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The Factors That Effect The Success Of Implants On The Patients With Periodontitis History

Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 757 - 763, 01.04.2011


The installment of oral implants has become a routine procedure to replace teeth in completely or partially edentulous mouth. Numerous studies have shown that the long-term results of most patients are very positive and predictable. Although the success rate of implant therapy is high generally, infections defined as periimplant mucositis and peri-implantitis are a common feature around implants. There are limited data available to identify factors associated with the implant success at the patients who had periodontitis history. Therefore the aim of this review was to evaluate the effect of the timing of implants installment, surface, neck and platform characteristics of impants, diameter and height of implants, placement depth and the maintenance of implants on the implant success of the patients who had history of periodontitis


  • Heitz LJA.-Mayfield, Lang NP. Comparative biol- ogy of chronic and aggressive periodontitis vs. peri-implantitis. Periodontol 2000. 53: 167-181, 2010.
  • Position paper, American Academy of Periodontol- ogy. Dental Implants in Periodontal Therapy. J Peri- odontol. 71: 1934-1942, 2000.
  • Lundgren D., Rylander H., Laurell L. To save or to extract, that is question. Natural teeth or dental im- plants in periodontitis-susceptible patients: clinical decision-making and treatment strategies exempli- fied with patient case presentations. Periodontol 2000. 47: 27-50, 2008.
  • Lee A., Wang HL. Biofilm related to dental im- plants. Implant Dent. 19: 387-393, 2010.
  • Leonhardt A., Renvert S., Dahle´n G. Microbial findings at failing implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 10: 339–345, 1999.
  • Renvert S., Roos-Jansaker AM., Lindahl C., Renvert H., Persson GR. Infection at titanium implants with or without a clinical diagnosis of inflammation. Clin Oral Implants Res. 18: 509–516, 2007.
  • Listgarten MA., Lai CH. Comparative microbiologi- cal characteristics of failing implants and periodon- tally diseased teeth. J Periodontol. 70: 431-437, 1999.
  • Karoussis IK., Salvi GE., Heitz-Mayfield LJ., et. al. Long-term implant prognosis in patients with and without a history of chronic periodontitis: A 10-year prospective cohort study of the ITI Dental Implant System. Clin Oral Implants Res. 14: 329-339, 2003.
  • Lee KH., Maiden MFJ., Tanner ACR., Weber HP. Microbiota of Successful Osseointegrated Dental Implants. J Periodontol. 70: 131-138, 1999
  • Mengel R., Flores-de-Jacoby L. Implants in patients treated for generalized aggressive and chronic periodontitis: a 3-year prospective longitudinal study. J Periodontol. 76: 534-543, 2005.
  • Roccuzzo M., De Angelis N., Bonino L., Aglietta M. Ten-year results of a three arms prospective cohort study on implants in periodontally compromised pa- tients. Part 1: implant loss and radiographic bone loss. Clin Oral Implants Res. 21: 490–496, 2010.
  • George K., Zafiropoulos GGK., Murat Y., Huber- tus S., Nisengard RJ. Clinical and microbiological status of osseointegrated implants. J Periodontol. 65: 766-770, 1994.
  • Sbordone L., Barone A., Ciaglia RN, Ramaglia L., Lacono VJ. Longitidunal study of dental implants in a periodontally compromised population. J Periodon- tol.70: 1322-1329, 1999.
  • Hardt CR., Grondahl K., Lekholm U., Wennstrom JL. Outcome of implant therapy in relation to expe- rienced loss of periodontal bone support: A retro- spective 5-year study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 13: 488-494, 2002.
  • Baelum V., Ellegaard B. Implant survival in peri- odontally compromised patients. J Periodontol.75: 1404-1412, 2004.
  • Fernandes CB., Aquino DR., Franco GCN., Cor- telli SC., Costa FO., Cortelli CR. Do Elderly eden- tulous patients with a history of periodontitis harbor periodontal pathogens? Clin Oral Implants Res. 21: 618-623, 2010.
  • Albrektsson T., Brenemark PI., Hansson HA., Lin- stöm J. Osseointegrated titanium implants. Acta Or- thopaedica Scand. 52: 155-170, 1981.
  • Wenneberg A., Albrektsson T. Effects of Titanium surface topography on bone integration: a system- atic review. Clin Oral Implants Res. 20: 172-184, 2009.
  • Albrektsson T., Wenneberg A. Oral implant sur- faces: part I- review focusing on topographic and chemical properties of different surfaces and in vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthet Dent. 17: 536- 543, 2004.
  • Prosper AA., Ferrin LM., Oltra DP., Diago MP. Marginal bone loss in relation to the implant neck surface: An update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bu- cal. 1:e365-8,2011
  • Albouy JP., Abrahamsson I., Persson LG., Ber- glundh T. Implant surface characteristics influence the outcome of treatment of peri-implantitis: an ex- perimental study in dogs. J Clin Periodontol. 38: 58-64, 2011.
  • Shibli J., Martins M., Nociti F., Garcia V., Marcan- tonio E. Treatment of ligature-induced peri-implanti- tis by lethal photosensitization and guided bone re- generation: a preliminary histologic study in dogs. J Periodontol. 74: 338-345, 2003.
  • Parlar A., Bosshardt DD., Cetiner D., Schafroth D., Unsal B., Haytaç C., Lang NP. Effects of de- contamination and implant surface characteristics on re-osseointegration following treatment of peri- implantitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 10: 391-399, 2009.
  • Hartman GA., Cochran DL. Initial position deter- mines the magnitude of crestal bone remodeling. J Periodontol. 75: 572-577, 2004.
  • Arad DS., Herzberg R., Levin L. Evaluation of Long- Term Implant Success. J Periodontol, 76: 1623- 1628. 2005.
  • Lazzara RJ., Porter SS. Platform Switching: A new concept in implant dentistry for controlling postrestorative crestal bone levels. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 26: 9-17, 2006.
  • Prosper L., Redaelli S., Pasi M., Zarone F., Radaelli G., Gherlone EF. A randomized prospective multi- center trial evaluating the platfor m switching tech- nique fort he prevention of postrestorative crestal bone loss. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 24: 229- 308, 2009.
  • Bateli M., Att W., Habil MD., Strub JR. Implant neck Configurations for Preservation of Marginal Bone Level: A Systematic Review. Int Oral Maxil- lofac Implants. 26: 290-303, 2011.
  • Vigolo P., Givani A. Platform switched restorations on wide diameter implants: A 5-year clinical pro- spective study. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 24: 103-109, 2009.
  • Langer B., Langer L., Herrmann I., Jorneus L. The wide fixture: A solution for special bone situations and a resque fort he compromised implant. Part 1. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 8: 400-408, 1993.
  • Hermann JS., Buser D., Schenk R., Schoolfield J., Cochran D. Biologic width around one- and two- piece titanium implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 12: 559-571, 2001.
  • Hermann JS., Cochran DL., Nummikoski PV., Buser D. Crestal bone changes around titanium implants. A radiographic evaluation of unloaded non-sub- merged and submerged implants in the canine mandible. J Periodontol. 68: 1117-1130, 1997.
  • De Boever AL., De Boever JA. Early colonization of non-submerged dental implants in patients with a history of advanced aggressive periodontitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17: 8-17, 2006.

