- ternate, Health-Dent Desensitizer and Scotchbond Multi-Purpose. Am. J. Dent. 12:103-106, 1999.
- Martens LC., Surmont PA. Effect of anti-sensitive to- othpastes on opened dentinal tubules and on two dentin-bonded resins. Clinical preventive dentistry. 13:23-28, 1991.
- Kimura Y., Wilder-Smith P., Yonaga K., Matsumoto K. Treatment of dentine hypersensitivity by lasers: a review. J. Clin. Periodontol. 27:715-721, 2000.
- Zhang C., Matsumoto K., Kimura Y., Harashima T., Takeda FH., Zhou H. Effects of CO2 laser in treatment of cervical dentinal hypersensitivity. J. En- dod.. 24:595-597, 1998.
- Lier BB., Rosing CK., Aass AM., Gjermo P. Treat- ment of dentin hypersensitivity by Nd:YAG laser. J. Clin. Periodontol. 29:501-506, 2002.
- Pashley DH., Zhang Y., Agee KA., Rouse CJ., Car- valho RM., Russell CM. Permeability of deminerali- zed dentin to HEMA. Dent. Mater. 16:7-14, 2000.
- Porto IC., Andrade AK., Montes MA. Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity. J. Oral Sci. 51:323-332, 2009.
- Kimura Y., Wilder-Smith P., Matsumoto K. Lasers in en- dodontics: a review. Int. Endod. J. 33:173-185, 2000.
- Moritz A., Schoop U., Goharkhay K, Long-term ef- fects of CO2 laser irradiation on treatment of hyper- sensitive dental necks: results of an in Vivo study. J. Clin. Laser Med. Surg. 16:211-215, 1998.
- Moritz A., Schoop U., Goharkhay K., Sperr W. The CO2 laser as an aid in direct pulp capping. J. Endod. 24:248-251, 1998.
- Lan WH., Liu HC., Lin CP. The combined occlu- ding effect of sodium fluoride varnish and Nd:YAG laser irradiation on human dentinal tubules. J. En- dod. 25:424-426, 1999.
- Thompson BK., Meyer R., Singh GB., Mitchell W. Desensitization of exposed root surfaces using a semilunar coronally positioned flap. Gen. Dent. 48:68-71; quiz 72-63, 2000.
- Kern DA., McQuade MJ., Scheidt MJ., Hanson B., Van Dyke TE. Effectiveness of sodium fluoride on to- oth hypersensitivity with and without iontophoresis. J. Periodontol. 60:386-389, 1989.
- Gillam DG., Newman HN. Iontophoresis in the treatment of cervical dentinal sensitivity--a review. J. West Soc. Perio- dontol. Periodontal Abstr. 38:129-133, 1990.