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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 39 - 45, 01.06.2012


DDT is a persistent pesticide that was banned in most countries due to its significant environmental and human health hazards. Bioremediation has the potential for in-situ treatment of DDT contaminated sediment and soils. With the right microorganisms and conditions, DDT and its primary metabolites, DDD and DDE can be degraded into 4-chlorobenzoic acid or 4,4- dichlorobenzophenone under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, respectively. The extent of degradation and time required will depend on the initial concentration, respiration mode and microorganisms present. This review provides brief overview of bioremediation and discusses some of the key degradation pathways of DDT.


  • Aislabie JM, Richards NK, Boul HL (1997) Microbial degradation of DDT and its residues – a review. New
  • Zealand Journal Agricultural Research 40: 269-282. Ahuja R, Awasthi N, Manickam N, Kumar A (2001)
  • M e t a b o l i s m o f 1 , 1 - d i c h l o r o - 2 , 2 b i s ( 4 - chlorophenyl)ethylene by Alcaligenes Dentrificans. Biotechnology Letters 23: 423:426. Ahuja R, Kumar A (2003) Metabolism of DDT [1,1,1
  • Trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane] by Alcaligenes denitrificans ITRC-4 Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions. Current Microbiology 46: –69. Figure 4. Metabolic pathway of DDT under anaerobic conditions as modified by research of You et al. (1996). DDMU is 1- chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene; DDMS is 1-chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane; DDNU unsym-bis(p- chlorophenyl)ethylene; DDOH is 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethanol; DDA is dichlorodiphenylacetate; DPM is dichlorophenylmethane; DBH is dichlorobenzylhydrol and DBP is dichlorobenzophenone. DDOH DDA DBP DBH DPM
  • Baczynski TP, Pleissner D, Grotenuis T (2010) Anaerobic
  • Hazardous Materials 184: 281-289. biodegradation of organochlorine pesticides in soil – significance of temperature and availability. Chemosphere 78: 22-28. Gao B, Leu W, Jia WB, Jia, LJ, Xu L, Xie J (2011) Isolation and characterization of an Alcaligenes sp. Strain DG-5 capable of degrading DDTs under aerobic conditions.
  • Journal Environmental Science Health Part B 46: 257- Bioremediation of chlorinated pesticides in field contaminated soils and suitability of Tenax solid phase extraction as a predictor of its effectiveness. Clean Soil Air Water 40: 864-869. Gautam SK, Suresh S (2009) Biodegradation of 1,1- diphyenylethylene and 1,1-diphenylethane by
  • Pseudomonas putida PaW 736. Current Science 96: 10. Bao P, Hu ZY, Wnag XJ, Chen J, Ba YX, Hua J, Zhu CY, Hay AG, Focht DD (2000) Transformation of 1,1-dichloro
  • Zhong M, Wu CY (2012) Dechlorination of p,p'-DDTs coupled with sulfate reduction by novel sulfate- reducing bacterium Clostridium sp. BXM.
  • Environmental Pollution 162: 303-310. ,2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD) by Ralstonia eutropha. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 31: 249-253. Huang Y, Zhao X, Luan s (2007) Uptake and biodegradation of DDT by 4 ectomycorrhizal fungi. Science Total Environment 385: 235-241.
  • Barragan-Huerta BE, Costa-Perez C, Peralta-Cruz J, Barrera-Cortes J, Esparza-Garcia F, Rodriquez- Va z a u e z R ( 2 0 0 7 ) B i o d e g r a d a t i o n o f organochlorinepesticides by bacteria grown in microniches of the porous structure of green bean coffee. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation : 239-244. Kaplan DL (1992) Biological degradation of explosives and chemical agents. Current Opinion Biotechnology 3: 260.
  • Lackmann GM, Schaller KH, Angerer J (2004)
  • Organochlorine compounds in breast-fed vs. bottle-fed infants: preliminary results at six weeks of age. Science Total Environment 329: 289-293. Barreto-Castro M, Gomez-Matrinez LE, Gold-Bouchot G (2010) Tamoxifen affects the Toxicokinetics of o,p'
  • DDT in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Bulletin Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 85: 549. Li FB, Li XM, Zhou SG, Zhuang L, Cao F, Huang DY, Xu W, Liu TX, Feng CH (2010) Enhanced reductive dechlorination of DDT in an anaerobic system of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria and iron oxide.
