Research Article
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Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey)

Year 2022, , 81 - 91, 28.06.2022


In this study, some physico-chemical parameters of seven selected sampling sites (SSs) along the northern coastal line of Gökova Bay were investigated monthly. Then collected data were evaluated through the multivariate statistical analyses. Monthly distribution of water quality parameters was created using box plot across the SSs. When the parameters were examined with Spearman's rho correlation, the highest positive correlations were found to be between DO (Dissolved oxygen)‒SO (Saturated oxygen), EC (Electrical conductivity)‒Salt (Salinity), DO‒BOD5 (Biological oxygen demand), SO‒BOD5, TP (Total phosphorus)‒PO4 (Ortho-phosphate), while the highest negative correlations were found to be between WT (Water temperature)‒DO, EC‒NO3 (Nitrate nitrogen), Salt‒NO3, WT‒SO. When Kruskal Wallis Test was applied to water quality parameters, WT, DO, SO, SUS (Suspended solids), TP, NO2, PO4, NH4, NO3, BOD5 differed significantly in terms of sampling months (p<0.05), while pH, SO, EC, Salt, NO2, NH4, NO3, Chl-a and BOD5 differed significantly in terms of SSs (p<0.05). Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to better express the relationship between measured surface water parameters and to identify sources that influence variables. PCA analysis was identified as PC 1 =28.7 %, PC 2 =21.03 % and PC 3 =11.04 %. The result of the study indicates that water quality degradation increases due to environmental pollution caused by intense tourism, overuse of coastal lines, maintenance of ships and daily ship trips.

Supporting Institution

Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi

Project Number



This research was financially supported by Scientific Research Project Office in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University (Project no: 14/088). We sincerely thank them for funding the Project.


