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Inheritance of Flag Leaf Properties and Its Relationship to Yield in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell)

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 23 - 27, 01.03.2005


Grain yield per ear and morpho-physiologic flag leaf properties such as flag leaf area, flag leaf sheath area, and
spike area were studied in a 8x8 half diallel population in bread wheat. Stewise regression analysis, correlations
between characteristics and flag leaf removal indicated that plants with short flag leaf internode, and larger flag
area and spike area could be higher yielding. Diallel analysis suggested that dominance gene effects for flag leaf
area and additive gene effects for spike area were significant. Finally, selection for spike area at early generation
would be recommended in further breeding studies.


  • Alam-K; Khan-MQ; Chowdhry-MA ,1990. Genetic studies for yield and yield components in wheat ( aestivum Research-Lahore. 28: 1, 1-8
  • Ali, Z. and Khan, A.S. 1998. Combining ability studies of some morpho-physiological traits in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum Agricultural-Sciences. 35: 1-4, 1-3.
  • Araus, J.L., Bort, J.H., Bassett, C.L., Cortadellas, N. 1993. I m m u n o c y t o c h e m i c a l l o c a l i z a t i o n o f p h o s p h o e n o l p y r u v a t e c a r b o k x y l a s e a n d photosynthetic gas-exchange characteristics in ears of Triticum durum
  • Desf. Planta. 191: 507-514.
  • Awaad, H.A, 1996. Genetic system and prediction for yield and its attributes in four wheat crosses ( aestivum
  • L.). Annals-of-Agricultural-Science. 34: 3, 869-890.
  • Avijit, S., Munna, P. Sen,A., Prasad, M. 1996. Critical period of flag-leaf duration in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Sciences. 66: 10, 599- 600.
  • Bhutta,W.M. and Chowdhry,M.A. 1999. Association analysis of some drought related traits in spring wheat. Journal ofAnimal and Plant Sciences. 9 (1): 77-80.
  • Biryukov,S.V., Khangil' din. V., Komarova,V.P. 1995. Generational analysis of the inheritance of leaf traits at different leaf insertion heights in winter wheat. Tsitologiya i Genetika. 29(3): 50-56.
  • Blum, A. 1985. Photosynthesis and transpiration in leaves and ear of wheat and barley varieties. Journal of Experimental Botany. 36: 432-440.
  • Calderini, D.F., Reynolds, M.P., Slafer, G.A. 1999. Genetic gains in wheat yield and associated physiological changes during the twentieth century. In: Wheat . Ecology and Physiology of Yield Determination. E.H. Satorre and G.A. Slafer (eds.), pp. 351-377, Haworth Press Inc., NewYork.
  • Chowdhry, M.A.Rasool, I, Khaliq, I., Mahmood, T., Gilani, N.M. 1999. Genetics of some metric traits in spring wheat under normal and drought environments. Rachis. 18(1): 34-39.
  • Cochran, W.G. and G.M. Cox. 1955. Experimental Designs. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 454 pp, Newyork.
  • Dalip, S., Deedar, S., Singh, D. 1992. Effect of leaf blade and awn on grain yield of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) at different stages of spike development. Indian Journal ofAgricultural Sciences. 62: 468-471.
  • Demir, İ. 1983. Tahıl Islahı. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları. Yayın No: 235. s. 159. Bornova, İzmir.
  • Karam, C., Tashi, D. Chaudhary, H.K. 1996. Combining ability and gene effects for yield and other quantitative traits in intervarietal crosses in bread wheat. Journal of Hill Research. 9(2): 303-308.
  • Lonhard, B.E. and Nemeth, I. 1990. Effect of different rates of manure and fertilizer on the development of leaf area, dry matter production and yield in winter wheat. Novenytermeles. 39(6): 539-547.
  • Mahmood, A., Alam, K., Salam, A., Iqbal, S. 1991. Effect of flag leaf removal on grain yield, its components and quality of hexaploid wheat. Cereal Research Communications. 19(3): 305-310.
  • Muhammad, I, Khursid, A., Chowdhry, M.A. 1991. Genetic analysis of plant height and the traits above flag leaf node in bread wheat. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 7(1): 131-134.
  • Nanda, G.S., Harjinder, S., Gurdev, S., Sohu, V.S., Singh, H., Singh, G. 1998. Inheritance of flag leaf morphology in wheat. Crop Improvement. 25(2): 215-219.
  • Özcan, K. and N. Açıkgöz. 1999. A statistical analysis program for population genetics. 3 th The symposium of computer application for agriculture. 3-6 October 1999. Çukurova University,Adana, Turkey.
  • Payne, T.S. 2004. Intérim Director&Head, International Wheat Improvement Network. CIMMYT. Kişisel Görüşme.
  • Pecetti, L., Annicchiarico, P., Kashour, G. 1993. Flag leaf variation in Mediterranean durum wheats landraces and its relationship to frost and drought tolerance and yield response in moderately favorable conditions. Plant Genetic Resources, Newsletter. 93: 25-28.
  • Simon, M.R. 1999. Inheritance of flag leaf angle, flag leaf area duration in four wheat crosses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 98(2): 310-314.
  • Singh, K.N., Singh, S.P., Singh, G.S. 1995. Relationship of physiological attributes with yield components in bread wheat (T. aestivum Agricultural Science Digest Karnal. 15: 11-14.
  • Sood, V.K. and Tashi, D. 1999. Genetic architecture of some physiological traits in wheat. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 59(2): 135-138.
  • Spagnoletti, P.L. and Qualset, C.O. 1990. Flag leaf variation and the analysis of diversity in durum wheat. Plant Breeding 105(3): 189-202. Geliş Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 03.01.2005


