Sublingual Sialolithiasis
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 312 - 315, 01.04.2009
A Alper Pampu
Özkan Özkaynak
Figen Ç Şenel
Ceyda K Özkaynak
Ezher H Dayısoylu
Sialolithiasis is the most common disease of the salivary glands. It occurs with the obturation of calcified calcium carbonate and phosphate on an organic matrix of the parenchyma or the duct of the gland.More than 80% of salivary sialolithiasis occur in the submandibular gland or in its duct. Also 5-20% of cases are reported in parotid gland.However it rarely occurs in the sublingual gland, which reported 1-5% of the cases.Symptoms include swelling and tenderness of the involved gland especially during meals and a solid mass is also located with palpation.In this article the treatment protocol of 4 patients with sialolithiasis in the duct of sublingual gland has been reported
- Leung Alexander K. C, Matthew C., Wagner.G. A. L. Multiple Sialoliths and a Sialolith of Unusual Size in the Submandibular Duct: A Case Report Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 87: 331–333, 1999
- Marchal F, Dulguerov P: Sialolithiasis Menagement: The State of the Art. Arch Otolaryngol Head/Neck Surg. 129: 951–956, 2003
- KI H. H, Yang S Y. Sialolithiasis in the Sublingual Gland. The J Laryngol & Otol. 117: 905–907, 2003.
- Liaoo L-J, Hsiao J-K, Hsu W-C., Cheng P-W: Sublingual Gland Sialolithiasis: A case Report. Kaohsiung J. Med Sci. Nov (23) 11: 590–593, 2007.
- Yu C.-Q, Yang C., Zheng L-Y, Wu D-M., Zhang J.,Yun B. Selective management of obstructive submandibular sialadenitis British J Oral and Maxfac Surg. 46:46–49, 2008.
- Graziani F, Vano M, Cei S., GianPaolo T., Gabriele M. Unusual Asymtomatic Giant Sialolith of the Submandi- bular Gland: A Clinical Report. The J of Craniofacial Surg. 17 (3): 549–552, 2006.
- Nguyen QP., Mandel L. Sialolithiasis in the Submandi- bular Gland. Columbia Dental Review: 4:31-33 1999. 11. J. Choi, Kim I.-K, Oh N.-S. Multiple Sialoliths in Sublingual Gland: Report of a Case. Int. J. Oral Maxfac Surg 31: 562–563, 2002.
- Dalkız M., Doğan N., Beydemir B. Sialolithiasis (Sali- vary Stone). Turk J Med Sci 31: 177-179, 2001.
- Marchal F, Becker M, Kurt A. M.,Dulguerov P., Oedman M.,Lehmann W.: Histopathology of Submandibular Glands Removed for Sialolithiasis. The Ann of Otology Rhino & Laryngo (110) 5: 464–469, 2001
- Özcan İ. Sistemik Yaklaşımlarla Oral Diagnoz. 1. Baskı. İstanbul. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 142–143.
- J. Choi, Kim I.-K, Oh N.-S. Multiple Sialoliths in Sublin- gual Gland: Report of a Case. Int. J. Oral Maxfac Surg 31: 562–563, 2002.
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 312 - 315, 01.04.2009
A Alper Pampu
Özkan Özkaynak
Figen Ç Şenel
Ceyda K Özkaynak
Ezher H Dayısoylu
Sialolitler tükürük bezlerinin en sık görülen rahatsızlıklarındandır. Bezin parankiminin veya kanalının organik bir matriks üzerine kalsifiye olmuş kalsiyum tuzları ile obturasyonu sonucu ortaya çıkar.Sialolitler genellikle submandibuler bezde %80 görülürken, %5-20 civarındaki vakada parotis bezinin etkilendiği tespit ediliştir. Sublingual bezde sialolit oluşumu ise olukça nadir olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Klinik tabloda taşın olduğu bezde yemek sırasında artan ağrı ve şişlikten bahsedilirken palpasyonda solid bir kitle takip edilir.Bu makalede Sublingual tükürük bezi kanalında sialolit tanısıyla kliniğimize yönlendirilen 4 hastanın tedavi protokolü aktarılmaktadır
- Leung Alexander K. C, Matthew C., Wagner.G. A. L. Multiple Sialoliths and a Sialolith of Unusual Size in the Submandibular Duct: A Case Report Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 87: 331–333, 1999
- Marchal F, Dulguerov P: Sialolithiasis Menagement: The State of the Art. Arch Otolaryngol Head/Neck Surg. 129: 951–956, 2003
- KI H. H, Yang S Y. Sialolithiasis in the Sublingual Gland. The J Laryngol & Otol. 117: 905–907, 2003.
- Liaoo L-J, Hsiao J-K, Hsu W-C., Cheng P-W: Sublingual Gland Sialolithiasis: A case Report. Kaohsiung J. Med Sci. Nov (23) 11: 590–593, 2007.
- Yu C.-Q, Yang C., Zheng L-Y, Wu D-M., Zhang J.,Yun B. Selective management of obstructive submandibular sialadenitis British J Oral and Maxfac Surg. 46:46–49, 2008.
- Graziani F, Vano M, Cei S., GianPaolo T., Gabriele M. Unusual Asymtomatic Giant Sialolith of the Submandi- bular Gland: A Clinical Report. The J of Craniofacial Surg. 17 (3): 549–552, 2006.
- Nguyen QP., Mandel L. Sialolithiasis in the Submandi- bular Gland. Columbia Dental Review: 4:31-33 1999. 11. J. Choi, Kim I.-K, Oh N.-S. Multiple Sialoliths in Sublingual Gland: Report of a Case. Int. J. Oral Maxfac Surg 31: 562–563, 2002.
- Dalkız M., Doğan N., Beydemir B. Sialolithiasis (Sali- vary Stone). Turk J Med Sci 31: 177-179, 2001.
- Marchal F, Becker M, Kurt A. M.,Dulguerov P., Oedman M.,Lehmann W.: Histopathology of Submandibular Glands Removed for Sialolithiasis. The Ann of Otology Rhino & Laryngo (110) 5: 464–469, 2001
- Özcan İ. Sistemik Yaklaşımlarla Oral Diagnoz. 1. Baskı. İstanbul. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri. 2007 142–143.
- J. Choi, Kim I.-K, Oh N.-S. Multiple Sialoliths in Sublin- gual Gland: Report of a Case. Int. J. Oral Maxfac Surg 31: 562–563, 2002.