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Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri

Year 2018, , 87 - 93, 31.12.2018


Biyokütlenin oksijenin sınırlı olduğu bir ortamda termo-kimyasal dönüşümü işlemi ile elde edilen karbon (C)
bakımından zengin katı materyaller biyokömür olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Biyokömürün toprak verimliliği ve bitki gelişimi
üzerine etkisi, biyokömürün ve uygulanan toprağın özellikleri, uygulama dozu ve uygulanan ürünün isteklerinin karşılıklı
etkileşimleri tarafından belirlenmektedir. Ancak, biyokömürün yüksek pH’sı, gözenekli yapısı ve yüksek yüzey yükü nedeni ile
toprağın fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özellikleri üzerine doğrudan veya dolaylı yollarla etki ettiğini rapor eden çok sayıda
araştırma yayınlanmıştır. Bunlara ilaveten biyokömürün yüksek yük yoğunluğu ve yüzey alanı ile fitotoksik organik
molekülleri adsorbe edebilmesi ve toprak kökenli patojenleri baskılaması da bitkisel üretimdeki olumlu etkileri arasında
sayılabilir. Bu derlemede, biyokömürün tarım arazilerindeki kullanımını özellikle de toprak verimliliği ve ürün verimini konu
eden 51 adet araştırmanın dikkate değer bulguları özetlenerek karşılaştırılmış ve tartışılmıştır.


  • Abel S, Peters A, Trinks S, Schonsky H, Facklam M, Wessolek G (2013) Impact of biochar and hydrochar addition on water retention and water repellency of sandy soil. Geoderma 202: 183-191.
  • Aguilar-Chavez A, Díaz-Rojas M, del Rosario C, ArdenasAquino M, Dendooven L, Luna-Guido M, (2012) Greenhouse gas emissions from a wastewater sludge amended soil cultivated with wheat (Triticum spp. L.) as affected by different application rates of charcoal. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 52: 90e95.
  • Akhtar SS, Andersen MN, Naveed M, Zahir ZA, Liu F (2015) Interactive effect of biochar and plant growth promoting bacterial endophytes on ameliorating salinity stress in maize. Functional Plant Biology 42: 770-781.
  • Ameloot N, Sleutel S, Das KC, Kanagaratnam J, Neve S (2015) Biochar amendment to soils with contrasting organic matter level: effects on N mineralization and biological soil properties. Gcb Bioenergy 7(1): 135-144.
  • Asai H, Samson BK, Stephan HM, Songyikhangsuthor K, Homma K, Kiyono Y, Horie T (2009) Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos: 1. Soil physical properties, leaf SPAD and grain yield. Field Crops Res 111(1): 81-84.
  • Atkinson C, Fitzgerald J, Hipps N (2010) Potential mechanisms for achieving agricultural benefits from biochar application to temperate soils: A review. Plant Soil 337: 1-18.
  • Carvalho de Melo MT, Maia ADHN, Madari BE, Bastiaans L, Van Oort PAJ, Heinemann AB, ... & Meinke H (2014) Biochar increases plant-available water in a sandy loam soil under an aerobic rice crop system. Solid Earth 5(2): 939-952.
  • Chaudhary S, Dheri GS, Brar BS (2017) Long-term effects of NPK fertilizers and organic manures on carbon stabilization and management index under rice-wheat cropping system. Soil Tillage & Research 166: 59-66.
  • Chan KY, Dorahy C, Tyler S (2007) Determining the agronomic value of composts produced from garden organics from metropolitan areas of New South Wales, Australia. Animal Production Science 47(11): 1377-1382.
  • Chan KY, Van Zwieten L, Meszaros I, Downie A, Joseph S (2008) Agronomic values of green waste biochar as a soil amendment. Soil Research 45(8): 629-634.
  • Chen J, Liu X, Zheng J, Zhang B, Lu H, Chi Z, ... & Wang J (2013) Biochar soil amendment increased bacterial but decreased fungal gene abundance with shifts in community structure in a slightly acid rice paddy from Southwest China. Applied Soil Ecology 71: 33-44.
  • Deenik JL, McClellan T, Uehara G, Antal MJ, Campbell S (2010) Charcoal volatile matter content influences plant growth and soil nitrogen transformations. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1259-1270.