  • Environmental Pollution 158: 1733-1740.
  • Beunink J, Rehm HJ (1988) Synchronous anaerobic and aerobic degradation of DDT by an immobilized mixed culture system. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology : 72-80.
  • Liu W, Li C, Zheng M, Wang L, Li S, Ba T, Su G, Gao L, Zhang L (2008) Distribution of DDT in a typical DDT waste contaminated site. Bulletin Environmental
  • Contaminant Toxicology 80: 280-282. Bidlan R, Mannmani HK (2002). Aerobic degradation of dichlrodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) by Serratia marcescens DT-1P. Process Biochemistry 38: 49-56.
  • Bumpus JA, Powers RH, Sun T. (1993) Biodegradation of
  • McCullar MV, Koh SC, Focht DD (2002). The use of mutants to discern the degradation pathway of 3,4'- dichlorobiphenyl in Pseudomonas acidovorans
  • M3GY. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 42: 81-87. Megharaj M, Hartmans S, Engesser KH, Thiele JH (1998)
  • Phyanerochaete chrysosporium. Mycology Research : 95-98. R e c a l c i t r a n c e o f 1 , 1 - d i c h l o r - 2 , 2 - b i s ( p - chlorophenyl)ethylene to degradation by pure cultures of 1,1-diphenylethylene degrading aerobic bacteria. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 49: 337-342. Mitra J, Mukherjee PK, Kale SP, Murthy NBK (2001)
  • Toxicology Letters 134: 147-153. Chiu TC, Yen JH, Liu JT, Wang YS (2004) Anaerobic
  • Bioremediation of DDT in soil by genetically improved fungus Fusarium solani. Biodegradation 12: 235-245. Mo CH, Cai QY, Li HQ, Zeng QY, Tans SR, Zhao YC (2008) heptachlor in river sediment of Taiwan. Bulletin
  • Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 72: 821-828. Cookson JT Jr. (1995) Bioremediation Engineering: Design
  • Potential of different species for use in the removal of DDT from the contaminated soils. Chemosphere 73: 125. and Application. McGraw-Hill, New York. Morisawa S, Kato A, Yoneda M, Shimada Y (2002) The Corona-Cruz A, Gold-Bouchot G, Gutierrez-Rojas M, dynamic performances of DDTs in the environment and Japanese exposure to them: a historical perspective after the ban. Risk Analysis 22: 245-263.
  • Aerobic Biodegradation of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane) in Soils. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology 63: 219-225. Muendo BM, Lalah JO, Getenga ZM (2012) Behavior of pesticide residues in agricultural soil and adjacent river
  • Kuywa sediment and water samples from Nzoia sugarcane belt in Kenya. Environmentalist 32: 433- doi: 0.1081/E-ECHP-120007679.
  • Dai RL, Zhang GY, Gu XZ, Wang MK (2008) Sorption of
  • Mwangi K, Boga HI, Muigai A, Kiiyukia C, Tsanuo MK ,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) b y c l a y s a n d o rg a n o c l a y s . E n v i r o n m e n t a l Geochemistry Health 30: 479-488. ( 2 0 1 0 ) dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) by bacterial isolate form cultivated and uncultivated soil. African J Microbiology Research 4: 185-196. o f Eweis, JG, Ergas, SJ, Chang, DPY (1998) Bioremediation
  • Principles. McGraw-Hill, New York. Nadeau LJ, Sayler GS, Spain JC (1998) Oxidation of 1,1,1
  • Fang H, Dong B, Yan H, Tang F, Yu Y (2010) trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)Ethane (DDT) by
  • Alcaligenes eutrophus A5. Archives Microbiology : 44-49. degrading DDT congeners and its use in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Journal Nguyen ATP, Sato Y, Iwasaki T, Miyauchi K, Tokuda M, Kasai D, Masai E, Fukuda M (2011) Characterization of the 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene
  • (DDE) degradation system in Janibacter sp. TYM3221. Enzyme Microbial Technology 49: 532
  • Yu HY, Bao LS, Liang Y, Zeng EJ (2011) Field validation of a n a e r o b i c d e g r a d a t i o n p a t h w a y s f o r dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene (DDT) and 13 metabolites in marine sediment cores from China.
