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The Effects of Transport on Welfare and Meat Qality in Ruminants

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 487 - 492, 01.01.2017


Background/Aim: Transplantation, one of the important activities in animal husbandry enterprises, is one of the important factors affecting the welfare of the animal and creating stress on it. Transports which are not carried out under favorable conditions negatively affect the well-being of ruminants, as in other animal species, and the quality of meat is reduced due to increased stress in animals. In ruminants, loading and unloading of animals, stocking density in vehicle, transport time, various traits of transport vehicle, climatic conditions and season are the factors affecting welfare and meat quality in relation to transport. The aim of this review is to give information about the effects of transport on welfare and meat quality in ruminants. Conclusion: Transport causes to stress on animals, negatively affects welfare and meat quality and leads to economic losses in ruminants. While it is not possible to completely eliminate the stress, it is important to minimize the stress by improving management conditions in relation to transport and to take necessary measures according to the existing laws and regulations for improving welfare and meat quality and reducing economic losses.


  • Al� nçekiç ŞÖ, Koyuncu M (2010). Nakil koşullarının hayvan refahı üzerine etkileri. Hayvansal Üre� m, 51:48-56.
  • Anonim (2005). European Commission (EC) (2005). Council Regula� on (EC) No. 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protec� on of animals during transport and related opera� ons and amending. Direc� ves 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regula� on (EC) No 1255/97. Off J, Le 5/01/2005 (pp. 1-44).
  • Anonim (2002). The welfare of animals during transport (details for horses, pigs, sheep and ca� le). Report of the Scien� Ş c Commi� ee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (h� p://
  • Antalyalı A (2007). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’ de hayvan refahı uygulamaları. T.C. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Dış İlişkiler ve Avrupa Birliği Koordinasyon Başkanlığı. AB Uzmanlık Tezi
  • Booth-Mclean ME., Schwartzkopf-Genswein KS, Brown FA, Holmes CL, Schaefer AL, McAllister TA., Mears GJ (2007). Physiological and behavioural responses to short-haul transport by stock trailer in Ş nished steers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87 (3): 291– 297.
  • Broom, DM (1998). Welfare, stress and the evolu� on of feelings. Adv. Stud. Behav. 27:371-403.
  • Broom DM (2005). The eff ect of land transport on animal welfare. Revue Scien� Ş que et Technique 24: 683-691.
  • Broom DM (2008). The welfare of livestock during road transport. In: M. Appleby, Cussen V., Lambert L., Turner J. (Eds. ), Long distance transport and welfare of farm animals. Pp. 157-181. London, U.K.WSPA.
  • Burdick NC, Carroll JA, Hulbert LE, Dailey JW, Willard ST, Vann RC, Welsh Jr. TH, Randel RD (2010). Rela� onships between temperament and transporta� on with rectal temperature and serum concentra� ons of cor� sol and epinephrine in bulls. Livestock Sci., 129: 166–172.
  • Cozar A, Rodriguez A, Garijo P, Calvo L, Vergara H (2016). Eff ects of space allowance during transport and fas� ng or non-fas� ng during lairage on welfare indicators in Merino lambs. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(1): 501-510.
  • Dalmau A, Di Nardo A, Realini CE, Rodriguez P, Llonch P, Temple D, Velarde A, Giansante D, Messori S, Villa PD (2014). Eff ect of the dura� on of road transport on the physiology and meat quality of lambs. Animal Produc� on Science, 54 (2): 179-186.
  • De la Fuente J, Sanchez M, Perez C, Lauzurica S, Vieira C, Gonzalez de Chavarri E and Diaz MT (2010). Physiological response and carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs in rela� on to transport � me and stocking density during transport by road. Animal, 4 (2): 250-258.
  • Duclos MJ, Berri C, Le Bilhan-Duval E (2007). Muscle growth and meat quality. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 16, 107-112.
  • Ekiz B, Ekiz EE, Kocak O, Yalcintan H, Yilmaz A (2012). Eff ect of pre- slaughter management regarding transporta� on and � me in lairage on certain stress parameters carcass and meat quality characteris� cs in Kivircik lambs. Meat Science, 90, 967-976.