  • De Tender CA, Debode J, Vandecasteele B, D’Hose T, Cremelie P, Haegeman A, ... & Maes M (2016) Biological, physicochemical and plant health responses in lettuce and strawberry in soil or peat amended with biochar. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 1-12.
  • Eo J, Park KC, Kim MH, Kwon SI, Song YJ (2018) Effects of rice husk and rice husk biochar on root rot disease of ginseng (Panax ginseng) and on soil organisms. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 34(1): 27-39.
  • Free HF, McGill CR, Rowarth JS, Hedley MJ (2010) The effect of biochars on maize (Zea mays) germination. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 53(1): 1-4.
  • Jeffery S, Verheijen FG, Van Der Velde M, Bastos AC (2011) A quantitative review of the effects of biochar application to soils on crop productivity using metaanalysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 144(1): 175-187.
  • Jeffery S, Abalos D, Prodana M, Bastos AC, Van Groenigen JW, Hungate BA, Verheijen F (2017) Biochar boosts tropical but not temperate crop yields. Environmental Research Letters: 12(5), 053001.
  • Gaskin JW, Speir RA, Harris K, Das KC, Lee RD, Morris LA, Fisher DS (2010) Effect of peanut hull and pine chip biochar on soil nutrients, corn nutrient status, and yield. Agronomy Journal 102(2): 623-633.
  • Githinji L (2014) Effect of biochar application rate on soil physical and hydraulic properties of a sandy loam. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60(4): 457-470.
  • Güereña D, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Enders A, Hyland C, Riha S (2013) Nitrogen dynamics following field application of biochar in a temperate North American maize-based production system. Plant and Soil 365(1-2): 239-254.
  • Gul S, Whalen JK, Thomas BW, Sachdeva V, Deng H (2015) Physico-chemical properties and microbial responses in biochar-amended soils: mechanisms and future directions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 206: 46-59.
  • Gundale M, DeLuca T (2006) Temperature and source material influence ecological attributes of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir charcoal. Forest Ecology and Management 231(1–3): 86–93.
  • Harel YM, Elad Y, Rav-David D, Borenstein M, Shulchani R, Lew B, Graber ER (2012) Biochar mediates systemic response of strawberry to foliar fungal pathogens. Plant and Soil 357(1-2): 245-257.
  • Hossain MK, Strezov V, Chan KY, Ziolkowski A, Nelson PF (2011) Influence of pyrolysis temperature on production and nutrient properties of wastewater sludge biochar. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 223–228.
  • Kammann C, Ippolito J, Hagemann N, Borchard N, Cayuela ML, Estavillo JM, ... & Rasse D (2017) Biochar as a tool to reduce the agricultural greenhouse-gas burden–knowns, unknowns and future research needs. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 25(2), 114-139.
  • Knicker H (2010) Black nitrogen’ean important fraction in determining the recalcitrance of charcoal. Organic Geochemistry 41: 947e950.
  • Kolton M, Graber ER, Tsehansky L, Elad Y, Cytryn E (2017) Biochar‐stimulated plant performance is strongly linked to microbial diversity and metabolic potential in the rhizosphere. New Phytologist 213(3): 1393-1404.
  • Laghari M, Mirjat MS, Hu Z, Fazal S, Xiao B, Hu M, Chen Z, Guo D (2015) Effects of biochar application rate on sandy desert soil properties and sorghum growth. Catena (135): 313-320.
  • Laird D, Fleming P, Davis D, Horton R, Wang B, Karlen D (2010) Impact of biochar amendments on the quality of a typical midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma 158(3-4): 443–449.
  • Lehmann J, da Silva Jr, JP, Steiner C, Nehls T, Zech W, Glaser B (2003) Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal amendments, Plant and Soil 249: 343–357.
  • Lehmann J, Rillig MC, Thies J, Masiello CA, Hockaday WC, Crowley D (2011) Biochar effects on soil biota–a review. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43(9): 1812-1836.
  • Lin XW, Zie ZB, Zheng JY, Liu Q, Bei QC, Zhu JG, (2015) Effects of biochar application on greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and crop growth in coastal saline soil. European Journal of Soil Science 66: 329–338.
  • Liu Q, Liu B, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Zhu T, Sun R, ... Lin X (2017) Can biochar alleviate soil compaction stress on wheat growth and mitigate soil N2O emissions? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 104: 8-17.
