Social Perception and Intention to Use Service Robots: An Evaluation Based on Accommodation Businesses in Çanakkale
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 45 - 60, 20.12.2024
Olkan Senemoğlu
Ümran Şengül
This study examines the intention to use service robots in accommodation businesses in Çanakkale, with a focus on employees’ social perception and the perceived value of robots as key determinants of usage intention. Survey results show that while the advantages of service robots (such as speed, accuracy, and cost savings) create a positive perception among employees, they do not directly influence the intention to use them. Social perception, particularly the capacity of robots to engage in social interaction with humans, plays a crucial role in the acceptance of this technology. Although participants believe that robots cannot fully replace human interaction, they recognize the potential of robots to accelerate business processes and enhance work safety. The study emphasizes that enhancing robots' social perception through anthropomorphic features (human-like appearance, voice, and movements) can increase users’ trust and acceptance. However, as described by the concept of the “uncanny valley,” when robots resemble humans too closely, this similarity may provoke negative feelings among some users. The study highlights that technological innovations have a significant impact on the social adaptation process, suggesting that businesses should carefully consider this during the technology integration process. The research was conducted under the ethics committee approval of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, dated 28/12/2023 and numbered 16/7, Data for the research were collected through face-to-face interviews.
- Altunışık R., Coşkun R., Bayraktaroğlu S., Yıldırım E., (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri ve SPSS Uygulamaları, Sakarya Kitabevi.
- Aslantürk, E., Erdem, A. (2021). Teknoloji Kullanımına Yönelik Tutumun Otellerde Robot Kabul Edilebilirliği Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research, 2(2), 102-115.
- Başer, S. H., Bakirtaş, H. (2023). Hizmet Sektöründe insansı Robot Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 207-223.
- Belanche, D., Casaló, L., V., Flavián, C. (2020). Frontline Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Service Enhancement or Cost Reduction?. Electronic Markets, 1-16. Doi:
- Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, F. (2020). Customer’s Acceptance of Humanoid Robots in Services: The Moderating Role of Risk Aversion. Marketing and Smart Technologies, 449-458. Singapore: Springer.
- Bishop, L., Van Maris, A., Dogramadzi, S., Zook, N. (2019). Social Robots: The Influence of Human and Robot Characteristics on Acceptance. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1), 346-358.
- Breazeal, C., Gray, J., Berlin, M. (2009). An Embodied Cognition Approach to Mindreading Skills for Socially Intelligent Robots. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 28(5), 656–680.
- Broadbent, E., Stafford, R., Macdonald, B. (2009). Acceptance of Healthcare Robots for the Older Population: Review and Future Directions. International Journal of Social Robotics, (1), 319–330.
- Broekens, J., Heerink, M., Rosendal, H. (2009). Assistive Social Robots in Elderly Care: A Review. Gerontechnology, 8, 94–103.
- Christou, P., Simillidou, A., Stylianou, M.C. (2020). Tourists’ Perceptions Regarding the Use of Anthropomorphic Robots in Tourism and Hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3665-3683.
- De Kervenoael, R., Hasan, R., Schwob, A., Goh, E. (2020). Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction in Hospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors’ Intentions to Use Social Robots. Tourism Management, 78, 104042.
- De Kervenoael, R.; Hasan, R.; Schwob, A.; Goh, E. (2020). Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction in Hospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors’ Intentions to use Social Robots. Tourism Management, 78,104042.
- Doğan, S., Vatan, A. (2019). Misafirler, Hizmet Robotları Hakkında Ne Düşünüyor? Tripadvisor’daki Yorumlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma. The Third International Congress on Future of Tourism: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 851–852.
- Duffy, B. R. (2003). Anthropomorphism and the Social Robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 42(3–4), 177–190.
- Durna Can, E., Baysal Taşçioğlu, H. (2021). Ziyaretçilerin Otel İşletmelerine Yönelik Yorum ve Şikayetlerinin İncelenmesi: Dünyanın İlk Robotik Oteli Olan “Henn Na Otel” Örneği. Turizm ve İşletme Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 85-102.
- Frey, C. B., Osborne, M. A. (2017). The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114(C), 254-280.
- Go, H., Kang, M., Suh, S. C. (2020). Machine Learning of Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Interactive Technology Acceptance Model (ITAM)–Cutting Edge. Tourism Review, 75(4), 625-636.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C. (2020) Robots in Tourism: A Research Agenda for Tourism Economics. Tourism Economics (Forthcoming). Doi:
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C. (2019), Perceived Appropriateness and Intention to Use Service Robots in Tourism. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 237–248.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C., Garenko, A. (2018), Young Russian Adults’ Attitudes Towards the Potential Use of Robots in Hotels. Tourism in Society, 55, 24–32.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C., Seyyedi, P., (2018). Consumers’ Attitudes Towards the Introduction of Robots in Accommodation Establishments. Tourism, 66, 302–317.
- Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., Dudić, Z. (2020). Are Future Professionals Willing to Implement Service Robots? Attitudes of Hospitality and Tourism Students Towards Service Robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
- İnce, E., Başer, M. Y. (2023). Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Robotlarının Kullanımı: İşverenler Üzerinde Nicel Bir Araştırma. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 20(3), 459-475.
- Kayabaşı, A., Er, İ., Demirağ, F., Erçin Yurcu, M. (2022). Hizmet Robotlarına Yönelik Algıların Kullanım Niyetine Etkisi, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(2), 433-469.
- Kuo, C.-M., Chen, L.-C., Tseng, C.-Y. (2017). Investigating an Innovative Service with Hospitality Robots. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1305-1321.
- Lee, W. H., Lin, C. W., Shih, K. H. (2018). A Technology Acceptance Model for the Perception of Restaurant Service Robots for Trust, Interactivity, and Output Quality. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(4), 361-376.
- Lee, Y., Lee, S., Kim, D. Y. (2021). Exploring Hotel Guests' Perceptions of Using Robot Assistants. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100781, 1-12.
- Lin, I. Y., Mattila, A. S. (2021). The Value of Service Robots from the Hotel Guest’s Perspective: A Mixed-Method Approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94(2), 1-21.
- Lu, L., Cai, R., Gursoy, D. (2019). Developing and Validating a Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 36-51.
- Macdorman, K. F. (2006). Subjective Ratings of Robot Video Clips for Human Likeness, Familiarity, and Eeriness: An Exploration of the Uncanny Valley. In ICCS/Cogsci-2006 Long Symposium: Toward Social Mechanisms of Android Science, 4.
- Mende, M., Scott, M. L., Van Doorn, J., Grewal, D., Shanks, I. (2019). Service Robots Rising: How Humanoid Robots Influence Service Experiences and Elicit Compensatory Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 535-556.
- Metzler, T. A., Barnes, S. J. (2014). Three Dialogues Concerning Robots in Elder Care. Nursing Philosophy, 15(1), 4–13. Mulligan, G. (3.19.2017). Robotlar Yaşlıların Bakımını Üstlenebilir mi? (11.26,2018) Tarihinde
- Mourey, J. A., Olson, J. G., Yoon, C. (2017). Products as Pals: Engaging with Anthropomorphic Products Mitigates the Effects of Social Exclusion. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(2), 414-431.
- Murphy, J., Gretzel, U., Hofacker, C. (2017). Service Robots in Hospitality and Tourism: Investigating Anthropomorphism. In 15th APACCHRIE Conference.
- Nannelli, M., Capone, F., Lazzeretti, L. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality and Tourism. State of the Art and Future Research Avenues. European Planning Studies, 1-20.
- Özgürel, G., Kılınç Şahin, S. (2021). Turizmde Robotlaşma: Yiyecek-İçecek Sektöründe Robot Şefler ve Robot Garsonlar. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 18(Yönetim ve Organizasyon Özel Sayısı), 1849-1882.
- Qiu, H., Li, M., Shu, B., Bai, B. (2020). Enhancing Hospitality Experience with Service Robots: The Mediating Role of Rapport Building. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29, 247–268.
- Thomson, C. (2020). The Impact of Hotel Service Robot Appearance and Service Attributes on Customer Experience (Doctoral Dissertation, University of South Carolina).
- Turchetti, G., Micera, S., Cavallo, F., Odetti, L., Dario, P. (2011). Technology and Innovative Services. IEEE Pulse, 2(2), 27-35.
- Tussyadiah, I. (2020). A Review of Research into Automation in Tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 81(3), 1-13.
- Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly, 425-478.