  • Ekiz B, Ekiz EE, Yalçıntan H, Yımaz A, Koçak Ö, Güneş H (2013). Eff ect of ram-ewe mixed transporta� on on certain welfare parameters in Red Karaman and Imroz sheep. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 39 (2): 155-167.
  • Ferguson DM, Warner RD, (2008). Have we underes� mated the impact of pre-slaughter stres on meat quality in ruminants? Meat Sci. 80, 12-19.
  • Freeman BM. The Stress Syndrome. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 1987, 43, 15-19.
  • Grandin T (2000). Livestock Handling and Transport (2n ed.). CABI Publ., New York.
  • Grandin, T. (2007). Introduc� on: Eff ect of customer requirements, interna� onal standards
  • Grandin T, Gallo C. 2007. Ca� le transport. In: Grandin T, editor. Livestock handling and transport. 3rd ed. Wallingford, UK ; Cambridge, MA: CABI; p. 134–154.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Ajmi DS, Al-Maqbaly RS, Al-Mugheiry SM, Bartolome DY (2004). The infl uence of season on quality characteris� cs of hot-boned beef m. Longissimus thoracis, Meat Science, 66, 831-836.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Kindi A, Al-Marzooqi W, Al-Saqri NM (2006). Eff ects of transporta� on at high ambient temperatures on physiological responses, carcass and meat quality characeris� cs of three breeds of Omani goats. Meat Science, 73, 626-634.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Marzooqi W, Al-Ajmi DS, Al-Maqbali RS, Al- Lawa� SM (2008). The infl uence of seasonal temperatures on meat quality characteris� cs of hot-boned, m. Psoas major and minor, from goats and sheep. Meat Science, 80: 210-215.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Khalaf S. (2014). Eff ects of the transporta� on during hot season and electrical s� mula� on on meat quality characteris� cs of goat longissimus dorsi muscle. Small Ruminant Research, 121, 120-124.
  • Kannan G, Kouakou B, Terrill TH, Gelaye S (2003). Endocrine, blood metabolite and meat quality changes in goats as infl uenced by short-term preslaughter stres. Journal of Animal Science, 81, 1499- 1507.
  • Kara NK, Koyuncu M (2011). Sığırlarda taşıma sırasında hayvan refahına etki eden faktörler. Ka� as Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 17 (3): 511-516.
  • Kemp, C. M, Sensky, P. L., Bardsley, R. G., Bu� ery, P. J., Parr, T., 2010. Tenderness – An enzyma� c view. Meat Sci., 84: 248–256.
  • Ke� lewell PJ, Hoxey RP, Hampson CJ, Green NR, Veale BM, Mitchell MA (2001). Design and opera� on of a prototype mechanical ven� la� on system for livestock transport vehicles. J Agr Eng Res, 79 (4): 429- 439
  • Kırmızı Et Üre� m İsta� s� kleri, IV. Çeyrek: Ekim - Aralık, 2015 h� p://
  • Koyuncu M (2007). Süt Sığırlarında Konfor. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Kurultayı, 401-407, 25-26 Ekim, İzmir, 2007.
  • Maria GA, Villarroel M, Sanudo C, Olleta JL, Gebresenbet G (2003). Eff ect of transport � me and ageing on aspects of beef quality. Meat Science, 65, 1335-1340.
  • Maria GA, Villarroel M, Chacon G, Gebresenbet B (2004). Scoring system for evalua� ng the stres to ca� le of commercial loading and unloading. Veterinary Record, 154, 818-821.
  • Miranda-de la Lama GC, Villarroel M, Maria G A (2011). Behavioural and physiological proŞ les following exposure to novel environment and social mixing in lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 103, 158-163.
  • Miranda de la Lama GC, Villarroel M, Campo MM, Olleta JL, Alierta S, Sañudo C, María GA (2012). Eff ects of double transport and season on sensorial aspects of lamb’s meat quality in dry climates. Trop Anim Health Prod. 44: 21-27.