  • Environmental Science Technology 45: 5245-5252.
  • You G, Sayles GD, Kupferle MJ, Kim IS, Bishop PL (1996)
  • Purnomo AS, Mori T, Kamei I, Nishii T, Kondo R (2010)
  • Application of mushroom waste medium from Pleurotus ostreatus for bioremediation of DDT- contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation, 64: 397-402. Anaerobic DDT biotransformation: enhancement by application of surfactants and low oxidation reduction potential. Chemosphere 32: 2269-2284.
  • Zhao Y, Yi X, Li M, Liu L, Ma W (2010) Biodegradation
  • Purnomo AS, Mori T, Takagi K, Kondo R (2011)
  • Kinetics of DDT in Soil under Different Environmental Conditions by Laccase Extract from White Rot Fungi. Chinese Journal Chemical Engineering 18: 486-492. brown-rot fungi. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation 65: 691-695. Sari AA, Tachibana S, Muryanto A (2012) Correlation of Sorumlu Yazar Teresa J. CUTRIGHT
  • Trametes versicolor U97 with RBBR decolorization and DDT degradation. Water Air Soil Pollution 223: 5792. Geliþ Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 16.12.2012
  • DDT remediation in contaminated soils: a review of recent studies. Biodegradation 23: 851-863, Thomas JE, Gohil H (2011) Microcosm studies on the degradation of o,p-DDT and p,p-DDT, DDE and DDD in a muck soil. World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology 27: 619-625.
  • Toan VD, Thao VD, Walder J, Ha CT (2009) Residue, temporal trend, and half-life time of selected organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in surface soils form
  • Bacninh, Vietnam. Bulletin Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 82: 516-521. Turgut, C, Ates D, Gokbulut C, Cutright TJ (2009) Contents and sources DDT impurities in Dicofol formulations in
  • Turkey. Environmental Science Pollution Research 16: 217. Van den Berg H. (2009) Global Status of DDT and its alternatives for use in vector control to prevent disease.
  • Environmental Health Perspective 17: 1656-1663.
  • Van Zwieten L, Ayres MR, Morris SG (2003) Influence of arsenic co-contamination on DDT breakdown and microbial activity. Environmental Pollution 124: 331
  • Xiao P, Mori T, Kamei I, Kondo R (2011) A novel metabolic pathway for biodegradation of DDT by the white rot fungi, Phlebia lindtneri and Phlebia brevispora. Biodegradation 22: 859-867.
  • Xie H, Shu L, Xu Q, Wang J, Liu W, Jiang J, Meng Y (2011)
  • Isolation and degradation ability of the DDT-degrading bacterial strain KK. Environment Earth Science 62: 93- Wang G, Zhang J, Wang L, Liang B, Chenk K, Li S, Jiang J (2010) Co-metabolism of DDT by the newly isolated bacterium, Pseudoxanthomonas sp. wax. Brazilian
  • Journal Microbiology 41: 431-438. Wang F, Jiang X, Bian Y, Yao F, Gao H, Yu G, Munch JC, Schroll R. (2007) Organopesiticides in soils under different land usage in the Taihu Lake region, China. J
  • Environmental Science 19: 54-590. Wang GL, Bi M, Liang B, Jiang JD, Li SP (2011)
  • Pseudoxanthomonas jiangsuensis sp. Nov., a DDT- degrading bacterium isolated from a long term DDT- polluted site. Current Microbiology 62: 1760-1766.
  • Whitefield-Aslund ML, Lunney AI, Rutter A, Zeeb BA (2010) Effects of amendments on the uptake and distribution of DDT in Cucurbita pepo plants.
  • Environmental Pollution 158: 508-513.