Periodontitisli Bireylere Uygulanan İmplantlarda Başarıyı Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2011, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 757 - 763, 01.04.2011


İmplantlar günümüzde kısmi yada tam dişsiz hastalarda eksik dişlerin yerine rutin olarak uygulanmaktadır. Birçok uzun dönem çalışmada bu uygulamaların başarılı olduğu gösterilmiştir. Ancak implant uygulamaları başarılı olmasına karşın peri-implant mukositis ve peri-implantitis implantlar etrafında çok sık karşılaşılan sorunlardır. Günümüzde periodontitis geçmişi olan bireylerde yapılan implantlarda başarıyı etkilyen faktörler ile ilgili çalışmalar sınırlıdır. Bu derlemede periodontitis geçmişi olan bireylere yapılan implantlarda implantların; yapılmasının zamanlamasının, yüzey, boyun ve platform özelliklerinin, yerleştirme derinliğinin ve implant uygulanmış hastalardaki idame tedavisinin implant başarısı üzerine etkileri incelemiştir


  • Heitz LJA.-Mayfield, Lang NP. Comparative biol- ogy of chronic and aggressive periodontitis vs. peri-implantitis. Periodontol 2000. 53: 167-181, 2010.
  • Position paper, American Academy of Periodontol- ogy. Dental Implants in Periodontal Therapy. J Peri- odontol. 71: 1934-1942, 2000.
  • Lundgren D., Rylander H., Laurell L. To save or to extract, that is question. Natural teeth or dental im- plants in periodontitis-susceptible patients: clinical decision-making and treatment strategies exempli- fied with patient case presentations. Periodontol 2000. 47: 27-50, 2008.
  • Lee A., Wang HL. Biofilm related to dental im- plants. Implant Dent. 19: 387-393, 2010.
  • Leonhardt A., Renvert S., Dahle´n G. Microbial findings at failing implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 10: 339–345, 1999.
  • Renvert S., Roos-Jansaker AM., Lindahl C., Renvert H., Persson GR. Infection at titanium implants with or without a clinical diagnosis of inflammation. Clin Oral Implants Res. 18: 509–516, 2007.
  • Listgarten MA., Lai CH. Comparative microbiologi- cal characteristics of failing implants and periodon- tally diseased teeth. J Periodontol. 70: 431-437, 1999.
  • Karoussis IK., Salvi GE., Heitz-Mayfield LJ., et. al. Long-term implant prognosis in patients with and without a history of chronic periodontitis: A 10-year prospective cohort study of the ITI Dental Implant System. Clin Oral Implants Res. 14: 329-339, 2003.
  • Lee KH., Maiden MFJ., Tanner ACR., Weber HP. Microbiota of Successful Osseointegrated Dental Implants. J Periodontol. 70: 131-138, 1999
  • Mengel R., Flores-de-Jacoby L. Implants in patients treated for generalized aggressive and chronic periodontitis: a 3-year prospective longitudinal study. J Periodontol. 76: 534-543, 2005.
  • Roccuzzo M., De Angelis N., Bonino L., Aglietta M. Ten-year results of a three arms prospective cohort study on implants in periodontally compromised pa- tients. Part 1: implant loss and radiographic bone loss. Clin Oral Implants Res. 21: 490–496, 2010.
  • George K., Zafiropoulos GGK., Murat Y., Huber- tus S., Nisengard RJ. Clinical and microbiological status of osseointegrated implants. J Periodontol. 65: 766-770, 1994.
  • Sbordone L., Barone A., Ciaglia RN, Ramaglia L., Lacono VJ. Longitidunal study of dental implants in a periodontally compromised population. J Periodon- tol.70: 1322-1329, 1999.
  • Hardt CR., Grondahl K., Lekholm U., Wennstrom JL. Outcome of implant therapy in relation to expe- rienced loss of periodontal bone support: A retro- spective 5-year study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 13: 488-494, 2002.
  • Baelum V., Ellegaard B. Implant survival in peri- odontally compromised patients. J Periodontol.75: 1404-1412, 2004.
  • Fernandes CB., Aquino DR., Franco GCN., Cor- telli SC., Costa FO., Cortelli CR. Do Elderly eden- tulous patients with a history of periodontitis harbor periodontal pathogens? Clin Oral Implants Res. 21: 618-623, 2010.