  • Mounier L, Dubroeucq H, Andanson S, Veissier I (2006). Varia� ons in meat pH of beef bulls in rela� on to condi� ons of transfer to slaughter and previous history of the animals. J Anim Sci 84, 1567- 1576.
  • Nikbin S, Panandam JM, Sazili AQ (2016). Infl uence of pre-slaughter transporta� on and stocking density on carcass and meat quality characteris� cs of Boer goats. Italian J. Anim. Sci., 15 (3): 504-511.
  • Sanchez SM., Vieira AC, De-la-Fuente VJ, Perez MC, Lauzurica GS, Gonzalez de-Chavarri E, and Diaz-Diaz-CMT (2013). Eff ect of season and stocking density during transport on carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(2): 394-404.
  • Schwartzkopf-Genswein KS, Faucitano L, Dadgar S, Shand P, Gonzalez LA, Crowe TG (2012). Road transport of ca� le, swine and poultry, in North America and its impact on animal welfare, carcass and meat quality. A review. Meat Science, 92: 227-243.
  • Teke B, Ekiz B, Akdağ F, Uğurlu M, Çi� çi G, Şentürk B (2014). Eff ects of stocking density of lambs on biochemical stres parameters and meat quality related to commercial transporta� on. Annals of Animal Science, 14(3): 611-621.
  • Thaxton, J.P. and Puvadolpirod, S. (2000) Model of physiological stress in chickens. Quan� ta� ve evalua� on. Poultry Science 79, 391–395.
  • Tosun, D., Demirbaş, N., 2012. Türkiye’de Kırmızı Et ve Et Ürünleri Sanayiinde Gıda Güvenliği Sorunları ve Öneriler, U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2012, Cilt 26, Sayı 1, 93-101.
  • Ünal N, Teke B, Özbeyaz C (2008). Ankara Ticaret Borsası Kesimhanesi’ne yapılan kasaplık nakillerinde bazı koşulların hayvan refahı bakımndan incelenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 55: 51-56.
  • Ünal N (2013). Hayvanlarda Nakil ve Refah. In: Hayvan Davranışları ve Refahı, Ed. Sağmanlıgil V., Ünal N. Anadolu Üniversitesi Web-Ofset Tesisleri, Eskişehir, 2. Baskı, s. 187-188.
  • Van de Water G, Verjans F, Geers R (2003). The eff ect of short distance trans-port under commercial condi� ons on the physiology of slaughter calves; pH and colour proŞ les of veal. Livest Prod Sci, 82 (2): 171-179.
  • Warriss PD (2000). Meat science: An introductory text. CAB- Interna� onal: England: Wallingford.
  • Yıbar A, Çe� n E (2013). Hayvan Refahının Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 32 (2013), 2: 31-37
  • Zülkifl i I, Norbaiyah B, Waicheah Y, Solimani AF, Qurni A, Mohamed S, Rajion A, Goh YM (2010a). Physiological responses in goats subjected to road transporta� on under the hot, humid, tropical condi� ons. Interna� onal Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12 (6), 840-844.
  • Zulkifl i I, Norbaiyah B, Cheah YW, Soleimani AF, Sazili AQ, Goh YM and Rajion MA (2010b). A note on heat shock protein 70 expression in goats subjected to road transporta� on under hot, humid tropical condi� ons. Animal, 4: 973–976.