  • Luo L, Gu JD (2016) Alteration of extracellular enzyme activity and microbial abundance by biochar addition: Implication for carbon sequestration in subtropical mangrove sediment. Journal of Environmental Management 182: 29-36.
  • Madari BE, Silva MA, Carvalho MT, Maia AH, Petter FA, Santos JL, ... & Zeviani WM (2017) Properties of a sandy clay loam Haplic Ferralsol and soybean grain yield in a five-year field trial as affected by biochar amendment. Geoderma 305: 100-112.
  • Naeem MA, Khalid M, Aon M, Abbas G, Amjad M, Murtaza B, Khan WUD, Ahmad N (2018) Combined application of biochar with compost and fertilizer improves soil properties and grain yield of maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition 41(1): 112-122.
  • Nelissen V, Ruysschaert G, Manka’Abusi D, D’Hose T, De Beuf K, Al-Barri B, Boeckx P (2015) Impact of a woody biochar on properties of a sandy loam soil and spring barley during a two-year field experiment. European Journal of Agronomy 62: 65-78.
  • Novak JM, Ippolito JA, Lentz RD, Spokas KA, Bolster CH, Sistani K, ... Johnson MG (2016) Soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil response to biochars. BioEnergy Research 9(2): 454-464.
  • Oberlin A (2002) Pyrocarbons. Carbon 40(1): 7-24.
  • Ogawa M, Okimori Y, Takahashi F (2006) Carbon sequestration by carbonization of biomass and forestation: three case studies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11: 429-444.
  • Oleszczuk P, Rycaj M, Lehmann J, Cornelissen G (2012). Influence of activated carbon and biochar on phytotoxicity of air-dried sewage sludges to Lepidium sativum. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 80: 321–326.
  • Olmo M, Alburquerque JA, Barrón V, Del Campillo MC, Gallardo A, Fuentes M, Villar R (2014) Wheat growth and yield responses to biochar addition under Mediterranean climate conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50(8): 1177-1187.
  • Prapagdee S, Tawinteung N (2017) Effects of biochar on enhanced nutrient use efficiency of green bean, Vigna radiata L. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(10): 9460-9467.
  • Subedi R, Taupe N, Pelissetti S, Petruzzelli L, Bertora C, Leahy JJ, Grignani C (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions and soil properties following amendment with manure derived biochars: influence of pyrolysis temperature and feedstock type. Journal of Environmental Management 166: 73-83.
  • Sun F, Lu S (2014) Biochars improve aggregate stability, water retention, and pore‐space properties of clayey soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177(1): 26-33.
  • Tian X, Li C, Zhang M, Wan Y, Xie Z, Chen B, Li W (2018) Biochar derived from corn straw affected availability and distribution of soil nutrients and cotton yield. PloS One 13(1): e0189924, 1-19.
  • Wardle DA, Zackrisson O, Nilsson MC (1998) The charcoal effect in Boreal forests: mechanisms and ecological consequences. Oecologia 115(3): 419-426.
  • Xiao Q, Zhu LX, Shen YF, Li SQ (2016) Sensitivity of soil water retention and availability to biochar addition in rainfed semi-arid farmland during a three-year field experiment. Field Crops Research 196: 284-293.
  • Yu XY, Ying GG, Kookana RS (2006) Sorption and Desorption Behaviors of Diuron in Soils Amended with Charcoal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 8545–8550.
  • Zhang AF, Bian RJ, Pan GX, Cui LQ, Hussain Q, Li LQ, Zweng J, Zheng X, Han X, Yu X (2012) Effects of biochar amendment on soil quality, crop yield and greenhouse gas emission in a Chinese rice paddy: A field study of 2 consecutive rice growing cycles. Field Crops Research 127: 153-160.
  • Zhang H, Yu X, Jin Z, Zheng W, Zhai B, Li Z (2017) Improving grain yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat through a combination of manure and chemical nitrogen fertilizer on the Loess plateau, China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(2): 461-474.

