Prothetic Approaches To Wear Teeth
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 550 - 553, 01.07.2010
Gamze Mandalı
Arzu Zeynep Yıldırım Biçer
Zeynep Bulut
Hasan Ülgen
Tooth wear is characterized by the loss of hard dental tissue. Its etiology seems to be related to different factors: hexogen and endogen acids, mechanical abrasion, tooth flexion under axial and non-axial loads. Excessive occlusal wear may manifest itself as reduction of the vertical dimension of occlusion.A 41-year-old woman was refered to our clinic with TME pain. First of all a maxillar centric-relationship splint which increased occlusal vertical dimension 4 mm was fabricated. Superior and inferior archs were restored with metal-ceramic crowns. In conclusion, patient’s esthetics and function was provided with increasing vertical dimension of occlusion and metal-ceramic crowns. An 53 –year- old man with a complaint of poor esthetic and functional problems was referred to our clinic. Post-core restorations were applied at maxillar anterior for increasing dimension of anterior crowns. Patient’s maxillar and mandibular arch were restored with metalceramic crowns and partial removable dentures
- Çelik Ç, Özgünaltay G, Atar N. Diş Aşınmaları. Derle- me. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Der- gisi. 31(2):22-30, 2007.
- Sato S, Hotta TH, Pedrazzi V.Removable occlusal over- lay splint in the management of tooth wear: A Clinical Report J Prosthet Dent. 83: 392-5, 2005.
- Bartlett D, Smith, BGN: Definition, classification and clinical assessment of attrition, erosion and abrasion of enamel and dentine. In:’Tooth Wear and Sensitivity’. Ed. M. Addy, G. Emberry, W.M. Edgar, R. Orchard- son. Martin Dunitz Ltd, London.87-92, 2000.
- Roberson TM, Sturdevant CM. Fundamentals in tooth preparation. In: ‘Sturdevant’s, The art and science of operative dentistry’.Ed. T.M. Robenson, H.O. Hey- mann, E.J. Swift. IV. Baskı, Mosby ınc., Missouri. 269- 306, 2002.
- Soares CJ, Pizi EC, Fonseca RB, Martins LR, Neto AJ. Direct restoration of worn maxillary anterior teeth with a combination of composite resin materials: A case re- port. J Esthet Restor Dent. 17(2): 85-91, 2005.
- Potiket N. Fixed rehabilitation of an ACP PDI Class IV dentate patient. J Prosthodont.15: 367-73, 2006.
- Verrett RG. Analyzing the etiology of an extremely worn dentition. J Prosthodont 10: 224-33, 2001.
- Yip KH, Smales RJ, Kaidonis JA. Differential wear of teeth and restorative materials: Clinical implications Int J Prosthodont. 17(3): 350-6, 2004.
- Windchy AM, Morris JC. An alternative treatment with the overlay removable partial denture: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 79: 249-53, 1998.
- Mohl ND, Zarb GA, Carlsson GE, Rugh JD. Textbook of Occlusion. Quintessence, Chicago, 1998.
- Amemori Y. Influence of bruxism during sleep on stoma- tognatic system. Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi (Abstract) 66: 76-87, 1999.
- Glaros AG, Tabacchi KN, Glass EG. Effect of parafunc- tional clenching on TMD pain. J Orofac Pain. 12: 145- 152, 1998.
- Dao TT, Lavigne GJ. Oral splints: the crutches for tempo- romandibular disorders and bruxism? Crit Rev Oral Biol Med (Abstract) 9: 345-361, 1998.
- Dylina TJ. A common-sense approach to splint therapy J Prosthet Dent.; 86: 539-45, 2001.
- Cutbirt ST. Increasing vertical dimension: considerations and steps in reconstruction of the severely worn denti- tion, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 20(: 619-26, 2008.