  • Akyol O, Kınacıgil HT, Şevik R (2007) Longline fishery and length-weight relationships for selected fish species in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea, Turkey). Int. J. Nat. Eng. Sci, 1(1): 1-4.
  • Antisari LV, Trivisano C, Gessa C, Gherardi M, Simoni A, Vianello G, Zamboni N (2010) Quality of municipal wastewater compared to surface waters of the river and crtificial canal network in different areas of the eastern Po Valley (Italy). Water Qual Expo Health, 2:1-13.
  • APHA (2012) Standart Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22st. Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, pp 4-103:4-169.
  • Balkis N, Aksu A, Okuş E, Apak R (2010) Heavy metal concentrations in water, suspended matter, and sediment from Gökova Bay, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess, 167(1-4):359-370.
  • Barlow RG, Mantoura RFC, Cummings DG, Fileman TW (1997) Pigment chemotaxonomic distributions of phytoplankton during summer in the western Mediterranean. Deep Sea Res.II, 44(3-4):833-850.
  • Barroso GF, Poersch LHS, Cavalli RO (2007) Sistemas de cultivos aquícolas na zona costeira do Brasil: recursos, tecnologias, aspectos ambientais e sócioeconômicos. Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. p 326.
  • Bora M, Goswami D (2017) Water quality assessment in terms of water quality index (WQI): case study of the Kolong River, Assam. India. Appl Water Sci, 7:3125-3135.
  • Burrough PA, McDonnell RA (1998) Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p 333.
  • Carpenter SR, Caraco NF, Correll DL, Howarth RW, Sharpley AN, Smith VH (1998) Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Ecol Appl, 8(3):559-568.
  • Coakes SJ (2009) SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS Version 16.0 for Windows (1st Edition). Wiley: New York. p 296.
  • Cloern JE (2001) Our evolving conceptual model of the coastal eutrophication problem. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 210:223-253.
  • Cluis DA (1972) Relationship between stream water temperature and ambient air temperaturea simple autoregressive model for mean daily stream water temperature fluctuations. Hydrology Research, 3(2):65-71.
  • Demirak A (2003) Muğla ili Güllük körfezindeki kirliliğin araştırılması, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, p 163. (In Turkish).
  • Demirak A, Yılmaz HA, Keskin F, Şahin Y, Akpolat O (2012) Investigation of heavy metal content in the suspended particulate matter and sediments of inner Gokova Bay and creeks, Environ Monit Assess, 184(12):7113-7124.
  • Evans AE, Mateo-Sagasta J, Qadir M, Boelee E, Ippolito A (2019) Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 36:20-27.
  • Ferreira NC, Bonetti C, Seiffert WQ (2011) Hydrological and Water Quality Indices as management tools in marine shrimp culture. Aquaculture, 318(3-4):425-433.
  • Herlemann DPR, Labrenz M, Jürgens K, Bertilsson S, Waniek JJ, Andersson AF (2011) Transitions in bacterial communities along the 2000 km salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. The ISME Journal, 5(10):1571.
  • Hernandez-Romero AH, Tovilla-Hernandez C, Malo EA, Bello-Mendoza R (2004) Water quality and presence of pesticides in a tropical coastal wetland in southern Mexico. Mar Pollut Bull, 48 (11-12):1130-1141.
  • Hornberger MI, Luoma SN, Van Geen A, Fuller C, Anima R (1999) Historical trends of metals in the sediments of San Fransisco Bay, California. Mar Chem, 64(1-2):39-55.
  • Kıraç CO, Orkun C, Toprak A, Veryeri NO, Galli-Orsi U, Ünal V, Erdem M, Çalca A, Ergün G, Suseven B, Yalçıner AC, Manap E, Kızılkaya Z, Battal MK, Savaş Y, Dessane D, Yıldırım ZD, Veryeri NG, Kaboğlu G, Çağlayan S, Özden E, Güçlüsoy H (2010) Management planning of coastal and marine area of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). In: VIII. Türkiye Kıyıları Ulusal Konferansı, Trabzon, pp 1-10.
  • Kolawole OM, Ajibola TB, Osuolale OO (2008) Bacteriological Investigation of a wastewater discharge run-off stream in Ilorin, Nigeria. J. Appl. Environ. Sci, 4:33-37.
  • Kolawole OM, Ajayi KT, Olayemi AB, Okoh AI (2011) Assessment of Water Quality in Asa River (Nigeria) and Its Indigenous Clarias gariepinus Fish. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 8:4332-4352.
  • Li J, Heap AD (2008) A review of spatial interpolation methods for environmental scientists. Geoscience Australia, Record 2008/23, pp 137.
  • Lu X, Li LY, Lei K, Wang L, Zhai Y, Zhai M (2010) Water quality assessment of Wei River, China using fuzzy synthetic evaluation. Environ Earth Sci. 60:1693-1699.
  • Madrid RMM (2003) Planning and Regulation: Industry and Government Perspectives. In: Jory, D.E. (Ed.), World Aquaculture 2003. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pp 31-45.
  • Mandal P, Upadhyay R, Hasan A (2010) Seasonal and spatial variation of Yamuna River water quality in Delhi, India. Environ Monit Assess, 170:661-670.
  • MapInfo (2009) Professional Desktop GIS, Pitney Bowes Software. MapInfo Professional Version 11.0.
  • Mezhoud N, Temimi M, Zhao J, Shehhi MRA, Ghedira H (2016) Analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of seawater quality in the southeastern Arabian Gulf. Mar Pollut Bull, 106(1-2):127-138.
  • Misaghi F, Delgosha F, Razzaghmanesh M, Myers B (2017) Introducing a water quality index for assessing water for irrigation purposes: A case study of the Ghezel Ozan River. Science of the Total Environment, 589:107-116.
  • Naddeo V, Scannapieco D, Zarra T, Belgiorno V (2013) River water quality assessment: Implementation of non-parametric tests for sampling frequency optimization. Land Use Policy, 30:197-205.
  • Nordvarg L, Hakanson L (2002) Predicting the environmental response of fish farming in coastal areas of the Åland archipelago (Baltic Sea) using management models for coastal water planning. Aquaculture, 206(3-4):217-243.
  • Priscoli JD (1998) Water and civilization: using history to reframe water policy debates and to build a new ecological realism. Water Policy, 1:623-636.
  • Price C, Black KD, Hargrave BT, Morris Jr JA (2015) Marine cage culture and the environment: effects on water quality and primary production. Aquaculture Envıronment Interactıons, 6:151-174.
  • Rashid I, Romshoo SA (2013) Impact of anthropogenic activities on water quality of Lidder River in Kashmir Himalayas. Environ Monit Assess, 185:4705-4719.
  • Ren W, Zhong Y, Meligrana J, Anderson B, Watt WE, Chen J, Leung H (2003) Urbanization, land use, and water quality in Shanghai 1947-1996. Environment International, 29:649-659.
  • Russ M, (2017) Handbook of knowledge management for sustainable water systems (challenges in water management series) 1st Edition. Wiley: Hoboken NJ, p 307.
  • Samarghandi M, Nouri J, Mesdaghinia AR, Mahvi AH, Nasseri S, Vaezi F (2007) Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4:19-25.
  • Simeonov V, Stratis JA, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis A, Sofoniou M, Kouimtzis T (2003) Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37:4119-4124.
  • Sutadian AD, Muttil N, Yılmaz AG, Perera BJC (2016) Development of river water quality indices-a review. Environ Monit Assess, 188:58.
  • Shrestha S, Kazama F (2007) Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: a case study of the Fuji river basin. Japan. Environ Model Softw, 22:464-475.
  • Smith VH (2003) Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems a global problem. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10:126-139.
  • SWQR (2012) Republic of Turkey. Official Newspaper, Surface water quality regulation, 28483-30.11.2012.
  • Şener Ş, Şener E, Davraz A (2017) Evaluation of water quality usingwater quality index (WQI) method and GIS in Aksu River (SW-Turkey). Science of the Total Environment, 584-585:131-144.
  • Tarkan AN, Özdemir N, Demirak A, Filiz H, Tarkan AS, Bilge G, Gülşahin N, Yavuz E, Boran R, Özel İ, Yılmaz H, Erdinç ÖS (2009) Gökova İç Körfezi’nde Su Kalitesi ve Denizel Biyoçeşitlilik. Muğla Üniversitesi Baskısı. Smap III Gökova Projesi. Muğla/Turkey pp 6-12. (In Turkish).
  • Taşlıgil N (2008) Tourism and Special Environmental Protected Areas:Case of Datça-Bozburun. Aegean Geographical Journal, 17:73-83.
  • Uluğ A, Duman M, Ersoy Ş, Özel E, Avcı M (2005) Late quaternary sea-level change, sedimentation and neotectonics of the Gulf of Gökova: Southeastern Aegean Sea. Marine Geology, 221:381-395.
  • Yang HJ, Shen ZM, Zhang JP, Wang WH (2007) Water quality characteristics along the course of the Huangpu River (China). J Environ Sci, 19:1193-1198.
  • Yunus AP, Dou J, Sravanthi N (2015) Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a as a measure of red tide in Tokyo Bay using hotspot analysis. Remote sensing applications: society and environment, 2:11-25.
  • Zhang Y, Guo F, Meng W, Wang XQ (2009) Water quality assessment and source identification of Daliao river basin using multivariate statistical methods. Environ. Monit. Assess, 152:105-121.
  • Zhou F, Guo H, Liu Y, Jiang Y (2007) Chemometrics data analysis of marine water quality and source identification in Southern Hong Kong. Mar Pollut Bull, 54:745-756.