Biochar; Definition, Utilization and Effects on Agricultural Soils

Year 2018, , 87 - 93, 31.12.2018


Carbon rich solid materials produced by thermo-chemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen limited environment is defined as biochar. The
impact of biodiversity on soil fertility and plant growth is determined by the interactions among characteristics of biochars and amended soil,
application rate and requirements of crops grown. However, many reports have been published indicating that biochar can directly or indirectly
influence physical, chemical and biological properties of soils due to high pH, porous structure and large surface charge. Ability to adsorb phytotoxic
organic molecules with its high surface charge and surface area and to suppress soil-borne pathogens can be considered as positive effects of biochar
on plant production. In this review, remarkable findings of 50 studies conducted on investigating the biochar use on agricultural fields particularly
effects on soil fertility and crop productivity have been summarized, compared and discussed.


  • Abel S, Peters A, Trinks S, Schonsky H, Facklam M, Wessolek G (2013) Impact of biochar and hydrochar addition on water retention and water repellency of sandy soil. Geoderma 202: 183-191.
  • Aguilar-Chavez A, Díaz-Rojas M, del Rosario C, ArdenasAquino M, Dendooven L, Luna-Guido M, (2012) Greenhouse gas emissions from a wastewater sludge amended soil cultivated with wheat (Triticum spp. L.) as affected by different application rates of charcoal. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 52: 90e95.
  • Akhtar SS, Andersen MN, Naveed M, Zahir ZA, Liu F (2015) Interactive effect of biochar and plant growth promoting bacterial endophytes on ameliorating salinity stress in maize. Functional Plant Biology 42: 770-781.
  • Ameloot N, Sleutel S, Das KC, Kanagaratnam J, Neve S (2015) Biochar amendment to soils with contrasting organic matter level: effects on N mineralization and biological soil properties. Gcb Bioenergy 7(1): 135-144.
  • Asai H, Samson BK, Stephan HM, Songyikhangsuthor K, Homma K, Kiyono Y, Horie T (2009) Biochar amendment techniques for upland rice production in Northern Laos: 1. Soil physical properties, leaf SPAD and grain yield. Field Crops Res 111(1): 81-84.
  • Atkinson C, Fitzgerald J, Hipps N (2010) Potential mechanisms for achieving agricultural benefits from biochar application to temperate soils: A review. Plant Soil 337: 1-18.
  • Carvalho de Melo MT, Maia ADHN, Madari BE, Bastiaans L, Van Oort PAJ, Heinemann AB, ... & Meinke H (2014) Biochar increases plant-available water in a sandy loam soil under an aerobic rice crop system. Solid Earth 5(2): 939-952.
  • Chaudhary S, Dheri GS, Brar BS (2017) Long-term effects of NPK fertilizers and organic manures on carbon stabilization and management index under rice-wheat cropping system. Soil Tillage & Research 166: 59-66.
  • Chan KY, Dorahy C, Tyler S (2007) Determining the agronomic value of composts produced from garden organics from metropolitan areas of New South Wales, Australia. Animal Production Science 47(11): 1377-1382.
  • Chan KY, Van Zwieten L, Meszaros I, Downie A, Joseph S (2008) Agronomic values of green waste biochar as a soil amendment. Soil Research 45(8): 629-634.
  • Chen J, Liu X, Zheng J, Zhang B, Lu H, Chi Z, ... & Wang J (2013) Biochar soil amendment increased bacterial but decreased fungal gene abundance with shifts in community structure in a slightly acid rice paddy from Southwest China. Applied Soil Ecology 71: 33-44.
  • Deenik JL, McClellan T, Uehara G, Antal MJ, Campbell S (2010) Charcoal volatile matter content influences plant growth and soil nitrogen transformations. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1259-1270.
  • De Tender CA, Debode J, Vandecasteele B, D’Hose T, Cremelie P, Haegeman A, ... & Maes M (2016) Biological, physicochemical and plant health responses in lettuce and strawberry in soil or peat amended with biochar. Applied Soil Ecology 107: 1-12.
  • Eo J, Park KC, Kim MH, Kwon SI, Song YJ (2018) Effects of rice husk and rice husk biochar on root rot disease of ginseng (Panax ginseng) and on soil organisms. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 34(1): 27-39.
  • Free HF, McGill CR, Rowarth JS, Hedley MJ (2010) The effect of biochars on maize (Zea mays) germination. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 53(1): 1-4.
  • Jeffery S, Verheijen FG, Van Der Velde M, Bastos AC (2011) A quantitative review of the effects of biochar application to soils on crop productivity using metaanalysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 144(1): 175-187.