Yıl 2012, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2, 39 - 45, 01.06.2012



  • Aislabie JM, Richards NK, Boul HL (1997) Microbial degradation of DDT and its residues – a review. New
  • Zealand Journal Agricultural Research 40: 269-282. Ahuja R, Awasthi N, Manickam N, Kumar A (2001)
  • M e t a b o l i s m o f 1 , 1 - d i c h l o r o - 2 , 2 b i s ( 4 - chlorophenyl)ethylene by Alcaligenes Dentrificans. Biotechnology Letters 23: 423:426. Ahuja R, Kumar A (2003) Metabolism of DDT [1,1,1
  • Trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane] by Alcaligenes denitrificans ITRC-4 Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions. Current Microbiology 46: –69. Figure 4. Metabolic pathway of DDT under anaerobic conditions as modified by research of You et al. (1996). DDMU is 1- chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene; DDMS is 1-chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane; DDNU unsym-bis(p- chlorophenyl)ethylene; DDOH is 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethanol; DDA is dichlorodiphenylacetate; DPM is dichlorophenylmethane; DBH is dichlorobenzylhydrol and DBP is dichlorobenzophenone. DDOH DDA DBP DBH DPM
  • Baczynski TP, Pleissner D, Grotenuis T (2010) Anaerobic
  • Hazardous Materials 184: 281-289. biodegradation of organochlorine pesticides in soil – significance of temperature and availability. Chemosphere 78: 22-28. Gao B, Leu W, Jia WB, Jia, LJ, Xu L, Xie J (2011) Isolation and characterization of an Alcaligenes sp. Strain DG-5 capable of degrading DDTs under aerobic conditions.
  • Journal Environmental Science Health Part B 46: 257- Bioremediation of chlorinated pesticides in field contaminated soils and suitability of Tenax solid phase extraction as a predictor of its effectiveness. Clean Soil Air Water 40: 864-869. Gautam SK, Suresh S (2009) Biodegradation of 1,1- diphyenylethylene and 1,1-diphenylethane by
  • Pseudomonas putida PaW 736. Current Science 96: 10. Bao P, Hu ZY, Wnag XJ, Chen J, Ba YX, Hua J, Zhu CY, Hay AG, Focht DD (2000) Transformation of 1,1-dichloro
  • Zhong M, Wu CY (2012) Dechlorination of p,p'-DDTs coupled with sulfate reduction by novel sulfate- reducing bacterium Clostridium sp. BXM.
  • Environmental Pollution 162: 303-310. ,2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD) by Ralstonia eutropha. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 31: 249-253. Huang Y, Zhao X, Luan s (2007) Uptake and biodegradation of DDT by 4 ectomycorrhizal fungi. Science Total Environment 385: 235-241.
  • Barragan-Huerta BE, Costa-Perez C, Peralta-Cruz J, Barrera-Cortes J, Esparza-Garcia F, Rodriquez- Va z a u e z R ( 2 0 0 7 ) B i o d e g r a d a t i o n o f organochlorinepesticides by bacteria grown in microniches of the porous structure of green bean coffee. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation : 239-244. Kaplan DL (1992) Biological degradation of explosives and chemical agents. Current Opinion Biotechnology 3: 260.
  • Lackmann GM, Schaller KH, Angerer J (2004)
  • Organochlorine compounds in breast-fed vs. bottle-fed infants: preliminary results at six weeks of age. Science Total Environment 329: 289-293. Barreto-Castro M, Gomez-Matrinez LE, Gold-Bouchot G (2010) Tamoxifen affects the Toxicokinetics of o,p'
  • DDT in male Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Bulletin Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 85: 549. Li FB, Li XM, Zhou SG, Zhuang L, Cao F, Huang DY, Xu W, Liu TX, Feng CH (2010) Enhanced reductive dechlorination of DDT in an anaerobic system of dissimilatory iron-reducing bacteria and iron oxide.
  • Environmental Pollution 158: 1733-1740.
  • Beunink J, Rehm HJ (1988) Synchronous anaerobic and aerobic degradation of DDT by an immobilized mixed culture system. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology : 72-80.
  • Liu W, Li C, Zheng M, Wang L, Li S, Ba T, Su G, Gao L, Zhang L (2008) Distribution of DDT in a typical DDT waste contaminated site. Bulletin Environmental
  • Contaminant Toxicology 80: 280-282. Bidlan R, Mannmani HK (2002). Aerobic degradation of dichlrodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) by Serratia marcescens DT-1P. Process Biochemistry 38: 49-56.
