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Implant Failure, Risk Factors and The Role Of The Implant

Year 2010, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 595 - 602, 01.07.2010


The use of implants in oral and maxillofacial surgery continues to expand. Despite the tremendous advances that have been made in dental implant surfaces and dental implant systems, implant failure is still a common problem among surgeons. A group of factors associated with early and late implant failures compromise the success of the therapy when they occur. Considering the fact that dental implant success is a combination of patient related and/or physician related variables; elucidation of jeopardizing factors, patient selection and appropriate surgical management are essential. The aim of this review is to present the factors contributing to dental implant failure and discuss with the literature findings.


  • Jones AA, Cochran DL. Consequences of implant design. Dent Clin North Am. 50:339-360, 2006
  • Adell R, Lekholm U, Rockler B, Brånemark Pl. A 15 year study of osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral Surg. 10:387-416, 1981
  • Lindquist LW, Rockler B, Carlsson GE. Bone resorption around fixtures in edentulous patients treated with man- dibular fixed tissue-integrated prosthesis. J Prosthet Dent. 59:59-63, 1988
  • Brånemark PI, Adell R, Breine U, Hansson BO, Lindström J, Ohlsson A. Intra-osseous anchorage of dental prosthe- ses. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 3:81-100, 1969
  • Brånemark PI, Laussma J, Ericson L, Thomsen P, Bråne- mark R, Skalar R. Anatomy of osseointegration and the transfer of load: Fonseca RJ, Davis WH. Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelp- hia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1995,165-224
  • Albrektsson T, Brånemark PI, Hansson HA, Linström J. Osseointegrated titanium implants. Requirements for en- suring a long-lasting, direct bone-to-implant anchorage in man. Acta Orthop Scand. 52,155-170, 1981
  • Brånemark PI. Introduction to osseointegration: Brå- nemark PI, Zarb GA, Albrektsson T. Tissue-integrated prostheses. Chicago:Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc., 1985,11-76
  • Steinemann SG, Eulenberger J, Maeuslı PA, Schroeder A. Adhesion of bone to titanium: Christel P, Meunier A, Lee AJC. Biological and biomechanical performance of biomaterials. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989,409-414
  • Albrektsson T, Zarb GA. Current interpretations of the osseointegrated response: clinical significance. Int J Pros- thodont. 6:95-105, 1993
  • Albrektsson T, Isıdor F. Consensus report of session IV: Lang NP, Karring T. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology. London: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994:365-369
  • Albrektsson T, Zarb G, Worthington P, Eriksson AR. The long-term efficacy of currently used dental implants: a review and proposed criteria of success. Int J Oral Maxil- lofac Implants. 1:11-25, 1986
  • Misch CE, Perel ML, Wang HL, Sammartino G, Galin- do-Moreno P, Trisi P, Steigmann M, Rebaudi A, Palti A, Pikos MA, Schwartz-Arad D, Choukroun J, Gutier- rez-Perez JL, Marenz G, Valavanis DK. Implant success, survival, and failure: the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Pisa Consensus Conference. Imp- lant Dent. 17:5-15, 2008
  • Esposito M, Hirsch JM, Lekholm U. Thomsen P. Biologi- cal factors contributing to failures of osseointegrated oral implants.I. Success criteria and epidemiology. Eur J Oral Sci. 106:527-551, 1998
  • Esposito M, Tomsen P, Ericson LE, Lekholm U. Histopat- hologic observations on early oral implant failure. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 14:789-810, 1999
  • Tolstunov L. Dental implant success-failure analysis: a concept of implant vulnerability. Implant Dent. 15: 341- 346, 2006
  • Albrektsson T, Lekholm U. Osseointegration: Current sta- te of the art. Dent Clin North Am. 33:537-554,1989
  • El Askary AS, Meffert RM, Griffin T. Why do dental imp- lants fail? Part I. Implant Dent.8:173-185, 1999
  • El Askary AS, Meffert RM, Griffin T. Why do dental imp- lants fail? Part II. Implant Dent. 8:265-277, 1999