- Zhong, L., Zhang, X., Rong, J., Chan, H. K., Xiao, J., Kong, H. (2020). Construction and Empirical Research on Acceptance Model of Service Robots Applied in Hotel Industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Ahead-of-Print (Ahead-of-Print). Doi:10.1108/imds-11-2019-0603
Social Perception and Intention To Use Service Robots: An Evaluation Based On Accommodation Businesses In Çanakkale
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 45 - 60, 20.12.2024
Olkan Senemoğlu
Ümran Şengül
This study examines the intention to use service robots in accommodation businesses in Çanakkale, with a focus on employees’ social perception and the perceived value of robots as key determinants of usage intention. Survey results show that while the advantages of service robots (such as speed, accuracy, and cost savings) create a positive perception among employees, they do not directly influence the intention to use them. Social perception, particularly the capacity of robots to engage in social interaction with humans, plays a crucial role in the acceptance of this technology. Although participants believe that robots cannot fully replace human interaction, they recognize the potential of robots to accelerate business processes and enhance work safety. The study emphasizes that enhancing robots' social perception through anthropomorphic features (human-like appearance, voice, and movements) can increase users’ trust and acceptance. However, as described by the concept of the “uncanny valley,” when robots resemble humans too closely, this similarity may provoke negative feelings among some users. The study highlights that technological innovations have a significant impact on the social adaptation process, suggesting that businesses should carefully consider this during the technology integration process. The research was conducted under the ethics committee approval of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, dated 28/12/2023 and numbered 16/7, Data for the research were collected through face-to-face interviews.
Etik Beyan
Araştırma, 28/12/2023 tarihli ve 16/7 numaralı Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi etik kurul onayı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.
- Altunışık R., Coşkun R., Bayraktaroğlu S., Yıldırım E., (2005). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri ve SPSS Uygulamaları, Sakarya Kitabevi.
- Aslantürk, E., Erdem, A. (2021). Teknoloji Kullanımına Yönelik Tutumun Otellerde Robot Kabul Edilebilirliği Üzerine Etkisi. Journal of Global Tourism and Technology Research, 2(2), 102-115.
- Başer, S. H., Bakirtaş, H. (2023). Hizmet Sektöründe insansı Robot Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Literatür İncelemesi. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 207-223.
- Belanche, D., Casaló, L., V., Flavián, C. (2020). Frontline Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Service Enhancement or Cost Reduction?. Electronic Markets, 1-16. Doi:
- Belanche, D., Casaló, L.V., Flavián, F. (2020). Customer’s Acceptance of Humanoid Robots in Services: The Moderating Role of Risk Aversion. Marketing and Smart Technologies, 449-458. Singapore: Springer.
- Bishop, L., Van Maris, A., Dogramadzi, S., Zook, N. (2019). Social Robots: The Influence of Human and Robot Characteristics on Acceptance. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1), 346-358.
- Breazeal, C., Gray, J., Berlin, M. (2009). An Embodied Cognition Approach to Mindreading Skills for Socially Intelligent Robots. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 28(5), 656–680.
- Broadbent, E., Stafford, R., Macdonald, B. (2009). Acceptance of Healthcare Robots for the Older Population: Review and Future Directions. International Journal of Social Robotics, (1), 319–330.
- Broekens, J., Heerink, M., Rosendal, H. (2009). Assistive Social Robots in Elderly Care: A Review. Gerontechnology, 8, 94–103.
- Christou, P., Simillidou, A., Stylianou, M.C. (2020). Tourists’ Perceptions Regarding the Use of Anthropomorphic Robots in Tourism and Hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3665-3683.
- De Kervenoael, R., Hasan, R., Schwob, A., Goh, E. (2020). Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction in Hospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors’ Intentions to Use Social Robots. Tourism Management, 78, 104042.
- De Kervenoael, R.; Hasan, R.; Schwob, A.; Goh, E. (2020). Leveraging Human-Robot Interaction in Hospitality Services: Incorporating the Role of Perceived Value, Empathy, and Information Sharing into Visitors’ Intentions to use Social Robots. Tourism Management, 78,104042.
- Doğan, S., Vatan, A. (2019). Misafirler, Hizmet Robotları Hakkında Ne Düşünüyor? Tripadvisor’daki Yorumlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma. The Third International Congress on Future of Tourism: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 851–852.
- Duffy, B. R. (2003). Anthropomorphism and the Social Robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 42(3–4), 177–190.
- Durna Can, E., Baysal Taşçioğlu, H. (2021). Ziyaretçilerin Otel İşletmelerine Yönelik Yorum ve Şikayetlerinin İncelenmesi: Dünyanın İlk Robotik Oteli Olan “Henn Na Otel” Örneği. Turizm ve İşletme Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2), 85-102.
- Frey, C. B., Osborne, M. A. (2017). The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerisation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114(C), 254-280.
- Go, H., Kang, M., Suh, S. C. (2020). Machine Learning of Robots in Tourism and Hospitality: Interactive Technology Acceptance Model (ITAM)–Cutting Edge. Tourism Review, 75(4), 625-636.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C. (2020) Robots in Tourism: A Research Agenda for Tourism Economics. Tourism Economics (Forthcoming). Doi:
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C. (2019), Perceived Appropriateness and Intention to Use Service Robots in Tourism. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism; Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 237–248.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C., Garenko, A. (2018), Young Russian Adults’ Attitudes Towards the Potential Use of Robots in Hotels. Tourism in Society, 55, 24–32.