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 23 - 27, 01.03.2005


Sekiz ekmeklik buğday genotipinin yarım diallel melezlenmesi sonucu oluşturulan populasyonda tek başak verimi ve bayrak yaprağı alam, bayrak yaprağı kın alanı ve başak alam gibi morfofizyolojik özellikler incelenmiştir. Stepwise regresyon analizi, korelasyon katsayıları ve bayrak yaprağı uzaklaştırma sonuçlarına göre bayrak yaprağı boğum aralığı kısa buna karşın geniş bir alana sahip bayrak yapraklı ve başaklı bitkilerin verimli olabileceği saptanmıştır. Bayrak yaprağı alanı için dominant, buna karşın başak alanı için eklemeli gen etkilerinin daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Erken döl kuşaklarında başak alanı için yapılacak seleksiyonun başarılı olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Alam-K; Khan-MQ; Chowdhry-MA ,1990. Genetic studies for yield and yield components in wheat ( aestivum Research-Lahore. 28: 1, 1-8
  • Ali, Z. and Khan, A.S. 1998. Combining ability studies of some morpho-physiological traits in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum Agricultural-Sciences. 35: 1-4, 1-3.
  • Araus, J.L., Bort, J.H., Bassett, C.L., Cortadellas, N. 1993. I m m u n o c y t o c h e m i c a l l o c a l i z a t i o n o f p h o s p h o e n o l p y r u v a t e c a r b o k x y l a s e a n d photosynthetic gas-exchange characteristics in ears of Triticum durum
  • Desf. Planta. 191: 507-514.
  • Awaad, H.A, 1996. Genetic system and prediction for yield and its attributes in four wheat crosses ( aestivum
  • L.). Annals-of-Agricultural-Science. 34: 3, 869-890.
  • Avijit, S., Munna, P. Sen,A., Prasad, M. 1996. Critical period of flag-leaf duration in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Indian-Journal-of-Agricultural-Sciences. 66: 10, 599- 600.
  • Bhutta,W.M. and Chowdhry,M.A. 1999. Association analysis of some drought related traits in spring wheat. Journal ofAnimal and Plant Sciences. 9 (1): 77-80.
  • Biryukov,S.V., Khangil' din. V., Komarova,V.P. 1995. Generational analysis of the inheritance of leaf traits at different leaf insertion heights in winter wheat. Tsitologiya i Genetika. 29(3): 50-56.
  • Blum, A. 1985. Photosynthesis and transpiration in leaves and ear of wheat and barley varieties. Journal of Experimental Botany. 36: 432-440.
  • Calderini, D.F., Reynolds, M.P., Slafer, G.A. 1999. Genetic gains in wheat yield and associated physiological changes during the twentieth century. In: Wheat . Ecology and Physiology of Yield Determination. E.H. Satorre and G.A. Slafer (eds.), pp. 351-377, Haworth Press Inc., NewYork.
  • Chowdhry, M.A.Rasool, I, Khaliq, I., Mahmood, T., Gilani, N.M. 1999. Genetics of some metric traits in spring wheat under normal and drought environments. Rachis. 18(1): 34-39.
  • Cochran, W.G. and G.M. Cox. 1955. Experimental Designs. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 454 pp, Newyork.
  • Dalip, S., Deedar, S., Singh, D. 1992. Effect of leaf blade and awn on grain yield of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) at different stages of spike development. Indian Journal ofAgricultural Sciences. 62: 468-471.
  • Demir, İ. 1983. Tahıl Islahı. E.Ü.Z.F. Yayınları. Yayın No: 235. s. 159. Bornova, İzmir.
  • Karam, C., Tashi, D. Chaudhary, H.K. 1996. Combining ability and gene effects for yield and other quantitative traits in intervarietal crosses in bread wheat. Journal of Hill Research. 9(2): 303-308.
  • Lonhard, B.E. and Nemeth, I. 1990. Effect of different rates of manure and fertilizer on the development of leaf area, dry matter production and yield in winter wheat. Novenytermeles. 39(6): 539-547.
  • Mahmood, A., Alam, K., Salam, A., Iqbal, S. 1991. Effect of flag leaf removal on grain yield, its components and quality of hexaploid wheat. Cereal Research Communications. 19(3): 305-310.
  • Muhammad, I, Khursid, A., Chowdhry, M.A. 1991. Genetic analysis of plant height and the traits above flag leaf node in bread wheat. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture. 7(1): 131-134.
  • Nanda, G.S., Harjinder, S., Gurdev, S., Sohu, V.S., Singh, H., Singh, G. 1998. Inheritance of flag leaf morphology in wheat. Crop Improvement. 25(2): 215-219.
  • Özcan, K. and N. Açıkgöz. 1999. A statistical analysis program for population genetics. 3 th The symposium of computer application for agriculture. 3-6 October 1999. Çukurova University,Adana, Turkey.
  • Payne, T.S. 2004. Intérim Director&Head, International Wheat Improvement Network. CIMMYT. Kişisel Görüşme.
  • Pecetti, L., Annicchiarico, P., Kashour, G. 1993. Flag leaf variation in Mediterranean durum wheats landraces and its relationship to frost and drought tolerance and yield response in moderately favorable conditions. Plant Genetic Resources, Newsletter. 93: 25-28.
  • Simon, M.R. 1999. Inheritance of flag leaf angle, flag leaf area duration in four wheat crosses. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 98(2): 310-314.
  • Singh, K.N., Singh, S.P., Singh, G.S. 1995. Relationship of physiological attributes with yield components in bread wheat (T. aestivum Agricultural Science Digest Karnal. 15: 11-14.
  • Sood, V.K. and Tashi, D. 1999. Genetic architecture of some physiological traits in wheat. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 59(2): 135-138.
  • Spagnoletti, P.L. and Qualset, C.O. 1990. Flag leaf variation and the analysis of diversity in durum wheat. Plant Breeding 105(3): 189-202. Geliş Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 03.01.2005
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA29RN27DK
Bölüm Makaleler