  • Lemmerman KJ, Lemmerman NE. Osseointegrated den- tal implants in private practice: A long term case series study. J Periodontol. 76:310-319, 2005
  • Iezzi G, Degidi M, Scarano A, Perrotti V, Piatelli A. Bone response to submerged unloaded implants inserted in poor bone sites: a histological and histomorphometrical study of 8 titanium implants retrieved from man. J Oral Implantol. 31:225-233, 2005
  • Rosenberg ES, Cho SC, Ellian N, Jalbout ZN, Froum S, Evian CI. A comparison of characteristics of implant failure and survival in periodontally compromised and periodontally healthy patients: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 19:873-879,2004
  • Kitamura E, Stegaroiu R, Nomura S, Miyakawa O. Bio- mechanical aspects of marginal bone resorption around osseointegrated implants: considerations based on a th- ree-dimensional finite element analysis. Clin Oral Imp- lants Res. 15:401-412, 2004
  • Ashley ET, Covington LL, Bishop BG, Breault LG. Ailing and failing endosseous dental implants: a literature revi- ew. J Contemp Dent Pract. 15:35-50, 2003
  • Degidi M, Piattelli A. A 7-year follow-up of 93 immedi- ately loaded titanium dental implants. J Oral Implantol. 31:25-31,2005
  • Steigenga JT, al-Shammari KF, Nociti FH, Misch CE, Wang HL. Dental implant design and its relationship to long-term implant success. Implant Dent. 12:306-317, 2003
  • Kourtis SG, Sotiriadou S, Voliotis S, Challas A. Private practice results of dental implants. Part I: survival and evaluation of risk factors-Part II: surgical and prosthetic complications. 13:373-385, 2004
  • Ruggiero SL, Mehrotra B, Rosenberg T, Engroff SL. Oste- onecrosis of the jaws associated with the use of bisphos- phonates. A review of 63 cases. J Oral and Maxillofac Surg. 62:527-534, 2004
  • Tonetti MS. Determination of the success and failure of root form osseointegrated dental implants. Adv Dent Res. 13:173-180, 1999
  • Esposito M, Thompsen P, Ericson LE, Sennerby L, Lek- holm U. Histopathologic observations on late oral imp- lant failures. Clin Implant Dent Relat res. 2:18-32, 2000
  • Cochran DL. Implant therapy.I. Ann Periodontol. 1:707- 790, 1996
  • Cochran DL. A comparison of endosseous dental implant surfaces. J Periodontol. 70:1523-1539, 1999
  • Blomqvist JE, Alberius P, Isaksson S. Retrospective analysis of one-stage maxillary sinus augmentation with endosseous implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 11:512-521, 1996
  • Köndell PÅ, Nordenram Å, Moberg LE, Eliasson S, Ny- berg B. Reconstruction of the resorbed edentulous maxil- la using autogenous rib grafts and osseointegrated imp- lants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 7:286-290,1996
  • Hwang D, Wang HL. Medical contradictions to implant therapy: Part I: absolute contradictions. Implant Dent. 15:353-360, 2006
  • Hwand D, Wang HL. Medical contradictions to implant therapy: Part II: Relative contradictions. Implant Dent. 16:13-23, 2007
  • Mc Dermott NE, Chuang SK, Woo VV, Dodson TB. Complications of dental implants: identification, frequ- ency and associated risk factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 18:848-855, 2003
  • Vehemente VA, Chuang SK, Daher S, Muftu A, Dodson TB. Risk factors affecting dental implant survival. J Oral Implantol. 28: 74-81, 2002
  • Misch CE. The effect of bruxism on treatment planning for dental implants. Dent Today 21:76-81,2002
  • Paquette DW, Brodala N, Williams RC. Risk factors for endosseous dental implant failure. Dent Clin North Am. 50:361-374, 2006
  • Morris HF, Manz MC, Tarolli JH. Successs of multiple en- dosseous dental implant designs to second-stage surgery across study sites. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 55:76-82, 1997
  • Lambert PM, Morris HF, Ochi S. Positive effect of surgical experience with implant on second-stage implant survi- val. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 55:12-18, 1997
  • Schatzker J, Horne JG, Sumner-Smith G. The effect of movement on the holding power of screws in bone. Clin Orthop. 3:257-262, 1975
  • Carlsson L, Röstrund T, Albrektsson B, Albrektsson T. Imp- lant fixation improved by close fit. Cylindirical implant bone interface studied in rabbits. Acta Orthop Scand. 59:272-275,1988