Gökova Körfezi Kıyı Hattında (Muğla, Türkiye) Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Analizler Kullanılarak Yüzey Suyu Kalite Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 81 - 91, 28.06.2022


Bu çalışmada, Gökova Körfezi kuzey kıyı şeridi boyunca seçilen yedi istasyonun bazı fiziko-kimyasal parametreleri aylık olarak incelenmiştir. Daha sonra toplanan veriler çok değişkenli istatistiksel analizlerle değerlendirilmiştir. Su kalitesi parametrelerinin dağılımı box plot kullanılarak aylık ve istasyonlar olacak şekilde dağılım grafikleri oluşturulmuştur. Parametreler Spearman's rho korelasyonu ile incelendiğinde en yüksek pozitif korelasyonlar DO (Çözünmüş oksijen)‒SO (Doymuş oksijen), EC (Elektriksel iletkenlik)‒Salt (Tuzluluk), DO‒BOD5 (Biyolojik oksijen ihtiyacı), SO‒BOD5, TP (Toplam fosfor)‒PO4 (Orto-fosfat) arasında iken en yüksek negatif korelasyonlar WT (Su sıcaklığı)‒DO, EC‒NO3 (Nitrat azotu), Salt‒NO3, WT‒SO olarak tespit edilmiştir. Su kalitesi parametrelerine Kruskal Wallis Test uygulandığında örnekleme ayları açısından WT, DO, SO, SUS (askıda katılar), TP, NO2, PO4, NH4, NO3, BOD5 anlamlı farklılık gösterirken (p<0.05) örnekleme noktaları açısından ise pH, SO, EC, Salt, NO2, NH4, NO3, Chl-a ve BOD5 anlamlı farklılık göstermiştir (p<0.05). Ölçülen yüzey suyu parametreleri arasındaki ilişkiyi daha iyi ifade etmek ve değişkenlere etki eden kaynakları belirlemek için Temel Bileşen Analizi (TBA) uygulanmıştır. TBA analizinde PC 1 = %28.7, PC 2 = %21.03 ve PC 3 = %11.04 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucu, yoğun turizm, kıyı hatlarının aşırı kullanımı, gemilerin bakımı ve günübirlik gemi seferlerinin neden olduğu çevre kirliliği nedeniyle su kalitesindeki bozulmanın arttığını göstermiştir.