Aydın Ünay Bu kişi benim

Cahit Konak Bu kişi benim

Volkan Sezener Bu kişi benim

Nahit Çağırıcı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünay, A., Konak, C., Sezener, V., Çağırıcı, N. (2005). BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 23-27.
AMA Ünay A, Konak C, Sezener V, Çağırıcı N. BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. Haziran 2005;2(1):23-27.
Chicago Ünay, Aydın, Cahit Konak, Volkan Sezener, ve Nahit Çağırıcı. “BUĞDAYDA (Triticum Aestivum L. Em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 2, sy. 1 (Haziran 2005): 23-27.
EndNote Ünay A, Konak C, Sezener V, Çağırıcı N (01 Haziran 2005) BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 2 1 23–27.
IEEE A. Ünay, C. Konak, V. Sezener, ve N. Çağırıcı, “BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, c. 2, sy. 1, ss. 23–27, 2005.
ISNAD Ünay, Aydın vd. “BUĞDAYDA (Triticum Aestivum L. Em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 2/1 (Haziran 2005), 23-27.
JAMA Ünay A, Konak C, Sezener V, Çağırıcı N. BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2005;2:23–27.
MLA Ünay, Aydın vd. “BUĞDAYDA (Triticum Aestivum L. Em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 1, 2005, ss. 23-27.
Vancouver Ünay A, Konak C, Sezener V, Çağırıcı N. BUĞDAYDA (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) BAYRAK YAPRAĞI ÖZELLİKLERİNİN KALITIMI VE VERİM İle İLİŞKİLERİ. ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG. 2005;2(1):23-7.