  • Ivanhof CJ, Sennerby L, Lekholm U. İnfluence of initial implant mobility on the integration of titanium implants. An experimental study in rabbits. Clin Implants Oral Res. 7:120-127, 1996
  • Eriksson A, Albrektsson T, Grane B, McQueeen D. Ther- mal injury to bone . A vital microscopic description of heat effects. Int J Oral Surg. 11:115-121, 1982
  • Eriksson RA, Albrektsson T. The effect of heat on bone re- generation: An experimental study in the rabbit using the bone growth chamber. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 42:705- 711, 1984
  • Eriksson AR,Albrektsson T. Temperature threshold levels for heat-induced bone tissue injury. A vital-microscopic study in rabbit. J Prosthet Dent. 50:101-107, 1983
  • Quirynen M, De Soete M, van Steenberghe D. Infectious risks for oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Oral Implants Res. 13:1-19, 2002
  • Clelland NL, Gilat A. The effect of abutment angulation on stress transfer for an implant. J Prosthodont. 1:24-48, 1992
  • Clelland NL, Lee JK, Bimbenet OC, Brantley WA. . A photoelastic and strain gauge analysis af angled abut- ments for an implant system. Int J Oral Maxillofac Imp- lants. 8:541-548, 1993
  • Smith RA, Berger R, Dodson TB. Risk factors associated with dental implants in healthy and medically compromi- sed patients. Int J Oral and Maxillofac Implants. 7:367- 372, 1992
  • Rompen E, Domken O, Degidi M, Pontes AE, Piattelli A. The effect of material characteristics, of surface topog- raphy and of implant components and connections on soft tissue integration: a literature review. Clin Oral İmp- lants Res. 17:55-67, 2006
  • Squier CA, Collins P. The relationship between soft tissue attachment, epithelial downgrowth and surface porosity. J Periodontal Res. 16:434-440, 1981
  • Berglundh T, Lindhe J, Jonsson K, Ericsson I, Manello CP, Liljenberg B, Thomsen P. The soft tissue barrier at imp- lants and teeth. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2:81-90, 1991
  • Chehroudi B, Gould T, Brunette DM. The role of con- nective tissue in inhibiting epithelial downgrowth on ti- tanium-coated percutaneous implants. J Biomed Mater Res. 26:493-515,1992
  • Gristina AG, Oga M, Webb LX, Hobgood CD. Adherent bacterial colonization in the pathogenesis of osteomyeli- tis. Science. 228:990-993,1985
  • Gristina AG, Costerton JW. Bacterial adherence and the glycocalix and their role in the musculoskeletal infection. Orthop Clin North Am. 15:517-535, 1984
  • Gristina AG, Costerton JW. Bacterial adherence to bio- materials and tissue. The significance of its role in clinical sepsis. J Bone Joint Surg. 67-A:264-273, 1985
  • Francesco AP, Adams RJ, Waters MGJ, Williams DW. Titanium surface modification and its effect on the ad- herence of Porphyromonas gingivalis: an in vitro study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:633-637, 2006
  • Quirynen M, Marechal M, Busscher HJ, Weerkamp AH, Darius PL, van Steenberge D. The influence of surface free energy and surface roughness on early plaque for- mation. J Clin Periodontol. 17:138-144, 1990
  • Qurynen M, Van Der Mei HC, Bollen CML, Schotte A, Marechal M, Doornbusch GI, Naert I, Busscher HI, van Steenberge D. An in vivo study of the influence of the surface roughness of implants on the microbiology of supra- and subgingival plaque. J Dent Res. 72:1304- 1309, 1993.
  • Teughels W, Assche NV, Sliepen I, Quirynen M. Effect of material characteristics and/or surface topography on biofilm development. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:68-81, 2006
  • Sul YT, Johansson C, Albrektsson T. Which surface pro- perties enhance bone response to implants? Comparison of Oxidized Magnesium, TiUnite and Osseotite Implant Surfaces. Int J Prosthodont. 19:319-328, 2006
  • Björn K, Meyle J. Soft tissue integration of implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:93-96, 2006
  • Bollen CML, Papaioannou W, Van Eldere J, Schephers E, Quiynen M, Van Steenberghe D. The influence of abut- ment surface roughness on plaque accumulation and pe- ri-implant mucositis. Clin Oral Implants Res 7: 201-211, 1996
  • Lacefield WR. Current status of ceramic coatings for den- tal implants. Implant Dent. 7:315-322, 1998
  • Johnson BW. HA-coated dental implants: long-term consequences. J Calif Dent Assoc. 20:33-41,1992.