Project Number



  • Akyol O, Kınacıgil HT, Şevik R (2007) Longline fishery and length-weight relationships for selected fish species in Gökova Bay (Aegean Sea, Turkey). Int. J. Nat. Eng. Sci, 1(1): 1-4.
  • Antisari LV, Trivisano C, Gessa C, Gherardi M, Simoni A, Vianello G, Zamboni N (2010) Quality of municipal wastewater compared to surface waters of the river and crtificial canal network in different areas of the eastern Po Valley (Italy). Water Qual Expo Health, 2:1-13.
  • APHA (2012) Standart Methods for The Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22st. Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington, pp 4-103:4-169.
  • Balkis N, Aksu A, Okuş E, Apak R (2010) Heavy metal concentrations in water, suspended matter, and sediment from Gökova Bay, Turkey. Environ Monit Assess, 167(1-4):359-370.
  • Barlow RG, Mantoura RFC, Cummings DG, Fileman TW (1997) Pigment chemotaxonomic distributions of phytoplankton during summer in the western Mediterranean. Deep Sea Res.II, 44(3-4):833-850.
  • Barroso GF, Poersch LHS, Cavalli RO (2007) Sistemas de cultivos aquícolas na zona costeira do Brasil: recursos, tecnologias, aspectos ambientais e sócioeconômicos. Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. p 326.
  • Bora M, Goswami D (2017) Water quality assessment in terms of water quality index (WQI): case study of the Kolong River, Assam. India. Appl Water Sci, 7:3125-3135.
  • Burrough PA, McDonnell RA (1998) Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p 333.
  • Carpenter SR, Caraco NF, Correll DL, Howarth RW, Sharpley AN, Smith VH (1998) Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Ecol Appl, 8(3):559-568.
  • Coakes SJ (2009) SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS Version 16.0 for Windows (1st Edition). Wiley: New York. p 296.
  • Cloern JE (2001) Our evolving conceptual model of the coastal eutrophication problem. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 210:223-253.
  • Cluis DA (1972) Relationship between stream water temperature and ambient air temperaturea simple autoregressive model for mean daily stream water temperature fluctuations. Hydrology Research, 3(2):65-71.
  • Demirak A (2003) Muğla ili Güllük körfezindeki kirliliğin araştırılması, Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, p 163. (In Turkish).
  • Demirak A, Yılmaz HA, Keskin F, Şahin Y, Akpolat O (2012) Investigation of heavy metal content in the suspended particulate matter and sediments of inner Gokova Bay and creeks, Environ Monit Assess, 184(12):7113-7124.
  • Evans AE, Mateo-Sagasta J, Qadir M, Boelee E, Ippolito A (2019) Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 36:20-27.
  • Ferreira NC, Bonetti C, Seiffert WQ (2011) Hydrological and Water Quality Indices as management tools in marine shrimp culture. Aquaculture, 318(3-4):425-433.
  • Herlemann DPR, Labrenz M, Jürgens K, Bertilsson S, Waniek JJ, Andersson AF (2011) Transitions in bacterial communities along the 2000 km salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. The ISME Journal, 5(10):1571.
  • Hernandez-Romero AH, Tovilla-Hernandez C, Malo EA, Bello-Mendoza R (2004) Water quality and presence of pesticides in a tropical coastal wetland in southern Mexico. Mar Pollut Bull, 48 (11-12):1130-1141.
  • Hornberger MI, Luoma SN, Van Geen A, Fuller C, Anima R (1999) Historical trends of metals in the sediments of San Fransisco Bay, California. Mar Chem, 64(1-2):39-55.
  • Kıraç CO, Orkun C, Toprak A, Veryeri NO, Galli-Orsi U, Ünal V, Erdem M, Çalca A, Ergün G, Suseven B, Yalçıner AC, Manap E, Kızılkaya Z, Battal MK, Savaş Y, Dessane D, Yıldırım ZD, Veryeri NG, Kaboğlu G, Çağlayan S, Özden E, Güçlüsoy H (2010) Management planning of coastal and marine area of Gökova Marine Protected Area (in Turkish). In: VIII. Türkiye Kıyıları Ulusal Konferansı, Trabzon, pp 1-10.
  • Kolawole OM, Ajibola TB, Osuolale OO (2008) Bacteriological Investigation of a wastewater discharge run-off stream in Ilorin, Nigeria. J. Appl. Environ. Sci, 4:33-37.
  • Kolawole OM, Ajayi KT, Olayemi AB, Okoh AI (2011) Assessment of Water Quality in Asa River (Nigeria) and Its Indigenous Clarias gariepinus Fish. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 8:4332-4352.
  • Li J, Heap AD (2008) A review of spatial interpolation methods for environmental scientists. Geoscience Australia, Record 2008/23, pp 137.
  • Lu X, Li LY, Lei K, Wang L, Zhai Y, Zhai M (2010) Water quality assessment of Wei River, China using fuzzy synthetic evaluation. Environ Earth Sci. 60:1693-1699.
  • Madrid RMM (2003) Planning and Regulation: Industry and Government Perspectives. In: Jory, D.E. (Ed.), World Aquaculture 2003. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pp 31-45.