Ruminantlarda Nakil İşlemlerinin Refah ve Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 487 - 492, 01.01.2017


Özbilgi/Amaç: Hayvancılık işletmelerindeki önemli aktivitelerden biri olan nakil işlemi, hayvanın refahını etkileyen ve üzerinde stres yaratan önemli etkenlerden biridir. Uygun şartlarda yapılmayan nakiller diğer hayvan türlerinde olduğu gibi ruminantlarda da refahı olumsuz etkilemekte ve hayvanlarda artan strese bağlı olarak et kalitesi düşmektedir. Ruminantlarda, nakil işlemleri ile ilgili olarak hayvanların nakil araçlarına yüklenmeleri ve araçlardan indirilmesi sırasındaki uygulamalar, araçta hayvan başına ayrılan alan, nakil süresi, nakil aracının çeşitli özellikleri, iklim koşulları ve mevsim, refah ve et kalitesi üzerine etkili olan faktörlerdir. Bu derlemenin amacı, ruminantlarda nakil işlemlerinin refah ve et kalitesi üzerine etkileri hakkında bilgi verebilmektir. Sonuç: Ruminantlarda nakil işlemleri hayvanlar üzerinde stres oluşturarak refah ve et kalitesini olumsuz etkilemekte ve ekonomik kayıplara yol açmaktadır. Nakil işlemleri sırasında oluşacak stresin tamamen ortadan kaldırılması mümkün olmamakla birlikte, nakil işlemleri ile ilgili yönetim koşullarını iyileştirerek oluşacak stresi en az düzeye indirmek, mevcut yasa ve yönetmeliklere göre gereken önlemleri almak, refah ve et kalitesinin iyileşmesi ve ekonomik kayıpların azaltılması bakımından önemlidir.


  • Al� nçekiç ŞÖ, Koyuncu M (2010). Nakil koşullarının hayvan refahı üzerine etkileri. Hayvansal Üre� m, 51:48-56.
  • Anonim (2005). European Commission (EC) (2005). Council Regula� on (EC) No. 1/2005 of 22 December 2004 on the protec� on of animals during transport and related opera� ons and amending. Direc� ves 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EC and Regula� on (EC) No 1255/97. Off J, Le 5/01/2005 (pp. 1-44).
  • Anonim (2002). The welfare of animals during transport (details for horses, pigs, sheep and ca� le). Report of the Scien� Ş c Commi� ee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (h� p://
  • Antalyalı A (2007). Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’ de hayvan refahı uygulamaları. T.C. Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Dış İlişkiler ve Avrupa Birliği Koordinasyon Başkanlığı. AB Uzmanlık Tezi
  • Booth-Mclean ME., Schwartzkopf-Genswein KS, Brown FA, Holmes CL, Schaefer AL, McAllister TA., Mears GJ (2007). Physiological and behavioural responses to short-haul transport by stock trailer in Ş nished steers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87 (3): 291– 297.
  • Broom, DM (1998). Welfare, stress and the evolu� on of feelings. Adv. Stud. Behav. 27:371-403.
  • Broom DM (2005). The eff ect of land transport on animal welfare. Revue Scien� Ş que et Technique 24: 683-691.
  • Broom DM (2008). The welfare of livestock during road transport. In: M. Appleby, Cussen V., Lambert L., Turner J. (Eds. ), Long distance transport and welfare of farm animals. Pp. 157-181. London, U.K.WSPA.
  • Burdick NC, Carroll JA, Hulbert LE, Dailey JW, Willard ST, Vann RC, Welsh Jr. TH, Randel RD (2010). Rela� onships between temperament and transporta� on with rectal temperature and serum concentra� ons of cor� sol and epinephrine in bulls. Livestock Sci., 129: 166–172.
  • Cozar A, Rodriguez A, Garijo P, Calvo L, Vergara H (2016). Eff ects of space allowance during transport and fas� ng or non-fas� ng during lairage on welfare indicators in Merino lambs. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 14(1): 501-510.
  • Dalmau A, Di Nardo A, Realini CE, Rodriguez P, Llonch P, Temple D, Velarde A, Giansante D, Messori S, Villa PD (2014). Eff ect of the dura� on of road transport on the physiology and meat quality of lambs. Animal Produc� on Science, 54 (2): 179-186.
  • De la Fuente J, Sanchez M, Perez C, Lauzurica S, Vieira C, Gonzalez de Chavarri E and Diaz MT (2010). Physiological response and carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs in rela� on to transport � me and stocking density during transport by road. Animal, 4 (2): 250-258.
  • Duclos MJ, Berri C, Le Bilhan-Duval E (2007). Muscle growth and meat quality. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 16, 107-112.
