Writing Rules

Writing Rules

- The prepared manuscript should be submitted and followed up by the author responsible for the article (who is responsible for all correspondence from the beginning of the publication of the article to the end of the publication).
- The pages of the article and the lines on each page should be numbered. No header and footer information should be used on the pages. The page limit for articles is twenty (20) pages for Research Articles.
1. First Page
- It should include the title of the article, author names and addresses, and the type and field of the article.
- The title of the article should be short and clear, not exceeding 20 words, and should be written in capital letters in 14-point bold and left justified, leaving two spaces at the top of the page.
- The names of the authors should be written in 12-point bold and left justified, with two line spaces after the title, first and middle names should be written in lower case, and surnames should be capitalized.
- Authors' address details and e-mails are listed in the bottom line below the authors.
1Adıyaman University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops Adıyaman/Turkey
format without abbreviation.
- The type of the article (Research) and the field of the article should be written as header information on the first page of the article in capital letters in 13 pt. size in bold and centered.
- All contact information of the corresponding author should be given at the bottom of the title page of the manuscript in 9-point font size, normal and left justified.
2. Article
Authors must comply with the following rules when preparing their articles.
- The work should be written in Microsoft Word program in “Times New Roman” font and 12 pt. All margins should be left 2.5 cm margins. In the text of the article, paragraphs should not be indented at the beginning of the paragraphs, and paragraph breaks should be marked by leaving 1 line (12 pt) space.

Article Title

It should be short and inclusive, should not exceed twenty words, and should be written in 14-point size capital letters and bold.
Title The title of the article should be informative and should not exceed 20 words. The name, surname, address and e-mail address of each author should be given separately under the title.
Abstract should be placed at the beginning of the article and should express the subject in a complete and clear manner. It should be 250 words in normal 10-point font size and should be an abstract stating the main points of the article.
After the abstract, one line space should be left and “Keywords: “ and maximum 5 keywords separated by semicolons should be written normally.
Article Title in English
The English title of the article should be written in bold, leaving one line space after the keywords. The title should be short and inclusive, should not exceed twenty words, and should be written in 14-point capital letters and bold.
After the title of the article, there should be a one-line space after the title of the article and an abstract in English, not exceeding 250 words, stating the main points of the article.
After the Abstract, one line space should be left, followed by “Keywords: ”, followed by a maximum of 5 keywords separated by semicolons.
Sections within the article
Sections within the article (except Acknowledgments and References) should be numbered. Section headings should be capitalized. Main headings should be bold and subheadings should be italicized. No more than third level subheadings should be used.
The article should be in the following order: INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS and METHODS, RESEARCH FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, THANK YOU (if deemed necessary) and REFERENCES. Scientific names should be italicized. In faunistic studies, use the symbols ♂, ♀ instead of the words male and female. Capitalize the category of the parent breed.

If necessary, the people who contributed to the study or article and the supporting institutions (with project numbers, if any) should be indicated in this section.

Photographs, drawings, graphs and tables should be included in the article. Their titles should be written in 12 font size and in “Times New Roman” font. The cited photographs, drawings, graphs and tables should be given in parentheses at the end of the sentence containing the relevant article. For example; (Figure 1).

The citation in the article should be in the form of “name and date”. For example; (Author's name, 1975); Author's name and Author's name (1963); Author's name (1995-1999); Author's name and friends (2001). At the end of the article, all references should be given in alphabetical order, without abbreviations. For example:

Yazar, K. L., Yazar, M. N., 1985. The sturucture of abdomen in family Georricidae, Turkish Entomologist, 25: 315-326.

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Last Update Time: 12/18/24, 4:02:03 PM