  • Mandal P, Upadhyay R, Hasan A (2010) Seasonal and spatial variation of Yamuna River water quality in Delhi, India. Environ Monit Assess, 170:661-670.
  • MapInfo (2009) Professional Desktop GIS, Pitney Bowes Software. MapInfo Professional Version 11.0.
  • Mezhoud N, Temimi M, Zhao J, Shehhi MRA, Ghedira H (2016) Analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of seawater quality in the southeastern Arabian Gulf. Mar Pollut Bull, 106(1-2):127-138.
  • Misaghi F, Delgosha F, Razzaghmanesh M, Myers B (2017) Introducing a water quality index for assessing water for irrigation purposes: A case study of the Ghezel Ozan River. Science of the Total Environment, 589:107-116.
  • Naddeo V, Scannapieco D, Zarra T, Belgiorno V (2013) River water quality assessment: Implementation of non-parametric tests for sampling frequency optimization. Land Use Policy, 30:197-205.
  • Nordvarg L, Hakanson L (2002) Predicting the environmental response of fish farming in coastal areas of the Åland archipelago (Baltic Sea) using management models for coastal water planning. Aquaculture, 206(3-4):217-243.
  • Priscoli JD (1998) Water and civilization: using history to reframe water policy debates and to build a new ecological realism. Water Policy, 1:623-636.
  • Price C, Black KD, Hargrave BT, Morris Jr JA (2015) Marine cage culture and the environment: effects on water quality and primary production. Aquaculture Envıronment Interactıons, 6:151-174.
  • Rashid I, Romshoo SA (2013) Impact of anthropogenic activities on water quality of Lidder River in Kashmir Himalayas. Environ Monit Assess, 185:4705-4719.
  • Ren W, Zhong Y, Meligrana J, Anderson B, Watt WE, Chen J, Leung H (2003) Urbanization, land use, and water quality in Shanghai 1947-1996. Environment International, 29:649-659.
  • Russ M, (2017) Handbook of knowledge management for sustainable water systems (challenges in water management series) 1st Edition. Wiley: Hoboken NJ, p 307.
  • Samarghandi M, Nouri J, Mesdaghinia AR, Mahvi AH, Nasseri S, Vaezi F (2007) Efficiency removal of phenol, lead and cadmium by means of UV/TiO2/H2O2 processes. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 4:19-25.
  • Simeonov V, Stratis JA, Samara C, Zachariadis G, Voutsa D, Anthemidis A, Sofoniou M, Kouimtzis T (2003) Assessment of the surface water quality in Northern Greece. Water Research, 37:4119-4124.
  • Sutadian AD, Muttil N, Yılmaz AG, Perera BJC (2016) Development of river water quality indices-a review. Environ Monit Assess, 188:58.
  • Shrestha S, Kazama F (2007) Assessment of surface water quality using multivariate statistical techniques: a case study of the Fuji river basin. Japan. Environ Model Softw, 22:464-475.
  • Smith VH (2003) Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems a global problem. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10:126-139.
  • SWQR (2012) Republic of Turkey. Official Newspaper, Surface water quality regulation, 28483-30.11.2012.
  • Şener Ş, Şener E, Davraz A (2017) Evaluation of water quality usingwater quality index (WQI) method and GIS in Aksu River (SW-Turkey). Science of the Total Environment, 584-585:131-144.
  • Tarkan AN, Özdemir N, Demirak A, Filiz H, Tarkan AS, Bilge G, Gülşahin N, Yavuz E, Boran R, Özel İ, Yılmaz H, Erdinç ÖS (2009) Gökova İç Körfezi’nde Su Kalitesi ve Denizel Biyoçeşitlilik. Muğla Üniversitesi Baskısı. Smap III Gökova Projesi. Muğla/Turkey pp 6-12. (In Turkish).
  • Taşlıgil N (2008) Tourism and Special Environmental Protected Areas:Case of Datça-Bozburun. Aegean Geographical Journal, 17:73-83.
  • Uluğ A, Duman M, Ersoy Ş, Özel E, Avcı M (2005) Late quaternary sea-level change, sedimentation and neotectonics of the Gulf of Gökova: Southeastern Aegean Sea. Marine Geology, 221:381-395.
  • Yang HJ, Shen ZM, Zhang JP, Wang WH (2007) Water quality characteristics along the course of the Huangpu River (China). J Environ Sci, 19:1193-1198.
  • Yunus AP, Dou J, Sravanthi N (2015) Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a as a measure of red tide in Tokyo Bay using hotspot analysis. Remote sensing applications: society and environment, 2:11-25.
  • Zhang Y, Guo F, Meng W, Wang XQ (2009) Water quality assessment and source identification of Daliao river basin using multivariate statistical methods. Environ. Monit. Assess, 152:105-121.
  • Zhou F, Guo H, Liu Y, Jiang Y (2007) Chemometrics data analysis of marine water quality and source identification in Southern Hong Kong. Mar Pollut Bull, 54:745-756.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Hydrobiology
Journal Section Research