  • Ekiz B, Ekiz EE, Kocak O, Yalcintan H, Yilmaz A (2012). Eff ect of pre- slaughter management regarding transporta� on and � me in lairage on certain stress parameters carcass and meat quality characteris� cs in Kivircik lambs. Meat Science, 90, 967-976.
  • Ekiz B, Ekiz EE, Yalçıntan H, Yımaz A, Koçak Ö, Güneş H (2013). Eff ect of ram-ewe mixed transporta� on on certain welfare parameters in Red Karaman and Imroz sheep. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 39 (2): 155-167.
  • Ferguson DM, Warner RD, (2008). Have we underes� mated the impact of pre-slaughter stres on meat quality in ruminants? Meat Sci. 80, 12-19.
  • Freeman BM. The Stress Syndrome. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 1987, 43, 15-19.
  • Grandin T (2000). Livestock Handling and Transport (2n ed.). CABI Publ., New York.
  • Grandin, T. (2007). Introduc� on: Eff ect of customer requirements, interna� onal standards
  • Grandin T, Gallo C. 2007. Ca� le transport. In: Grandin T, editor. Livestock handling and transport. 3rd ed. Wallingford, UK ; Cambridge, MA: CABI; p. 134–154.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Ajmi DS, Al-Maqbaly RS, Al-Mugheiry SM, Bartolome DY (2004). The infl uence of season on quality characteris� cs of hot-boned beef m. Longissimus thoracis, Meat Science, 66, 831-836.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Kindi A, Al-Marzooqi W, Al-Saqri NM (2006). Eff ects of transporta� on at high ambient temperatures on physiological responses, carcass and meat quality characeris� cs of three breeds of Omani goats. Meat Science, 73, 626-634.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Al-Marzooqi W, Al-Ajmi DS, Al-Maqbali RS, Al- Lawa� SM (2008). The infl uence of seasonal temperatures on meat quality characteris� cs of hot-boned, m. Psoas major and minor, from goats and sheep. Meat Science, 80: 210-215.
  • Kadim IT, Mahgoub O, Khalaf S. (2014). Eff ects of the transporta� on during hot season and electrical s� mula� on on meat quality characteris� cs of goat longissimus dorsi muscle. Small Ruminant Research, 121, 120-124.
  • Kannan G, Kouakou B, Terrill TH, Gelaye S (2003). Endocrine, blood metabolite and meat quality changes in goats as infl uenced by short-term preslaughter stres. Journal of Animal Science, 81, 1499- 1507.
  • Kara NK, Koyuncu M (2011). Sığırlarda taşıma sırasında hayvan refahına etki eden faktörler. Ka� as Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 17 (3): 511-516.
  • Kemp, C. M, Sensky, P. L., Bardsley, R. G., Bu� ery, P. J., Parr, T., 2010. Tenderness – An enzyma� c view. Meat Sci., 84: 248–256.
  • Ke� lewell PJ, Hoxey RP, Hampson CJ, Green NR, Veale BM, Mitchell MA (2001). Design and opera� on of a prototype mechanical ven� la� on system for livestock transport vehicles. J Agr Eng Res, 79 (4): 429- 439
  • Kırmızı Et Üre� m İsta� s� kleri, IV. Çeyrek: Ekim - Aralık, 2015 h� p://
  • Koyuncu M (2007). Süt Sığırlarında Konfor. Türkiye Süt Sığırcılığı Kurultayı, 401-407, 25-26 Ekim, İzmir, 2007.
  • Maria GA, Villarroel M, Sanudo C, Olleta JL, Gebresenbet G (2003). Eff ect of transport � me and ageing on aspects of beef quality. Meat Science, 65, 1335-1340.
  • Maria GA, Villarroel M, Chacon G, Gebresenbet B (2004). Scoring system for evalua� ng the stres to ca� le of commercial loading and unloading. Veterinary Record, 154, 818-821.