  • Jeffery S, Abalos D, Prodana M, Bastos AC, Van Groenigen JW, Hungate BA, Verheijen F (2017) Biochar boosts tropical but not temperate crop yields. Environmental Research Letters: 12(5), 053001.
  • Gaskin JW, Speir RA, Harris K, Das KC, Lee RD, Morris LA, Fisher DS (2010) Effect of peanut hull and pine chip biochar on soil nutrients, corn nutrient status, and yield. Agronomy Journal 102(2): 623-633.
  • Githinji L (2014) Effect of biochar application rate on soil physical and hydraulic properties of a sandy loam. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 60(4): 457-470.
  • Güereña D, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Enders A, Hyland C, Riha S (2013) Nitrogen dynamics following field application of biochar in a temperate North American maize-based production system. Plant and Soil 365(1-2): 239-254.
  • Gul S, Whalen JK, Thomas BW, Sachdeva V, Deng H (2015) Physico-chemical properties and microbial responses in biochar-amended soils: mechanisms and future directions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 206: 46-59.
  • Gundale M, DeLuca T (2006) Temperature and source material influence ecological attributes of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir charcoal. Forest Ecology and Management 231(1–3): 86–93.
  • Harel YM, Elad Y, Rav-David D, Borenstein M, Shulchani R, Lew B, Graber ER (2012) Biochar mediates systemic response of strawberry to foliar fungal pathogens. Plant and Soil 357(1-2): 245-257.
  • Hossain MK, Strezov V, Chan KY, Ziolkowski A, Nelson PF (2011) Influence of pyrolysis temperature on production and nutrient properties of wastewater sludge biochar. Journal of Environmental Management 92: 223–228.
  • Kammann C, Ippolito J, Hagemann N, Borchard N, Cayuela ML, Estavillo JM, ... & Rasse D (2017) Biochar as a tool to reduce the agricultural greenhouse-gas burden–knowns, unknowns and future research needs. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 25(2), 114-139.
  • Knicker H (2010) Black nitrogen’ean important fraction in determining the recalcitrance of charcoal. Organic Geochemistry 41: 947e950.
  • Kolton M, Graber ER, Tsehansky L, Elad Y, Cytryn E (2017) Biochar‐stimulated plant performance is strongly linked to microbial diversity and metabolic potential in the rhizosphere. New Phytologist 213(3): 1393-1404.
  • Laghari M, Mirjat MS, Hu Z, Fazal S, Xiao B, Hu M, Chen Z, Guo D (2015) Effects of biochar application rate on sandy desert soil properties and sorghum growth. Catena (135): 313-320.
  • Laird D, Fleming P, Davis D, Horton R, Wang B, Karlen D (2010) Impact of biochar amendments on the quality of a typical midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma 158(3-4): 443–449.
  • Lehmann J, da Silva Jr, JP, Steiner C, Nehls T, Zech W, Glaser B (2003) Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal amendments, Plant and Soil 249: 343–357.
  • Lehmann J, Rillig MC, Thies J, Masiello CA, Hockaday WC, Crowley D (2011) Biochar effects on soil biota–a review. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43(9): 1812-1836.
  • Lin XW, Zie ZB, Zheng JY, Liu Q, Bei QC, Zhu JG, (2015) Effects of biochar application on greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and crop growth in coastal saline soil. European Journal of Soil Science 66: 329–338.
  • Liu Q, Liu B, Zhang Y, Lin Z, Zhu T, Sun R, ... Lin X (2017) Can biochar alleviate soil compaction stress on wheat growth and mitigate soil N2O emissions? Soil Biology and Biochemistry 104: 8-17.
  • Luo L, Gu JD (2016) Alteration of extracellular enzyme activity and microbial abundance by biochar addition: Implication for carbon sequestration in subtropical mangrove sediment. Journal of Environmental Management 182: 29-36.
  • Madari BE, Silva MA, Carvalho MT, Maia AH, Petter FA, Santos JL, ... & Zeviani WM (2017) Properties of a sandy clay loam Haplic Ferralsol and soybean grain yield in a five-year field trial as affected by biochar amendment. Geoderma 305: 100-112.
  • Naeem MA, Khalid M, Aon M, Abbas G, Amjad M, Murtaza B, Khan WUD, Ahmad N (2018) Combined application of biochar with compost and fertilizer improves soil properties and grain yield of maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition 41(1): 112-122.