  • Albrektsson T., Brenemark PI., Hansson HA., Lin- stöm J. Osseointegrated titanium implants. Acta Or- thopaedica Scand. 52: 155-170, 1981.
  • Wenneberg A., Albrektsson T. Effects of Titanium surface topography on bone integration: a system- atic review. Clin Oral Implants Res. 20: 172-184, 2009.
  • Albrektsson T., Wenneberg A. Oral implant sur- faces: part I- review focusing on topographic and chemical properties of different surfaces and in vivo responses to them. Int J Prosthet Dent. 17: 536- 543, 2004.
  • Prosper AA., Ferrin LM., Oltra DP., Diago MP. Marginal bone loss in relation to the implant neck surface: An update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bu- cal. 1:e365-8,2011
  • Albouy JP., Abrahamsson I., Persson LG., Ber- glundh T. Implant surface characteristics influence the outcome of treatment of peri-implantitis: an ex- perimental study in dogs. J Clin Periodontol. 38: 58-64, 2011.
  • Shibli J., Martins M., Nociti F., Garcia V., Marcan- tonio E. Treatment of ligature-induced peri-implanti- tis by lethal photosensitization and guided bone re- generation: a preliminary histologic study in dogs. J Periodontol. 74: 338-345, 2003.
  • Parlar A., Bosshardt DD., Cetiner D., Schafroth D., Unsal B., Haytaç C., Lang NP. Effects of de- contamination and implant surface characteristics on re-osseointegration following treatment of peri- implantitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 10: 391-399, 2009.
  • Hartman GA., Cochran DL. Initial position deter- mines the magnitude of crestal bone remodeling. J Periodontol. 75: 572-577, 2004.
  • Arad DS., Herzberg R., Levin L. Evaluation of Long- Term Implant Success. J Periodontol, 76: 1623- 1628. 2005.
  • Lazzara RJ., Porter SS. Platform Switching: A new concept in implant dentistry for controlling postrestorative crestal bone levels. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 26: 9-17, 2006.
  • Prosper L., Redaelli S., Pasi M., Zarone F., Radaelli G., Gherlone EF. A randomized prospective multi- center trial evaluating the platfor m switching tech- nique fort he prevention of postrestorative crestal bone loss. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 24: 229- 308, 2009.
  • Bateli M., Att W., Habil MD., Strub JR. Implant neck Configurations for Preservation of Marginal Bone Level: A Systematic Review. Int Oral Maxil- lofac Implants. 26: 290-303, 2011.
  • Vigolo P., Givani A. Platform switched restorations on wide diameter implants: A 5-year clinical pro- spective study. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 24: 103-109, 2009.
  • Langer B., Langer L., Herrmann I., Jorneus L. The wide fixture: A solution for special bone situations and a resque fort he compromised implant. Part 1. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants. 8: 400-408, 1993.
  • Hermann JS., Buser D., Schenk R., Schoolfield J., Cochran D. Biologic width around one- and two- piece titanium implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 12: 559-571, 2001.
  • Hermann JS., Cochran DL., Nummikoski PV., Buser D. Crestal bone changes around titanium implants. A radiographic evaluation of unloaded non-sub- merged and submerged implants in the canine mandible. J Periodontol. 68: 1117-1130, 1997.
  • De Boever AL., De Boever JA. Early colonization of non-submerged dental implants in patients with a history of advanced aggressive periodontitis. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17: 8-17, 2006.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hasan Güney Yılmaz This is me

Hayriye Tümer This is me

Atilla Berberoğlu This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


Vancouver Yılmaz HG, Tümer H, Berberoğlu A. Periodontitisli Bireylere Uygulanan İmplantlarda Başarıyı Etkileyen Faktörler. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2011;5(1):757-63.