  • Miranda-de la Lama GC, Villarroel M, Maria G A (2011). Behavioural and physiological proŞ les following exposure to novel environment and social mixing in lambs. Small Ruminant Research, 103, 158-163.
  • Miranda de la Lama GC, Villarroel M, Campo MM, Olleta JL, Alierta S, Sañudo C, María GA (2012). Eff ects of double transport and season on sensorial aspects of lamb’s meat quality in dry climates. Trop Anim Health Prod. 44: 21-27.
  • Mounier L, Dubroeucq H, Andanson S, Veissier I (2006). Varia� ons in meat pH of beef bulls in rela� on to condi� ons of transfer to slaughter and previous history of the animals. J Anim Sci 84, 1567- 1576.
  • Nikbin S, Panandam JM, Sazili AQ (2016). Infl uence of pre-slaughter transporta� on and stocking density on carcass and meat quality characteris� cs of Boer goats. Italian J. Anim. Sci., 15 (3): 504-511.
  • Sanchez SM., Vieira AC, De-la-Fuente VJ, Perez MC, Lauzurica GS, Gonzalez de-Chavarri E, and Diaz-Diaz-CMT (2013). Eff ect of season and stocking density during transport on carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 11(2): 394-404.
  • Schwartzkopf-Genswein KS, Faucitano L, Dadgar S, Shand P, Gonzalez LA, Crowe TG (2012). Road transport of ca� le, swine and poultry, in North America and its impact on animal welfare, carcass and meat quality. A review. Meat Science, 92: 227-243.
  • Teke B, Ekiz B, Akdağ F, Uğurlu M, Çi� çi G, Şentürk B (2014). Eff ects of stocking density of lambs on biochemical stres parameters and meat quality related to commercial transporta� on. Annals of Animal Science, 14(3): 611-621.
  • Thaxton, J.P. and Puvadolpirod, S. (2000) Model of physiological stress in chickens. Quan� ta� ve evalua� on. Poultry Science 79, 391–395.
  • Tosun, D., Demirbaş, N., 2012. Türkiye’de Kırmızı Et ve Et Ürünleri Sanayiinde Gıda Güvenliği Sorunları ve Öneriler, U. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2012, Cilt 26, Sayı 1, 93-101.
  • Ünal N, Teke B, Özbeyaz C (2008). Ankara Ticaret Borsası Kesimhanesi’ne yapılan kasaplık nakillerinde bazı koşulların hayvan refahı bakımndan incelenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 55: 51-56.
  • Ünal N (2013). Hayvanlarda Nakil ve Refah. In: Hayvan Davranışları ve Refahı, Ed. Sağmanlıgil V., Ünal N. Anadolu Üniversitesi Web-Ofset Tesisleri, Eskişehir, 2. Baskı, s. 187-188.
  • Van de Water G, Verjans F, Geers R (2003). The eff ect of short distance trans-port under commercial condi� ons on the physiology of slaughter calves; pH and colour proŞ les of veal. Livest Prod Sci, 82 (2): 171-179.
  • Warriss PD (2000). Meat science: An introductory text. CAB- Interna� onal: England: Wallingford.
  • Yıbar A, Çe� n E (2013). Hayvan Refahının Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 32 (2013), 2: 31-37
  • Zülkifl i I, Norbaiyah B, Waicheah Y, Solimani AF, Qurni A, Mohamed S, Rajion A, Goh YM (2010a). Physiological responses in goats subjected to road transporta� on under the hot, humid, tropical condi� ons. Interna� onal Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 12 (6), 840-844.
  • Zulkifl i I, Norbaiyah B, Cheah YW, Soleimani AF, Sazili AQ, Goh YM and Rajion MA (2010b). A note on heat shock protein 70 expression in goats subjected to road transporta� on under hot, humid tropical condi� ons. Animal, 4: 973–976.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Nusret Güney This is me

H. Değer Oral Toplu This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Güney, N., & Toplu, H. D. O. (2017). Ruminantlarda Nakil İşlemlerinin Refah ve Et Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri. Animal Health Production and Hygiene, 6(1), 487-492.