  • Nelissen V, Ruysschaert G, Manka’Abusi D, D’Hose T, De Beuf K, Al-Barri B, Boeckx P (2015) Impact of a woody biochar on properties of a sandy loam soil and spring barley during a two-year field experiment. European Journal of Agronomy 62: 65-78.
  • Novak JM, Ippolito JA, Lentz RD, Spokas KA, Bolster CH, Sistani K, ... Johnson MG (2016) Soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil response to biochars. BioEnergy Research 9(2): 454-464.
  • Oberlin A (2002) Pyrocarbons. Carbon 40(1): 7-24.
  • Ogawa M, Okimori Y, Takahashi F (2006) Carbon sequestration by carbonization of biomass and forestation: three case studies. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11: 429-444.
  • Oleszczuk P, Rycaj M, Lehmann J, Cornelissen G (2012). Influence of activated carbon and biochar on phytotoxicity of air-dried sewage sludges to Lepidium sativum. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 80: 321–326.
  • Olmo M, Alburquerque JA, Barrón V, Del Campillo MC, Gallardo A, Fuentes M, Villar R (2014) Wheat growth and yield responses to biochar addition under Mediterranean climate conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 50(8): 1177-1187.
  • Prapagdee S, Tawinteung N (2017) Effects of biochar on enhanced nutrient use efficiency of green bean, Vigna radiata L. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(10): 9460-9467.
  • Subedi R, Taupe N, Pelissetti S, Petruzzelli L, Bertora C, Leahy JJ, Grignani C (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions and soil properties following amendment with manure derived biochars: influence of pyrolysis temperature and feedstock type. Journal of Environmental Management 166: 73-83.
  • Sun F, Lu S (2014) Biochars improve aggregate stability, water retention, and pore‐space properties of clayey soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177(1): 26-33.
  • Tian X, Li C, Zhang M, Wan Y, Xie Z, Chen B, Li W (2018) Biochar derived from corn straw affected availability and distribution of soil nutrients and cotton yield. PloS One 13(1): e0189924, 1-19.
  • Wardle DA, Zackrisson O, Nilsson MC (1998) The charcoal effect in Boreal forests: mechanisms and ecological consequences. Oecologia 115(3): 419-426.
  • Xiao Q, Zhu LX, Shen YF, Li SQ (2016) Sensitivity of soil water retention and availability to biochar addition in rainfed semi-arid farmland during a three-year field experiment. Field Crops Research 196: 284-293.
  • Yu XY, Ying GG, Kookana RS (2006) Sorption and Desorption Behaviors of Diuron in Soils Amended with Charcoal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 8545–8550.
  • Zhang AF, Bian RJ, Pan GX, Cui LQ, Hussain Q, Li LQ, Zweng J, Zheng X, Han X, Yu X (2012) Effects of biochar amendment on soil quality, crop yield and greenhouse gas emission in a Chinese rice paddy: A field study of 2 consecutive rice growing cycles. Field Crops Research 127: 153-160.
  • Zhang H, Yu X, Jin Z, Zheng W, Zhai B, Li Z (2017) Improving grain yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat through a combination of manure and chemical nitrogen fertilizer on the Loess plateau, China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(2): 461-474.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Erratum

Elif Günal 0000-0003-0624-2919

Halil Erdem This is me 0000-0002-3296-1549

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Günal, E., & Erdem, H. (2018). Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 87-93.
AMA Günal E, Erdem H. Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. December 2018;15(2):87-93. doi:10.25308/aduziraat.405858
Chicago Günal, Elif, and Halil Erdem. “Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı Ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15, no. 2 (December 2018): 87-93.
EndNote Günal E, Erdem H (December 1, 2018) Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15 2 87–93.
IEEE E. Günal and H. Erdem, “Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 87–93, 2018, doi: 10.25308/aduziraat.405858.
ISNAD Günal, Elif - Erdem, Halil. “Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı Ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 15/2 (December 2018), 87-93.
JAMA Günal E, Erdem H. Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15:87–93.
MLA Günal, Elif and Halil Erdem. “Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı Ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 15, no. 2, 2018, pp. 87-93, doi:10.25308/aduziraat.405858.
Vancouver Günal E, Erdem H. Biyokömür; Tanımı, Kullanımı ve Tarım Topraklarındaki Etkileri. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2018;15(2):87-93.