İmplant Kaybı, Risk Faktörleri ve Yüzeyin İmplant Kaybına Etkisi

Year 2010, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 595 - 602, 01.07.2010


Oral ve maksillofasiyal cerrahide implantların kullanımı giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Dental implant sistemleri ve yüzeyleriyle ilgili önemli gelişmelerin kaydedilmesine rağmen implant kaybı ile sıklıkla karşılaşılmaktadır. Erken ve geç dönemdeki implant başarısızlığı ile ilişkilendirilen ve tedavi başarısını riske eden bazı faktörler mevcuttur. Dental implant başarısının hasta ve/veya hekim ile ilişkili değişkenlerin bir bütünü olduğu göz önünde bulundurulduğunda risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi, hasta seçimi ve uygun cerrahi yaklaşım büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu derlemenin amacı dental implant kaybına yol açan faktörleri literatür bulguları eşliğinde sunmaktır


  • Jones AA, Cochran DL. Consequences of implant design. Dent Clin North Am. 50:339-360, 2006
  • Adell R, Lekholm U, Rockler B, Brånemark Pl. A 15 year study of osseointegrated implants in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral Surg. 10:387-416, 1981
  • Lindquist LW, Rockler B, Carlsson GE. Bone resorption around fixtures in edentulous patients treated with man- dibular fixed tissue-integrated prosthesis. J Prosthet Dent. 59:59-63, 1988
  • Brånemark PI, Adell R, Breine U, Hansson BO, Lindström J, Ohlsson A. Intra-osseous anchorage of dental prosthe- ses. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg. 3:81-100, 1969
  • Brånemark PI, Laussma J, Ericson L, Thomsen P, Bråne- mark R, Skalar R. Anatomy of osseointegration and the transfer of load: Fonseca RJ, Davis WH. Reconstructive preprosthetic oral and maxillofacial surgery. Philadelp- hia: W.B. Saunders Co., 1995,165-224
  • Albrektsson T, Brånemark PI, Hansson HA, Linström J. Osseointegrated titanium implants. Requirements for en- suring a long-lasting, direct bone-to-implant anchorage in man. Acta Orthop Scand. 52,155-170, 1981
  • Brånemark PI. Introduction to osseointegration: Brå- nemark PI, Zarb GA, Albrektsson T. Tissue-integrated prostheses. Chicago:Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc., 1985,11-76
  • Steinemann SG, Eulenberger J, Maeuslı PA, Schroeder A. Adhesion of bone to titanium: Christel P, Meunier A, Lee AJC. Biological and biomechanical performance of biomaterials. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1989,409-414
  • Albrektsson T, Zarb GA. Current interpretations of the osseointegrated response: clinical significance. Int J Pros- thodont. 6:95-105, 1993
  • Albrektsson T, Isıdor F. Consensus report of session IV: Lang NP, Karring T. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology. London: Quintessence Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994:365-369
  • Albrektsson T, Zarb G, Worthington P, Eriksson AR. The long-term efficacy of currently used dental implants: a review and proposed criteria of success. Int J Oral Maxil- lofac Implants. 1:11-25, 1986
  • Misch CE, Perel ML, Wang HL, Sammartino G, Galin- do-Moreno P, Trisi P, Steigmann M, Rebaudi A, Palti A, Pikos MA, Schwartz-Arad D, Choukroun J, Gutier- rez-Perez JL, Marenz G, Valavanis DK. Implant success, survival, and failure: the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) Pisa Consensus Conference. Imp- lant Dent. 17:5-15, 2008
  • Esposito M, Hirsch JM, Lekholm U. Thomsen P. Biologi- cal factors contributing to failures of osseointegrated oral implants.I. Success criteria and epidemiology. Eur J Oral Sci. 106:527-551, 1998
  • Esposito M, Tomsen P, Ericson LE, Lekholm U. Histopat- hologic observations on early oral implant failure. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 14:789-810, 1999
  • Tolstunov L. Dental implant success-failure analysis: a concept of implant vulnerability. Implant Dent. 15: 341- 346, 2006
  • Albrektsson T, Lekholm U. Osseointegration: Current sta- te of the art. Dent Clin North Am. 33:537-554,1989
  • El Askary AS, Meffert RM, Griffin T. Why do dental imp- lants fail? Part I. Implant Dent.8:173-185, 1999
  • El Askary AS, Meffert RM, Griffin T. Why do dental imp- lants fail? Part II. Implant Dent. 8:265-277, 1999
  • Lemmerman KJ, Lemmerman NE. Osseointegrated den- tal implants in private practice: A long term case series study. J Periodontol. 76:310-319, 2005