Nedim Özdemir 0000-0001-7410-6113

Mesut Perktaş This is me 0000-0001-5410-919X

Mustafa Döndü 0000-0003-1441-539X

Project Number 14/088
Publication Date June 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Özdemir, N., Perktaş, M., & Döndü, M. (2022). Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 81-91.
AMA Özdemir N, Perktaş M, Döndü M. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey). ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. June 2022;19(1):81-91. doi:10.25308/aduziraat.1035712
Chicago Özdemir, Nedim, Mesut Perktaş, and Mustafa Döndü. “Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey)”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19, no. 1 (June 2022): 81-91.
EndNote Özdemir N, Perktaş M, Döndü M (June 1, 2022) Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey). Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19 1 81–91.
IEEE N. Özdemir, M. Perktaş, and M. Döndü, “Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey)”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 81–91, 2022, doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.1035712.
ISNAD Özdemir, Nedim et al. “Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey)”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 19/1 (June 2022), 81-91.
JAMA Özdemir N, Perktaş M, Döndü M. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey). ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2022;19:81–91.
MLA Özdemir, Nedim et al. “Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey)”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 1, 2022, pp. 81-91, doi:10.25308/aduziraat.1035712.
Vancouver Özdemir N, Perktaş M, Döndü M. Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Parameters by Multivariate Statistical Analyses in Northern Coastal Line of Gökova Bay (Muğla, Turkey). ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2022;19(1):81-9.