Aşınmış Dişlerde Protetik Yaklaşımlar
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2, 550 - 553, 01.07.2010
Gamze Mandalı
Arzu Zeynep Yıldırım Biçer
Zeynep Bulut
Hasan Ülgen
Diş aşınması, diş sert dokusunun patolojik yıkımı ile karakterizedir. Etyolojisi, dış ve iç kaynaklı asitler, mekanik aşınma ve çiğneme kuvvetleri altında dişlerin esnemesi gibi pek çok faktöre bağlıdır. Aşırı oklüzal aşınma dikey boyut kaybına neden olabilir. 41 yaşında kadın hasta TME şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın oklüzal dikey boyutunun 4 mm yükseltilmesi için maxiller sentrik ilişki splinti yapıldı. Alt ve üst çene dişleri metal destekli seramik kronlar ile restore edildi. Dikey boyut yükseltilmesi ve metal destekli seramik kronlar ile hastanın estetik ve fonksiyonu ger kazandırıldı.53 yaşındaki erkek hasta estetik ve fonksiyon kaybı şikayeti ile kliniğimize başvurdu. Üst çene ön dişlere kron boyunun uzatılması için post kor restorasyon uygulandı. Hastanın üst alt dişleri metal destekli seramik kron ve hareketli bölümlü protez ile restore edildi
- Çelik Ç, Özgünaltay G, Atar N. Diş Aşınmaları. Derle- me. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Der- gisi. 31(2):22-30, 2007.
- Sato S, Hotta TH, Pedrazzi V.Removable occlusal over- lay splint in the management of tooth wear: A Clinical Report J Prosthet Dent. 83: 392-5, 2005.
- Bartlett D, Smith, BGN: Definition, classification and clinical assessment of attrition, erosion and abrasion of enamel and dentine. In:’Tooth Wear and Sensitivity’. Ed. M. Addy, G. Emberry, W.M. Edgar, R. Orchard- son. Martin Dunitz Ltd, London.87-92, 2000.
- Roberson TM, Sturdevant CM. Fundamentals in tooth preparation. In: ‘Sturdevant’s, The art and science of operative dentistry’.Ed. T.M. Robenson, H.O. Hey- mann, E.J. Swift. IV. Baskı, Mosby ınc., Missouri. 269- 306, 2002.
- Soares CJ, Pizi EC, Fonseca RB, Martins LR, Neto AJ. Direct restoration of worn maxillary anterior teeth with a combination of composite resin materials: A case re- port. J Esthet Restor Dent. 17(2): 85-91, 2005.
- Potiket N. Fixed rehabilitation of an ACP PDI Class IV dentate patient. J Prosthodont.15: 367-73, 2006.
- Verrett RG. Analyzing the etiology of an extremely worn dentition. J Prosthodont 10: 224-33, 2001.
- Yip KH, Smales RJ, Kaidonis JA. Differential wear of teeth and restorative materials: Clinical implications Int J Prosthodont. 17(3): 350-6, 2004.
- Windchy AM, Morris JC. An alternative treatment with the overlay removable partial denture: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 79: 249-53, 1998.
- Mohl ND, Zarb GA, Carlsson GE, Rugh JD. Textbook of Occlusion. Quintessence, Chicago, 1998.
- Amemori Y. Influence of bruxism during sleep on stoma- tognatic system. Kokubyo Gakkai Zasshi (Abstract) 66: 76-87, 1999.
- Glaros AG, Tabacchi KN, Glass EG. Effect of parafunc- tional clenching on TMD pain. J Orofac Pain. 12: 145- 152, 1998.
- Dao TT, Lavigne GJ. Oral splints: the crutches for tempo- romandibular disorders and bruxism? Crit Rev Oral Biol Med (Abstract) 9: 345-361, 1998.
- Dylina TJ. A common-sense approach to splint therapy J Prosthet Dent.; 86: 539-45, 2001.
- Cutbirt ST. Increasing vertical dimension: considerations and steps in reconstruction of the severely worn denti- tion, Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 20(: 619-26, 2008.