  • Iezzi G, Degidi M, Scarano A, Perrotti V, Piatelli A. Bone response to submerged unloaded implants inserted in poor bone sites: a histological and histomorphometrical study of 8 titanium implants retrieved from man. J Oral Implantol. 31:225-233, 2005
  • Rosenberg ES, Cho SC, Ellian N, Jalbout ZN, Froum S, Evian CI. A comparison of characteristics of implant failure and survival in periodontally compromised and periodontally healthy patients: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 19:873-879,2004
  • Kitamura E, Stegaroiu R, Nomura S, Miyakawa O. Bio- mechanical aspects of marginal bone resorption around osseointegrated implants: considerations based on a th- ree-dimensional finite element analysis. Clin Oral Imp- lants Res. 15:401-412, 2004
  • Ashley ET, Covington LL, Bishop BG, Breault LG. Ailing and failing endosseous dental implants: a literature revi- ew. J Contemp Dent Pract. 15:35-50, 2003
  • Degidi M, Piattelli A. A 7-year follow-up of 93 immedi- ately loaded titanium dental implants. J Oral Implantol. 31:25-31,2005
  • Steigenga JT, al-Shammari KF, Nociti FH, Misch CE, Wang HL. Dental implant design and its relationship to long-term implant success. Implant Dent. 12:306-317, 2003
  • Kourtis SG, Sotiriadou S, Voliotis S, Challas A. Private practice results of dental implants. Part I: survival and evaluation of risk factors-Part II: surgical and prosthetic complications. 13:373-385, 2004
  • Ruggiero SL, Mehrotra B, Rosenberg T, Engroff SL. Oste- onecrosis of the jaws associated with the use of bisphos- phonates. A review of 63 cases. J Oral and Maxillofac Surg. 62:527-534, 2004
  • Tonetti MS. Determination of the success and failure of root form osseointegrated dental implants. Adv Dent Res. 13:173-180, 1999
  • Esposito M, Thompsen P, Ericson LE, Sennerby L, Lek- holm U. Histopathologic observations on late oral imp- lant failures. Clin Implant Dent Relat res. 2:18-32, 2000
  • Cochran DL. Implant therapy.I. Ann Periodontol. 1:707- 790, 1996
  • Cochran DL. A comparison of endosseous dental implant surfaces. J Periodontol. 70:1523-1539, 1999
  • Blomqvist JE, Alberius P, Isaksson S. Retrospective analysis of one-stage maxillary sinus augmentation with endosseous implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 11:512-521, 1996
  • Köndell PÅ, Nordenram Å, Moberg LE, Eliasson S, Ny- berg B. Reconstruction of the resorbed edentulous maxil- la using autogenous rib grafts and osseointegrated imp- lants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 7:286-290,1996
  • Hwang D, Wang HL. Medical contradictions to implant therapy: Part I: absolute contradictions. Implant Dent. 15:353-360, 2006
  • Hwand D, Wang HL. Medical contradictions to implant therapy: Part II: Relative contradictions. Implant Dent. 16:13-23, 2007
  • Mc Dermott NE, Chuang SK, Woo VV, Dodson TB. Complications of dental implants: identification, frequ- ency and associated risk factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 18:848-855, 2003
  • Vehemente VA, Chuang SK, Daher S, Muftu A, Dodson TB. Risk factors affecting dental implant survival. J Oral Implantol. 28: 74-81, 2002
  • Misch CE. The effect of bruxism on treatment planning for dental implants. Dent Today 21:76-81,2002
  • Paquette DW, Brodala N, Williams RC. Risk factors for endosseous dental implant failure. Dent Clin North Am. 50:361-374, 2006
  • Morris HF, Manz MC, Tarolli JH. Successs of multiple en- dosseous dental implant designs to second-stage surgery across study sites. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 55:76-82, 1997
  • Lambert PM, Morris HF, Ochi S. Positive effect of surgical experience with implant on second-stage implant survi- val. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 55:12-18, 1997
  • Schatzker J, Horne JG, Sumner-Smith G. The effect of movement on the holding power of screws in bone. Clin Orthop. 3:257-262, 1975
  • Carlsson L, Röstrund T, Albrektsson B, Albrektsson T. Imp- lant fixation improved by close fit. Cylindirical implant bone interface studied in rabbits. Acta Orthop Scand. 59:272-275,1988
  • Ivanhof CJ, Sennerby L, Lekholm U. İnfluence of initial implant mobility on the integration of titanium implants. An experimental study in rabbits. Clin Implants Oral Res. 7:120-127, 1996