- Ivanov, S., Webster, C., Seyyedi, P., (2018). Consumers’ Attitudes Towards the Introduction of Robots in Accommodation Establishments. Tourism, 66, 302–317.
- Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., Dudić, Z. (2020). Are Future Professionals Willing to Implement Service Robots? Attitudes of Hospitality and Tourism Students Towards Service Robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
- İnce, E., Başer, M. Y. (2023). Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Robotlarının Kullanımı: İşverenler Üzerinde Nicel Bir Araştırma. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 20(3), 459-475.
- Kayabaşı, A., Er, İ., Demirağ, F., Erçin Yurcu, M. (2022). Hizmet Robotlarına Yönelik Algıların Kullanım Niyetine Etkisi, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(2), 433-469.
- Kuo, C.-M., Chen, L.-C., Tseng, C.-Y. (2017). Investigating an Innovative Service with Hospitality Robots. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1305-1321.
- Lee, W. H., Lin, C. W., Shih, K. H. (2018). A Technology Acceptance Model for the Perception of Restaurant Service Robots for Trust, Interactivity, and Output Quality. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(4), 361-376.
- Lee, Y., Lee, S., Kim, D. Y. (2021). Exploring Hotel Guests' Perceptions of Using Robot Assistants. Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 100781, 1-12.
- Lin, I. Y., Mattila, A. S. (2021). The Value of Service Robots from the Hotel Guest’s Perspective: A Mixed-Method Approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 94(2), 1-21.
- Lu, L., Cai, R., Gursoy, D. (2019). Developing and Validating a Service Robot Integration Willingness Scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 36-51.
- Macdorman, K. F. (2006). Subjective Ratings of Robot Video Clips for Human Likeness, Familiarity, and Eeriness: An Exploration of the Uncanny Valley. In ICCS/Cogsci-2006 Long Symposium: Toward Social Mechanisms of Android Science, 4.
- Mende, M., Scott, M. L., Van Doorn, J., Grewal, D., Shanks, I. (2019). Service Robots Rising: How Humanoid Robots Influence Service Experiences and Elicit Compensatory Consumer Responses. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4), 535-556.
- Metzler, T. A., Barnes, S. J. (2014). Three Dialogues Concerning Robots in Elder Care. Nursing Philosophy, 15(1), 4–13. Mulligan, G. (3.19.2017). Robotlar Yaşlıların Bakımını Üstlenebilir mi? (11.26,2018) Tarihinde
- Mourey, J. A., Olson, J. G., Yoon, C. (2017). Products as Pals: Engaging with Anthropomorphic Products Mitigates the Effects of Social Exclusion. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(2), 414-431.
- Murphy, J., Gretzel, U., Hofacker, C. (2017). Service Robots in Hospitality and Tourism: Investigating Anthropomorphism. In 15th APACCHRIE Conference.
- Nannelli, M., Capone, F., Lazzeretti, L. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Hospitality and Tourism. State of the Art and Future Research Avenues. European Planning Studies, 1-20.
- Özgürel, G., Kılınç Şahin, S. (2021). Turizmde Robotlaşma: Yiyecek-İçecek Sektöründe Robot Şefler ve Robot Garsonlar. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 18(Yönetim ve Organizasyon Özel Sayısı), 1849-1882.
- Qiu, H., Li, M., Shu, B., Bai, B. (2020). Enhancing Hospitality Experience with Service Robots: The Mediating Role of Rapport Building. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29, 247–268.
- Thomson, C. (2020). The Impact of Hotel Service Robot Appearance and Service Attributes on Customer Experience (Doctoral Dissertation, University of South Carolina).
- Turchetti, G., Micera, S., Cavallo, F., Odetti, L., Dario, P. (2011). Technology and Innovative Services. IEEE Pulse, 2(2), 27-35.
- Tussyadiah, I. (2020). A Review of Research into Automation in Tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research Curated Collection on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 81(3), 1-13.
- Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., Davis, F. D. (2003). User Acceptance of Information Technology: Toward a Unified View. MIS Quarterly, 425-478.
- Zhong, L., Zhang, X., Rong, J., Chan, H. K., Xiao, J., Kong, H. (2020). Construction and Empirical Research on Acceptance Model of Service Robots Applied in Hotel Industry. Industrial Management & Data Systems, Ahead-of-Print (Ahead-of-Print). Doi:10.1108/imds-11-2019-0603