  • Bumpus JA, Powers RH, Sun T. (1993) Biodegradation of
  • McCullar MV, Koh SC, Focht DD (2002). The use of mutants to discern the degradation pathway of 3,4'- dichlorobiphenyl in Pseudomonas acidovorans
  • M3GY. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 42: 81-87. Megharaj M, Hartmans S, Engesser KH, Thiele JH (1998)
  • Phyanerochaete chrysosporium. Mycology Research : 95-98. R e c a l c i t r a n c e o f 1 , 1 - d i c h l o r - 2 , 2 - b i s ( p - chlorophenyl)ethylene to degradation by pure cultures of 1,1-diphenylethylene degrading aerobic bacteria. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 49: 337-342. Mitra J, Mukherjee PK, Kale SP, Murthy NBK (2001)
  • Toxicology Letters 134: 147-153. Chiu TC, Yen JH, Liu JT, Wang YS (2004) Anaerobic
  • Bioremediation of DDT in soil by genetically improved fungus Fusarium solani. Biodegradation 12: 235-245. Mo CH, Cai QY, Li HQ, Zeng QY, Tans SR, Zhao YC (2008) heptachlor in river sediment of Taiwan. Bulletin
  • Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 72: 821-828. Cookson JT Jr. (1995) Bioremediation Engineering: Design
  • Potential of different species for use in the removal of DDT from the contaminated soils. Chemosphere 73: 125. and Application. McGraw-Hill, New York. Morisawa S, Kato A, Yoneda M, Shimada Y (2002) The Corona-Cruz A, Gold-Bouchot G, Gutierrez-Rojas M, dynamic performances of DDTs in the environment and Japanese exposure to them: a historical perspective after the ban. Risk Analysis 22: 245-263.
  • Aerobic Biodegradation of DDT (Dichlorodiphenyl Trichloroethane) in Soils. Bulletin Environmental Contamination Toxicology 63: 219-225. Muendo BM, Lalah JO, Getenga ZM (2012) Behavior of pesticide residues in agricultural soil and adjacent river
  • Kuywa sediment and water samples from Nzoia sugarcane belt in Kenya. Environmentalist 32: 433- doi: 0.1081/E-ECHP-120007679.
  • Dai RL, Zhang GY, Gu XZ, Wang MK (2008) Sorption of
  • Mwangi K, Boga HI, Muigai A, Kiiyukia C, Tsanuo MK ,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) b y c l a y s a n d o rg a n o c l a y s . E n v i r o n m e n t a l Geochemistry Health 30: 479-488. ( 2 0 1 0 ) dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) by bacterial isolate form cultivated and uncultivated soil. African J Microbiology Research 4: 185-196. o f Eweis, JG, Ergas, SJ, Chang, DPY (1998) Bioremediation
  • Principles. McGraw-Hill, New York. Nadeau LJ, Sayler GS, Spain JC (1998) Oxidation of 1,1,1
  • Fang H, Dong B, Yan H, Tang F, Yu Y (2010) trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)Ethane (DDT) by
  • Alcaligenes eutrophus A5. Archives Microbiology : 44-49. degrading DDT congeners and its use in bioremediation of contaminated soil. Journal Nguyen ATP, Sato Y, Iwasaki T, Miyauchi K, Tokuda M, Kasai D, Masai E, Fukuda M (2011) Characterization of the 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene
  • (DDE) degradation system in Janibacter sp. TYM3221. Enzyme Microbial Technology 49: 532
  • Yu HY, Bao LS, Liang Y, Zeng EJ (2011) Field validation of a n a e r o b i c d e g r a d a t i o n p a t h w a y s f o r dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene (DDT) and 13 metabolites in marine sediment cores from China.
  • Environmental Science Technology 45: 5245-5252.
  • You G, Sayles GD, Kupferle MJ, Kim IS, Bishop PL (1996)
  • Purnomo AS, Mori T, Kamei I, Nishii T, Kondo R (2010)
  • Application of mushroom waste medium from Pleurotus ostreatus for bioremediation of DDT- contaminated soil. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation, 64: 397-402. Anaerobic DDT biotransformation: enhancement by application of surfactants and low oxidation reduction potential. Chemosphere 32: 2269-2284.