  • Eriksson A, Albrektsson T, Grane B, McQueeen D. Ther- mal injury to bone . A vital microscopic description of heat effects. Int J Oral Surg. 11:115-121, 1982
  • Eriksson RA, Albrektsson T. The effect of heat on bone re- generation: An experimental study in the rabbit using the bone growth chamber. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 42:705- 711, 1984
  • Eriksson AR,Albrektsson T. Temperature threshold levels for heat-induced bone tissue injury. A vital-microscopic study in rabbit. J Prosthet Dent. 50:101-107, 1983
  • Quirynen M, De Soete M, van Steenberghe D. Infectious risks for oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Oral Implants Res. 13:1-19, 2002
  • Clelland NL, Gilat A. The effect of abutment angulation on stress transfer for an implant. J Prosthodont. 1:24-48, 1992
  • Clelland NL, Lee JK, Bimbenet OC, Brantley WA. . A photoelastic and strain gauge analysis af angled abut- ments for an implant system. Int J Oral Maxillofac Imp- lants. 8:541-548, 1993
  • Smith RA, Berger R, Dodson TB. Risk factors associated with dental implants in healthy and medically compromi- sed patients. Int J Oral and Maxillofac Implants. 7:367- 372, 1992
  • Rompen E, Domken O, Degidi M, Pontes AE, Piattelli A. The effect of material characteristics, of surface topog- raphy and of implant components and connections on soft tissue integration: a literature review. Clin Oral İmp- lants Res. 17:55-67, 2006
  • Squier CA, Collins P. The relationship between soft tissue attachment, epithelial downgrowth and surface porosity. J Periodontal Res. 16:434-440, 1981
  • Berglundh T, Lindhe J, Jonsson K, Ericsson I, Manello CP, Liljenberg B, Thomsen P. The soft tissue barrier at imp- lants and teeth. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2:81-90, 1991
  • Chehroudi B, Gould T, Brunette DM. The role of con- nective tissue in inhibiting epithelial downgrowth on ti- tanium-coated percutaneous implants. J Biomed Mater Res. 26:493-515,1992
  • Gristina AG, Oga M, Webb LX, Hobgood CD. Adherent bacterial colonization in the pathogenesis of osteomyeli- tis. Science. 228:990-993,1985
  • Gristina AG, Costerton JW. Bacterial adherence and the glycocalix and their role in the musculoskeletal infection. Orthop Clin North Am. 15:517-535, 1984
  • Gristina AG, Costerton JW. Bacterial adherence to bio- materials and tissue. The significance of its role in clinical sepsis. J Bone Joint Surg. 67-A:264-273, 1985
  • Francesco AP, Adams RJ, Waters MGJ, Williams DW. Titanium surface modification and its effect on the ad- herence of Porphyromonas gingivalis: an in vitro study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:633-637, 2006
  • Quirynen M, Marechal M, Busscher HJ, Weerkamp AH, Darius PL, van Steenberge D. The influence of surface free energy and surface roughness on early plaque for- mation. J Clin Periodontol. 17:138-144, 1990
  • Qurynen M, Van Der Mei HC, Bollen CML, Schotte A, Marechal M, Doornbusch GI, Naert I, Busscher HI, van Steenberge D. An in vivo study of the influence of the surface roughness of implants on the microbiology of supra- and subgingival plaque. J Dent Res. 72:1304- 1309, 1993.
  • Teughels W, Assche NV, Sliepen I, Quirynen M. Effect of material characteristics and/or surface topography on biofilm development. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:68-81, 2006
  • Sul YT, Johansson C, Albrektsson T. Which surface pro- perties enhance bone response to implants? Comparison of Oxidized Magnesium, TiUnite and Osseotite Implant Surfaces. Int J Prosthodont. 19:319-328, 2006
  • Björn K, Meyle J. Soft tissue integration of implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 17:93-96, 2006
  • Bollen CML, Papaioannou W, Van Eldere J, Schephers E, Quiynen M, Van Steenberghe D. The influence of abut- ment surface roughness on plaque accumulation and pe- ri-implant mucositis. Clin Oral Implants Res 7: 201-211, 1996
  • Lacefield WR. Current status of ceramic coatings for den- tal implants. Implant Dent. 7:315-322, 1998
  • Johnson BW. HA-coated dental implants: long-term consequences. J Calif Dent Assoc. 20:33-41,1992.
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Yeliz Kılınç This is me

Erkan Erkmen This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


Vancouver Kılınç Y, Erkmen E. İmplant Kaybı, Risk Faktörleri ve Yüzeyin İmplant Kaybına Etkisi. ADO Klinik Bilimler Dergisi. 2010;4(2):595-602.