  • Zhao Y, Yi X, Li M, Liu L, Ma W (2010) Biodegradation
  • Purnomo AS, Mori T, Takagi K, Kondo R (2011)
  • Kinetics of DDT in Soil under Different Environmental Conditions by Laccase Extract from White Rot Fungi. Chinese Journal Chemical Engineering 18: 486-492. brown-rot fungi. International Biodeterioration Biodegradation 65: 691-695. Sari AA, Tachibana S, Muryanto A (2012) Correlation of Sorumlu Yazar Teresa J. CUTRIGHT
  • Trametes versicolor U97 with RBBR decolorization and DDT degradation. Water Air Soil Pollution 223: 5792. Geliþ Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 16.12.2012
  • DDT remediation in contaminated soils: a review of recent studies. Biodegradation 23: 851-863, Thomas JE, Gohil H (2011) Microcosm studies on the degradation of o,p-DDT and p,p-DDT, DDE and DDD in a muck soil. World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology 27: 619-625.
  • Toan VD, Thao VD, Walder J, Ha CT (2009) Residue, temporal trend, and half-life time of selected organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in surface soils form
  • Bacninh, Vietnam. Bulletin Environmental Contaminant Toxicology 82: 516-521. Turgut, C, Ates D, Gokbulut C, Cutright TJ (2009) Contents and sources DDT impurities in Dicofol formulations in
  • Turkey. Environmental Science Pollution Research 16: 217. Van den Berg H. (2009) Global Status of DDT and its alternatives for use in vector control to prevent disease.
  • Environmental Health Perspective 17: 1656-1663.
  • Van Zwieten L, Ayres MR, Morris SG (2003) Influence of arsenic co-contamination on DDT breakdown and microbial activity. Environmental Pollution 124: 331
  • Xiao P, Mori T, Kamei I, Kondo R (2011) A novel metabolic pathway for biodegradation of DDT by the white rot fungi, Phlebia lindtneri and Phlebia brevispora. Biodegradation 22: 859-867.
  • Xie H, Shu L, Xu Q, Wang J, Liu W, Jiang J, Meng Y (2011)
  • Isolation and degradation ability of the DDT-degrading bacterial strain KK. Environment Earth Science 62: 93- Wang G, Zhang J, Wang L, Liang B, Chenk K, Li S, Jiang J (2010) Co-metabolism of DDT by the newly isolated bacterium, Pseudoxanthomonas sp. wax. Brazilian
  • Journal Microbiology 41: 431-438. Wang F, Jiang X, Bian Y, Yao F, Gao H, Yu G, Munch JC, Schroll R. (2007) Organopesiticides in soils under different land usage in the Taihu Lake region, China. J
  • Environmental Science 19: 54-590. Wang GL, Bi M, Liang B, Jiang JD, Li SP (2011)
  • Pseudoxanthomonas jiangsuensis sp. Nov., a DDT- degrading bacterium isolated from a long term DDT- polluted site. Current Microbiology 62: 1760-1766.
  • Whitefield-Aslund ML, Lunney AI, Rutter A, Zeeb BA (2010) Effects of amendments on the uptake and distribution of DDT in Cucurbita pepo plants.
  • Environmental Pollution 158: 508-513.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA88SY53TK
Bölüm Düzeltme

Teresa J. Cutright Bu kişi benim

Ziya Erdem Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Cutright, T. J., & Erdem, Z. (2012). OVERVIEW OF THE BIOREMEDIATION AND THE DEGRADATION PATHWAYS OF DDT. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(2), 39-45.
Chicago Cutright, Teresa J., ve Ziya Erdem. “OVERVIEW OF THE BIOREMEDIATION AND THE DEGRADATION PATHWAYS OF DDT”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2012): 39-45.
EndNote Cutright TJ, Erdem Z (01 Aralık 2012) OVERVIEW OF THE BIOREMEDIATION AND THE DEGRADATION PATHWAYS OF DDT. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9 2 39–45.
ISNAD Cutright, Teresa J. - Erdem, Ziya. “OVERVIEW OF THE BIOREMEDIATION AND THE DEGRADATION PATHWAYS OF DDT”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 9/2 (Aralık 2012), 39-45.
MLA Cutright, Teresa J. ve Ziya Erdem. “OVERVIEW OF THE BIOREMEDIATION AND THE DEGRADATION PATHWAYS OF DDT”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2012, ss. 39-45.